The long-awaited military move against the Khazarian Mafia in the West appears to be unfolding. The riots in France, Belgium and Switzerland bear all the hallmarks of this. Men in identical black uniforms wearing police-style boots are wreaking havoc across the continent while pretending to be Muslim protesters. This is classic military agent provocateur action designed to ready public opinion for martial law. It is the age-old P3 Freemason “ab chao ordo” or “order out of chaos” strategy. The idea is to create so much mayhem the citizenry welcomes a military take-over to “restore order.”

The fact this type of sabotage is taking place in Switzerland means some sort of military-type move against the BIS, the WHO and other KM power centers there is likely. The same is true of Belgium where the European Union has its headquarters. The other thing to note is the “Muslim” rioters are systematically targeting Chabad death cult facilities across Europe.

These “riots” appear to be coordinated with “pride events” promoting homosexuality and pedophilia. Notice the French riots started just as former male prostitute and fake French President Emmanuelle Macron was appearing at an event promoting homosexuality.

This happened in tandem with simultaneous marches throughout the West featuring naked men parading in front of children. They were chanting things like “We’re here, we’re queer and we are coming for your children.”

If it had been naked women on parade you can be sure the police would have acted. Maybe that is because naked men are less of a traffic problem since passing drivers would look away from them, not at them. More likely it was contrived to force the sleepwalking sheeple awake.

To make this a personal threat to the average citizen, they are also trying to force them to accept people with penises into women’s bathrooms. When your daughter is accosted by a bearded pervert pretending to be a woman it forces you to get involved.

In another move to wake the sheeple, the fake Joe Biden presidential avatar is making many bizarre performances and statements. For example, he said “I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things…” while meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The corporate propaganda media tried to cover this up as a “joke,” but we all know it’s true.

Next, listen to the fake masked Biden talk about Russia losing the Iraq war. He really is suffering from dementia.  

Also, Joe Biden slurred his way through a train wreck of an interview Thursday, claiming there was a civil war in the U.S. in 1960 and mixing up the Constitution and the Declaration Of Independence before wandering off the set like a lost Alzheimer’s sufferer.

“Joe’s avatar will soon put all whistleblowers out of work, he’s such a one-man red pill machine,” Pentagon sources comment.

At the same time as “Biden” acted like a senile buffoon, Congress passed resolution 503 calling for the impeachment of Joe Biden “for high crimes and misdemeanors,” and yet not a word about this from the corporate media presstitutes.


We know the real Biden is long gone but the point here is the Joe Biden symbol of corporate power is being actively set up for formal (optical) impeachment, CIA sources comment. 

Also, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy says Congress is going to impeach Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland based on information coming from whistleblowers.

Another thing we notice is that thousands of flights are being canceled around the United States as the July 4th holiday approaches. This is to prevent Khazarian mafia members from escaping, pentagon sources say.

We also got a very definitive explanation of what the so-called Q movement and Donald Trump have to do with all this activity. Former SAS Riccardo Bosi explains the entire Q movement was started by about 300 or 400 mostly Navy and Marine officers. They originally thought of staging a military coup but realized it would involve killing large amounts of American civilians. So, they decided instead to act slowly and systematically in accordance with military law. This is why it has been taking so long. However, it has now reached a point where nothing can stop what is coming, Bosi says.

As an example of how unstoppable this movement has become “Sen. Lindsey Graham was booed, jeered, and insulted from the moment he took the stage until he walked off it, and was later laughed at and booed again during Donald Trump‘s speech, during the Pickens, South Carolina MAGA rally on Saturday.”


This photograph of Graham with executed traitor John McCain and Tim Ozman aka Osama bin Laden, explains the treatment he got.

“There are only three branches of the US government now, one is BlackRock, the other is Raytheon the other is the pharmaceuticals…We have to get control of this very corrupt elite in this country…“I don’t think we’ll ever get to the 2024 election…I think things are going to implode in Washington before then,” is how Colonel Douglas MacGregor describes the situation.

However, multiple sources say this process is going to keep unfolding over the summer and not to expect any sudden change exactly on July 4th.

Nonetheless, in a sign the military really is taking action, more than 300 Canadian soldiers are suing the government over damage caused to them by vaccine mandates. We warn them to make sure the judge presiding over the case is not a Freemason.

