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By now a critical mass of Americans, -along with most of the rest of the world understand the ongoing US “Presidential election” is just corporate theater. They also understand that at the end of the day, neither Kamala Harris or Donald Trump will actually end up in control of the Untied (deliberate typo) States. The reason is simple: the US now has total debts and unfunded liabilities of over $250 trillion. Even if Trump keeps his promise to drastically cut US government spending, it will be too little too late. To pay off its debt, the US Corporate government would have to spend zero money for the next 40 years. That means no military, no public works, no social security, no welfare, etc. This is obviously impossible yet, the rest of the world will no longer finance the Israeli-controlled Satanic horror show that the once proud Republic of the United States of America has degenerated into. As a visible example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is bankrupt.

FEMA-is-bankrupt-.jpg?resize=600%2C621&ssl=1https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/FEMA-is-bankrupt--290x300.jpg 290w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/FEMA-is-bankrupt--768x795.jpg 768w, https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/FEMA-is-bankrupt--600x621.jpg 600w" alt="" width="600" height="621" data-recalc-dims="1" />


This means the US has to choose between a collapse into anarchy or a public declaration of bankruptcy, a jubilee and a restoration of control to the people.

Having said that: the ongoing battle between Harris and Trump represents a real fight to the death (on the deck of a sinking ship) between two different corporate factions.

The people behind Harris are the Rockefeller and Soros factions of the Khazarian Mafia. This group controls big pharma, much of big oil, Google, Meta, Microsoft and the UN plus the WHO. They are starting their Harris for President love-fest today. This group is hoping to stay in power by sucking up aggressively to China in exchange for money (They have already offered to hand over Taiwan and Japan) and turning the US into a communist dictatorship. They hope to fool the public into supporting them with offers of government hand-outs. They are also counting on widespread fraud to steal the election.

The people behind Trump are the Harriman faction (former Bush backers) as well as the UK branch of the Rothschilds led by Nathaniel. Among other things they control big banks, a lot of oil as well as many of the big military industrial corporations. They are allied with Elon Musk (National Reconnaissance Office) and use X, TikTok and Telegram as their tools to reach the public. Depending on which faction you are with their slogan MAGA stands either for Make America Great Again or Make America Gag Again.

What is clear though is that both the Trump and Harris appearing in public are just avatars controlled by these factions.

To make things even more complicated, in this day of digital fakery and surgically altered lookalikes, each faction is able to present a fake version of their opponent’s avatar to the public.

This is especially true of Trump. First of all, the Trump appearing in public before crowds never appears with Melania because he is only 170 cm (5’7”) tall while Melania is 180 cm or 5’11.” The real Trump is 190 cm or 6’3” so Melania only appears shorter when she is standing with him. This Trump avatar works for the real Trump who is at the Mt. Cheyenne military base in Colorado, according to CIA and US Space Force sources. Unlike “Kamala Harris” this avatar clearly has his own brain as we will see from the excerpts of his talk with Elon Musk further below.

The problem here is that contradictory statements make it clear the Rockefeller faction parades their own evil version of Trump. This Trump brags about vaccines, supports genocide in Gaza, etc., and appears on Rockefeller-controlled media. This is why commentators like Henry Makow say his factions’ motto is MIGA or Make Israel Great Again.

No matter what though, I guarantee you will never see any of these avatars take part in a public debate with real intelligent people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr, or Field Marshall Douglas MacGregor.

Regardless, we are hearing from multiple high-level sources that something is going to happen as early as September that will make sure neither Harris nor the fake Trump and their respective factions will actually end up in charge.

A major meeting is planned for August 25 that could decide the fate of the US corporation and its parasitic controller Israel, according to sources in the Asian secret society and the US Space Force. At this meeting, the Western white hats have already agreed to the removal of Israeli crime minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Ukrainian genocide actor Vladimir Zelensky.

Netanyahu is now hiding deep in a bunker in Israel, awaiting a decision on his fate. A Mossad source notes: “Satanyahu is NOT participating [in the ongoing talks in Qatar] because he is hiding in an underground bunker.”


