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First of all this week let me start with a message to the people who broke into my computer and deleted my notes for the week: Any government that is afraid of the truth is doomed. When this is all over, you will either be executed for treason or spend the rest of your life in jail.

Now for the news: The biggest event for the West in the past week was the announcement of a military government in the US on July 9th. This announcement was made during the NATO 75th anniversary summit meeting in Washington DC. In case you missed it, here it is on the official White House website:


To underline this, the actor playing the role of President Joe Biden stood in front of the entire assembled NATO delegations to introduce Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky as “President Putin” and Vice President Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.”

You can see from the faces of so-called National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, fake Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Satanic Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in the video below that they were not in on the regime change.

Video Player

To make it more explicit Biden was also told to say he takes orders from his “Commander in Chief, the chief of staff of the military.”

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Although the White House Press release does not say who Biden handed power to, it is a safe bet to say General Charles Q. Brown,


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is now running an emergency military government.

The installation of a military government comes amid huge geopolitical events during the past week involving the emergence of a Eurasian military alliance that dwarfs NATO and is about to absorb NATO. We will look into that further below.

For now though, we note the false flag assassination attempt against Donald Trump over the weekend. The first thing to say is we are all sick and tired of politics being run via street theater staged by Freemasons. A healthy society should have a public discussion based on facts to decide the best course to navigate into the future. If the results are not satisfactory, then we change course accordingly. Having secret societies decide without public input inevitably leads to social decay and inequality.   

OK having said that, it is clear the assassination attempt on Trump was staged to get public opinion to support the arrest of Trump opponents. Here are the signs:

First of all before the event, Biden said “It is time to put Trump in a bullseye.”


Then recall this tweet put out by Alex Soros widely interpreted as offering money for the assassination of Trump.


In addition to this, many political commentators like Rick Wilson on MSNBC called for someone to “put a bullet in Donald Trump.”

Video Player

Since the would-be assassin was a member of ANTIFA who appeared in Rockefeller-controlled BlackRock commercials, it is likely there was a genuine plot by the Khazarian Mafia to kill Trump.


Thomas Mathew Crooks:

So, the likely scenario is the white hats let the Rockefeller group proceed with this attempt in order to give them enough rope to hang themselves with.

The fact Secret Service snipers were told to stand down even after many people spotted the would-be assassin also indicates the event was orchestrated:

My name is Jonathan Willis, I’m the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump’s rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at President Trump.


My overall impression is this event was typical of the KM. Whenever bad news like a record trade deficit comes out, they stage a distraction, like having Britney Spears display a tit in public and then have the media concentrate on that.

The Freemasonic attempted assassination ritual came amid huge geopolitical events and extremely serious fighting in the ongoing secret war for the planet Earth.

During the past week the Russian FSB, the North Koreans, Asian Secret Societies, the Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate, MI6, the CIA and others contacted the White Dragon Society about the intense battles now underway.

As the head of MI6 put it: “The essential movement we see in the geopolitical landscape is a failed US fighting hard but failing and the rest just moving on. The international infighting is an old ruling class decline and a change of regime.” 

One indication of how intense the situation has become is military exercises by Chinese troops on the Polish border and the presence of 120,000 Peoples Liberation Army troops inside the United States.

J.J. Carrell, Former US Border Deputy Patrol Agent speaks on the Chinese Illegal Migrants That Have ALREADY ENTERED America “Military analysts have already determined that at least a 120,000 are PLA soldiers.”

America is in SERIOUS TROUBLE as we already know.

The Russian FSB for its part says the United States and Israel will soon “cease to exist.” The reason is a decision reached at the recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit on the 4th of July to replace the US dollar with a BRICS currency this autumn.

This was the result of extremely intense negotiations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian President Narendra Modi at their summit meeting on Moscow last week.

The US dollars held by non-Americans are already the de facto BRICS currency but India has been blocking attempts to rename these dollars as a BRICS currency because it would hand de facto control over China, the largest holder of these dollars.

