Birds Fly Over The Rainbow


Dear Friends,

All love to you through the mid-year vibrational gateways of 2020! As the Earth, human collective and all life here continues traversing this year’s amplified Shift energies, love, compassion and unity consciousness can be seen rising to ‘meet the moment’. Amid an atmosphere of physical restriction, and heightened calling out of injustices, no matter what agendas are in play, the global vibrational rebirth in progress is persistently nudging humanity to look deeper at its priorities, at paradigms that have long been in place, dividing and conquering…and to recognize and transform them.

In the stream of cosmic assistance and supercharged flow of this year’s alignments enabling highest potentials in the Earth’s ascension trajectory, during the last two weeks of May we saw the ground precisely prepared for June’s peak energies to land and integrate. The first of a three eclipse season came with a lunar eclipse on June 5th-6th, that stimulated collective attention toward veiled injustices. Energies are building now toward a solar eclipse aligning through the mid year Solstice on June 20th-21st…which connects vibrationally to the final solar eclipse of 2020 on December 14th, flowing into the December Solstice’s transformational re-creation gateway, and anchoring its potential into this month of June. Following the June Solstice, with a week’s grace to integrate this very amplifed Solar/Galactic Central Sun alignment, we then have the second of three meetings this year of very rare Jupiter~Pluto~Pallas conjunctions on June 30th…before the final lunar eclipse of this season on the Full Moon of July 4th-5th.

To attune with the higher energies of this sequence, we’ll track back to late May for a moment (see the previous post and earlier posts this year for a longer overview). On May 22nd, a high vibrational Mercury~Venus conjunction opened the way for a ‘pulse’ of light-codes through the Sun’s higher dimensional portal, coming from galactic centre, and intensely catalyzed by the passage of Comet SWAN through the inner Solar System. As this comet passed through its vibrational high point, in perihelion (closest point to the Sun) on May 27th, inside Mercury’s orbit, a beautiful fusion of ‘divine grace codes’ activated, that initiated a wave of unbinding and clearing that is still in progress, step by step through each eclipse in the current season.


Comet C/2020 F8 SWAN, photo credit: Damian Peach, Chilescope Team, May 2nd 2020. Diagram of Comet SWAN’s passage: NASA.

During this period, benevolent Carian beings (birdlike/avian beings) have been arriving in the Solar System, and around the Earth now, in support of this planet’s ascension, in much greater numbers, with fleets coming from the ‘Southern Birds’ constellations, Pavo and Phoenix, along with Carina and from Apus (Bird of Paradise constellation, see this post for more about Pavan and Apunian star family). In the soul orb below, that appeared above Alpha and Beta Centauri on April 29th, you can see light blue Carian beings from Pavo the Peacock constellation. The face looking forward on the left is ‘peacock-like’, with a long slender neck and feathered crest. And the being on the right shows a tall, slim build in a fitted bodysuit, with a cross-shaped white light on his/her chest, symbolizing the ascended vibrations these beings come through, as christed beings of love who are aiding the resurrection/renewal of Earth into loving unity and open, joyful awareness and community within our local Galactic Federation…just as they have come through a resurrection-type ascension in the planets of Pavo, and have deep insight into such planetary transformations.


An orb of blue Carian (birdlike/avian) beings appears above the stars of Alpha Centauri, with the Southern Cross to the right, with a face looking forward, on the left, and a being showing head and body on the right, April 29th 2020.

The arrival of these Carian beings at the end of April heralded clearings of old, control-oriented draconic imprints in the etheric/astral field of the Earth and Solar System that intensified steadily through May, up through the vibrational potentials (and potentizers) of the Mercury~Venus conjunction on May 22nd and the peak vibrational effects of Comet SWAN on May 27th 2020. In the lead up to these alignments, at ground level, key receiving/anchoring nodes in the planetary light grids and chi flow lines for these particular energies were activated, and cleared where necessary.

