
Biorelativity and the Fabric of the Universe
Copyright © 2013 David K. Miller

P. O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I want to compare several aspects of the fabric of the universe, and I want to also look at the spiritual energy that is part of the universe.

There are parallels between the origins and the contents of the universe as expressed in modern physics. There are parallels between the world that is described in physics and the world that is described in the microscopic aspect of physics.

This parallel also is known as quantum physics, and it relates to concepts in spirituality. We have many interesting ideas and concepts in spirituality that can be described as quantum healing, quantum energy and quantum light.

Let me first explore this concept known as the fabric of space and time. What is the composition of the universe? For us to understand the spiritual dimension, we must have an observation of the contents of the universe.

Amazingly, the modern physics is only able to observe 25%, approximately, of the universe or of the particles and elements of the universe. That means that 75% of the universe is now considered dark energy and dark matter.

That is to say that the modern scientists know that there is a substance that exists and that is influencing the universe and the actions of everything - the action of the planets, the actions of the solar systems, the actions of the galaxy, the actions of the entire universe.

Yet, 75% of all that exists is made up of an unknown substance. It is considered to be either dark energy or dark matter. This is an amazing observation. What is more amazing is that this dark energy and dark matter affects everything. It affects the workings of all of the systems of the universe.

Now, let us look at the fabric of the third dimension. The fabric of the third dimension is participating in the space-time dimension. You in the third dimension exist in relationships with where you are, your space, and you also exist with time, or where you are at a certain point.

Timing is so important in the third dimension. When you cross a street with a red light to your favor, then you are safe; yet one minute later, if you attempted to cross the same street, you could be run over by an automobile.

Now, let us say that there are aspects of the third dimension that consist of beings like yourself. You exist in a fabric of space and time that is inhabited by conscious beings.

That is, you are living in a fabric of space and time in which you are conscious of your existence, and you are becoming conscious of other different aspects, such as other dimensions. However, your existence in this space and time is composed of several different functions and several different energy fields.

Some of these energy fields are like dark matter. That is, we know and you know that they exist, but nobody can prove it, or nobody can observe it. Let me correct that when I say nobody can prove objectively its existence.

If you look at dark matter, it can be shown that it influences the universe, and it can be shown that it exists. In the same way, when I am going to describe the levels of energy fields, we can say that, yes, these energy fields exist. Like dark matter you may not be able to directly observe them, but you can observe and record their effect on you.

These fields exist not only in you, but they exist in various degrees in all of the living aspects of this planet. More important, they also exist in Gaia; they exist in the Earth.

First, we will discuss the spiritual energy, the spiritual nature, the spiritual energy field, because the spiritual energy field actually began the universe.

There was a spiritual intervention, so that something began from nothing, and that can only be explained by a spiritual energy field that oversaw the beginnings of the universe.

Now, you are here because of a spiritual intervention. You, from a spiritual point of view, incarnated onto this planet. You, from a spiritual point of view, have a spiritual energy field.

This spiritual energy field is not observable. It is not an observable energy. You may sense it; you may feel it; you may relate to it, but there is, at this point in the development of humanity on Earth, no measurable or observable way of looking and proving that the spirit exists.

Yet, you know that the spirit exists. It is the same as when I am talking about dark matter and dark energy. We can observe that the dark energy forces are affecting everything, yet we cannot discover it; we cannot measure it in a coherent way. But in the same way we know that it exists. We know that your spirit exists. We know that the spirit of this planet exists.

So we can say that the spiritual energy field exists and is affecting everything. This is a key principle that must be grasped for healing this planet.

This is a key principle that must be grasped when we are talking about doing planetary healing through the exercises of biorelativity. That is to say that there exists a spiritual energy field among you, and that the planet Earth also has a spiritual energy field.

That field is composed of energy spiritual particles. Those planetary, energetic spiritual particles are able to interact with your spiritual particles.

There are many different aspects of spirituality. The aspects of spirituality also get into the realm of psychic abilities. Psychic abilities include aspects of telepathy, teleportation, telekinesis, prophecy and ultimately the projection of healing energy.

When we are talking about healing, remember that the highest level of healing comes with this connection and this projection of spiritual light, spiritual energy and spiritual unity. When there is a unification with two spirits, then a new quantum light and a new quantum energy emerges.

There is spiritual energy coming from the universe. There is spiritual energy coming to the Earth. This spiritual energy or force is not well described, and it is not well formulated in the mind of the inhabitants of Earth.

You will find some descriptions of the spiritual life force energy I am describing in Chinese writings. It is called chi, or also called prana or qi. These are different interpretations of the spiritual life force energy.

