Now that the defeat of the Khazarian Mafia is inevitable, preparations for a new Bretton Woods conference to map a new future for humanity have begun.

This means we are now in a sort of interlude between the end of the old system and the start of the new. The implications will be life-changing for all of us.

To understand what this will mean for the West, it might be a good time to look at the fall of the Soviet Union.

When I visited Russia after the fall of the USSR one thing I noticed was huge and derelict industrial plants and complexes lying abandoned in the countryside.

A system that had been running for 75 years suddenly stopped and the results were far-reaching. Entire industrial echo systems suddenly had the plug pulled on them.

What followed was looting and poverty as KM gangsters jumped into the vacuum that followed the collapse. Then, when Christian Russian patriots rallied behind the symbol of Vladimir Putin, living standards doubled within a year. Now a renewed Russia is stronger and more prosperous than at any time under the USSR.

The West is now facing a similar situation. Huge industrial and social processes that have been continuing for decades are being or will be, stopped in their tracks.

If the process is not handled properly, the result will be widespread poverty and social decay. This is already underway as Western, especially US living standards plummet. Things will get far worse until the victors of the war against the KM plot a new direction for the West.

The situation facing the West is even more problematic than the Soviet Union because two viciously fighting factions are both facing defeat.

The hard-liners, who wanted to start World War III and kill 90% of humanity, are on their last legs fighting a final genocidal war in Gaza.

The moderates, or carbon-causes-global warming faction, are facing a collapse of vast industrial plans based on lies.

Both factions have run out of money. The genocidal forces are not getting any funds for their wars in Ukraine, Israel and elsewhere.

The carbon people are watching market reality crush their central planning for electric cars, wind farms, etc.

Electric cars cost more to repair than they cost to build and nobody wants them. The cost of replacing the battery in a 2022 Hyundai IONIQ 5 is over $60,000; more than the $55,000 cost of the new car.

Windmills are wearing out and money earned from selling wind power cannot pay for depreciation or repairs. By the twelfth year of operation, higher-than-anticipated turbine failure rates mean costs of deep-water wind turbines exceed their government-guaranteed prices. This makes it impossible to repay their financing costs.

That is probably why Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed with their power supply.

Boondoggles of this sort are why the carbon people failed to get funding for various “climate change” multi-trillion dollar scams at their recent COP28 mega party.

The Chinese too, are in trouble because their own massive, multi-decade industrial plans are running into fundamental roadblocks.

The Chinese real estate sector in particular is an elephant that cannot be ignored. Some reports say they may have built 3 billion apartments for 1.4 billion people and yet housing remains unaffordable.

It also turns out that moving people into cramped apartments discourages them from having children so China faces a demographic collapse. Their huge bets on electric cars are also going to be upended when hydrogen technology renders it obsolete.

In other words, both China and the West (the rest of the world not so much) need to completely change their long, short and medium turn economic plans.

That is why high-level meetings are being prepared for March to come up with an alternative future direction for Western and Chinese economics.

The victors in the war against the KM are now presenting plans that are astonishing in their scale and ambition. To understand how fundamental the changes will be, consider the basic agreement between Asian and Western secret societies: from now on our purpose as a species will be to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life.

Once the plans on how to accomplish this are worked out, the result will make the Cambrian explosion look like a champagne bubble by comparison.

In particular, the ability to manipulate genes will allow us to become immortal and create a virtually infinite variety of new plant and animal species. For example, it is possible that humans enrich their own genome with cat genes and become cat-human hybrids. At the same time, the old elite were caught red-handed trying to make us genetically subservient sheep forever with gene-editing vaccines. The question we must now answer is how to deal with this newfound power over the form of life itself.

With the introduction of hydrogen technology, so much energy will be available that we can all live like billionaires. It could also provide troubled teenagers with the equivalent of hydrogen bombs. Again: how do we proceed?

Access to secret space program technologies such as antigravity will also have a greater impact on the 21st century than aviation did on the 20th. People will be able to travel almost instantly to any location on Earth and possibly beyond. At the same time, unwanted people could practically appear out of nowhere and land in your backyard. How should we proceed?

The implications are so starting and far-reaching that high-level meetings must take place in full view of the public to plan our path into this wonderful but potentially terrible new future.

Invitations are sent to representatives of major power groups such as the Western Illuminati Council, the Asian secret societies, the Russians and others to create replacements for dysfunctional post-war institutions such as the UN, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the International Criminal Court, etc. or to renew these. Further public announcements will be made as this occurs.

Meanwhile, a snapshot of news from around the world over the past week shows that the collapse of systems is not yet complete.

