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A series of public and private meetings last week confirmed the Swiss-based Octagon group and their G7 subsidiary are suing for peace. This is along the lines –as previously reported here- of a seven-region world council and a future planning organization to take over the functions of the UN, BIS, World Bank, IMF, etc.

However, before this happens there is still the risk of some very nasty Satanic surprises, multiple agency sources agree.

For example, the Black Sun organization is saying they will continue to increase mayhem and threaten an all-out thermo-nuclear war unless a world federation is announced. That is why Russian nuclear-armed submarines, warships and missiles have been stationed in Cuba, Venezuela and Mexico, they say. “The majority of the Russian people want to restrain the US by repeating the Cuban Missile Crisis,” a Russian FSB source confirms.

At the same time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said member states have started consultations on the need to put nuclear weapons on alert.


In addition to the ongoing threat of nuclear war, the summer solstice will take place on Friday of this week. The Satan worshippers always stage some sort of massive fire sacrifice or holocaust to Satan on or around that June 21st date. Not only that, messianic fanatics in Israel promised to sacrifice a red heifer before June 22nd in order to start the process of building the third temple. Since these fanatics want to provoke “god” into appearing. Mossad sources say some sort of very nasty surprise is in the works but they say they do not know the details.

However in a sign it will not be nice, Denmark’s government is asking citizens to prepare for an attack or other potential crisis by stockpiling supplies of water, food and medicine, and keeping iodine tablets at home.


Secret Space Force sources for their part say Operation Blue Beam has begun with a hologram projection of Jesus Christ


There will be more such appearances culminating with “an alien visitation before August 15.  Thousands will see the ships in the Midwest area of the States. The MSM cannot cover this one…. Photos and videos will be all over the internet and this will go viral,” they say. We shall see, keep your eyes on the sky.

In the meantime, if you look at peace proposals put out by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Octagon group in Switzerland last week you can see the outlines of peace in the Ukraine. Peace in Ukraine would signify an end to the secret war for the planet Earth that has been raging for decades.

Putin’s proposal calls for Ukraine to pull all its forces to the West of the Dnieper River and cede the regions to the East of it to Russia. It also wants Ukraine to be neutral and nuclear-free and for all sanctions against Russia to be lifted. Russia also proposed a new security framework for Eurasia that would include NATO.


Meanwhile, the Octagon group and their 78 client states just finished a big Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland. If you look at their manifesto it basically asked for control of the Zaporizhye Nuclear Power Plant and access to Black Sea ports for exports. In other words, they will surrender but are asking for the lights to be turned back on and for port access.

These proposals show both groups are going along with a secret agreement reached months ago between the Five Eyes and Russia. According to this agreement, Russia will take responsibility for European security. Also, Odessa will be turned into a free port to allow Ukraine to export and import via the Black Sea.

There were related back-channel communications last week between MI6 and the Russian FSB over the situation in Ukraine. As a result of these talks, five-eyes special forces were sent to Ukraine to shut down forced human breeding facilities, forced organ removal, weapons, narcotics and child trafficking along with other criminal activities in Kyiv.

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The forces were deployed in reaction to the following information sent by the FSB:

Ukraine has baby factories and Ukrainian women are forced to give birth to babies to hand over to a Swiss biotech company. One example is the BiotexCom clinic in Kyiv where a child can be bought for $43,000. It is one of 20 such facilities in Kyiv. Some women are forced to give birth to three babies in a row, one after the other.

At the link below you can see the babies are being offered to LGTBQ etc. people and anyone else, no questions asked.


Older children are also being taken from orphanages and off the street and sold for an average price of $150,000. Since over 700,000 Ukrainian children have gone missing since the war began, if they were all sold it means the gangsters in Ukraine earned $105 billion from selling them.

The Russians estimate the criminal regime is also earning $2 billion a year by selling organs. Vladimir Zelensky signed a law that organs could be harvested without consent.


“Organs are being harvested not only from dead Ukrainian soldiers but from those who are still alive to sell on the black market,” an FSB source says.

Here you can watch Ukrainian men being dragged off the street for this purpose.

The FSB adds that all the money sent by the Rockefeller-run Biden regime to Ukraine is laundered by Zelensky and sent to the private bank accounts of Biden, his son and others.

Here are some headlines to back up their claims:

“Ukraine-based hardcore child pornography website founder pleads guilty”

“Ukrainian children are taken abroad to orphanages, sold to British nationals.” 