The news confirms that both Turkey and Iran are refraining from attacking Israel while the talks continue because they have been promised public justice for Gaza:

Retaliation On Pause: Iran wants to postpone retaliatory measures.

A response to the assassination of Hamas political bureau member Ismail Haniyeh is being postponed to give Tehran time to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip… Talks with the US, Egypt and Qatar will continue next week.


“We will oppose Israel’s attempts to set the region on fire. Israel, which is committing genocide [in Gaza], will be held accountable,” said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


At the end of the day, Israel will have no choice but to hand over Netanyahu and his Hamas accomplices because otherwise Israel cannot survive. As Donald Trump says, “Israel cannot defend itself, [its opponents can] simply wipe out everything.”

Many Israelis have fled the country, and those who remain are afraid, as this Jerusalem Post article shows:

The streets of Tel Aviv are eerily empty, the shops have closed early and an eerie silence has replaced the usual bustle. Fear has crept into the atmosphere and an anxious tension hangs over the city.


Ukraine is now in its endgame, too. As Trump notes, “Ukraine has a flawed government that it should not be running.” They killed most of their men, and now Zelensky is forming battalions of Ukrainian women. What a disaster.

As a sign of its desperation, the Kiev regime is trying to create a radiation catastrophe by attacking Russian nuclear facilities, and the international community must become aware of the danger posed by this regime, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova.


Russia has invited IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi to visit the Kursk nuclear power plant, said Russia’s Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov. Rosatom Board Chairman Alexey Likhachev drew his attention to the “deteriorating security situation at the Zaporozhye and Kursk nuclear power plants due to the reckless actions of the Ukrainian side.”


Ukraine’s “criminal” incursion into Kursk, planned with NATO special services, “was triggered by the realization of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime that its collapse was imminent,” said Russian presidential adviser Nikolai Patrushev. According to Russian FSB sources, the attack was a failed attempt to seize control of the Kursk nuclear power plant in order to use it as a means of exerting pressure on Russia.


As a result of the terrorist activities, Germany has completely stopped military aid to Ukraine.


And not only that: Germany has now issued an arrest warrant against a “Ukrainian diver who was involved in the Nord Stream explosions”.


Germany’s former spy chief August Hanning says: “There was collusion between Zelensky and Duda to carry out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines.”


When you look at who benefited from this attack, it is obvious that it is the Rockefellers who were able to force Europe to pay for their expensive gas. For this reason, Germany has publicly broken with the “Biden” regime controlled by the Rockefellers.

To my great shame as a Canadian, Justin Castrudeau’s Nazi regime is now the only one giving weapons to Ukraine and letting it use them to attack Russian territory, says Canadian Defense Ministry spokesman Andree-Anne Poulin.


That won’t last long. Your correspondent was due to speak to a Canadian audience that included military police last weekend, but was asked to wait until September. We expect Castrudeau and his Nazi colleagues will be away by then.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on Wednesday that he will resign next month after fake US ambassador Rahm Emmanuel told Japanese authorities that he was jumping on the White Helmets bandwagon, according to Japanese right-wing extremists. Many other Western politicians are also reportedly set to resign in September.

In any case, Zelensky was clearly thrown under the bus. The White House wants to replace Zelensky with former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov in order to “prepare possible talks with Russia to resolve the conflict,” according to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).


The reason the Western white hats are dropping Netanyahu and Zelensky and are planning to drop many others is because they want to try to reach some kind of agreement with the rest of the world before it is too late. They need to do this by September because in October the BRICS want to introduce a new financial system. Already 159 countries have agreed to participate in it.


Viktoria Panova, who heads a council of experts tasked with setting up the system, says: “Payments will be settled in the national currencies of the BRICS countries, while a new development bank will act as a platform for integration, conversion and clearing.”


In parallel, Russia is developing a system of equal and indivisible security to protect “a new, fairer multipolar world order,” an international military alliance that already includes most of the 159 countries that support the BRICS currency.


