
Like a squid shooting ink to avoid predation, the Khazarian Mafia is spreading Palestinian fear and loathing porn in order to avoid bankruptcy and arrest. It won’t work. Most of the world is not paying attention to the hysteria the KM are trying to generate. They know exactly where the real problem lies.

The real war going is not between Israelis and Palestinians, but between white hats and Satanists. White hat special forces are now in Israel with shoot-to-kill orders against any person who goes against the rules of war and chivalry by attacking non-combatants. They understand very well that the Satanists are pretending to be both Hamas and Israeli soldiers. The Satanists’ job is to stage horrific incidents on both sides in order to incite Israelis and Arabs into killing each other.

This is the age-old method of trauma-based mind control. Members of slave races are traumatized and then misdirected by their tormentors into attacking the Satanists’ intended targets.

Listen to Emir Weitmann, a member of Israel’s ruling Likud Party, threaten Russia on RT television to see an example. He is a classic victim of the sort of trauma-based mind control the Jews have been subjected to for thousands of years. After witnessing atrocities against people he loves, he has been fooled into thinking Russia was at fault. He cannot see the real perpetrators hiding in his own society.

[To see all the vids and pics that Ning on this ACC site wont show, go to Source at the end of blog.] rev. Joshua

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The Satanists also use lies, computer graphics, theatre and other tricks to amplify the effect of their crimes. However, they do carry out real crimes. We are getting credible reports of truly gruesome events taking place in underground tunnels built by the Satanists beneath the Gaza Strip and inside Israel. It has reached the point where even the corporate media is now talking about fighting inside tunnels.

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The head of Mi6 says he was shown evidence of (warning graphic report):

“Mutilated bodies from Israel which had all been severely tortured and burnt and it appears to be Satanic blood sacrifices….Babies were disgorged with their intestines cut out –in front of the bonded with plastic zips hand behind their backs parents and they were all shot dead after their bodies were hacked with sheer brute force.”

Another very real crime was the destruction of a hospital in Gaza by an Israeli missile. A comparison between the sound of a US-made JDAM bomb and the sound of the Al-Ahli Hospital strike in Gaza proves this.

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Destroying hospitals is an old Satanic trick calculated to provoke outrage and a reaction.

Rest assured the perpetrators of these crimes are being put down like rabid dogs by special forces. That is the real reason elite US troops are in Gaza and Israel.


At the same time, most Jews are now fully aware of the criminals who have been tormenting them for so long.

Listen to the following two orthodox Jews speaking for the majority of their people when they say they want to live in peace and friendship with their Arab and other neighbors. Unlike Satanists and their brainwashed slaves, this is how real Jews think.

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The mass protests by Jews in Israel against their own Satanic government is another sign of the Jewish awakening. Last week at least 500,000 Israelis protested outside the Defense Ministry shouting “Bibi is a Murderer” and calling for Netanyahu to resign.

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The Corporate propaganda media is also being called out. Here you can see CNN reporting from Palestine being told, “You are not welcome here, genocide supporters! FUCK CNN.”

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As a result of this awakening the bigger goal of the Satanists or Khazarian Mafia, to start World War III, is failing miserably.

Despite all the provocations and psychodrama taking place in the Western corporate media, Israel’s neighbors are not being fooled.

Iran is a case in point. As evidence, the KM are trying to use the Gaza show to start WWIII, the fake Biden administration ended a missile embargo on Iran last week. They say Iran will now be able to freely sell missiles to other countries, including Russia, and import spare parts for missile development and production. How suspiciously timely


We have previously reported how -according to the sons of the Shah of Iran- the Bush administration sold neutron bomb-tipped missiles to Iran and encouraged their use against Israel. So, you can see the KM are hoping to make another holocaust or mass sacrifice of Jews to Satan to then blame on Iran.

The Iranians are not taking the bait. Iranian government sources contacted us to say they will not play into the Satanist’s hands by having Hezbollah and Iran attack Israel. Instead, they will wait for the West to begin war crimes tribunals against the perpetrators of the atrocities. They know full well the Satanists pretend to be Boko Haram, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, etc, and that none of these entities represents Islam.

“The Arab world has long accepted Israel’s existence and is no longer seeking to destroy it…. even Iran does not question Israel’s existence and the Palestinian issue is no longer a key agenda item in terms of Arab-Israeli relations,” Russian expert Sergey Demidenko notes.

