
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION managed to avoid default by extorting gold from the Thai Royal family and conning Chinese royals to hand over some of their gold. However, this stunt is not going to go unpunished and the Corporation is still going to be liquidated, multiple intelligence agency sources say. It is a mathematical certainty. As one commentator notes “You can’t borrow 7.3% of GDP from now until eternity and get away with it.”

A member of the dragon family says Chinese royals based in Taiwan were fooled by a fake King Charles who promised “to fund massive humanitarian projects” and also offered huge kickbacks. However, the Khazarian Mafia reneged on their promises as soon as they got the money. The dragon family now says they did not sanction this deal and promised to take “certain counter-measures.”

The other thing that happened was the King of Thailand, who is being held in hostage in Germany, was forced to trade gold belonging to the people of Thailand for worthless US Treasury bills, according to Thai royal family sources. Presumably, the fact his eldest daughter has been in a medically induced coma since January had something to do with the blackmail.

In addition to this, on the day the US “debt ceiling deal” was announced official Chinese news outlets were bragging about promises they extorted from their American debt slaves.

For one thing, Xinhua proclaimed “The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement took effect on Friday…for all 15 members.”

This means the KM “handed over control” of former US allies like ASEAN, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand to the Chinese.


This is a typical KM con job, selling stuff they do not own to gullible buyers.

On the same day, the Rockefeller-controlled Brookings Institution think tank issued a report calling for the greater integration of the US and Chinese economies. Translation: “We will hand over control of the US to China.”

We also note that -just as various defense chiefs were gathering in Singapore for a conference- an incident was staged in which a US warship blinked and made evasive maneuvers to avoid a Chinese warship blocking its path in the Taiwan Strait. This was a public sign the US was not willing to fight a war over Taiwan, Japanese military sources say.

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In light of all this, we asked various secret society sources for more of the backstory about why the US Corporation was allowed to continue.

Japanese right-wingers connected to the Emperor say they were promised President Donald Trump would officially take over from the Rockefeller Joe Biden puppet in late June or early July.

We have heard this story before. The last time we were told he would take over was in March. So, believe it when you see it.

Next, the P3 Freemasons came out with their own back story. According to them:

“Elon Musk is in China, does not call for Taiwanese independence, builds factories and businesses in the PRC, and supports cooperation on an equal footing with the Communist Party. From these actions, it can be understood that sensitive forces are preparing Musk for the presidency of the United States when the elders of Washington will die. And this could happen very soon since we are all in our eighties.”

CIA sources for their part say “Janet Yellen (the Treasury Department) is issuing up to $1 Trillion in T- Bills and will flood the market. This is nothing more than a shuffling of fake computer-generated money from one side of the ledger to the other. It will definitely backfire as this will pull liquidity out of the financial markets.”

No matter what promises these snakes made, you can be sure they will break them as soon as they get the opportunity.

For example, they are still planning to start an all-out nuclear war before the fake Biden term ends -and the new money runs out- in January 2025, according to MI6.

Next, we note that as soon as the money came through, the fake US government passed a budget that included unlimited financing for Ukraine. As Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov says: “The new US ‘security package’…effectively fuels the rotten regime in Kyiv.”

Ukraine is the world capital of money laundering, human trafficking and organ harvesting. “On April 14, 2022, the Ukrainian Parliament passed Law 5610, which allows Ukraine to export organs abroad. These laws were promoted by former acting health minister Ulyana Suprun and let hospitals, prisons, military units and orphanages use the organs of anyone in their care without their consent,” according to Polish intelligence sources.

We also note that three-quarters of the weapons being sent to Ukraine are being sold on the international black market. As an example, here you can see a Mexican cartel member carrying a US-made Javelin anti-tank missile that was traded for drugs, according to Mexican sources.


Of course, trading weapons for drugs is nothing new for the US INC.

The Chinese embassy in Mexico for their part says the fentanyl precursors it is accused of by the US of selling to Mexico actually come from the EU (i.e. Ukraine).

Needless to say, the white hats are not taking all this lying down. A series of emergency meetings were held in Canada, China, Japan, the US and elsewhere to


move forward with the arrest of Khazarian mafia leaders.

For example, Google’s Mexico offices and the United Nations offices next door were evacuated last week after a “bomb threat.” Mexican government sources say this was an operation against the Rockefeller/Biden regime.

In Canada, a military tribunal held this past weekend presented extensive evidence of the vaccine and COVID-19 crimes of the KM-controlled Canadian government. The military police are now acting on this evidence, tribunal sources say.

In China, Ukrainian peace envoy Li Hui, who has just visited Kyiv, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and Brussels says “Russia is right under international law to undertake its special military operation against the Ukrainian ‘integral nationalists’.”