In these three different terminologies, all of which are coming from Eastern philosophy, each one of these terms is describing a life force energy that allows this world and this dimension to exist. This spiritual dimension, the third dimension, is filled with a life force energy, or chi.

It is a unique energy. It is true that other planets exist, and you know that there are already numerous planets that have been discovered in the galaxy.

The latest count is well over 500 planets that have been discovered. But, it still would be rare for the planets to have the life force energy, or chi, which is contained on the Earth.

Now, I have to make a distinction between the life force energy that allows a planet to exist and the life force energy that allows a planet additionally to have life. This planet Earth has an accumulation of life force energy and spiritual energy that has created what we call the biosphere.

The biosphere is actually a force field of energy around this planet. It is like an aura. It is an energy field that has many features that are similar to the aura of a person. For example, the aura of the Earth contains the life force energy field. It contains meridians.

It contains different paths of force fields that are coming from many different sources. These different sources are not yet known to mankind. Let me say that we have been using one such light source. We call this new light for healing, quantum light. It is used for quantum healing.

We also call it Omega Light, which is a form of quantum light. Omega Light is a spiritual energy force that is part of the divine life force energy that flows through the universe. Omega Light has a special power and characteristics because it comes from a higher source that exists in the universe.

This higher source of Omega Light has tremendous healing abilities. It has tremendous abilities to be complementary to the biosphere and to all beings that live in the biosphere.

The Omega Light has a quality of great healing because it is in resonance with the biosphere. The biosphere has a vibrational frequency. Everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency. The biosphere is radiating and is vibrating at a special frequency.

The Omega Light is vibrating and knows how to be in resonance with that biosphere, so that all who feel and receive the Omega Light receive an upgrade, receive a boost of energy into their energetic systems. They will feel more whole; they will feel more unified, and they will feel more in touch with the spiritual light and energy that exists at the highest level.

It is true that the third dimension is lower than the fifth dimension. It is true that the third dimension has different aspects of itself that are polarized, that are dense, yet the third dimension is also able to vibrate and resonate at very high frequencies.

The third dimension can receive and work with Omega Light. Now I am going to have the channel sing the words "Omega Light", and you all will be receiving an upgrade of this wonderful light. (Sings Omega Light.)

We will go into a brief meditation as you receive this Omega Light, knowing that you are rebalancing yourself on the third dimension so that you are in resonance with the biosphere and in resonance with the spiritual light forces of the universe. Omega Light. We will go into silence.

There is a spiritual light force. Omega Light is one aspect of the spiritual light force field that exists in the universe. The Omega Light is also not visible in the normal human spectrum of vision. It is not even perceivable by normal human measurement devices.

Yet, just like dark matter or dark energy, this aspect of the spiritual light force of the universe can have a tremendous healing effect.

One of the roles and one of the missions of the starseed is to work with the spiritual energy and light and demonstrate and implement this energy.

Omega Light can positively affect and shape the planet. That is to say, the lightworkers must show and implement change in the planet based on spiritual light and spiritual energy. The lightworkers can access and bring down higher vibrations that exist in the universe.

This brings us into a beautiful observation, which has to do with why you are called "lightworkers." You have a mission to be here to demonstrate and show that this spiritual energy field can become a dominating force and that it can influence and shape the planet.

There are forces of the spiritual energy and light that are coming to the planet that have various descriptions. For example, I want to refer to modern astrology for another analogy. You know in modern astrology, there are planets that move through different houses.

When a certain planet moves into a house, which is a division in a chart, then particularly powerful energies can be exerted on the person's life.

In dealing with Earth energies at this time, we are especially interested in the outer planets, which include Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

These planets, especially Uranus and Neptune, are representative of energies that are of a spiritual and a galactic nature that are coming from the galaxy and are coming from a universal life and light source.

It is not true that the planets themselves cause this spiritual light energy to enter Earth, but rather the position of these outer planets now represent a map of how energy fields are changing in the galaxy and in your solar system. On the Earth there is a powerful energy of awareness, of global change, galactic change and galactic awareness.

This type of energy is composed of a spiritual energy force that is directed towards this planet at this time.

Most powerful are the light and the energy that is coming from the Central Sun. Please do not confuse this with the concept of the Center Sun. It is not that the Central Sun, which is the center of the galaxy, represents or emits third-dimensional light directly to this planet.

Rather it is in the Central Sun's position in relationship to the Earth and the Earth's movement in relationship to the Central Sun that is indicative and reflecting the type of energy that is coming in a universal way to this planet.