If the West does not want to be left behind, it must join the multipolar bandwagon.

One sign that the US military is doing just that is that Elon Musk gave a Tesla Cybertruck to Russian politician and head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. “He screwed a machine gun onto it and said he was sending the vehicle to a combat zone.”

Musk is also clearly on the Trump bandwagon, as his two-hour conversation with him on X has been viewed over a billion times.


Here are some of my highlights from the speech:


Kamala was the border patrol agent. Now she’s denying it… I think over 20 million people have come into our country. Many of them come from prisons, from mental institutions, or – in a larger version – from insane asylums. And many are terrorists… we are going to see the largest deportation in the history of this country.

(One sign that this has already started is that Panama is asking people on the street for their ID and handcuffing anyone who doesn’t have one. This is a sign that the White Helmets are already in charge.)

Anyway, back to Trump, who started with some comments about Kamala:

We have no choice…. We can’t have her. She’s incompetent. She’s as bad as Biden in any other… She hasn’t given a single interview since this whole hoax started, and say what you want. This was a coup. This was a coup against a President of the United States. He wouldn’t go.


They just took him behind the shed and basically shot him.


We have some really bad people in our government and people who… control the people. I mean, I would name names (Rockefeller, Soros, etc.), but I really don’t want to give them credit. We have some really bad… I say they are more dangerous than Russia and China.


People want to hear about the economy. The fact that they can’t buy food because they don’t have enough money to buy food.

Inflation occurs because the government spends too much money because checks never bounce when they are written by the government. So when the government spends much more than it takes in, the money supply increases. When the money supply increases faster than the prices of goods and services, that is inflation.

We are currently increasing the deficit by about a trillion dollars every hundred days. Interest payments on the national debt have now exceeded the defense budget. They are in the order of a trillion dollars.


Perhaps we should set up a commission on government efficiency to try to rationalize spending so that the country lives within its means, as a human being does?

Well, think about education. We’re at the bottom of every top 40 list. And yet we spend more per student than any other country in the world.


I want to close the Department of Education and move education back to the states.

Trump also criticizes Kamala and her VP candidate:

Well, your running mate approved and signed into law tampons in boys’ bathrooms. Is that clear? That’s all I need to hear.

She’s not a smart person, by the way. She can’t have this conversation. And Biden, we don’t even have to talk about it.

Finally, Musk says:

I think we are at a crossroads of the fate of civilization, and I think we have to get down the right path… We could have high-speed tunnels that are actually better than anything else in the world for high-speed connections between cities.


Now let’s look at the people who are going down the wrong path.The Democrats and their lapdogs, the MSM, told you not to listen to the conversation between Trump and Elon. They hoped you wouldn’t hear it yourself so THEY could be the ones shaping your opinion of this event.


Instead, they want you to focus on how Kamala Harris wants to seize patents from individuals and companies, threatening to strip them of the rights to their own products. “I’m going to take away their patents so we can take them over.”

Her presidential campaign has also announced that all prospective employees must have a current COVID-19 vaccination, in accordance with CDC guidelines.


Planned Parenthood will be offering free pessaries, vasectomies and abortions just blocks away during the DNC.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/free-abortions-and-vasectomies-18-foot-tall-inflatable-iud-called-freeda-womb-to-be-erected-at- dnc-in-chicago/ar-AA1oYX1O?ocid=BingNewsSerp

Of course, they are trying to prevent people from understanding the truth about their actions. The US authorities [controlled by the Rockefellers] have finally embarked on the path of total censorship, according to Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov. Washington “has double standards when it comes to democracy and freedom of speech.”

“Hundreds of people are declared undesirable persons simply because they dare to contradict the government’s policy. They are forbidden to express their own point of view. House searches, searches, confiscation of documents – this is a short list of the actions of the American special services,” the diplomat continued.

“Meanwhile, officials around the world continue to lecture on democratic values ​​and human rights,” the ambassador stressed. According to him, all this is reminiscent of “the dark times of McCarthyism.”


