The world, especially the Western world, is in a situation like Japan was in at the end of World War II after it agreed to surrender but before US troops landed take over: it is an interregnum. The British Commonwealth, Asian secret societies, the Russians, the Pentagon and other power centers say they support a white hat proposal for a new planetary arrangement. The Khazarian mafia has also agreed to surrender and a power transition is being arranged. However, there are still fanatical holdouts trying to start Armageddon or at least a big war so, it could be a bumpy ride.

What cannot be disputed is that the current international system is dysfunctional. “The entire US system, not only internal political but also economic. By the way, as well as foreign political, international, is in deep crisis,” Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, reflecting the view of most of the world.

The USrael veto of a call by the world to end the genocide in Gaza is typical of the post-war system. The USrael has been a rogue state causing most of the world’s wars and crises. Until now, the world has been unable to stop the transnational corporate crime syndicate pretending to be the United States. It is now being dismantled.

The white hat proposal calls for replacing the UN Security Council with a group representing seven districts. These are Africa, the Americas, China, East Asia excluding China, Europe including Russia, India and the Muslim world. Decisions affecting the entire planet will be decided by a majority vote. Vetoes are limited to the district doing the vetoing. So for example, if the majority votes to make electric cars mandatory, regions that still want to use gasoline cars can continue to do so.

The other proposal calls for taking the functional parts of the World Bank, IMF, BIS etc, and incorporating them into a future planning organization with a multi-trillion dollar annual budget. This would not be a communist-style central planning commission because actual projects would be put out for competitive bidding by the private sector.

The other proposal is to start off the New Age with a jubilee. This would be a one-off cancellation of all debt, private and public, as well as a one-off redistribution of assets. There would also be an amnesty for most people currently serving jail sentences.

The real question is how do we get from here to there? There are high-level negotiations now underway to decide exactly that. Last week a representative of “the family” (as the KM like to call themselves) claiming to be the new M1 (the guy controlling the money fountain) contacted the white hats to offer support for the future planning agency. The only thing they ask in return is that they not be killed. The white hats are now awaiting analog confirmation of this proposal.

Of course, there are other actors with their own agendas who need to be dealt with regardless of how negotiations with “the family” proceed.

One group is the evil Rand Corporation whose job is to feed the military-industrial complex by starting wars. They are pushing for war with China involving “fierce early exchanges, with steep military losses on both sides, until one gains control. At present, Chinese losses would greatly exceed U.S. losses, and the gap would only grow as fighting persisted. But, by 2025, that gap could be much smaller.” In other words “let’s attack China in 2024.”

These criminals also want the war to be long and inconclusive so that “restricted, sporadic fighting could substantially reduce military losses and economic harm.” They also want to develop plans to “ensure that economic and international consequences would work to its [the US Corporations’] advantage.”

Our sources say this group is planning some sort of massive black swan 911-type event in order to start this new war and rescue the military-industrial complex from bankruptcy. In other words, this is what is behind the talk of a massive cyber attack that takes down the US financial sector or power grid. The results would, of course, be devastating and could lead to widespread chaos and financial collapse. And, it will be blamed on China.

Some Chinese factions are also keen to hype up an external enemy in order to distract from a severe economic crisis.

The value of new home sales among the 100 biggest real estate companies fell 34.6% from a year earlier to 451.3 billion yuan ($64 billion), compared with a 29.6% decline in November, according to preliminary data from China Real Estate Information Corp. on Sunday. Since 70% of Chinese household worth is in real estate, a 35% plunge must hurt. Experience from the Japanese real estate bubble indicates ultimately prices will plunge by 90% before the sector stabilizes.

Even President Xi Jinping in his New Year’s speech admitted China will “work to consolidate and strengthen the momentum of ECONOMIC RECOVERY, and achieve steady and long-term economic development.”

This news item linked below shows the campaign by warmongers in the US and China is well underway:

China urges regional alert as US military steps up forward deployment

North Korea is also on the warpath. Leader Kim Jong Un said U.S. policy is making war inevitable, state media reported on Sunday. He ordered the military to prepare to “pacify the entire territory of South Korea,” including with nuclear bombs if necessary.