Also, even as the Chinese publicly refuse to meet with fake Rockefeller Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Tan Kefei, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense says “Military contact and exchanges between the two countries have never been suspended.” In other words, the Chinese military (as opposed to some CCP officials) are working with the US white hats and not the Rockefellers.

In Japan, right-wingers also held an emergency meeting to take action against the KM promise to hand over control of the country to the Chinese Communist Party. The Japanese military and police prosecutors are now fact-checking the puppet regime’s use of fraudulent PCR tests to vaccinate the populace with dangerous substances. They have already been informed Research journals have withdrawn well over 800 articles on COVID-19 because they were fraudulent.

The military is now calling for the removal of the fraudulently installed vaccine-pushing LDP puppet regime. There is much more about this we cannot talk about for operational security reasons.

However, we do note de facto North Korean leader Kim Jo Jong accused the UN of acting as a “political appendage” to the United States.

The reports of North Korea taking a seat on the board of the privately owned WHO (World Harm Organization), was just a failed attempt at appeasement, North Korean sources add.

In the US too, military white hats are taking action and are fully aware Joe Biden is “just the front man, he’s being handed the script…the real question is how long do [the American people] put up with this. They are violating the constitution, you can’t just push a button and create money,” says Colonel Douglas MacGregor.

In a clear sign of white hat military action, 24 Republican governors announced deployments of National Guard troops to assist Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security efforts.

One reason the troops are being deployed is that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been paying a staggering $18,000 per child to “sponsor” unaccompanied minors. The children were being placed with abusive “sponsors” and up to 85,000 “sponsored” children are missing.

The US also needs martial law because the social order is disintegrating., For example, “retail theft has increased “tenfold in the last five years,” which is not “an understatement,” while violence has “increased exponentially.” Giant Food CEO Ira Kress says. “We have the police come to our stores … they’ll take the information, they’ll record it,”… “But there’s really nothing being done with that because they had two homicides that were a bank robbery and two shootings. So it’s like, where are they going to focus their time and attention?” said Chris Torossian, former manager in the bakery department

When the government cannot even protect retail outlets, it is no longer functioning, hence the need for the military to take action.

Also, in case you haven’t figured it out, the various January 6th, Hunter Biden, FBI contempt of Congress and other proceedings in Washington DC are “nothing more than a circus show for the sheeple,” CIA sources note.

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Oversight-Committee-release-1-742x1024.jpgTo confirm it is a show here you can again see an example of Biden’s Pedo Satan mask malfunctioning.

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Then you have a mass corporate pedophilia promotion in June disguised as “pride.”


They aren’t even hiding it anymore. Disney has just given the green light to a new show about a girl falling in love with the devil. Lately, Disney “often pushes content with themes around witchcraft, sex, and violence,” according to the family-friendly entertainment organization MovieGuide.

Next, take a look at this map of sex offenders living in Israel. Now do you understand why so many members of Congress have Israeli citizenship?


If this is not enough to justify military action, take a look at what big pharma is still up to.

The detailed video below describes how Pfizer and its partners hijacked the governments of Brazil and Argentina. They didn’t need to hijack the US “government” because they already own it.

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In their next move, Big Pharma and Microsoft are teaming up in something called ‘ID2020 Alliance’ which will combine vaccinations with implantable microchips to create your digital ID

They want to link this with central bank digital currencies. Take a look at this letter shared by someone who received it last week for their Coles Mastercard. If you cut through the gobbledygook you will see it will let them cut you off if you try transactions in conflict with UN Sustainable Agenda goals, which include attempting to purchase meat, more than 3 items of clothing per year, etc. “Many people still do not understand what CBDC’s really mean for the future. It is digital prison; forever,” a Mossad source comments.


To prevent people from figuring this out, the Rockefeller-owned WHO plans to use “Social Listening Surveillance Systems” to monitor public communications for “misinformation”.

People are figuring it out anyway. For example here you watch Australian Senator Alex Antic spell out the truth about the World Health Organization’s so-called “Pandemic Treaty.”


Also, Brendan Murphy former Chief Medical Officer of Australia & the current Secretary of the Department of Health finally admitted vaccine mandates “are no longer justified”.

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Warning about the mRNA jab

The FDA has also revoked authorization for COVID-19 vaccines.


The people of the West also need to thank the Russians for helping end the so-called “pandemic.”

Igor Kirillov, head of the Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Force (RCBD), says the US is actively setting up Biolabs near the borders of its geopolitical adversaries and studying “economically significant infections” there outside of domestic jurisdiction. That is one reason why they took action against the Ukraine.