To mollify Modi, Russia has supplied India with over $ 60 billion worth of oil and weapons and accepted payments in Rupees that Russia is unable to spend. Russia is upping the ante by offering to build a series of nuclear power plants in India and supply them with uranium.

Russia has also persuaded India to go along with the new currency by creating a military alliance between itself, India, Mongolia and North Korea. These countries all share a border with China so clearly this is Russia’s way of promising China will not be allowed to bully its neighbours.

This is why India announced it would be building 12 hydroelectric power dams in Arunachal Pradesh, a region claimed by China. They can do this now because they know Russia has their back.

Of course, this Russian bear hug did not come for free for India. It turns out that as a part of its military alliance with Russia, India has sent troops to Ukraine to fight against the KM puppet regime there.


You can tell from this picture of Modi as he leaves Russia that he has a lot on his mind as a result of his Russia trip.


However, in a sign the Russian Eurasian military alliance is not directed at China, Chinese troops last week carried out military drills in Belarus near NATO member Poland’s border.   


Polish intelligence says the drills started just as the NATO summit meeting began and as a result of this Polish and Ukrainian troops withdrew from the border of Belarus. After this, the Belarussians and Chinese also pulled back from the border. NATO then issued a statement saying “NATO is a defensive Alliance.”


The Polish troops have now been redeployed to the Ukrainian border where they have been spotted executing fleeing Ukrainian soldiers.


In a last desperate attempt to appear relevant, NATO released a new pro-Ukraine video. “Despite the propaganda, they know NATO will be dismantled very soon,” a Pentagon source says.


Behind the scenes, Hungarian President Victor Orban, who is currently the head of the EU, began intensive diplomacy. He visited Ukraine, Russia and China before flying to Mar a Largo to meet Donald Trump after which he tweeted:

“It was an honor to visit President [Donald Trump] at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make peace. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!”


Notice he did not bother to meet Biden or his handlers and called Trump “President.”

Our sources in the various agencies and secret societies say a deal is being worked out where NATO will join Russia’s Eurasian military alliance. This alliance will then take care of security for the Eurasian landmass.

At the same time, the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes will take charge of the oceans to ensure the free flow of trade, fight pirates, etc. The Five Eyes is also trying to convince Japan to join it to form a “six-eyes” alliance to watch over the oceans.

However, this will have to wait until a very serious power struggle in Japan comes to a conclusion. Last week there was an attempted military coup d’etat there and the situation has still not been resolved.

As the national broadcaster NHK reports:

“The Japanese Defense Ministry has reprimanded 218 members of the ministry and the Japan Self-Defense Forces, including senior personnel, for misconduct.”


The charges were obviously trumped up and involved things like “eating cafeteria food for free.” Also, the report says Defense Minister Kihara Minoru will replace the head of the Navy, Admiral Sakai Ryo on July 19. The fact he could not fire him immediately shows the battle is far from over.

Our own sources close to the Emperor say the current regime will not be able to fire most of the military command because it is common knowledge among the military they were responsible for the murder of over 500,000 Japanese with vaccines.

As an example of this, former Interior Minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi –who was in charge of all police forces in Japan- has publicly apologized for the mass deaths caused by vaccines.


The Japanese Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate and other members of the underworld, as well as various secret societies, promise they will remove fake US Ambassador Rahm Emmanuel and other Japan handlers in the near future.

They have not done so yet because they have been asked to wait for Emmanuels’ bosses in the US to be removed from power. This is now happening as we noted above. Message to Emmanuel: “Pack your bags and leave while you still have time.”

There are big meetings related to this among secret societies in Taiwan and well as within the Chinese Communist Party this week. We do not know the details of these talks but various sources make it clear some sort of regime change is inevitable.

The North Koreans, for their part, have started negotiations with the white hat alliance. Last week they offered access to the vast mineral wealth of North Korea in exchange for unification of the Korean peninsula, according to a source directly involved in the negotiations.

North Korea has two-thirds of the world’s supply of rare earth metals as well as 20 million tons of gold among other resources. The table below given to us by the North Koreans, (which we will translate later) shows just how much wealth they are sitting on.