This energy has to do with a galactic perspective of how this planet operates and how planets go through stages of development. In different stages of planetary development, different types of crisis emerge. At a certain point, an energy shift comes to a planet which creates a global consciousness shift.

This global consciousness is a spiritual energy. Global consciousness is a spiritual light. The question always is, how is this spiritual energy and light going to be interpreted by humanity? How is this spiritual energy and light going to be downloaded?

How are people going to be using and implementing the energy and light that is coming? Also, equally important is the questions of, who can interpret this energy and light? Who can feel it? Who can know what to do with it?

Implementing this new consciousness becomes the mission of groups of lightworkers like yourselves and like the Group of Forty. The lightworkers' mission becomes to understand what this spiritual light is about and to interpret and to implement the energy that is being carried to this planet.

This comes into the next important aspect which is implementation of the spiritual energy. You have already gone through several different stages of implementation. For example, the Group of Forty has gone through the stages of working with the Planetary Cities of Light.

The Group of Forty has gone through the stages of downloading 12 etheric crystals. The Group of Forty has gone through the stages of downloading the seven Ladders of Ascension. The Group of Forty has also downloaded and gone through the stage of the Ring of Ascension.

There is also the work of the sub-crystals, and there is the work of other fantastic meditations having to do with the Arcturian temples and working to establish a new spiritual healing energy field for the Earth.

We now realize what I call the core aspect of this work, which is the emanation of a new spiritual light field that will permeate this planet. Again, I will use this comparison to the dark energy and the dark matter.

We can say that the astronomers cannot prove or observe dark energy and dark matter, but they know it is out there because it is affecting everything.

It is affecting the gravitational fields of other stars. It is affecting the gravitational field of the whole galaxy and may even be responsible for the expansion and receding of the galaxies from each other.

In the spiritual world, the spiritual field that is emanated from you does go out into the ethers, and it does go out into the aura of the Earth.

The spiritual energy field that you emit goes out into the aura of the Earth, and therefore, even though it cannot be seen, it has a powerful effect. Spiritual light and spiritual energy have unique properties. I will compare it, for example, to the emotional body, the mental body or the physical body.

In each one of these cases there are observable energies. In the emotional body, emotions are observable in terms of aura and the aura field. The physical body is observable. Even the mental body can be measured in terms of observable electromagnetic activity in the brain.

Yet, the mental body does have aspects of spiritual energy because the source of the mind is connected to many different aspects of the spirit world. The mind contains the Universal Unconscious.

The mental body or mind has the Collective Unconscious. Finally, the mind even participates in the Galactic Unconscious. There are many different energy fields that the mental body participates in continually. Of course, you even have the Akashic Records, which contains the histories of all actions and thoughts of everyone. The Akashic Records are related to the energy fields of both mental and spiritual energy.

I could say that mental energy, which contains spiritual thoughts and the spiritual body, both cannot necessarily be observed and measured, yet these aspects have the potential for having a powerful impact on the third dimension and on the world.

That is why I am helping you to move to the more powerful position in biorelativity. I am helping you to move into a more powerful position on how to use the spiritual energy field. This spiritual energy field can have a powerful influence on upcoming Earth events.

Spiritual energy can be powerful enough to influence the outcome of the Earth in its current crisis. It can be powerful enough to influence even upheavals and disruptions known as Earth changes.

The core concept in biorelativity is to connect it to spiritual energy. The core aspect of spiritual energy in biorelativity is in the idea called "emanation of healing light."

You seek to create an energy field that is powerful. Everything on this planet, in this dimension and in the universe has a wave, and it has a vibrational field and in fact also has an energy field. When things are congested, when things are blocked, or to put it in another way, when the planet is sick, then the vibration of the life force energy field becomes distorted and also misaligned. You then work in biorelativity to shift that energy vibration.

In biorelativity, one of the most powerful things you are doing is to emanate a healing light. You are emanating a vibrational frequency of spirituality, directing it to the Spirit of the Earth.

We call this aspect of biorelativity emanation because the light is emanating from you. The emanation is coming from the lightworkers and the groups that are doing the exercise.

Now we come to the next aspect of this type of planetary healing, which is, how much force, how much power, how much light is needed to shift a planet? I want to be clear that doing planetary healing work is hard.

Doing planetary healing work in the third dimension is extremely challenging. Doing biorelativity work is complicated. Doing Planetary City of Light work is challenging and hard. The whole idea of uniting groups of Arcturian starseeds like yourselves to form a unified group and focus at one time on a healing technique is difficult.