Here are some examples, first from CitizenGO activist Isabel Moreno (citizengo.org/pl/contact):

“I traveled to Paris to… convey the voice of the more than 400,000 people who signed our petition calling for… action to stop attacks on Christians. As a result, I was treated like a criminal – stripped naked, searched, robbed of my belongings and thrown into a dark basement cell,” said French police, who acted illegally.

Next we see Keir Starmer in the UK attempting to carry out mass arrests for posting memes. “Once he positioned himself as a champion of free speech, now he is on a crusade against any speech that does not fit his narrative. What has changed? He became a Zionist WEF puppet and was given “power,” according to a CIA source .

Under his rule, judges Andrew Menary, John Temperly, Francis Laird, Paul Sloan, Neal Rafferty, Mark Bury, Jeremy Richardson, Robert Linford and Steven Everett have sentenced British citizens to prison for posting memes while letting pedophiles go free.

The situation has become so bad that the UK’s top prosecutor warns: “Freedom of speech is at risk if too many people are brought to court for offensive messages on social media.”


This is also happening in Germany, where police have started conducting house searches on people who share “non-mainstream content” online.


In another example, journalist Jalil Afridi accused Biden administration spokesman Vedant Patel of repeatedly ignoring him during press briefings. Frustrated after being ignored for a week, he accused Patel of favoritism and lack of respect.

This is a common tactic, and I have certainly seen it personally many times: only reporters who have prepared questions and answers in advance are allowed to speak. This creates the appearance of a press conference without actually being there.

One of the things they try to hide is the ongoing mass murder and torture of children.In 2016, California Attorney General Kamala Harris attempted to seize undercover videos from Planned Parenthood that showed them selling baby organs to the highest bidder.

According to Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), 339,234 children arrived at the US-Mexico border in 2022, the latest year for which figures are available. Of those children, 150,000 were unaccompanied – the highest annual number on record. Most of those unaccompanied children have since disappeared.


Here are some messages that show that the problem persists:

Haiti has launched a major review of its diplomatic consulate in Suriname after French authorities raised concerns that its diplomats may be involved in facilitating illegal migration… Those affected are minors who entered Suriname using forged documents from Haitian child welfare services, claiming to be unaccompanied minors joining their families. From Suriname, they boarded buses destined for the US-Mexico border,


Hundreds of Ukrainian children living in slavery were freed by Russian special forces this week as Putin’s adrenochrome task force made a series of grisly discoveries deep inside Ukraine.

Russian soldiers describe finding children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade.

The youngest… some of them couldn’t have been more than 2 years old. Babies, really. We later found out that this was what they were bred for… Raised in captivity, like cattle, only to be drained of everything that made them human.

“Those who couldn’t sell, who weren’t ‘pretty’ enough or ‘obedient’ enough, were sent to these farms. Farms… as if you could call these hellholes that.”


The Rockefellers and their pharmaceutical lackeys are still trying to use bioweapons to scare us into submission.

For example, they tell us that the avatar Fauci says he has been infected with Covid for the third time after being vaccinated and boosted six times.


Another sign that they’re acting like a broken record is that they’ve replaced bird flu fear porn with monkeypox. That’s because actionable intelligence has been provided to the white hats that Bill Gates paid to make bird flu contagious to humans.


Now the WHO declares Mpox a global health emergency. They changed the name of monkeypox because it was called “speciest” (in the future, if you speak out against your daughter dating a goat, you will also be accused of being “speciest”).

https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/world-health-organization-declares-mpox-outbreak-in-africa-a-global-health-emergency-5705630?utm_source=rtnewsnoe&src_src=rtnewsnoe&utm_campaign=rtbreaking-2024-08- 14-5&src_cmp=rtbreaking-2024-08-14-5&utm_medium=email&utm_content=access0&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAausndAYOxtPG6bwuuWhYArg0yEwDPwWOAAlWjmdt%2FJ5G21huhg%3D%3D

Remember: Bill Gates controls the WHO. He gives the WHO 88% of its donations.