Syrian President Bashar Assad summed up the overall situation in a rare speech: “What overlaps between the war in Syria, the war in Palestine, the war in Ukraine, the conflict in the South China Sea, Venezuela and others is that all of these Wars are waged by the West, particularly America, and are based primarily on controlling not just the country, but more importantly, the narrative… the war is a war of truth, and whoever wins, wins the truth.”

As he says, it is a battle over the psychological process that will determine what we as a species will do in the future. The West’s old guard is losing this battle.

Let’s start with the remnants of the KM mass murderer faction who continue the genocide in Gaza. What we are seeing here is the impending demise of the rogue state of Israel.

Some delusional Israelis still believe they are getting away with their latest genocide because an Israeli company is offering beachfront real estate in flattened Gaza. In reality, the opposite is the case: the last KM are being hunted down in their Israeli hideouts.

The latest sign of this is an international trade and shipping embargo against Israel, which has led to an 85% drop in shipments to that country. “We have ammunition and military equipment that can sink your warships, submarines and aircraft carriers,” said Yemeni Major General Mohammad al-Atifi. “Yemeni forces only target ships that are either Israeli-owned or docked at Israeli ports,” he added.

Not only the Suez Canal, but now also the Strait of Gibraltar is cut off. An Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander said the Mediterranean could be closed to Israel if the United States and its allies continue to commit “crimes” in the Gaza Strip, Iranian media reported on Saturday. 964c-da81-a1bc-defc17a80000

This is an expression of a military defeat. The Pentagon’s decades-long transformation into a giant pig trough has resulted in the US military spending millions to shoot down drones and missiles worth about $1,000. The USA will run out of weapons worth millions much faster than its opponents will run out of drones worth thousands. on-vital-shipping-routes/ar-AA1lQHOM

The defeat in Ukraine was also comprehensive. The Russian military reports:

As of February 2022, Kiev has over 5.2 thousand tanks and armored vehicles, almost 1.5 thousand artillery pieces and multiple rocket systems, 1.3 thousand anti-aircraft missile complexes, over 23 thousand anti-tank missile complexes, over a hundred aircraft and helicopters and 23 A thousand drones received… Almost 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers were trained in the West. Ukraine also received over 200 long-range cruise missiles.

The result:

Modern Russian equipment was put through its paces in the conditions of special operations and proved to be superior to similar weapons from NATO countries… The Russian military has changed general combat tactics and created assault and drone units.

The USA has also lost the soft power war because it has long since stopped pretending to be “the good guys”.

“Jewish racists now dominate the American media, finance, politics and, of course, foreign policy. They are committing a genocide of biblical proportions against the “Seed of Amalek” (ie non-Jews) in Ukraine, which has increased since the beginning of the current war “More than 14 million people have been lost, almost all of them Slavic Christians who consider the Jews their traditional enemies. “Half a million Slavic Christians on both sides have been killed,” says Kevin Barrett.


A sign that Christians are fighting back came in Poland when politician Grzegorz Braun doused Hannukkah menorahs with a fire extinguisher. He was upset by the portrait of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who said Jews should murder and enslave non-Jews in Ukraine and Russia [not to mention the rest of the world], Polish sources explain.


Now it looks as if the KM slave politician Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been picked up by the Alliance for questioning, hence this headline:

“Chancellor Scholz tests positive for COVID, visit of new Slovakian head of government canceled”.

The shift from the genocide of Christians in Ukraine to the genocide of Muslims in Judea (incorrectly referred to as Palestine) has only increased USrael’s international isolation.

A new poll has found that 96 percent of Saudi nationals believe Arab countries should cut ties with Israel in response to the war in Gaza.

The Chabad Death Cult will be held accountable, you can be sure of that.

“Today, the US dominance of the United Nations is denounced by a large majority of member states… the BRICS countries are lining up to bring the institution back into line with international law,” says French journalist Thierry Meyssan, indicating reflect the views of most people in the world.

As Archbishop Carlo Vigano points out: “The WEF [KW] is threatening the heads of government of the 20 most important industrialized countries in the world with the Great Reset. This is a global coup against which the people must rise. All the rulers of “The nations are enslaved by this international mafia or have been blackmailed.”

Watch a politician explain a milder version of blackmail here: “Here’s how it works: …someone you like comes up to you, is very attractive, and laughs at your jokes. Next thing you know, is that you’re naked in a hotel room with them. You’re getting ready to vote on an important vote, and a well-dressed person comes up to you and whispers in your ear, ‘Hey man, there’s footage of you, and you really shouldn’t vote for this thing.'”