Did you notice that the Covid variants stopped when Russia started going after the Biolabs? Omicron was declared a variant of concern on 11/26/2021.

Russia began neutralizing US Biolabs in Ukraine on 02/24/2022. No variants since. Coincidence?

The Ukrainians are also now taking action. Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigation is investigating Vladimir Zelensky for “High Treason.” This came after the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv initiated a criminal case “against Vladimir Zelenskyy himself, the head of the presidential office Andriy Yermak, his deputy Roman Mashovets, as well as the ex-chairman of the SBU Ivan Bakanov and the former deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Ruslan Demchenko. They are being charged with actions that led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Ukrainians.

No wonder Zelensky’s entire body has been seen strangely twitching during a meeting with UK’s Sunak in Moldova This is probably due to fear of returning to Kiev as well as coke withdrawal symptoms.

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The Russian Christians are also fighting to expose the US pedophile government. That is why Biden sexual assault accuser ex-Senate staffer Tara Reade feels ‘safe’ in Russia after fleeing over safety concerns

Also, Channel One in Russia has reported on pedophile Hunter Biden.

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Now Hungarian and Serbian Christians are joining the Russians by going after the KM crime nexus in Kosovo. As Tass reports:

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Monday that the Serbian army had been put on high alert following the escalation in Kosovo and Metohija and that army units had been deployed along the administrative border with Kosovo.

This comes as Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto at a rally in Serbia said: “Both of our countries are…being mercilessly attacked by [KM]…because we have strong leader…we want peace in Ukraine and…are committed to family values.”,perseverance%20in%20standing%20up%20for%20their%20national%20interests

Of course, none of the Western puppet leaders can appear in public now without being attacked by onlookers. In the latest example, a crowd of Germans booed German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and accused him of inciting war


In Israel, the army refuses to act against people who surrounded Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahus’ house. “Everyone with eyes can see the Khazerians traded Netanyahu out for someone very evil! He’s gone but his actor is here & the people want him gone!” an Israeli patriot tweets.


Most of the world is also acting to help liberate the KM-occupied West. “BRICS is no longer an ‘alternative,…[it] strongly supports UN Security Council reform,…to build a fairer, inclusive and open international architecture with sustainable development at its core”, External Affairs Minister of India Subrahmanyam Jaishankar says.

This is more than just talk. Iran, Russia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq, Pakistan and India have agreed to form a naval alliance to jointly establish security of the northern Indian Ocean, Iranian military sources say.

That is why the United Arab Emirates decided to withdraw from the US-led international maritime force in the region.

Last week also saw a flurry of major cooperation agreements – between Iran, Iraq, Russia, and China. Iran, and Iraq, and Saudi Arabia – “They are in this new global alliance,” notes

OPEC barred Reuters, Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal, and Dow Jones from the Vienna meeting where they announced a one million barrel per day cut in production. The ban was ordered by Saudi Arabia which considers these reporters to be nothing more than Rockefeller agents. The fact the Rothschild-controlled Financial Times was allowed speaks volumes. It is a good guess the production cuts are concentrated on Rockefeller-owned fields.

Also, last week the Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders signed an agreement of mutual recognition in Moscow. This means the KM attempt to incorporate the region into their planned greater Khazaria has been stopped.

One of the key figures behind the defeat of the KM plot in the region President Recep Erdogan of Turkey (now represented by an avatar) showed who he stands with by canceling an expected attendance at a European summit.


In spite of all this, members of the fake Biden cabinet are trying desperately to deny reality. As an example, watch Rockefeller slave Anthony Blinken tell outrageous lies about the situation in Ukraine.

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As an NSA source comments “The last NAZI broadcast in March 1945 showed the NAZIs were winning on all fronts.. sinking US Battleships, destroying Russian Tanks, etc. Six weeks later came the NAZI surrender. So here we are… bank glitches, the CBDC being hatched, dozens of things and a crumbling financial system….”


The big question, of course, is will all this force the Nazi white hat-created secret space force out of the closet?

This news item suggests it might:

“In a major move, Space Force selects Florida’s Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters.”

Also, there are more and more signs that suppressed technology is coming out of the closet.

Japanese researchers, for example, have announced they can grow babies in the lab and select “desirable” genes for them.

Next, we see the latest example of a “Jewish space laser,” this time in Chile.

So, with that, here are the latest project Blue Beam Visuals.

1. Cloaked UFOS over Table Moutain, Cape Town, South Africa.


2. The Aurora Program TR3B

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3. A plasma energy multi-dimensional craft

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4. Multi-colored light UFO over Mexico 12-04-2023

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5. Plasma energy craft over Ontario, Canada 13-02-2023

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6. UFO over Arizona, USA 21-05-2023

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