
The Khazarian mafia is trying to negotiate a surrender, according to high-level intelligence agency sources. David de Rothschild, chairman of the board of directors of the World Jewish Congress, the first thing you need to know is that he was indicted in Spain in 2015 for defrauding pensioners, as well as the head of the British and French branches of the Rothschild family, is offering to hand over control of the Western financial system to the Planetary Liberation Alliance. They are asking for amnesty in return. This offer came via the new head of the committee of 300 (who replaced Queen Elizabeth and is not Charles). The Illuminati council has granted this individual the power to negotiate with the alliance.


The alliance has responded with the following demands:

A jubilee, as in a one-off cancellation of all debts, public and private, must be carried out.
The wealth of the world -stolen by creating money out of nothing and charging “interest” on it- must be returned to the people.
The post-war Western-led institutions like the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, etc. must be replaced by something that actually serves the people of the planet.
All the technologies, such as hydrogen and anti-gravity, that have been suppressed by the KM must be released to the public
A massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction must be started.
Democracy, freedom of the press and the rule of law must be restored in the Western countries hijacked by the KM.
The true hidden history of the planet must be disclosed to the people on all the major media.
As far as the amnesty is concerned, the alliance itself will not take any aggressive actions against the KM. However, the various legal actions against them for massive crimes against humanity, such as mass murder by vaccine, will proceed in accordance with the law.

The next step will be meetings in person between representatives of the alliance and those of the Illuminati council. This will take time as travel arrangements etc. need to be made.

The KM are trying to surrender now because they fear a pogrom to end all pogroms will be carried out by the backers of US President Donald Trump.,

Furthermore, the Russian army has arrived at the borders of Israel and threatened to invade unless they stop their genocide in Gaza.

The KM is also trying to cut a deal because there is a group apparently planning to shut down the entire digital banking system. They claim to represent the US Treasury Department but say they are not connected to supposed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the fake “President” Joe Biden.

This group is currently buying up, or trying to buy up all the physical

dollars being held in mostly Asian warehouses.

As background whenever the US runs a trade deficit, the equivalent amount of dollars is physically delivered to or printed in that country.

Since the US has run a total trade deficit of 12.143 trillion dollars since 2000, that means a lot of cash dollars are sitting shrink-wrapped in warehouses. This is what a trillion dollars looks like.


Here is what a representative of this group had to say:

“This has nothing to do with Biden or Rockefeller. It’s a process related to the new financial system aka QFS. There has to be at least 1T of cash in pallets.

In order for them to move.”

Representatives of Asian royal families said they were willing to provide the dollars but not if it was going to the Rothschilds. They are waiting for a reply.

This situation is the biggest geopolitical move since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Here is what the creator of the Quantum Financial System had to say:

The idea of the new financial system is to place all these off ledger assets onto one global repository which has a dual control of the world central banker and the collective (unanimous) agreement of the world sovereign heads of state. The various currencies, commodities, securities and general wealth would be denominated in the secure single digital currency and in time all the fiat currencies would be wound down. It replicates what Adnan Sakli tried to do and failed and also acts as the strategic structural reform of the UN, WB & BIS Basel. The disbursal of wealth to the general population by way of various structural projects is then handled on the new mainframe so a new international banking platform and all digital and very secure with control held by military intelligence. Years of work gone into it and mind-blowing stuff. Little wonder The Rothschilds attempted to have me assassinated – near carbon copy of JFK.

The KM are now trying to deny any involvement in the assassination of Kennedy by the way. They sent the following denial of allegations from Dick Cheney that it was Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion who ordered Kennedy killed:

“You may tell the source that it was Admiral Canaris! Mossad was not involved, it was a DVD (German intelligence) operation using assets inside CIA and FBI….Mr. Cheney will have been under the thumb of Mr. Bush Senior (DVD) who was later terminated for the murder of Adnan Sakli at BIS Basel – I did the case with a certain François Deloche in Switzerland who was Adnan’s lawyer and we remain in contact to this day.”

However, a Mossad source sent us the following video full of evidence Israel and Mossad were behind the assassination of JFK. It is explained clearly.

