(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report.
This post will be updated after approximately 3 days from its initial release; usually on Thursday.
Added links below.
Related There’s More to the Story You Probably Haven’t Heard
by Benjamin Fulford, September 28th, 2020
The Nazi Dutch Royal Family and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte have been executed, according to Pentagon sources. This information has not been independently verified at the time this report went live. However, the sources have been consistently reliable in the past. This was the message we received:
“The Dutch pedo cabal led by Queen Beatrix, the Royals, and PM Mark Rutte may have been terminated by U.S. troops.”
This was done to “to stop African immigration, expose MH17, and crimes against humanity.” The sources add the European Union capital of Brussels is under U.S. military occupation to purge the EU Deep State.
Book The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids
The military occupation of Belgium and Holland and the execution of their elite class are long overdue. This is true not just in Belgium and Holland, but also in the U.S., England, and Canada, etc. These are people who have been torturing and murdering children on an industrial scale for millennia.
Have trouble believing that? Then check out the case of Marc Dutroux in Belgium that has been proven true by multiple court cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Dutroux
Here is a brief summary that was taken from an article about this, which can be found at the following link: https://cwasu.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Confronting-An-Atrocity.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1iFppDKV9fKTovmv9zLfWBQduNSavsSNA4_4fuavxF6Y5u0n8tB7JfI60
”Dutroux was twice convicted of kidnapping and raping underage children. The first time was in 1989. The second time occurred in 1996. He served only 3 and a half years of his first 13-year sentence and less than 10 years later, he was convicted of kidnapping, torturing, and abusing victims, some of them to the point of death.
Not only did the political elite finance his efforts – they made specific requests of him. Sometimes they requested specific types of children (they were called “party favors” and he was asked to deliver kids of a certain age, sex, race). Sometimes they requested specific means of torturing the children to fulfill their desires (orgies, satanic rituals involving sacrifices, torture games).
And sometimes they requested he film certain influential people engaged in these acts, for later use as blackmail.
Book Confessions of a D.C. Madam: The Politics of Sex, Lies, and Blackmail
He claimed many of his customers and financiers were world leaders. This was not a stretch of the imagination because he lived in Belgium, where the EU and NATO headquarters were located.
During his trial witnesses and victims would soon come forward, describing such things as “Black Masses,” with child and adult sacrifices taking place in front of observers and participants, which included prominent politicians and figures.
They also described “hunting parties” where elites would release naked children into the woods to hide, so that the elites themselves could hunt them down and slaughter them. Many of the stories from victims contained so many similarities they were impossible to deny. For example, the hunting parties were often held at castles, where victims could not escape and were hidden from the public eye. Those not killed in the hunt were usually chased down and mauled/killed by Dobermans.”
Body For Awareness Project: Your Body. Your Clothes. Your Truth. On Sale Now.
All of this was made public at a trial in 2004. Why wasn’t it covered by the New York Times, CNN, etc.?
Meanwhile, in New York, a child torture and adrenochrome harvesting facility at 720 Fifth Avenue, was busted and hundreds of tortured children were rescued, according to Pentagon sources. This is just up the street from Jared Kushner’s 666 5th Avenue mark of the beast injectable microchip factory.
The kids at this facility were kept from ages as young as 3 and repeatedly tortured and raped in order to harvest adrenochrome. They were killed once they reached puberty. The entrance to this facility was disguised as an “Abercrombie and Fitch Kids,” store as a cover for children being brought in.
The link below is a list of the children, the name of the company involved, etc. https://web.archive.org/web/20200924225717/https://site-891171.mozfiles.com/files/891171/Adrenochrome04082020.pdf
Related Adrenochrome Reported Live on Turkish & Bulgarian Television
The fact that Google, Facebook, etc., won’t link to this speaks volumes about who really controls these corporations. Rest assured the leadership of these companies will be rounded up soon if it has not already happened.
The ongoing takedown of this Satanic Cabal has led to some serious intrigue at the Vatican involving Pope Francis and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo among others.
According to P3 Freemason sources, Pompeo was trying to order the pope to stop all efforts to reach a peace agreement with China. Instead, Pompeo was trying to start a U.S.-China war in order to save the Satanic Cabal from the ongoing arrests and extra-judicial killings, the sources say.
In reaction, the pope refused to meet the satanic Pompeo and purged high-ranking officials who were plotting against him, the sources agree.
This intrigue was reported in the news in the form of the sudden resignation of Cardinal Giovanni Becciu. Becciu was in charge of choosing a successor to the Pope and deciding who got nominated to be a saint. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54289839
Also, former government minister Vincenzo Scotti was arrested in Italy. The entire Russia collusion persecution of Trump and the false criminal charges against General Mike Flynn have been traced to Scotti. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/breaking-high-level-italian-official-introduced-papadopoulos-joseph-mifsud-indictment-italy/
P3 Freemason and MI6 sources say Scotti, Pompeo, and Becciu take orders from Jacob Rothschild (or whoever now heads that dynasty). They also say it is linked to an attempt by the Rothschilds to steal Vatican gold in Indonesia.