The white hat alliance has accepted the North Korean proposal and the head of MI6 issued to following statement in response:

“We wish the Korean people peace and unity and will always support this. Their decision is their own and all of the international community will stand by this.”

Of course, all of these moves will have to wait until the destruction of the current regimes in the US and Israel are completed.

As we noted above, this process is well underway in the US. Hungarian Prime Minister Orban calls Trump president because that is what he is. If you still do not understand the 2020 election was stolen, compare the bottom map showing which states require photo ID to vote and the states that do not with the top map. 

https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/photo_2024-07-15_16-20-10-181x300.jpg 181w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/photo_2024-07-15_16-20-10-618x1024.jpg 618w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-photo_2024-07-15_16-20-10.jpg?resize=600%2C994&ssl=1

The former handlers of the fake Biden are now staging a desperate rear guard action to stay in power. Here for example you can see Obama’s former chief strategist David Axelrod on CNN trying to toss Biden under the bus saying:

“Biden is *not* winning this race… it’s more likely that he’ll lose by a landslide than win narrowly.”

Now Senator Tommy Tuberville claims Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama have been secretly running the US during Biden’s presidency

“They’ve had total control. Not the president,” he told Fox News.  

The military moved because the KM was planning to use even more illegal voters to stop a greater election theft this year.  

To stop this, the US signed an agreement with Panama this month to “close the passage of illegal migrants” through the Darién Gap. Panama’s President José Raúl Mulino has also vowed to stop the Central American country from being a transit route for migrants. To this end barbed wire is being put up and naval patrols are being intensified.


There is also a backlash against migrants in the UK.

Look at British TV presenter Alex Phillips, who is outraged about migrant crime in London. Phillips said she had to hide in a neighbor’s house after a migrant followed her home and her phone was stolen. She also claims her friends’ teenage daughters have been followed, groped and sexually harassed.

I don’t care if people turn around and say, “You’re a racist,” because my safety and the safety of women in this country is the most important thing.

Our British sources say a raid has begun there, but for operational security reasons they cannot give any details at this time. However, MI6 confirms that they have not received a single document signed by “King Charles” and that the King appearing in the media is AI.

They also confirm that this new “public appearance” of Kate Middleton is just another body double.

(2 photos of the body double Kate can be found under the following link)


Back to the US: A key reason the military is intervening is that they know the border is being used for human trafficking of the worst kind, as this headline shows:

“Biden administration whistleblowers claim ‘billions of taxpayer dollars’ were used by government contractors for child trafficking at the border”

“The children were sent to addresses that were abandoned houses or in some cases didn’t even exist,” Deborah White, a federal employee in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), told Republicans. White said. “In Michigan, a child was sent to an open field even though we made a 911 call after we heard someone screaming for help, but the child was sent anyway.


The agency’s white hats also release more information about the KM pedophile network:

“Could this be one of the main reasons why the Epstein list was not released?”


“More about Epstein that seems a little suspicious…”

Antony Blinken is connected to Jeffrey Epstein: He was at the school where he taught and his family is connected to Epstein’s lover

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stepfather was a close confidant and lawyer of Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell.

Samuel Pisar, the stepfather of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was a close confidant and lawyer of Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell. Blinken’s stepfather was reportedly the last person to speak to Maxwell before he mysteriously fell to his death from the Lady Ghislaine while cruising near Spain’s Canary Islands in 1991.

Most Americans may know Secretary of State Antony Blinken for his key role in the Biden administration’s devastating Afghanistan disaster or for his warmongering in the Bush and Obama administrations.

However, many do not know that he has ties to convicted pedophile, ritual sex offender and elite international human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who was identified by former senior Israeli intelligence officials as a Mossad agent who blackmailed heads of state with sex traps for minors


The white hats have also continued to pursue the pharmaceutical mafia to combat their planned “bird flu” offensive.