That does not mean the Arabs will do nothing. Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani joined Iranian officials last week in threatening to cut off oil to the US and Western Europe unless they end the Israeli/Palestinian terror show.

“Instead of actively working at Palestinian-Israeli settlement, these [KM] morons are providing the neo-Nazis with full-scale aid, pitting the two closely related peoples against each other. What can stop America’s manic obsession with inciting conflicts all over the planet? Looks like, nothing short of a civil war on the US territory,” says Russian power broker Dmitry Medvedev


The other aim of the Satanic hysteria being generated over Gaza is to distract from many much more important real news events that are taking place.

For example, a huge piece of news the KM is hoping to distract us from is the revival of the pre-World War I German Empire. The news that German agent Donald Tusk has taken over Poland is not being reported by most major outlets.

What this means is that Germany is poised to take over Latvia, Poland and the non-Russian part of the Ukraine. In other words, the old agreement between the Czar of Russia and Frederick the Great to divide Europe along the Dnieper River is being implemented again.

However, the biggest piece of news they want to distract us from, of course, is


the end of Babylonian debt slavery and the implosion of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION.

As the corporate media tried to divert everyone’s attention to Israel, the US CORPORATION announced it ran a deficit of $1.695 trillion, up about $320 billion, in the fiscal year that ended September 30th.

As the chart below shows, investors outside of the US are dumping US Treasuries even as the Corporation offers junk bond interest payments of over 5%.


The American people aren’t buying either so, all that is left to the corporation is to cook its books with imaginary numbers.

The same is happening with banks that have been forced to shut over 2000 branches in the past year. That pace is now accelerating rapidly. The fact is the big banks that own the Federal Reserve Board are now bankrupt as is the FRB itself.


If you still do not understand about Babylonian debt slavery, listen to this expert explain why the banks are con artists who fooled people into selling them debt slavery contracts disguised as loans.

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The funny money the FRB created by enslaving the American (and other) people went to a giant casino where each dollar of “real money” (ie backed by a debt slavery contract) was turned into a thousand dollars of “derivatives.” This sucked the livelihood away from 99% of Americans and turned the USA into a third-world hell hole. Look at this 6-minute video (start at 2:25) of a deserted Beverly Hills etc. to see for yourself what the US is like now.

Take a look at what the Chinese financial system is planning in order to understand what a government that actually works to strengthen its’ own country does.

China’s financial system will continue to…serve the real economy…, loans that supported the manufacturing sector expanded by 38.2 percent year on year, while…loans to small and medium-sized technology companies rose 22.6 percent year on year. More efforts will be made to increase financial supply in…advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and science and technology enterprises… to accelerate the development of a modern industrial system.

As things stand now, China is about the win the battle for control of the planet. While the West was dealing with mental illness in the ruling class


China was hosting 75% of the world’s countries at a victory celebration on the tenth anniversary of its’ belt and road initiative. The Chinese brag “More than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have signed Belt and Road cooperation agreements” that invested $1 trillion for more than 3000 projects that created 420,000 jobs, lifted 40 million people out of poverty, and is expected to boost world GDP by 7.1 trillion dollars per annum.

Even the Taliban have signed up now for the BRI initiative showing that China won the Afghan war without firing a single bullet. “We have everything they need, such as lithium, copper, and iron. Afghanistan is now, more than ever, ready for investment,” said acting Afghan Commerce Minister Haji Nooruddin Azizi.

Now California wants to secede from the US and join China. Governor Gavin Newsom just went to China on Monday saying “California and China hold the keys to solving the climate crisis. As two of the world’s largest economies, our partnership is essential to delivering climate action for our communities and beyond….Our decades-long work together proves what we can accomplish together – cleaning the air, accelerating the transition to electric vehicles, protecting people from extreme weather and conserving lands and oceans.”

“There is definitely something going on behind the scenes. You have heard the rumor that China is or may have already taken over California,” CIA sources comment.

Of course, the KM is still trying to convince the rest of the world to put money into institutions they control like the World Bank and the IMF, but they are being rightfully ignored by the vast majority of countries.

The U.S. is now warning nearly 100 countries that Russian intelligence is opening a new front in its efforts to destabilize democracies by amplifying doubts about the legitimacy of vote counting and elections, senior government officials said Friday.

Translation: the US is trying to counter isolation by installing puppet governments around the world.

“They cannot come to terms with the fact that they are not achieving their proclaimed goals and are losing their position as hegemon,” Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov comments.