If it were easy, then it would have been done before, and this planet would have been brought into balance immediately.

There are many challenges, and yes, there is a certain level, there is a certain core of emanation that you want to achieve in sending this type of healing vibration. People have said to me, "Where do you send this light? Where do you send this vibration?

Where do you emanate when you are doing the planetary healing and biorelativity? Where do you send it? Is there a spiritual essence or spiritual center in the Earth?" My answer is simple. The Earth has an aura.

The Earth has an electromagnetic energy field that can be compared to the human aura. When you are brought into harmony, then you are filled with light and energy. I don't see the light and energy necessarily going to just one spot within your aura.

Let's compare the healing biorelativity we do for the planet with the healing we do for the human body. Yes, it is true that you have a heart. Yes, it is true that you have a mind and that you have a Third Eye.

But, when we are sending you healing, we first send the whole healing energy to your entire energy field. Then, if there are specific areas we want to work with, then we will emanate the light and energy directly to those spots.

When you are doing the biorelativity, you can do the healing energy work in both ways. You can begin by emanating light to the aura of the Earth, and then after that is achieved, then you go to the specific place where you want to heal and then you can emanate that light to a specific spot.

Remember you are emanating a spiritual light. You are emanating spiritual energy to the Earth and to the Earth's aura.

Let us use the Omega Light to heal the planet. We have also helped to develop this Ring of Ascension. It clearly is difficult to visualize the energy field of the whole planet. You can say, "Yes, I can do that." It helps to visualize the whole planet when we are working with images of the Earth, and we send it to the planet.

But even the images of the Earth only show one side. Remember that the Earth is rotating, and therefore, when you see a picture of the Earth, you only see one side. You don't see the backside, for example. It is difficult to visualize the whole multi-dimensional Earth.

Therefore, we can suggest that you send the light to the Ring of Ascension because the Ring of Ascension is the halo around the entire planet. The Ring goes around the whole holographic image of the Earth.. You can emanate the light into the Ring of Ascension. (Tones OOOoooooOOOOhhhhhhh.)

Because we are connected spiritually in this call in a unified way, our thoughts that we emanate are going to be more powerful when they are joined together in a group.

This leads to the next part of this discussion, which is, how to increase the healing thought power. The thought power is related to spiritual energy.

You are projecting a thought and connecting this thought with spiritual light. You are using the principles of spiritual techniques to influence the aura of the Earth, so that the aura of the Earth is filled with a bio-light frequency which allows this planet to experience planetary health, planetary balance.

I am going to do a second exercise now. I want you to visualize the halo around the Earth known as the Ring of Ascension, and I want you to emanate waves of light from your aura.

These waves of light are not just coming from your Third Eye, and not solely from any part of your mind, but rather they are just emanating from your entire aura.

Visualize that you have your aura in the beautiful configuration of the Cosmic Egg and it is filled with light. Yes, it is filled with Omega Light because we have done this Omega Light exercise. You are going to be able to emanate circles of light like a light force field coming from your aura.

This spiritual light will go up into the Ring of Ascension, and then that Ring of Ascension will collect it. This will help the whole planet to be filled with the energy of the light you are vibrating and the whole Earth's aura can be filled. Begin to do this now.

The light that you are emanating is of the highest spiritual frequency. It is going into the Earth's energy field, the Earth's aura. It is going into the Ring of Ascension. This spiritual light is a light of harmony and unity.

I also now want to explore another aspect of biorelativity and spiritual light. Again I make reference to the outer planets of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. From the perspective of modern astrology, when these planets get into certain positions, then their positions seem to correspond with global changes.

For example, when these planets move into different positions, then there are changes in society. There are changes in core values. There are changes in how governments function. There even seems to be social upheavals.

The movements of the outer planets seem to correspond and be correlated to energy shifts in the universe that have come into this solar system.

You see effects. For example, you have seen effects that are known as the Arab Spring. You have seen great social upheavals of consciousness on this planet. There are other aspects of dramatic change that are coming. These aspects of change are based on an energy which basically is declaring that things cannot continue as usual on the planet. The biosphere cannot continue to exist if everything is going in this current direction.

There must and will be a change and this change can be dramatic. Some of you know that this is also called Earth changes.

Please understand that Earth changes also include the functioning of Man and the functioning of society. People have often thought that Earth changes only include volcanic eruptions and hurricanes and other aspects of global warming, for example.

Actually, the Earth change also includes Man. Man is part of this planet. There will be upheavals on both the physical Earth and in Man and society.