“Inside the Fight Against the Human Trafficking ‘Sweet Shop’ on Ukraine’s Border” https://bylinetimes.com/2022/05/06/inside-the-fight-against-the-human-trafficking-sweet-shop-on-ukraines-border/

“British pedophiles traveling to Poland to provide ‘humanitarian assistance’ to Ukrainian refugees”


As a reminder, you can watch Pedo Joe in action in the video below. Share this with everyone you know so we can get these pedophiles convicted. 

Also, remember that any so-called Western leader who is sending hard-earned tax dollars to Ukraine is financing this Satanic pedophile mafia and belongs in jail.

Warmonger Senator Lindsey Graham reveals another reason why Ukraine must fight to the last Ukranian; so that the Khazarian Mafia can steal “10-12 trillion dollars in critical mineral resources.” As you can see it has nothing to do with ‘fighting for democracy’.

Ukraine at present “cannot exist without huge external borrowings. This is actually a bankrupt country, a black hole for the Western economy, it is a concentration camp for the Ukrainian people, with everyone wanting to flee except the gang that is criminally reigning,” Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk says.


The Russians are also demanding de-Nazification not only of the Ukraine but of the collective West. As evidence of this infection, French journalist Thierry Meyssan notes the D-day memorial event in France where “Biden” took a dump in public was a disgrace. The real victors of World War II, the Russians -who lost over 27 million people- were not invited but representatives of Ukrainian Nazi groups who murdered over 1.6 million Jews, Slavs, Gypsies etc. were invited.


In any case, the fake Biden show and their Ukraine Nazi money laundry is about to end. These two videos show whoever is playing the role of Biden is either completely senile or

Also, the US Corporation is definitely bankrupt now. Here is a photo of The Treasury Building from last week. It is boarded up and fenced off.  Where did the employees go?  

Here in Japan, fake US Ambassador Rahm Emmanuel, -who has a bounty on his head for the murder of 500,000 Japanese citizens- is begging the Japanese slave government to hand over their patriot missiles so he can sell them on the black market to finance his fake government.

Similar begging is taking place at other Western-controlled capitals, multiple sources confirm.

In another desperate attempt to stay in business, immediately after Saudi Arabia ended the petrodollar, the fake Biden administration announced $50 billion for Ukraine (ie themselves). The problem is, to do this they promised to use Russian money that did not belong to them as collateral for a loan by the Europeans. The Europeans said no.

“What Washington is proposing is, ‘We [the US] take a loan, Europe takes all the risk, you [Europe] pay the interest, and we [the US] use the money for a US-Ukraine fund,’” said one senior European diplomat. “We might be stupid but we’re not that stupid.”


The imminent bankruptcy of the US Corporation was the subject of a high-level meeting of bankers presided over by the Rothschild agent pretending to be Pope Francis last week. At this meeting, they agreed the current UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. international financial architecture was dysfunctional. They agreed to create a future planning organization to take over the functional parts of the post-war system. They also agreed that “the debt crisis may be beyond current solutions.” For this reason, they called for a world debt jubilee in 2025. This was reported in the paper version of the New York Times but not online (at least as far as Google is concerned).

What this really means is the collective West is bankrupt, has lost its ability to steal resources from the world and so is asking for debt forgiveness.

Asian Secret Society sources say they do not trust the West and will wait and see before they decide what to do. That is the real reason why the P3 is threatening an all-out nuclear war: “Either finance us or we blow the world up.”

Western white hats for their part agree that no debt forgiveness for the West – or the rest of the world- should take place until the criminals are removed from power. That process is now well underway.

Our CIA sources say Barack Obama has now been taken to Guantanamo Bay and is no longer in control of the Biden show. John Desouza, a former FBI special agent with 25 years under his belt, explains why Obama was arrested in the video below.

The removal of Obama is why the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has ended diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) positions, stopped paying for gender transition surgeries and hormone treatments, as well as stopped unscientific “climate change” policies.


The act also includes an amendment to automatically register all U.S. males aged 18-26 for a potential draft. This is to back up the P3 threat to start World War III if a world federation is not announced, CIA sources explain.

We also note the guilty verdict for Hunter Biden is a small step. However, he needs to be found guilty of child rape etc, and not just gun charges.

We further note district attorneys in Louisiana have filed criminal referral requests, including for murder against Dr. Anthony Dr. Fauci and other public health officials.

Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment.jpg?resize=600%2C345&ssl=1https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment-300x172.jpg 300w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment-1024x588.jpg 1024w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment-768x441.jpg 768w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment-600x345.jpg 600w" alt="" width="600" height="345" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1116px) 100vw, 1116px" data-lazy-srcset="https://i0.wp.com/benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment.jpg?resize=600%2C345&ssl=1 1116w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment-300x172.jpg 300w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment-1024x588.jpg 1024w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment-768x441.jpg 768w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment-600x345.jpg 600w" data-lazy-src="https://i0.wp.com/benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Louisianans-Seek-Justice-Against-Dr.-Fauci-Medical-Establishment.jpg?resize=600%2C345&ssl=1" data-ll-status="loaded" data-recalc-dims="1" />

In the video below you can watch the avatar Fauci get busted as an audio of Fauci is being played back to him at the hearing. He can’t talk his way out of this one…

The public attacks on Fauci (or his avatar according to the CIA) are part of an ongoing war against the pharmacidical mafia.

The criminals are still at work. The video below shows Bill Gates releasing a swarm of his genetically modified mosquitoes from hell in Florida, according to Pentagon sources.

Meanwhile, the European Union will sign a contract to secure over 40 million doses of a bird flu vaccine for 15 countries.


It turns out these vaccine crimes have been going on for a long time. The video below describes the vaccine mafia at work in 1885; it’s all about money

The KM Zionists have been killing off humanity for a very long time with their “cure,” a Pentagon medical doctor notes.

As the next video demonstrates, the corporate attack on humanity is so bad that 287 toxic chemicals are now found in a typical baby’s blood.

This is possible because Pharmaceutical companies pay the FDA to approve their products, according to this investigation by Project Veritas.

In an example the toxic vaccines the FDA was bribed to approve at work, you can watch below a silent kill on a targeted vaccinated (nano-chipped) person via 5G frequencies with focused beams of energy which cause heart failure (the red beam of light is added for dramatization as this energy beam is not visible to the naked eye).

They are also using this technology to kill livestock.

“Through microscopic examination, we discovered nanographene structures in livestock (cattle) vaccines. This is probably the reason for the sudden and massive death of large numbers of livestock worldwide,” says Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna.

Next, watch all the government officials -who pushed these vaccines on their own people- all calling them “safe and effective.”

Now the political criminals who forced everyone to take the COVID Jab are trying to say “No-one forced anyone to get the COVID jab.”

As pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole says “We’ve seen death from all causes increase around the world after the rollout of these genetic injections that were never a vaccine.”

Next watch how Dr Rashid Buttar’s “disinformation” turned out to be spot on. He was one of the first doctors to call the fake scamdemic and the “not” vaccines. He told CNN’s Drew Griffin the vaccine he got was a time bomb. He was spot on: Drew Griffin of CNN died of ‘cancer’ on December 17, 2022.

As you can imagine, people are getting very angry about this. In the next video, Dr. Roger Hodkinson says “It’s Not a Time to Say ‘I’m Sorry’ – It’s a Time to Put These Bastards in Jail”.

India may be the first country to sue “experts” for advising against the use of ivermectin against CV-19. The Bar Association of India initiated proceedings against WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan. She may get the death penalty.  