One of our focus points in this area was a node in the wetlands of the Peel Inlet (south of Perth, Western Australia). These wetlands are covered in a red plant called Samphire, which was in natural resonance with a ‘fire and water’ clearing (connected with releasing and transforming old Mars ‘Sam fire’ vibrational imprints of war and violence), softened and purified through light-charged water, so the node could open and receive the coming light-codes freely. During this clearing, a helicopter appeared and flew down low over the node…followed by a huge ibis that was suddenly behind it, until the helicopter flew off. The ibis then turned around and flew straight back over the node (for how the ibis relates to the vibration of Ashtar, and his Atlantean soul expression Thoth, see this earlier post from 2015). The node unblocked and opened, and we were able to complete a first activation, albeit through some fairly intense energies.


Helicopter flies down over an activating light node in the Avalon Grid/New Earth Light-grid near Mandurah, Western Australia, May 13th 2020.


A huge white ibis appears to the right of the helicopter, which moves away from the node in the Mandurah wetlands, May 13th 2020.


The ibis turns and flies back over the node, representing a clearing of energies and stabilizing the node, May 13th 2020.

Throughout this activation, the Lei’hua lightship was above, and you can see the outline of a large accompanying Arcturian~Alectian bowship in the clouds. Energies were pressing down on top of it and bouncing back, that congealed into a distinct form in the clouds, with shadow-figures behind it, as ‘sorcery’ imprints in the lower astral were transmuted into high vibrational diamond light frequencies.


The front rim of an Arcturian~Alectian bowship outlines in clouds high above the node. On the right, with photo turned around so that the ship’s wingtip is vertical, there’s a tall, robed figure clearly formed, with shadows behind it, representing an energy/controlling consciousness being unmasked and cleared from the astral/etheric levels, May 13th 2020.

This beautiful ‘fire and water’ transmutation energy soared up into a Divine Gateway opening on May 17th (see Embracing Divine Design, for the vibrational role of the number 17, in relation to rebirthing Gateway energies throughout this year, interweaving with the Galactic Central light-codes that translate through the mirror numbers 27-72). While tuning in with the Gateway, a glorious sunbow formed, and just inside the sunbow, a very subtle impression of divine beings and the sense of a light city in the background, floating on a platform that moved up onto the crest of the sunbow.


Forms of light beings on a floating cloud within a sunbow signify the close overlighting, guiding presence of the Ascension Council and many ascended loving beings assisting this planetary ascension, within and around Earth’s energy field, May 17th 2020.


The ‘floating realm’ of light beings, with towers of a crystalline light city in the background, stations on the crest of the sunbow as the Alpha-Omega Gateway energy (ending of old cycle, birthing of New Earth) activates on May 17th 2020.

Much ascension light-coding flowed through this ‘rainbow bridge’ into Gaia’s light-grids and flow lines, into the crystalline properties of her Earth body, and the earthly embodied expressions of all souls extending into this plane, whether in human, animal or plant forms. Remembrance of the rainbow light body state is being transmitted continuously not only to our subtle DNA and gene expressions, but also to all the crystalline aspects already present in our physicality ~ calcium crystals in our bones and inner ears, apatite crystals in our tooth enamel and so forth. These perfect receivers for higher light frequencies innately attune to the increasing levels of light flow and activations within the Earth’s vibrational field, and all crystalline structures respond to focused intention. As they receive love, so they naturally transmit love, throughout our embodiments, into the ‘collective energy body’, shining like golden-white and rainbow lamps within the collective energy field, radiating love, and connecting constantly with Gaia’s core crystalline heart light.

On May 22nd, the vibrations around the Earth became particularly effervescent through the conjunction of Mercury and Venus. The orb below, that appeared on May 23rd, radiates this exquisite fusion of the rose and aqua light of Venus’s 5-6D inner realms and Mercury’s emanating of the Silver Ray. Just feel the soft, shimmery silver light of transcendence and freedom from all limitations blended with the soothing, embracing warmth of the soul of Venus, flowing into Gaia’s crystalline heart grid, radiating to the collective consciousness.


At left: Orb of fused pink, aqua and shimmery silver light vibrations, following the Mercury~Venus conjunction, on May 23rd 2020. At right: Photo of Venus dayside via PLANET C Project Team Europlanet.