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Here is what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Colonel Douglas MacGregor about the situation:

Everybody wants to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power. They want our regulatory agencies not to be sock puppets for the industries they are supposed to regulate; to actually protect the public interest. People want to end the warfare state. The intelligence agencies have become captured. The Pentagon is a captive agency. The Fed is a captive agency. Its capacity to create money has now been deployed on behalf of …the corporate kleptocracy into which our democracy has devolved.

He blames the CIA for the assassinations of his uncle and father. Readers can make their own decision.

What is clear is that Kennedy’s new asset-backed US dollar was immediately rescinded by his successor Lyndon Johnson. If you look at all the Satanic hand signs at his widow Lady Bird Johnson’s funeral you can see who was responsible for the murder. It was the Satanists, not the Jews.

Now let’s talk about David de Rothschild, the so-called head of the World Jewish Congress.

French patriots who have been studying him for years provided us with the following information:

David de Rothschild controls France with his cousin Éric. They took over from David’s father, Guy de Rothschild who organized Satanist balls at the Château de Ferrières.

David de Rothschild controls France by placing his men in key positions. Jacques Attali under François Mitterrand, Nicolas Bazire and François Pérol under Nicolas Sarkozy, Emmanuel Macron under François Hollande, etc. The key man in the system is Alain Minc who manages the French economy on behalf of David de Rothschild. A similar system is also very established in Spain, Italy and the US (Carlo de Benedetti, Agnelli family, Rockefeller family etc.).

David de Rothschild’s cousin, Nathalie Rheims, explained in 2013 at the Museum of Art and History of Judaism that the entire family was governed by incest saying “Vice is nice but incest is best because it stays in the family.” 

David de Rothschild’s bodyguard, Christian Girouds was involved in a case of human trafficking and prostitution of minors (kidnapping of a victim of child sex trafficking).

David de Rothschild and his inner circle live in the conviction that France is biblical Israel and that the real Jerusalem is Paris and that all of this belongs to them and they must rule the world. They don’t care about Palestine and send poor Jews there to the slaughterhouse. 

Macron himself comes directly from the Rothschild family (Fould Springer branch) through his mother and “Brigitte” is his father. Emmanuel Macron’s role is to fulfill their fantasy based on the prophecy of Isaiah.

For a quick bible lesson, Isaiah 9:19 says “Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire.”

The French patriots say “We are looking for anything that could contribute to destabilizing the Macron regime.

What will end the Macron regime is the situation to the East of France. Ukraine is now being quarantined. Thousands of vehicles are piled up in lines stretching as far as 40 kilometers (25 miles) as drivers wait in freezing temperatures to cross the border into Ukraine due to blockades staged by protesting truckers. The truckers have the support of the Polish government. The Slovakian and Hungarian governments are also moving to shut the border.

The Germans are also cutting off Ukraine by stopping the flow of weapons and money there. The Ukraine is now an openly criminal regime. Ukrainian soldiers are getting “strange vaccinations from Western doctors in what are probable biological experiments,” Russian expert Anatoliy Matviychuk says—expert–1115199617.html

KM Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky is using a Stalin-like secret police to round people up, force them into uniform, or disappear them, says Colonel Douglas MacGregor.

The EU is also cutting ties to the Zelensky supporting fake Biden regime. Talking about fake listen to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin standing with an out-of-focus CGI background behind him saying he is in Kyiv and supports Zelensky. No military takes orders from this clown.

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The EU canceled a trade meeting with the US because of a deadlock in talks about steel and critical minerals. They are also now buying Russian and not Rockefeller oil.

László Kövér, Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament is among many openly saying things like the US ambassador does not exist, the UN is a propaganda tool and Hungarian opposition politicians are all traitors.

Germany is also fighting for independence. Their top court just ruled that 60bn Euros in unspent Covid-funds were unconstitutionally relocated to a climate action fund. This is a painful blow to the coalition led by Olaf Scholz because they have lost access to funny money created out of nothing. Bank of Japan officials say Germany is getting ready to revive the Deutschemark.

Germany is also joining Japan in launching the hydrogen revolution. Italy and Germany have just announced they want to circumvent the Alps by turning gas pipelines into hydrogen pipelines.

The Rothschild interests in Switzerland are also now being threatened because access to African and other resources is being cut off. In a sign of this, the CEO of UBS, one of the world’s largest banks, says he wants a private buyer in a potential rescue operation scenario.,scrutiny%2C%20situations%20that%20UBS%20would%20prefer%20to%20avoid

“It is a clear sign UBS is in serious trouble. Their takeover of [bankrupt] Credit Suisse doesn’t take effect until 2024,” a CIA source notes. As we have previously reported most major US banks are also insolvent.