Fortunately, the world’s military and intelligence agencies are aware of the nature of the problem and are now taking action. For this reason, the list of people who attended Jeffrey Epstein’s child torture, murder and subsequent extortion on the island will be made public. Here is a partial list:

Adam Perry Lang

Adam Perry Lang


Al Gore

Alan Dershowitz

Alberta Pinto

Alee Baldwin

Allison Mack

Alyssa Rogers

Anderson Cooper

Andrea Mitrowicz

Andres Pastrana

Angelina Jolie

Anthony Kiedis

Anthony Weiner

Barack Obama

Ben Affleck

Bernie Sanders


Bill Clinton

Bill Gates

Bob Saget (deceased)

Bruce Willis

Casey Wasserman

Callum Hudson

Celine Dion

Charles Barkley

Chris Tucker

Chris Wagner

Chrissy Teigen

Cyndi Lauper

Claire Hazel

Courteney Cox

Courtney Love

Demi Moore

Dana Schneider

David Cook

David Spade

David Yarovesky

Dolores Zorreguiet

Donovan Mitchell

Doug Band

Drew Barrymore

Ed Buck

Ed Tuttle

Ehud Barak

Orlando Bloom

Paris Hilton

Patton Oswatt

Paul Mellon

Paula Epstein (deceased)

Paula Hala

Peter P. Marino

Darrell Williams

Prince Andrew

Princess Carol

Quentin Tarantino

Rachel Maddow

Rainn Wilson

Teala Davies

Tiffany Gramza

Tom Hanks

Tom Pritzker

Tyler Grasham (deceased)

Victor Salva

Wanda Sykes

Whoopi Goldberg


These are the ones who are sure to be thrown in front of the bus. They are likely to point fingers at people higher on the pyramid during their trials. Mossad sources, by the way, insist that Epstein was a good guy who infiltrated the murderous elite to obtain a complete list of their names. They also say his death was faked. The war crimes trials will show whether this was the case.

We also know that tough action is being taken against the pharmaceutical mafia. Japan has already arrested dozens of top government officials. This came after Japanese scientists found indisputable evidence that all Covid variants were artificially created and that the subsequent vaccination campaign killed millions of people.

As we have previously reported, similar events are taking place in other countries.

The other thing that’s going on is the collapse of the stock market-based US economic model. It is also now widely understood as a massive insider-run casino designed to impress the majority.

Here are some of the recent results:

Sixty-two percent of US adults are living paycheck to paycheck, one in five children don’t have enough to eat, food banks are struggling with record demand, and homelessness is growing at an unprecedented rate.

Now it turns out that parts of the US government are behind the massive crime wave the country is experiencing. A former gang member claims the government is distributing military-grade weapons for free in Chicago’s slums. The government promotes gun crime in order to generate profits for the medical industry through gun crime. They also use the crime they promote as an excuse to issue “Police Brutality Bonds”… meaning Wall Street banks and ultimately politicians enrich themselves off of taxpayers. The Chicago government issued $484 million in bonds to pay $360 million in settlements and judgments. Most of that money went to the KM, either through hospitals and lawyers or through the $120 million in hard-earned taxpayer money that went to the KM bond issuers.


This is likely the work of the P2 ordo ab chao faction, which is stirring up trouble to justify military intervention in civil affairs.

Speaking of which, we heard from the “Q” people who introduced themselves as follows:

Q is an operation of the United States Military Intelligence…, a team of senior individuals with “Q” level security clearance, conducting operations planned for many years to expose massive global corruption and conspiracies before the people. Its mission is to eradicate corruption, fraud and human rights abuses worldwide. Q will return the Republic of the United States to the constitutional rule of law and also return “the people” worldwide to their own rule.

The people must be in charge because we need them to decide what to do with unprecedented scientific advances. One example is the scientific discovery that it might be possible to use the human mind as WiFi and upload one’s own brain to the Internet.

We as a species are moving into uncharted waters.


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  • My prediction is 2025 is gonna be the start of a lot of events happening mass arrests will be the start then not to long after we will get disclosure on a lot of things that will change everything forever new technologies, cures for cancer and other sicknesses, disclosure about et life which will lead to first official contact with the GFL. So much is coming soon. A new golden age for this planet and Humanity. The Dark Cabal is probably gonna try to start WW3 to stop any of this from happening, but they will fail. A war like WW3 will never be aloud to happen as it would destroy this planet and most of Humanity and the GFL would never let something like that happen to us. So its safe to say we have a very bright future ahead of us :)
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