A shift in power in the West means that similar developments will occur in other countries.
Evidence of this shift in power was the release of the following footage, which shows Nancy Pelosi taking blame for the events of January 6 in Washington DC.
Additional footage from J6 shows Capitol Police handcuffing a protester, then taking him to an adjoining room, where they remove the handcuffs and give him a fist bump.
Also, someone impersonates disgraced actor Kevin Spacey (he looks completely different from the real thing) and tells Piers Morgan that he and members of the Clinton Foundation flew with “young girls” on Jeffrey Epstein’s planes.
In Canada, MPs named in a classified version of a national security agency report on foreign interference are traitors to Canada, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said in a blistering press conference in which he also accused the prime minister of allowing malign states to corrupt domestic politics. They are, in fact, traitors to our country.”
The NDP leader criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his inaction despite having had the confidential report since March. And he accused Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre of looking the other way and refusing to read the report.
The Canadian media establishment itself is compromised, which is why they fail to mention that it was young Davos leaders like Chrystia Freeland and Justin Castrudeau who were paid by people like Klaus Schwab and Alex Soros. The intelligence services are aware of this, however.
In England, Nigel Farage’s Reform Party has 19% of the vote, compared to 18% for the Conservatives and 37% for Labour. Farage – who supports a criminal investigation into the mRNA vaccines – could well come to power by offering the Conservatives an alliance. Meanwhile, Labour leader Keir Starmer is expected to be ousted soon over his involvement in the satanic sacrifice of Madeleine McCann, MI6 sources say.
Speaking of satanic sacrifices, it is worth noting that Kate Middleton, Charles and their family made “their first public appearance since Christmas” together.
The pictures that Britain really wanted to see:
Picture by picture, the beautiful images of Kate returning to public life as she continues her brave battle against cancer
“These are not the real Kate Middleton or Charles, these are avatars or doubles. Note the phrase ‘frame for frame’… this is 100% CGI and AI. Look at the background,” commented a Pentagon source.
For comparison, they sent out an AI-generated Kate Middleton video.
MI6 is not commenting on the matter, but we know that if it turns out that Kate Middleton was indeed sacrificed to Satan, a comprehensive purge of the British royal family would be initiated.
A large-scale purge is already underway in Japan against the criminals responsible for the murder of 500,000 people through vaccines, right-wing sources close to the emperor say. However, since so many government officials have accepted bribes for vaccines, arresting everyone involved would lead to a collapse of government function. For this reason, the action is being carried out gradually, the sources say.
A revolt is also underway in Germany. The Germans are refusing to buy the more expensive Rockefeller gas and oil and have instead agreed to the border agreement with Russia on the Dnieper, say German sources. The German business lobby has insisted on this.
In a viral speech, Theodor Weimer, CEO of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, etc., said: “I have now had my 18th meeting with our Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck, and I can tell you, it is a complete disaster… our reputation in the world has never been as bad as it is now.”
Weimer also notes that global stock markets are no longer based on fundamentals, but instead on speculation, dynamics and other factors.
He also criticized the chaotic immigration policy that allowed millions of men of military age, including many criminals, to enter the country.
For example, a 25-page report from the US Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that in 2018, 64 percent of arrests for federal offenses were of non-citizens.
Illegal immigrants are now being registered as voters and also hired by the police. This is the result of the Biden show orchestrated by Obama.
As a sign of how Orwellian the US has become, the FBI just announced that crime dropped dramatically in the first quarter of 2024. The reason for this is because 40% of police forces no longer report crimes to the FBI because they don’t trust them.
The FBI is widely seen as the Khazarian Mafia’s enforcement arm in the US. The photo of the Boy Bride Ritual shown below is one of the things they are covering up, Mossad sources say. “The ritual is recorded and performed publicly.”
The member, who is likely a high-status individual, will live with the fear that his family and the public will find out should he try to leave the cult or refuse to perform any duties in the future. Every single politician has gone through many of the rituals and is required to do more if asked. These are the individuals who make decisions about our lives. And as you can see, they cause nothing but more chaos and misery,” they say.
The chaos and misery they are causing in Gaza may soon be coming to an end. The Israeli army has announced a “pause” in military actions in Gaza to allow for the delivery of food to the Palestinians. This decision was made by the military itself, independently of Netanyahu or other Israeli politicians.
This is a major rift in the power structure of Zionist-controlled Israel, meaning that a de facto military coup has literally taken place.
Presumably, the Israeli military withdrew Benjamin Satanyahu and his war criminal cronies from Hamas because Israel is facing an event that could completely wipe out the Israeli population.
In retaliation for the Israeli genocide in Gaza, the Yemeni Houthis have attacked 145 ships with links to Israel, the US and Britain, paralyzing 90 percent of container traffic in the Red Sea.
Bryan Clark, a former Navy submariner and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, told AP: “These are the most sustained combat operations the U.S. Navy has experienced since World War II.”
Israel’s borders are also effectively sealed. Hopefully, Satanyahu will soon be publicly tried for war crimes.
This news comes as millions of Muslim pilgrims from around the world embark on the annual Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
“The pilgrimage involves considerable physical exertion, as pilgrims must walk an average of five to 15 kilometers a day to perform the rituals in different places. It tests patience and is challenging on a spiritual, emotional and physical level. Adequate preparation is often necessary, as it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many.”
As noted in the above report, Israel and the US corporate government are unlikely to survive in their current state.
Another country that could soon disappear is South Korea. North Korea has just delivered 10,000 containers of 5 million artillery shells to Russia…
In exchange for the ammunition, Russia reportedly supplied North Korea with technology to help the country deploy spy satellites, tanks and aircraft.
The North Korean military has built roads and walls within the demilitarized zone that separates it from the South, the Yonhap news agency reported on Saturday.
Our own North Korean sources say they are preparing to “liberate” South Korea, knowing the US will not use nuclear weapons to stop them. That’s because they know the North Koreans and their Russian allies will destroy many major US cities in retaliation for any US nuclear attack on North Korea. However, the “liberation” of South Korea will likely come in the form of peaceful reunification, Asian secret society sources say.
Finally, a few interesting things this week.
The first shows that your Tesla or any other electric vehicle does nothing for the environment. Don’t be an idiot and don’t believe this nonsense.
Another sign that white hats are at work in the digital world: Today, for the first time as far as I can remember, my junk mail folder was completely empty; not a single new junk mail came in.
Maybe there is still hope for us. But let’s see what the summer solstice brings.
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