The Canadian Parliament is helping these soldiers by introducing a bill making vaccine mandates illegal. (for details watch the video below)

Chrystia Freeland, the real criminal behind the vaccine and other crimes by the communist Castrudeau regime in Canada is also now getting exposed.

Another sign of real movement is Congress acting against CISA, Big Tech, and government-funded third parties for colluding to censor Americans. As a long-term victim of Google, Facebook etc. censorship, it is good to see action finally being taken against these enemies of truth and free speech.


There is also evidence of some sort of financial anomaly taking place that could be the trigger for the long-awaited reboot (not reset) of the social economic system. The Federal Reserve Board is now undeniably bankrupt according to their own St. Louis Branch website. As you can see from the dramatic graph at the link below, the FRB has not been paying money it is legally obliged to give to the US government since September of 2022.

If the checks of a private business like the FRB bounce, it means they are bankrupt.

Also, with interest rates rising as much as they have, junk-rated companies are going to have to pay 80% more in interest over the coming months as their loans get rolled over. This will also affect mortgages and non-junk borrowing. It just means the collapse of the current system is a mathematical certainty.

In another sign the KM is running out of money, the Soros Foundation has announced it is firing “at least 40%” of its staff.

However, they are still trying to pretend that it is all business as usual by issuing fake statistics.

For example, they say in the fourth quarter of 2022, real GDP rose 2.6 percent even though real gross domestic income (GDI) fell 2.3 percent in the first quarter. The two numbers should be more or less the same.

They are also trying to cover up an ongoing run against the banks by magically turning $65 billion of deposit outflows for domestic banks into $48.3 billion of inflows.

We have also been alerted by MI6 to events in Sri Lanka that could affect the entire world’s financial system. They shut down all their banks for 5 days starting on June 30th and MI6 says that is to install new financial architecture. “If it works there, then the rest of the developing world is expected to follow,” they say.

This move came after months of arguing between the IMF (Rothschilds), the World Bank (Rockefellers) and the Chinese over that country’s debt. The KM financiers asked China to write off Sri Lanka’s debt and China said OK if you do the same. The KM said no. This argument is being repeated across the world.

We notice corporate reporters are puzzled that even though IMF and World Bank bureaucrats approve new loans to places like Pakistan, the money never appears. They keep getting told to “wait for the next G7 meeting,” but the meetings come and go and still no money.

The MI6 source says all developing countries may soon renounce their loans to the IMF and World Bank.

In what appears to be a related move by the French Rothschilds to break with the Rockefellers, bankrupt Argentina decided to use Chinese yuan and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to make a payment that was due to the IMF. What this means is the IMF pretended to pay itself by conjuring up SDRs out of nowhere and by borrowing from the Chinese.

The important point to note here is no US dollars were involved. The last time the French tried to do something like this French IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn was falsely accused of raping a maid and fired. This came immediately after he found out the IMF gold that was supposed to back the SDR as a dollar replacement had been stolen by the Feds. Maybe this new move by the French has something to do with the riots in France.

We also saw ECB President Christine Lagarde claiming “climate change affects inflation,” in another sign the KM wants to use “climate crisis” as the new scare tactic to extort money from the masses. This coincides with toxic waste being burned in cities and blamed on “Canadian wildfires caused by climate change.” Also, note she is appearing on a screen and not in person. This helps confirm white hat reports the real Lagarde has already been arrested.

This invocation of a “climate crisis,” seems to be a cover-up for the bankruptcy of the EU. Polish intelligence reports Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán -who has been attending an EU summit meeting- says “The only question everyone is asking here in Brussels is: Where has the money gone?”

He asked this because the European Commission submitted a budget amendment proposal asking member states to pay tens of billions of euros. “The question arises: How did this situation come about and how did they bring the European Union to the brink of bankruptcy…Just 2 years into the 7-year budget, #Brussels is running out of money. How did this happen? What happened to the budget? …they want to get €50 billion from the member states to give to Ukraine, while they cannot even account for the money we have given them so far.”

This lack of money is connected to a move to stop KM theft from the European, American and Japanese people in the name of various crises be they “pandemics,” or “Ukraine,” or now “climate change.”