So either it will be a world war or world peace, depending on which faction prevails.

In the meantime, a snapshot of world affairs in the past week shows deep dysfunction.

The US, of course, remains the worst basket case. The latest sign of this was found on the IRS website:

Illegal activities. Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z, or on Schedule C (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity.

Stolen property. If you steal property, you must report its fair market value in your income in the year you steal it unless you return it to its rightful owner in the same year.


So we have an openly criminal government in the US now. They are looking to tax thieves because honest people are taking action against the banks that own the US government. Last year US domestic banks saw a stunning $1.17 trillion in deposit outflows (ex-large time deposits) in 2023 – the largest annual decline ever, and only the third annual decline since records began.

The government is so scared of its’ own people that it is looting money that was earmarked for veterans and using it to pay for illegal military-age male migrants they hope to use as enforcers against the American people. The report below, for example, describes how medical benefits for the VA are being used for illegal immigrants.

Watch how a TRIPLE AMPUTEE PURPLE HEART VETERAN is treated in an airport inspection area vs how ILLEGAL ALIENS are allowed right in with assistance from Border Patrol officers.

Now a fresh wave of up to 15,000 migrants is set to crash into the already flooded US southern border. Chicago, New York, and Denver mayors are among those holding emergency meetings to discuss the mass of illegals .

The Thermal Blankets Help Illustrate Just How Massive the Invasion Really Is.

The same is happening in Europe as military-aged male migrants get free food and cell phones as soon as they land. This is a coordinated invasion controlled by the KM-WEF Zionists. 

The result: thousands of women in Germany fell victim to rape by one or more refugees amid “almost uncontrolled migration” of young men.


Do you want to hear how long they have been planning this? Listen to Nancy Pelosi talk about it in 1992.

Meanwhile, the political kabuki theater in the US continues. This is being seen in endless battles over the stolen 2020 election.

In the latest revelation, a video has emerged of Maricopa election officials illegally breaking into sealed election machines and removing the memory cards. 

This proves the 2020 election was stolen… President Trump and Kari Lake won Arizona.  

Also, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is refusing to testify under oath about Dominion Voting Machines

Next, we find out that Open Societies (Alex Soros) is behind the lawsuit that removed Trump from the Colorado Ballot. 

For your titillation, we have attached an old photo of his executed father George Soros in Barbados with his “helpers” who are not his secret gay lovers. 

The Russian FSB, for their part, has a cynical view of the US white hats. They say US Intel is pulling the plug on traditional media because they are replacing it with “social networks controlled by bots and AI.”

They add “free speech” Rumble is financed by Peter Theil who is the founder of Palantir – which belongs to US Intel. Twitter belongs to Elon Musk, who is a part of the National Reconnaissance Office. The NRO is the U.S. Government agency in charge of designing, building, launching, and maintaining America’s intelligence

Furthermore, it turns out –according to the Russians- the Nazi John O. Brennan -who ran the CIA for Barack Obama- now controls MSNBC, MSN and Facebook.

However, one sign that there are truly white hats at work is who has been picked up by the Alliance for questioning or worse:

US Senator Bernie Sanders says he has tested positive for Covid and is “glad he is up to date on the vaccine.”


Maybe he’ll sing after he’s shown videos of his exploits on Epstein Island.

We also find out that the Koch brothers are on the warpath. Her Heritage Foundation is suing the US Department of Defense for banning screenings of “Sound of Freedom” and the CIA for bribing investigators to cover up the origins of COVID-19.

In addition, the political bribery money laundering facility in Ukraine will be closed. The US government announced on Wednesday that it would provide Ukraine with the last remaining weapons package under existing authorization.

This forces Vladimir Zelensky to find a place to hide. Egyptian police believe Ukrainian intelligence is involved in the murder of journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi. He was found dead after researching Zelensky’s mother-in-law’s purchase of a luxury villa in El Gouna.

