Monday, February 21, 2022 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment...Spread the love
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Benjamin Fulford is the former Toyko Bureau Chief of Forbes Magazine, who claims to have insider connections. He issues weekly reports that Stillness in the Storm has been reposting for years. See the section below his newsletter for our commentary on his reports.
In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report.
This post will be updated after approximately 3 days from its initial release; usually on Wednesday Night.
Added links below.
by Benjamin Fulford, February 21st, 2022
“What do you do if a public figure you know of as a nice old lady has chopped a child’s head off, drunken their blood and eaten their heart?” responded a top MI6 figure when asked why Queen Elizabeth II had “tested positive for Covid” i.e. been arrested.
We heard before from a cousin of the Queen that the British Royals (until recently) had annual human sacrifices at Balmoral Castle. Now we know the details because video evidence of this has been given to MI6.
The reason this is coming out now is that the Rothschild family and other top Khazarian mafia bosses like the Rockefellers have gone bankrupt. They have been pulling out all their blackmail cards, such as the one they had against the Queen, in a desperate bid to stay in power. “It is a compromise and control mechanism and it exists worldwide,” says MI6. “Every painting in every government office has a camera in it,” MI6 continues, explaining why it is so hard to “drain the swamp.”
“A lot of people are forced to do it with a gun to their head” the source continued while noting that “A lot of the worlds’ military has also taken part in human sacrifice.”
This explains why I saw a look of sheer horror on the faces of George Soros and Paul Wolfowitz when I asked them about the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. They must have been recalling their own bloody initiations into the top ranks of power.
It also probably explains why the speaker of the Canadian House of Parliament was too scared to answer a question from an MP about who in the government worked for the Rothschild’s World Economic Forum (see below later in the report for the answer).
This is all coming out now because a growing number of people, and not just so-called “conspiracy theorists,” are waking up to the fact our governments have been hijacked by an ancient Satanic cult.
The question is, what are we going to do about it? Since the Queen and many other top leaders were born into this cult and either had to go along or else be sacrificed themselves, this may be a case for a truth and reconciliation process. Time, and public opinion, will tell.
In any case, the issue now is to prevent these Satanic leaders from starting World War III as a get out of jail card.
This brings us to the subject of Ukraine. High-level Rothschild and Rockefeller servants gathered in Berlin last weekend to beat the drums of war there as their response to bankruptcy. These servants include US Vice President Kamala Harris, UN chief Antonio Guterres, EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov notes that Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina are sending “mercenaries” to fight in Ukraine,
The reason the Rothschilds and Rockefellers need to hire Albanian mercenaries, however, is because regular US troops will not start a war with Russia to save the FRB from bankruptcy.
A CIA source comments that “While the United States and the Britons are convincing the whole world about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…the Minister of Defense of that same Russia left for Syria to inspect the exercises of the Pacific, Northern and Black Sea fleets in the Mediterranean Sea.” “Russia will use its strategic facilities in Syria in the event of military confrontation with NATO” confirms the official Tass News agency. https://tass.com/world/1404543
This means the Russians are saying they will destroy the head of the Octopus in Israel instead of just dealing with their men in black in Ukraine. In other words, checkmate.
However, in what they hope will be a total game-changer, the US secret space force is about to “put a holographic ‘shell’ over some areas. That means that SOME of the world will live in ONE reality — a fake ‘sphere’,” according to a NASA source. The video below from England appears to show exactly that.
The source adds that “some of the world will live with nature, the real world. HOW FRICKING CRAZY will that be?”
This move to try to put people into an alternative reality is probably linked to massive crypto-currency mining operations and facilities in Ukraine. The Ukraine government has also just legalized crypto-currency. This prompted Serhiy Tron, founder of White Rock Management to say that “By creating a high-tech, innovative cryptocurrency market that plays by clear rules, the country expects the speedy arrival of crypto investors from all over the world,”https://bitcoinmagazine.com/markets/ukraine-legalizes-bitcoin
If you look at the board of White Rock Management, you can tell it is a Rothschild front.
In other words, the delusional Rothschilds are hoping to escape from reality by moving into the “metaverse” and using digital currency.
MI6 notes that if the Russians take over the nexus of money laundering and cryptocurrency trading in the Ukraine “they will have all the information on all the worlds’ spies.” That is why most spies are now locking themselves in their houses, they note.
Of course, the KM is also trying to stave off bankruptcy in the real world by raising prices of commodities like oil and copper, but it is not enough, says MI6.
What has to happen now in the real world is that we have to permanently remove these people from power. This brings us back to Canada where people in reality-based businesses like trucking and farming have successfully overthrown the Satanic Rothschild government of Justin Castro.
Castro is now under house arrest. Also, here is the answer from the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service to the Canadian MP’s question about who in the government works for the Rothschild World Economic Forum:
-Justin Trudeau – Prime Minister
-Chrystia Freeland – CA Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance
-Katrina Gould – Minister of Families, Children and Social Dev., Empl and Social Dev -Francois-Philippe Champagne – Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, Innovation, Science and Economic Dev. CA
-Ailish Campbell – Canada’s Ambassador to the EU
-Elissa Golberg – Asst. Deputy Minister for Strategic Policy, Global Affairs Canada -Renee Maria Tremblay – Senior Counsel Supreme Court of CA
-Jagmeet Singh – Leader, New Democratic Party – in lock step policy-wise with J. Trudeau throughout the pandemic.
A CSIS source adds “Brother, according to ELECTIONS CANADA, the number of lost/missing ballots was greater than the margin of Justin Trudeau’s election win in 2021. His share of registered voters was 20.3%. He is not a valid PM, based on the math of Elections Canada!!!!”