Brothers, It seems some or part of the best keep secrets are beginning to be exposed and I may say ,just in time. The info I put into my e-book, about planet-x, now called comet Elenin needs to be updated.As NASA is forced to acknowledge the coming of planet Nibiru also called Wormwood in the New Testament. Nasa has been following it for many rears under the name Sedna. They have made it quite confusing by using so many names and now again calling it a comet, but we all know its Planet-x. So I didn't pay to much attention to them when they named it after the Russian who re-discovered it''ELE nin". This was back in Dec.10, three days after they shut down the SOHO site where video and photo blogs were being leaked to us from inside. This leaked info and predictions are what we had to work with.
But things have changed,NASA is now posting the positions of not only Elenin but also one maybe two other comets (planets) that are coming soon. They have named the second one Honda p45 and the 3rd Tusha yu55. And of course they don;t admit that Elenin is actually Planet-x and is dragging 5 moons and a earth like planet behind it. The earth like planet is called Nibiriu. But the main planet that is dragging them or pulling them is a dead brn dwarf star. These moons and planet circle this rogue star but borrows our suns energy sence this one is dead, Some say it looks like a mini galaxy but I think it looks more like a mini solar system. But at any rate its very Dangerous as it and they will pass close to our earth a number of times this year, getting closer and closer each time starting up close in Aug.til Feb. The worst will be from Sept. to Nov. A group of 12 astronomers from Florida who call themselves Teral have taken the NASA info and recalculated it for Planet-x. They have posted it on, which I am also starting to write blogs for. Anyway they give exact dates and distances for Elenin and all the things like pole shifts,mega earth quakes,volconoe eruptions, storms ,floods and all the things I talk about in my blogs and e-book. This old info fooled us all, as we thought only a small amount would happen this year and next year this bigger stuff. But now it looks as though it could be nearl 50-50 or 40-60.
I give this updated info for all of us who intend to ascend in our new 4th dimensional bodys onto the rescue ships,so don't be in fear. And for those who are ascending into 5th in there new light bodys wont mind what happens down here much.In the next blog I will give details of what could happen, of course the arrival of our space brothers could and hopefully will change the outcome and make these end times,more bearable and less stressful. As again we hear that they should be here just in time, that is by the end of June or soon there after. They usually contact me every few years. Its now been 3yrs sense my last contact. I look forward to it,after 40 yrs waiting. be safe,God Bless. rev. Joshua