Western media has been abuzz over the past week with reports claiming that Zelensky wants to mobilize 500,000 new recruits. In reality, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny dismissed this as a “pipe dream” in his very first press conference. Instead, Zaluzhny, now the de facto president of Ukraine, declared that all his forces would be withdrawn to the western bank of the Dnieper.

In response, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev declared that Odesa, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv and Kiev would be recaptured by Russia.

This is part of the power-sharing agreement reached with Germany in Europe, FSB sources said.

Indirect fighting between Germany and Russia also occurs in the Balkans, where the Serbian people begin to take revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia. “Serbia will remain a free, sovereign and independent country that will make its own decisions,” says Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

By the way, Germany seems to be consolidating its influence over Poland. Poland’s new culture minister announced on Wednesday the dissolution of all public media outlets that were seen as the mouthpiece of the previous populist-nationalist government.

Meanwhile, French politicians are facing a real shitstorm as farmers flood government buildings with manure and soap suds.

The British are also in turmoil as radical Muslims seek to introduce Sharia law, which includes stoning unfaithful wives.

The British are preparing to throw them out of the country.

Israel is also approaching its end. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday there was “no difference” between Benjamin Netanyahu and Adolf Hitler.

South Africa agrees and has filed genocide charges against Israel at the International Court of Justice. According to our sources, the normally toothless ICJ will receive military support to enforce any ruling it makes against Israeli Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government.

Israel destroyed almost twice as many buildings in northern Gaza in seven weeks as it did in Aleppo in three years.


The Israeli population has also risen against him and is surrounding his house and the Israeli Ministry of Defense with daily mass protests.

Meanwhile, the Zionists are clinging to their delusion of triggering Armageddon by declaring war on Iran. This is partly because Iran and Russia have opened a “new chapter” in banking relations by agreeing to abandon the US dollar.

Another reason for Iran’s provocation is that the KM is looking for an excuse to steal the world’s second largest lithium deposits, as well as the Iranian central bank, gold and the Persian royal jewels.

For an example of who we’re dealing with, check out what deranged pedophile Senator Lindsey Graham says:

“Beat Iran… blow it off the map.”

One reason the KM are freaking out and trying to start a war is that their vaccine mass murder attempt hasn’t killed enough people to keep them in power. However, the vaccines have managed to kill enough people to get them in big trouble.

In the latest study, Japanese researchers confirm that most deaths from Pfizer’s COVID vaccination occur within the first 10 days after injection, proving a causal link between vaccines and deaths.


The KM are now desperately trying to cover their tracks. Dr. Scott Jensen says, “More than 300 medical journal articles have disappeared within the last year.”

It looks like they’re also trying to use the Red Cross for a cover-up. “The Red Cross announced Friday that the disgraced former head of the UN agency for Palestine, Pierre Krahenbuhl, will take over as the organization’s director general. Krahenbuhl was removed from office amid allegations of sexual misconduct, nepotism and other abuses of office released for the Middle East.”

Climate activists are also very excited. John Kerry, the climate hoaxer par excellence, is upset that millions of people around the world are seeing through the climate hoax and explains:

“Now humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself.”

Because 1,841 scientists from all over the world have signed the “World Climate Declaration” with the title “There is no climate emergency” and deny the climate crisis. They emphasize that carbon dioxide is useful for the earth. But of course that doesn’t stop politicians from imposing carbon taxes on you.

As their money laundering climate crisis, Ukraine war and other scams are exposed, it looks like the KM is moving to Plan B, which involves fleeing to Argentina (the same place where they sought refuge after World War II).

The KM have bought 1,000 kilometers of coastline in Patagonia and installed a puppet president to protect it.

“Javier Milei is a WEF-trained politician chosen for his role. He is destined to become another Zelensky-style dictator,” CIA sources confirm.

Milei has already made a despotic start by threatening to cut benefits to people who protest against his austerity measures.

However, this has not prevented massive protests against his planned dictatorship from breaking out.


By the way, you can watch Milei’s WEF boss Klaus Schwab and Google co-founder Sergey Brin talk about brain implants that everyone should get (or so they say).

Note to the whitehats: If you want to target the head of the octopus, take a look at some of the companies that BlackRock[effeler] owns.