As the Silver Ray of transcendence flowed into the light-grids in and around the Earth, with the warm, harmonizing vibration of Venus, light-anchoring nodes in what is known as the Cygnus Alignments cleared and activated, in preparation for a focused beam from the Swan Stars (especially the beautiful binary star Albireo, and alpha star Deneb, in the ‘head and tail’ of the Cygnus constellation) aligned by guiding Lights through the passage of Comet SWAN. On May 26th, the Schumann Resonance spiked to 72hz, leading into the comet’s perihelion on May 27th…the 27-72 mirror numbers signalling a high pulse from the Galactic Central Sun to/through our Sun, Solaris.



The Cygnus Alignments, which fan out from two key ‘Swan nodes’ in Scotland, to a network of nodes coded to receive and anchor the Divine Grace vibration of the ascended stars of Cygnus (image creator unknown but deeply appreciated).

On the afternoon of May 27th here, as the alignment peaked, ascension energies reflected in the clouds, symbolizing the directed in-flow of the universal light codes coming through galactic centre and literally pouring in ‘New Age of Aquarius’ frequencies. This light flow can be seen clearly represented in the cloud photo below, as a man pouring a stream of light through a large funnel. The water-bearer of Aquarius is, mythologically, Ganymede, which relates to Jupiter’s largest moon Ganymede, where the Jupiter Command is based (guarding and overseeing an interstellar/intergalactic stargate into the Solar System). The Jupiter Command is playing a key role with keeping the gateway open and secure through this inflow, and the funnel represents the Source ‘Waterfall of Light’ flowing through the zero-point, into Earth’s energy field. In the background, you can see a shadowy outline of a duplicate of this funnel, melting away, representing the archonic false overlay/shadow grid dissolving away.



During this in-flow, a beautiful hawk who alights once or twice a year outside a window here landed very calmly, radiating a serene, settled presence, keeping constant eye contact through her golden yellow gaze. She arrived in synchronicity with the close focus of Heru’ur (Horus) aligning the high Carian vibrations (and at the angelic oversoul level, overlighted and guided by Archangel Uriel, also called Oriel, whose ‘bird symbol’ often appears to me as the Golden Oriole, vibrationally connected with the Golden Solar LoveLight vibrations).


The next day on May 28th dozens of lightships twinkled in the sky overhead, completing this alignment, and amplifying the grace vibration, with Arnap&Rowena (Ashura&my 5D soul expressions) on board the uppermost flashing pod-ship in the first photo.


Three lightships, of a group of around thirty, that sparkled across the sky overhead on May 28th, anchoring high vibrations into the Earth’s energy field.


Arnap&Rowena flashed our pod-ship again, with a star brother close to the left, hovering symbolically above a bird in flight.


In the ship below, you can see a gentle face projected/emanating from it…in a blend of Feline&Carian soul energies, with big feline eyes and a feathery tuft on top of this lovely being’s head.



This directed ascension pulse that came through late May to open the density of Earth’s current collective vibration, for reception of the mid-year Solstice Solar Eclipse potential, has been integrating through June, through the Full Moon and first lunar eclipse on June 5th-6th (with ongoing gratitude to all love anchors in, on and around the planet). Here, the wetlands node called for a second visit on June 3rd, and once again, an ibis flew over the node during the activation…this time it appeared in a very unusual form, as if morphing between bird and tiny spacecraft. Everything reflects, across the dimensions.


Ibis flies over an activating node in the light-grids and energy/chi flow network in the Mandurah wetlands area, Western Australia, June 3rd 2020.

On a far different scale, a flotilla of Carian ‘cruisers’ ~ very long triangular ships with a distinct tail-shape ~ came the closest to the Earth I’ve ever seen or sensed them, a sign of closer convergence in the ascension energies of Earth, represented by ‘cloudships’ over the road while driving back to Perth after the node activation with our bird friends. In inner vision, I see many kinds of beings on these ships, great variety of size, shape and colours. Those closest in my vision on this ship were tall, bipedal, with soft features, and mostly bald-headed with a plume of golden-white feathers that look a bit like a very soft, silky mohawk, but with long feathers down the back, almost to their waists. Quite stunning!