Now Africa is being told it needs 10 million doses of the monkey vaccine. Governments in Europe and everywhere else are also being pressured to buy Mvax and force it on their populations.

This is also a form of blackmail. As the Chinese news agency Xinhua writes:

At the Munich Security Conference in March 2021, the US ran a simulation to respond to the outbreak of a new strain of monkeypox virus, under the scenario of “what would happen if terrorists released a bioengineered, highly lethal strain of monkeypox virus and spread it worldwide.” At the end of the simulation, the fictional monkeypox epidemic resulted in 3 billion cases of infection and 270 million deaths worldwide. Since monkeypox did not attract much attention at the time, why did the US decide to research the monkeypox outbreak as if they knew it would definitely happen?


“Monkeypox or bird flu don’t actually have to be legitimate threats for the Deep State to achieve its goals. They just need an excuse to sell vaccines and get more mail-in ballots into circulation,” commented a white-hatted CIA doctor.

Here is more data with a video of terrorist Tedros reading his script prepared by the Zionist controllers of the KM.

Of course, Canada’s Castrudeau is in step with the WHO’s fear porn:

“Canadian government warns country to prepare for a new virus that is much worse than COVID”


CIA doctor says monkeypox is a cover-up for COVID vaccine damage to immune system that leads to shingles, autoimmune blistering and herpes infections


Canadian authorities are desperate to find a new bogeyman to blame, as authorities have just reported a staggering 3,328% increase in infant mortality in Alberta since Covid vaccinations began in 2021.

Of course, there is also a lot of money to be made by making people sick within the current Rockefeller-controlled paradigm of Western medicine. Here is the most recent example:

“AstraZeneca crowns itself Britain’s first £200 billion company as push into developing new cancer drugs pays off”.

https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-13740377/AstraZeneca-crowned-Britains-200bn-firm-push-developing-new-cancer-drugs-pays-off.html?ico=mol_desktop_home- newtab&molReferrerUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fhome%2Findex.html&_ga=2.9364470.258451832.1722499861-198374172.1703099072#

First they inject humanity with a gene-altering drug known to cause turbo cancer, and then they develop a new vaccine to cure the cancer. Problem-Reaction-Solution

If you want to know what the KMs are getting at, listen to Zionist puppet Yuval Noah Harari-WEF officially announce plans for global mind control. He basically says universal surveillance will be able to monitor everyone’s thoughts. This is a very insightful video of Harari spilling the beans

Of course, the white hats will not allow this. One sign of this is that Edmond de Rothschild’s private banking CEO, Hervé Ordioni, has resigned after nearly two decades at the family business. Tobiano was described in industry media as a “close professional confidant” of group CEO Ariane de Rothschild, whose husband Benjamin de Rothschild died in 2021. She became CEO of the group in 2023.”


Benjamin de Rothschild sent an agent to brag to me about his family’s involvement in the Fukushima attack shortly after it occurred in 2011. The same agent recently contacted me again to inform me that his former boss, Benjamin de Rothschild, had died.

This is a sign that the French branch of the Rothschilds are now joining the British branch in trying to surrender to the white hats. It looks like now all that is left is to force the Rockefellers and Soros groups to surrender. That will happen. First, let’s wait and see what happens at the big Rockefeller election show this week. Then keep an eye on the news in September and October.

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  • As always people, keep an open mind. Ben is a gray hat, he wants to tell us the full truth but he cannot for if he does he could lose his life.So you have to read between the lines, for instance he states that Trump has several clones that do all the Trump events which is logical when you hear his speech's there all the same. Then he states that the black hats have a copy of Trump as well and this one makes big mistakes. So in this war game everything is possible. I also agree its a a show and if and when the military steps in, there may be no election. At least for a while. We wont know until election time. MSM is saying its a close call ,so for the white hats that means people must get out and vote if they don't wont the Nazi fascist to take over which they have been doing for a long time now.Which is also part of the show. WEGOWGA .. Adonai
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