We keep hearing the US military white hats will declare martial law to restore order, freedom of the press, democracy and the rule of law. They also need to return control of the financial system to the elected representatives of the people, meritocratically selected public SERVANTS and genuine capitalist entrepreneurs. So what are they waiting for? The time is ripe.

A leaked US Military email shows they are worried that the troops aren’t siding with Israel. Also, by a spread of 52% to 48%, a majority of all Americans oppose giving weapons and supplies to Israel.


The American public is also ready since 68% of them do not trust the news meaning the KM cool aid drinkers are now down to only 32%. ..

This percentage is shrinking. Tucker Carlson, for example, is teaching the sheeple stuff like the fact George Floyd was not murdered. This is old news for us, but it is waking up plenty of cool aid drinkers.

Many are in a state of open and anarchic revolt. For example, after House Republicans held a two-hour hearing on the rise of violent crime in Washington, DC, a staffer for Sen. Katie Britt (R-Alabama) was robbed at gunpoint. Before that Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) was carjacked in the Navy Yard neighborhood, about a mile from the US Capitol Complex. And in March, a staffer for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) was stabbed multiple times in the crime-ridden metro area.

Also, even though Jim Jordan was unable to get the position of speaker of the house and thus be in a position to unseat the fake Joe Biden, he apparently has the support of 95% of the people.


Then there is strong evidence Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. Take a look at CIC Donald Trump’s security team in the sky. You don’t see the fake masked Biden fly protected like this.

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So why doesn’t he act?

The story we are being told is: more about the KM crimes still needs to be revealed.

For example, the CIA sent us a video of Barack Obama handing out government rewards to various swamp creatures. Every award recipient is on Epstein’s flight log… including Obama.

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They also sent us a of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s son, Yair, taken at a luxury hotel in Miami. He’s Just chillin…


More importantly, the excuse we are being given is that the white hats are waiting for full exposure of the KM vaccine mass murder before the situation will be ripe for martial law.

That exposure is now impossible to hide. In the US patriot activists report that “After 2+ years we achieved the nearly impossible feat of getting a court with authority to stop the shots to hear IOJ and our Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer) out about the WHO, FDA and States many violations of Nuremberg Code from the illegal use of the Covid-19 nonvaccine biological agents.

In Canada, Ontario resident Dan Hartman filed a $35.6 million lawsuit against Pfizer over their son Sean’s vaccine death

This comes as Health Canada confirms that SV40 simian virus (removed from Polio jab for causing cancer) is in the Pfizer Covid vaccine!

The Swiss are also now taking action against the Satanic entities around Lake Geneva incuding the WHO, Gavi and the World Economic Forum.

The lawsuits keep piling up. Soon Pfizer executives will be hunted down in the streets and executed by the people.

The market has worked it out – Unsafe, ineffective & unnecessary and carrying a huge liability. At the height of the Covid Vaccine Mania – on 10 Sept 2021 – Moderna shares were trading at US$449.38. Last week they closed at just $82.37 – down 4.23% on the day, and down 54% this year and down 81.7% since their peak.


The criminals are trying to pretend it never happened. For example, real-life Bond villain Bill Gates got caught in a major lie when he claimed last week that he never promoted slave masks.

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His real crimes go way beyond that.

The US food supply has been flooded with depopulation drugs with the intention of quietly and deceitfully sterilizing the majority of the human race, according to a Gates Foundation insider who has admitted that Bill Gates’ mRNA vaccines, mosquitoes and food production are part of a multi-pronged eugenics attack on the human race.

Not only are the KM trying to kill us, but they have been suppressing our technological advancement for more than a century.

Although Elon Musk appears to be working with the white hats these says, his electric cars are an example.

It has been revealed that the world’s largest electric vehicle charging station, owned by Tesla at the Harris Ranch in California, is powered by diesel generators. You see it is still all about centralized control of energy and the fight seems to be about who is in control at the center.

What they don’t want is decentralized free energy. That is why I expect they will try to suppress the following recent technological break-through;

The road-legal world’s first off-road solar-powered vehicle has a top speed of 145 kilometers (90 miles) per hour. On a sunny day, its battery range is around 710 kilometers (441 miles) on roads, and around 550 kilometers (342 miles) off-road, depending on the surface. In cloudy conditions, the team estimates the range could be 50 kilometers less.

Ask yourself, who benefits every time you fill your gas tank or charge your electric car? They are offering us a good shepherd instead of one who is planning to slaughter us right away. What we really want is to be released from the human-animal farm our ruling class has locked us into.




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