I am opening this post with an email response to my lovely friend Emma. This morning she emailed me and said that she feels as if a MASSIVE (good!) bomb is going to drop at any minute. Here is my response…
‘…YES re the BIG Bomb about to drop. For sure…!! Any day, it feels like. And, like you, I feel peaceful and detached, watching from 60,000 feet with a bemused sense of inevitability about it all…’ (Sierra)
Emma also mentioned how time is speeding up SO fast now. I agree. It is mind-blowing the number of synchronicities and insights that get packed into one super-short day. This same number of synchronicities and insights would have been spread over a few weeks three years ago. Time has become meaningless. It is certainly not linked to watches, clocks or calendars anymore.
You will be noticing people stepping forward onto your timeline and departing from your timeline in equal measure. It is happening on almost a daily basis. The people stepping forward are soul tribe members who have been off busy doing undercover work of their own while you have been busy doing yours. The connection with them feels magnetic – in that we were never NOT going to reunite, despite appearances to the contrary.
As my friend Walt said, at the end of this game, the pieces on the chessboard in the darkened room will move around with frantic speed. When the Light goes on, that is when you will see where everyone is positioned. Until then, there is a great deal of last minute juggling of pieces.
Well, I did not set out to write all this. Phone calls and emails from Light Warrior friends can set the day off on an entirely different direction than you imagined.
Also, keep an eye on your dreams. If you are having particularly vivid dreams, they have powerful messages for you. Emma had two vivid dreams in the last few weeks, and I had one. I can still clearly recall the details, yet it happened several weeks ago. I understand the meaning behind the dream. Emma and I always discuss our vivid dreams because they contain important messages about our mission work.
Change of subject…
Here is the official three ingredient protocol to heal damage from the jab. Nattokinase 2000 units twice a day…Curcumin 500 mg three times a day…Bromelain 500 mg once a day. People who had multiple jabs should take this protocol for at least a year (1′ 50″ video).
A reminder of the powerful effects of cayenne pepper on heart attack or stroke victims. I have a small pottle of cayenne pepper in my car – I would not hesitate to use it if I came across someone having a heart attack or stroke (1′ 15″ video).
Finally, today (northern hemisphere) is an important day related to the financial system changeover. All banks worldwide have to be Basel-compliant with ISO20022 standards as of 19th November. This is required for the banks to be part of the new global financial system.
Today is also [B]iden’s 81st birthday. Kind of interesting that he supposedly got 81 million votes in the last election. 8 plus 1 equals 9. Nine is the number of completion – THE END of the [D]eep [S]tate.
Thank you to blog readers for sending me tips, links and memes. It is always appreciated. And there is a sizable number of blog readers who pass on my posts to other networks, even making videos of them (Grazie AndreA and friends!). It is important to acknowledge everyone’s involvement in this vital mission to liberate humanity. No act of service goes unnoticed.
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light