Long triangular Carian ‘cruiser’ from the Carina constellation cloaked in a cloud, between Perth and Mandurah, Western Australia, June 3rd 2020.


By way of confirmation, in an orb that appeared a few days later, not long before the lunar eclipse in the early hours of June 6th, one of these beings is visible, on the right hand side of a table (in a golden-white outfit, with a dark complexion and long golden-white plume of feathers over his/her head), along with a representative from the Aris Council (ascended beings of Mars), feminine, in green and gold, standing in the centre, behind the green table…or we could say, they are grouped around, and studying, an ’emerald tablet’.



The figure in the left foreground, in a loose white shirt, and darker pants, is our (Arnap&Rowena’s) son Minkara. He’s standing in profile, with his hair over his face, in this orb, with his hair rose pink. Well, a hair colour change is just a thought away in 5D! But he’s also symbolized the energies coming through in unity together, as Minkara first introduced himself through a soul expression Minkah, and in that form he’s a very tall pink being of Erra’mu, a planet of Canopus, the alpha star of the Carina constellation. So there are many deep connecting galactic, and universal, energies within this orb. At the very front, although it’s a little indistinct, perhaps you can make out the form of a blueish-white bird being with wings spread.




Minkara at left, Kari’shona of the Aris/Mars Council in centre, and Carian being Pia’Re at right.

High energies were still rolling through and landing in the light-grids post-lunar eclipse into June 7th, and in the subtle cloud forms that day, there were many overlaid forms and soul vibrations, with a beautiful silhouette of Sananda (in his Jesus/Yeshua form) at the right, ‘walking down toward the Earth’…symbolizing the deeper resurrection and restoration light frequencies flowing into the Earth’s vibrational field.


Many loving soul vibrations and symbols are overlaid in these clouds of June 7th 2020, with Sananda silhouetted on the right, in his recognizable Jesus/Yeshua form.

And here we come full circle to the first orb photo of April 29th that heralded the approach of the ascended/christed Carian beings, with the orb hovering above Alpha & Beta Centauri, with the stars of the Southern Cross to the right….through an immense month and a half of activations and high vibrational in-flow to June 13th, to the magnificent deep blue orb below that appeared, again above Alpha & Beta Centauri, with the Southern Cross at its right.


In the centre of this orb is a pyramid shape, representing the Great Pyramid in Egypt. There’s an overlighting angelic energy (Archangel Michael/the Blue Ray of Divine Will) through which I see a merged face of Ashtar and Isis/Immara, just above the pyramid. And on the left, the pentagonal star shape represents Sirius (which is hieroglyphics was represented as a five-pointed star). In the last week, several ‘heavy duty’ entities were unseated from the lower astral planes of the Earth, and released with angelic guidance, through the Great Pyramid to Sirius, for healing and remembrance of their original soul vibration, which is Love.



So with the complimentary work of many teams, the Earth field is as clear as possible for the maximum potential of this upcoming Solar Eclipse~Solstice alignment to be effectively anchored (blessings to all who feel inner-called to do so, in whichever way, path, gathering or group resonates in your heart). Solar eclipses, at a vibrational level, release blockages and remove veils from the true Inner Divine Sun, that shines in the heart of all living beings, and Solstices are moments of rebirth and renewal, in the Earth’s relationship to our Sun, Solaris, that vibrates through all life on this planet. If you’d like to join in, we have a Solstice Eclipse meditation at the LoveLight Circle, to which everyone is very welcome. However you feel to align with, or honour in your being and for this planetary Shift, the presence of Infinite Love, know that there are wonderful, loving beings of many kinds and dimensions ~ and beyond form and dimensions ~ with us all the way.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,



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  • Dear Amparo, it's such an immense year! So much happening constantly from the Star Family level, the ships and so many interweaving ascension assignments! It's a joy to be able to share a little bit, at least, from the facets within the Whole that I'm involved with/anchoring at this level. We Are One  <3  Grateful for your Divine Presence too, SiStar <3

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