Their fraud is now being systematically exposed. It turns out almost every temperature measurement station operated by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is corrupted to make the country appear “hotter” than it really is, effectively reinforcing the “global warming” hoax, the Polish report. According to a study by the Heartland Institute, 96% of NOAA temperature stations do not meet the agency’s standards for “uninjured placement.” Most of them are located near objects that trap or generate heat, thus falsifying their readings.

Here is another example:

USA Today Article: March 8, 2022 -> Release of GMO mosquitoes in Florida

CNN article: June 27, 2023 -> Malaria in Florida, USA, detected for the first time in 20 years

Soon we can expect a headline proclaiming “Climate Change Brings Malaria to Florida”. Then we’ll see a push for “malaria vaccines.” Who benefits from a malaria vaccine? “Playbook Known. Nowhere to hide anymore,” says the Pentagon…


Now let’s take a look at the war crimes and fraud in Ukraine.

First, let’s look at this July 2006 photo of George W. Bush dining with a slightly unrecognizable Vladimir Putin at an event in St. Petersburg, Russia, hosted by Yevgeny Prigozhin (standing, right).


This was around the time the Bush clan proposed a new cold war with Russia to strengthen the military-industrial complex.

There was also another agenda at work. The Rand Corporation advised the US government to cut Germany’s energy ties with Russia if it wants to prevent the EU from becoming a competitor, Poles say. In the end, this was achieved by blowing up the Nord Stream II pipeline. The result: Germany alone was plundered by KM with 132 billion dollars last year.


This is the same Rand Corporation that advised blowing up Japan’s nuclear power plants at Fukushima to prevent Japan from becoming energy independent.

Who benefited from both attacks: the Rockefellers.

The KM criminals are now also trying to profit from the genocide in Ukraine. Below you can see Irish MEP Mick Wallace having his microphone cut off as he describes how KM groups like BlackRock are stealing Ukraine’s agricultural land and industrial assets.

“It looks like the extermination of their own population,” a Ukrainian soldier told Vice about the situation at the front.

There is also a lot of corporate theatrics that accompany these crimes.

“Everything is a movie. What these people wear every day…who they meet, when and where they meet…what they say to each other…how it’s filmed and edited…it’s all one big show” , it says from the Pentagon.

This video of Vladimir Zelensky and Greta Thunberg meeting is a good example.

“Everyone knows that Zelensky is in no way independent. He is told what to do, what policies to follow… there is no point in talking to him,” says Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Now that the KM Theater has been revealed, it’s being used against them. Laughable is this video in which Ukrainian singer Ruslana, winner of Eurovision 2004, calls for F-16 fighter jets. She has her helmet on, but for some reason she forgot to wear pants.

And then there was this whole Wagner coup opera. As Polish intelligence explains;

“The Western services reached Prigozhin and wanted to manipulate him. Prigozin sensed a lot of money and thought about what he could do to keep the wolf fed and the sheep safe. He called the Kremlin and disclosed everything. – ‘What should we do ? ‘ He asked. He got an answer. We’re going to make a fuss.

Now the real Wagner has been deployed in Belarus, just 80 kilometers from the Ukrainian capital of Kiev.


Of course we don’t expect the KM to go silently into the night.

Victoria Nuland, the head of the US State Department, officially declared in a video conference with Kiev that World War III will begin on July 11. She stated that the US and its partners will fight for as long as it takes – 16 years or more … The date was chosen to coincide with the NATO summit, a one-day meeting in Lithuania.

I wonder why this beast is even alive? Or is she?

The other big question still hanging in the air is: when will the long-awaited space opera begin?

It may already have begun, as shown in this video of a Russian rocket shooting down an invisible spacecraft.

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Then, as usual, there are weekly UFO sightings from around the world. Here are some of the latest:

1. A cloaked mothership. We are told they will uncloak when the masses are ready. Or is it a lenticular cloud with arcs? let’s check

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2. A UAP over Warsaw, Poland in 2023

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3. A rotating UAP over Florida 26-06-2023

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4. Several bullets over Mexico

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5. A UFO flies by over the California Sea 29-06-2023

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As a reminder that we’ve seen a space opera before, check out his video of the “moon landings” sent to us by the P3 Freemasons.

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Okay, then beam me up for the week, Scotty.



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