Hello my friends, sorry I haven't written but I have been busy with my poetry e-book, which will be free with purchase of survival guide book. The web site is up and running but still needs work. But you can get both my e-books now.I hope they will soon get all the cobwebs out of it. Anyway let me know what you think of it and the book as well. It looks as though I got the book out just in time as things are beginning to to move fast. I wish we had more time for this event.I lost a lot of time from the dark forces missing with me in many ways. I had lots of computer problems, where ever I used them. I lost my flash drive once and had to replace with a month old copy. Then when I was finished several times my laptop shut down and I had to reboot it,also loosing one month. So its time now to start writing blogs .I have spent many thousands of hours on the book but it seems that my work was only half over. Now I must learn how to market it. The book will not serve its purpose unless I learn how to get it to the people and time is very short. I will work on my blogs here and F.B. and Twitter. So if you can go check it out and if you like it please tell your friends as we are all in this together and soon I plan to make a video for u-tube called ''the best kept secret'' I will try to write here something about it.So here goes.
The best keep secret's concerns Planet-X part in all the great earth changes happening now. The earth quake in Japan has many consequences, which we will speak about later is connected to Planet-x. What we need to addressee is why. there were several larger quakes there leading up to the big one the fifth largest in history. And data the same time three large corona's from the sun shot the earth with charged particles and neutrino's which in turn heated up the earths crust and caused the mantles to move. In other words causing the earth to expand and in turn the volcanoes couldn't release the pressure fast enough and the result was huge earth quakes and then a tsunami. All of this was caused by Planet-x's being so close to the sun and earth. For the 3rd time it is moving towards earth but sets next to the sun and can't be seen yet by the people but by May 21 it should be the close's yet and seen by every one also it will cause even bigger earth quakes that will break all records. Also much Flooding will happen world wide. This time will be the half way point of the seven year tribulation. Then three and a half to go and Planet-X will return two more time's next time it will be bigger yet' and cause even more destruction than this time. This is also the date some Christens believe a giant earth quake will destroy the earth and that Jesus will return. They are stirring up much fear. All the governments,catholic church and scientist who are in the know, are all keeping secret all info pertaining to Planet-X as the culprit. They refuse to tell the media and the people the truth about its roll in all of this. This will all change in May when people can see it for themselves. to be continued. rev. joshua