There are effects that you see from this heightened energy. In biorelativity, we take it to the next level and say: How do we transfer this spiritual light and energy into some type of action that creates a change? I mean, clearly things have to be different.

People have to relate to the planet differently. That means that they must use a different approach. The behavior has to change. There has to be a limitation in the number of destructions that are occurring. There has to be a decrease in the carbon emissions, for example.

There has to be a stopping of the pollutions of the oceans and the killing of the ocean life.

It has been shown that spirituality and spiritual energy is influential and does cause change, but also the behavior has to change. The spiritual energy has to somehow be demonstrated.

There are cases in history where there have been strong spiritual forces within a society, and people have been very aligned with spiritual energy, but nonetheless they have suffered calamities. They have been invaded.

One example could be modern Tibet, which is an extremely spiritual country and has extremely high spiritual energy. They have great spiritual meditators, yet their country has suffered a terrible calamity, a terrible catastrophe.

There are other examples like this one where spiritual energy forces were centered in a location and that location still suffered. What I am suggesting is that biorelativity also is a force which can lead to some type of a change and which leads to some type of an action.

What is the nature of this action? That is something that I believe needs to be determined by you. It is the mission of the Group of Forty, to implement or make a shift, so that a certain type of action is implemented. For example, we are talking about the Planetary Cities of Light.

One of the actions in Planetary Cities of Light work is to do activations where people go around the perimeter of a city, and they put crystals around the city. Then they visualize an electromagnetic, powerful energy field around the city.

This energy field can even be quantum light or Omega Light. This has a positive effect on people and the city.

As you know, people on the Earth have short-term memory, and then once they experience this activation, they may not see that they have to do it continually. They may not understand what exactly a Planetary City of Light is.

You may have to do teaching. You may have to do more activation. You may have to do more exercises so that this gets into the consciousness of the people. When this gets into the consciousness of the people, then they as a group may decide that they are going to protect their valuable city with spiritual light.

Biorelativity exercises can create a spiritual energy field with a thought vibration. This will create an emanation of light. The power of thoughts are increased through various methods, including group unity, visualizing the Ring of Ascension and using etheric crystals to boost the thoughts. This will make the thoughts more powerful. The energy field of the planet can be filled with powerful healing thoughts.

We now look into this next aspect of biorelativity, which is the implementation of this energy. You would probably say, "Juliano, tell us what to do. What is the next step? What do I do?" My answer is that you are on the third dimension.

You are experiencing this third-dimensional energy. We are not going to recommend a specific action, because this gets into the violation of the principle of non-interference into the third dimension. Fifth-dimensional beings shall not interfere in the third dimension.

More importantly, each of you is now moved to receive your wisdom, to receive your guidance. You know what is possible. You know what you can do. You know how you can influence people. You know what you can write. You know what you can speak. You know who you can talk to. You know how you can organize events.

The biorelativity implementation goes to doing something measureable on the third dimension. In many ways, such activities could include teaching. People on this planet are so hungry for a paradigm that will heal this planet.

Everyone is feeling in their aura the imbalances that exist. Everyone feels it in one way or another. Each person on this planet has different ways of coping with this imbalance.

Some people may be using drugs. Some may even use illegal drugs; some are using legal drugs; some people are becoming sick; some people are becoming despondent.

Generally I can tell you that living on a planet that is in such imbalance is affecting your electromagnetic energy field in a big way. Biorelativity can help you to become more balanced. This is because you are using and sending healing energy to the Earth.

This is also going to be helpful to you because you feel more energetic when you have a plan to do some action. This works on many different levels. This works even on the smallest level. For example, I know some of you are creating gardens.

I know some of you are creating special corridors in your backyard. This is doing something positive to heal the planet. This is using the energy of biorelativity. Some of you are creating spiritual force fields around your property.

This is doing something on a small level, but it is contributing to a healing force on this planet.

Some of you are more motivated and are working on the Planetary Cities of Light part. This is doing something on a larger level. Some of you may be more motivated to teach and to spread some of these ideas.

The idea of the biorelativity is so important, and another key concept is that this planet has an aura; it has an energy field and the energy field is affected by your thoughts.

If the Earth's energy field is distorted, if the energy field is blocked, or if the energy field has holes in it, then the bio-life force energy of the planet can leak away.

The work of starseeds like yourself can bring down an input of Omega Light. Omega Energy helps to fill up the gaps and holes in the Earth so that the bio force field is at least revitalized and replenished. A new frequency can be maintained.

This Earth has conscious beings like yourself. You can bring down special life force energies, including the Omega Light, to The Blue Jewel.

Blessings, I am Juliano.

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