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An attempted coup against U.S. President Donald Trump has failed and several senior U.S. politicians, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, are likely to be arrested or executed as a result, MI6 and Pentagon sources say. That is why Pelosi, Schiff, plus Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel, Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson, and Rep. Mac Thornberry, the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, and others made a sudden trip to Jordan and then Afghanistan, the sources say.

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The politicians sought protection in Jordan because Antoinette Gardiner, the mother of the current King of Jordan, is from a satanic bloodline who “converted” to Islam and changed her name to Muna, according to Pentagon and other sources.

However, Jordan’s government was unwilling or unable to provide protection, so they flew to Afghanistan in a failed attempt to drum up U.S. military support there for their coup, the sources said.

It is worth noting that last week former Defense Secretary James Mathis and former head of U.S. Special Forces Admiral William McRaven both publicly criticized Trump and were widely quoted as doing so by the corporate propaganda media.

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Mathis, after criticizing Trump, warned that “hyper-partisanship” would either lead to “anarchy” or “the rise of an ambitious leader, unfettered by conscience, or precedent or decency, who would make himself supreme.”

McRaven, who led the fake raid against Bin Laden in 2011, was quoted as saying, “As I stood on the parade field at Fort Bragg, one retired four-star general grabbed my arm, shook me, and shouted, ‘I don’t like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!’ Those words echoed with me throughout the week.”

The coup attempt was prompted by “the execution of powerful anti-Trump Congressman Elijah Cummings,” who was “found guilty of enabling child sex trafficking,” Pentagon sources say. Pelosi was also prompted to flee the country by the death of her brother, former Baltimore Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro III, the sources say.

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The trail of intrigue is now implicating Pope Francis, MI6 sources say. “The Pope’s bodyguard, Vatican Head of Police Domenico Giani, just resigned over the financial corruption scandal and associated leaks,” they say. “Really, the Pope should just go. We will eventually find the financial forensics leading back to him linked to assassination attempts against people involved in setting up the new financial system,” they added. The Pope’s role in Argentina’s “dirty war,” in which over 20,000 people were tortured and murdered, is also being investigated, they note.

The Pope and the P2 Freemasons who put him in power were responsible for this dirty war, as well as 9/11, Fukushima, and many other mass murder incidents. They also bragged that the now executed Barack Obama was their man.

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Francis will be visiting Japan (a country where only 0.5% of the population is Catholic) from November 23 to 26 to try to shore up the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. While here, Francis will try to continue the cover-up of the fact that his predecessor as head of the Jesuits, Peter-Hanz Kolvenbach, boasted in a call recorded by the NSA that he was Satan and responsible for Fukushima. Francis has been warned that he will be the last pope if he continues to cover up these and other monstrous crimes against humanity committed by the Vatican.

The other thing Francis will be doing is preparing for the announcement of a fake Messiah which is being cultivated by the P2 Freemasons. This is an individual with stigmata who is being trained for this role, P2 Freemason sources say. The Vatican is also sending its top assassin to East Asia around this time in an effort to cover up its criminal activities in the region, the sources say.

Stillness General Comment on Fulford Reports

I decided to add this general comment to all Fulford reports since I frequently receive the same questions about them.


In response to many questions and comments I receive from people wondering why I share these reports, I offer the following.

Speaking as someone who has been following Fulford’s reports since 2011, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. That is to say, he seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface.

The predictions and statements Fulford makes sometimes are highly accurate, whereas, in other instances, they are completely unfounded. Instead of looking to Fulford as one who is “tapped into” some greater truth, it would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.

This of course extends to all sources of information. Fulford, like all of us, is only human, and can make mistakes. But that doesn’t detract from the work he has done to spread awareness and move things forward to a brighter future for humanity.

Discernment is the process of understanding what something is, which in Fulford’s case, means entertaining his reports without believing them blindly, and then doing the follow-up research/fact checking to determine what actually happened. In this way, it is a real-time discernment exercise.

The fact that so many people continue to read his reports despite their sensational and wildly inaccurate nature at times—while also being accurate and poignant—means the people he receives information from are probably using him as a mouthpiece to speak to you—the reader who is on their awakening path. As such, blind belief or callous rejection are not our allies but critical thinking and open-mindedness are.

As I have said before, if he is serving as a mouthpiece for various groups working to change the status quo or agents within the Cabal, we can decipher the data as if it is a form of awakening propaganda—information that certain players want to expose the masses to. What effect this has on your personal process is largely up to you. But I would suggest taking an active role in discernment and not falling into the trap of total acceptance or rejection.

[The preceding text is only a partial update. The full text will be added to this post in a few days.]

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  • I have just posted the 2nd half of this blog today oct.25th. The 1st half of it is much the same but the 2nd half is much more positive, even though the expected money change to real money backed by precious metal, may not happen until 2020. At any rate ck it out. Adonai

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