I can hardly put into words my experience of this morning Monday Sept. 7, 2015. I will try my best to share it with you in the simplest way possible.
For the last few weeks I have been building my pillar of light (different from the pillars of the Violet Flame I used to anchor onto the Earth for a couple of years)...While building my pillar of light connecting Heaven and beautiful Gaia I felt myself vibrating higher and higher. Then I realized I didn't feel my physicality to certain extent. I was immersed within my consciousness, feeling weightless and I wasn't breathing as much and as often. I had to get to do it...I did not remember to do it...
I dived into a state of balance, harmony, totally carefree with no sense of time, only in this beautiful eternal present. It was at this point, (I am not sure for how long I remained in this state) I realized this is who I AM, this consciousness, pure Wisdom and Love that needs nothing for it has it all, and it is all, and it is nothing, all at the same time. It just is...
This made me also realize how words by themselves tend to distract us, to take us away from concentrating in that which we are trying to accomplish or even think. Silence to me is so precious...
Sometimes I find myself debating on whether to share certain things with you. Today, this morning, I decided I will, for my aim is one of genuine Love and Oneness with All...Some time in the near future we won't have a need for the use of words... Right now I am letting go of any limits imposed by old habits or ways of doing things that have been programmed by this society where we find ourselves afraid of being who we really are.
Let's all share the beauty we so blissfully possess. We Are God's Divine Presence expanding Itself throughout Eternity (time), and Infinity (space)
I get very emotional in this state. Tears are running down my face as I am writing to you...
With Peace, Love, Abundance from my heart in Unity with your Heart of Love....
All experinces are mind games. Beware of it. Whatsoever that can be seen will be part of the illusory world. The seer is the truth, not the seen. You can see auras and you can see angels and you can see kundalini rising and you can see inner lights- but they are all seen. They are not you.
The seer is the witness, and only the witness is the truth. All else is a dream. And there are worldy dreams and other worldly dreams; there are materialistic dreams and spiritualistic dreams. One thing has to be remembered always, that whatsoever is seen is worthless - even if it is God. The God that is seen is worthless.
When all experience disappears and you are left utterly alone, nothing to see, only emptiness in the hands, no experience at all, then suddenly you realize yourself. Then you turn upon yourself, then you fall into your source. And that is not an experience, it is a realization. - Osho