It turns out you can SELL the “never-seen-before” H5N2 virus in a catalog. Yes, you read that right. BEI Resources, funded by NIAID, is selling it. But that’s just the beginning. Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield warns, “The recipe for making bird flu highly infectious to humans is already there.”

The authorities also released this Simpsons-style cartoon video about the KM and their evil pandemic plans:

We now also hear that the World Health Organization was exempt from prosecution in its founding document (1946).

Why should the WHO be exempt from prosecution?

The answer is obvious: “The reason they put that in their charter is because they knew they were already breaking the law.”

As a sign that the long-awaited crackdown on the pharmaceutical mafia has begun, we note that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has “caught Covid” and is “isolating himself.”


We also hear that Bill Gates, WHO chief Tedros and other high-ranking pharmaceutical executives are to be brought down. Believe it when you see it, because we have heard this song too many times.

What is undeniable, however, is that the head of the serpent, Israel, will be overthrown:

Forty-six thousand Israeli businesses have been forced to close due to the ongoing war and its devastating impact on the economy, the Hebrew newspaper Maariv reported on July 10, calling Israel a “country in collapse.”

The report linked below states that Israel’s construction, agriculture, tourism, trade and other industries must all close.


In the following video, military analyst Scott Ritter explains how the Israeli military is also collapsing and running out of soldiers and ammunition.

According to Mossad sources, 2 million of Israel’s 6.5 million Jews have left or are planning to leave the country.

At the end of the day, the sources say, Israel will cease to exist and be replaced by the nation of Judea.

If Israel falls, its US colony will also cease to exist. In its place will come the United States of America, according to White Hat sources.

We conclude this week with a call to arms for Europe, sent to us by the Polish secret service;

You, the real people of all European countries, continue to ask your craftsmen and farmers in all regions to disarm their radio transmitters and to ensure that chemtrails from airplanes no longer pollute the air. If necessary, block airports with tractors, trucks and large vehicles that cannot be towed. We will not tolerate sky spectacles, American military outdoor cinema and Vatican sky projects…! You can save yourself the whole PsyOp soap opera… We are the people of the real Europe, not the stupid descendants of Hollywood or Chinese plastic! We are very angry about chemtrails and already have… harvest problems in some regions. Shepherds have had sheep that died suddenly this year, as well as more stillbirths and miscarriages than ever before… and this can only be caused by the chemical pollution in the air and in the meadows… and by the electrical pollution in the air when the animals are in an area (mostly) with electric fences.

It is an absolute scandal what the Vatican (transmission masts), EU policy and the new-fangled military policy have done to the people, flora and fauna in Europe… and these are attacks on the health and supply of agricultural products in Europe . This is artificial weather – that is, weather manipulation, and thus a war against the populations and the living creatures of nature! A victim of this stupid military policy is anyone who has had an accident or received bad grades at school due to artificial weather conditions. Many people and companies have already suffered this year from regional flooding and damage to buildings and vehicles. Perhaps they were not as spectacular as the storms and destruction in America or Asia… but they did happen and were inflicted on peaceful European citizens. In recent days the sky was often so milky that you could not see the planes and therefore it was impossible to tell which planes were dropping more chemtrails. Although the sky was blue in places, clouds soon rolled in and it was far too cold for July. In some grain fields, the plants are lying flat due to water damage…

This makes threshing difficult and results in lower yields, and straw in the dark is less popular as mulch. If it’s moldy, it’s no longer suitable as straw. In some places, the potatoes rotted a few weeks ago because the weather was too wet. Military personnel, so stupid and not even knowing the basics of real life, don’t know how to grow their own grain or cook their own food… We don’t want stupid hat wearers like the government. Nor do we want to be distracted or taken advantage of by cloned or duplicated actors. How stupid are you anyway…You can save your cartoons and other films, cheesy wonders and action movies. This is not real life and we will not tolerate such nonsense. That is why every day we tell electricians and electrical engineers to look around casually and then remove the transmitters that are manipulating the sky…and farmers and truck drivers should protect the technicians so they can do their work in peace. Gentlemen!

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