One final note this week: The world’s population will be more than 8 billion people on New Year’s Day, according to figures released by the US Census Bureau on Thursday. For Asians, 8 is a lucky number.


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7 Replies to “Benjamin Fulford Report: Let’s Finish off the KM in 2024”

  1. Francis Bacon 01/04/2024 at 12:27 PM

    “Last week a representative of “the family” (as the KM like to call themselves) claiming to be the new M1 (the guy controlling the money fountain)
    contacted the white hats to offer support for the future planning agency. The only thing they ask in return is that they not be killed”.

    Let me get this right: The KM who have been planning the gradual and total enslavement of humanity, and been enslaving humanity for
    generations, are offering to sit in on the white hats’ council meetings and help them with planning the future of civilization. What could possibly go wrong with that??

    1. Emma 01/04/2024 at 3:22 PM

      I agree. No more line for them.
      If we or white hats are in any position of power, then they must prevent KM from ever ruling anything again, and no sitting at the table, and of course they have to be killed, if they committed a crime that is punished by death, and I believe many of them have.

  2. Leslie 01/04/2024 at 7:43 AM

    It’s all a scam. Everything is a lie to keep us in bondage. We’ve been subjected to so many psyops by so many factions we can no longer see through any of it. We are descending into chaos and soon it will be too late. Trump is a lie. He will not help us. The white hats are a lie. If they exist at all they have become powerless because the magnitude of corruption is preventing any headway with our ability to break free. Take care of yourself and form a small network to help yourself. These criminals have buried us.

    1. Emma 01/04/2024 at 3:19 PM

      You could/can be right, but I hope not.
      For now I will believe in a beautiful future, as that gives me a better life, than believing that we will soon die or be slaves.

  3. Emma 01/03/2024 at 11:38 AM

    I do not have any debt they can cancel, nor do the other poor people in this world, i.e. in India and Africa.

    In my country many rich people has much debt, as it benefits them in tax laws, so they would get a hole lot of money out of that very strange agenda, and the poor people in every country that do not have debt, maybe cannot even get a bank to loan them money, they get nothing.

    How is that strange thing even being proposed again and again?. Give people an amount of money, and those having debt, will get what is left, after debt is paid. Why that big focus on people that has accumulated debt?

    I know that banks love debt, they loan money they dont have, but pretend to have, and get interest on it. Maybe this is a bank agenda, they know the fiat money is about to die, and if they can get someone to pay all peoples debt NOW, then they have money, before they would have lost it all, when the system crash, and no one is able to pay their debt.

    White hats paying banks all the debt that any one in this world ows, is a dark hat agenda – change my mind!

  4. Emma 01/03/2024 at 11:30 AM

    This is a deep state plan, just slicing the cake in another way, with 7 regions, and functional parts (LOL) from the globals agencies. No thanks!

  5. Anonymous 01/03/2024 at 6:35 AM

    NO to the kmf and NO to the new m1 and to every secret societis and every leader that didn’t protect the sheeps but slaughtered them,stole and had no mercy on my children since the beginning of creation and still and they will never they have no other options only to take all that has been stolen from the family by force and all corporations a thru z and all contracts are DESTROYED celestial qui vie act 1666 trust DESTROYED Vatican DESTROYED Social Security DESTROYED you never let your enemy go free they will always come back later to show you no mercy.And M1 only concern is money not anyone’s life only his and his families well being not to be killed.There are worse things than death.They have to be held accountable for their crimes and the reptillians and other hostile alien races are to be banished from earth no negotiations. And all the nuclear weapons that they are threatening to use against us as their negotiation proposal and other weapons to hurt anyone if we don’t give them what they ask for in the authority of CHRIST YSHUA all has been disarmed and will not explode and all other weapons shall not be used on my children .All my issue property are to be set free.And the 90% of those in prisons and jails in all countries are to release all I grant Amensty to those who are incarcerated .The Kingdom of GOD Heaven on the New Earth.Revelations 21 declares all that needs to be proposed.So shall it be.GLORY be to the LAMB and BRIDE thank you Green Light.As above and as below.

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