Also going down are the pharmaceutical corporations. Here is a partial snapshot of the legal tsunami headed their way:

CDC Keeping a Second, Hidden vaccine side effect database

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Pfiz­er and Tris Phar­ma for Defraud­ing Texas Med­ic­aid and Pro­vid­ing Adul­ter­at­ed Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Drugs to Children

The Philippines government committee has voted to launch an investigation into over 327,000 unexplained excess deaths between 2021 and 2022.

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Former Troops Seek Billions in Damages: Lawsuits Against U.S. Government Over Military Vaccine Mandate.

Canadian soldiers are also taking legal action.

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The public prosecutor of Rome, Francesco Lo Voi has charged former Health Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and others with ideological falsehood, multiple manslaughter, and marketing of an imperfect dangerous drug.

KM stooges like President of the European Research Council Professor Maria Leptin have even been caught publicly saying things like: “It’s not necessary for governments to persuade their citizens into taking mRNA vaccines using science”


The situation has made unelected world health czar Bill Gates blast “conspiracy theorists” for making his “super important work” of vaccinating children in developing countries “much harder,”

Completely unhinged: Bill Gates calls for punishment for critics of face masks and vaccines

There is also a growing avalanche of pedophilia convictions against KM minions.

For example, Biden Pentagon official Stephen Francis Hovanic was just busted in a massive human trafficking sting in Georgia. One of his jobs was to oversee elementary schools for the Pentagon.


In Australia former MP and twice-convicted pedophile Milton Orkopoulos has been jailed for twenty years for ‘calculated, predatory, and manipulative’ child sex offences.

In Canada Billionaire Robert Miller dubbed as ‘Canada’s Jeffrey Epstein’ has been accused of horrific sex acts with minors.

The list goes on.

The stolen US election is also now looking like it is about to be overturned.

A federal judge just ruled against voting machines in Georgia saying: “The machines’ cybersecurity flaws violate the constitutional rights of voters.”

Also, Arizona’s totally corrupt Attorney General Chris Mayes who stole her 2022 election has been caught in the crime of threatening officials who are trying to use paper ballots to ensure honest elections.

Now we find the January 6 committee conveniently destroyed nearly 50% of the evidence before the tapes were released.

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In yet another sign the KM are mortally afraid of Donald Trump former Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill says Trump is “more dangerous” than Hitler and Mussolini

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The KM are also being increasingly exposed as murderous and racist.

Tzipi Navon, chief of staff to Prime Minister Netanyahu called for Hamas members to have not just their foreskins – but their entire genitals cut off and then force them to eat them. This was after they had been tortured and smeared with ‘pig fat’ and after their nails and skin had been torn from their bodies.

US State Department veteran Stuart Seldowitz meanwhile gets caught harassing a street vendor in New York saying: “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn’t enough…” Mr. Seldowitz is a Zionist who worked for Langley as well using the revolving door, according to CIA sources.

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Real Jews are revolting against this filth. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says “The minister of national security (Itamar Ben Gvir) in this government is a person who was convicted in the Israeli court for terrorism against Palestinians. This is a government which is a shame to the basic values of the Jewish people and the people of Israel.”

An estimated 100,000 people have gathered around the house of crime minister Benyamin Netanyahu to demand his resignation.

The world has their back. The BRICS filed a complaint against the Israeli Defense Force and told the Secretary General of the United Nations the Gaza genocide must stop IMMEDIATELY.

Chinese President Xi Jinping outlined the three urgent imperatives:

1. The end of hostilities and the achievement of an immediate ceasefire.

2. The cessation of all forms of violence and attacks against civilians and the release of civilians held in captivity.

3. The end of collective punishment targeting the population of Gaza.

They backed this demand with Russian tanks. That is the real reason the fighting stopped in Gaza.

The Turks and Iranians are also filing war crimes charges against Israeli government officials. War crimes tribunals are now a certainty. Criminal officials of the Israeli regime must be tried Iran’s top human rights official Kazem Gharibabadi says.

Now you know why the KM is suing for peace and begging for amnesty.


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