The time is so very near now ... our dearest friends. Long have you waited. Long have we waited . Yet cannot your hearts FEEL the excitement that something is about to take place?



   Much behind the scenes that has been taking place ... is now ready to present itself in full view and there will and can be no denial of that which is presented.There is so much excitement throughout planets . You are the talk of the town! EVERYONE is preparing. They are getting out their best suits! This is the only way we can describe it to you.  

Be of great enthusiasm. Be of great upliftment. Focus only on the KNOWING that YOU brought this about by concentrating on the LOVE that is. YOU who refused to let fear take hold. YOU who by following your TRUTH allowed the transformation to take place in the days ahead. There can be no failure of this now.




Good morning my friends. I was hoping you are about for a chat ... the subject being of your choosing of course.

Dearest souls of Earth ... We greet you this day and offer to each one of you our deepest FEELINGS of LOVE that we are. We are greatly aware of so much change that is taking place upon you planet. Some of you are aware of this and some of you are not. But we ask you to accept that much behind the scenes that has been taking place ... is now ready to present itself in full view and there will and can be no denial of that which is presented.

You have been so very patient with yourselves ... with us ... and all that is emerging. You have proven to yourselves that you are Warriors of Great Light and it is now time for the ball to start rolling and for you to reap all the Highest good that you have so gently sewn.

In the days that are ahead ... and we speak in terms of days that are nearing ... what you behold will fill your BEINGS with the knowledge that all that you have steadfastly held onto within the TRUTH of yourselves ... that KNOWINGNESS that only you can KNOW ... was indeed the right thing to do. There is to come now ... the time in your world ... upon your planet ... when so much of greatness is to present itself. You will no longer be able to sit in silence about that which you KNOW to be of TRUTH, yet have been a little daunted by speaking of it to others. For it shall be that those others are now asking ... perhaps imploring for you to share your knowledge with them ... for that which they see in your skies will need explanation.

Here we must point out ... that all that we have spoken of ... all that we have shared with you ... and all that has penetrated into your hearts ... must now be encountered by the part of you that is of a HIGHER understanding.

In order for others to be free from fear of what is soon to take place ... it is imperative that those who have been awakened and KNOW that we are of LOVE ... shall be able to interpret for those who may only just be waking ... due to what is before them .... the absolute TRUTH of WHO WE ARE.

LOVE is the key throughout the entire affair. When one remains centred within their heart space ... they can FEEL the strength within ... that can only BE DIVINE ... then it is from this place in the heart that each one will discover a unity and strength among you ... that up until this time one did not know they were gifted with. By following only your hearts FEELINGS ... by listening only to the beat of your heart as more and more occurs ... will you be able to decipher that which you KNOW is righteous and that which is telling you that it is not of the TRUTH. Be aware of deceivances by those who are now so very afraid of losing all that they have built. Their kingdoms of greed and want have no place in the NEW WORLD that is being built by you ... the Warriors of Light who have come to crash down those walls and rebuild a NEW HEAVEN . A place upon Earth that as an original species of this planet ... you are once again PROUD to be part of.

The time is so very near now ... our dearest friends. Long have you waited. Long have we waited . Yet cannot your hearts FEEL the excitement that something is about to take place?

It is now then that we wish to disclose the reasoning behind why we asked of you to 'collect bottles of LOVE' from inside of you . Do you recall? We asked for you to find a space where you would visualize filling up bottles of LOVE and storing them for us. We know that many have done so and we know also that many have not always recalled the memory to do so. This is of no concern. Yet as each one CAN remember to do so ... it will be of value to the cause.

For it is this that we ask of you to do ... when the time comes ...

We would ask that when appearances of unusual vessels ... be they vast strobes of Light ... be they anomalies that one has never yet considered a reality ... when these 'events' take place ... and they shall .... we would consider it a great advantage for the unity of those of Earth and those not from Earth ... if you were to KNOW that the emptying of these bottles into your atmosphere will TRULY assist greatly in the merging of the worlds ... so to speak. We ask you to visualize with the KNOWING in your heart ... the effect that this shall have. It will be as if the 'stoppers' are removed and the energy that has been saved/savoured will flow out into the very air in which you breath ... and it shall 'meet up' with an energy that we are sending out to you. You will know dearest allies ... there will be no questioning of whether or not it is the right time to do so.

In great LOVE and joy we say to you that the very air shall be FELT because of this. For those who KNOW ... for those who have been waiting ... the trumpets shall sound! The heralding of the beginning of the next phase shall be set in motion by these events. This next step that takes you Higher into your journey of Ascension shall then take each one into a quickening of stages for not just the individual soul but for your planet as a whole. It will be difficult sometimes for you to be able to keep up with all that is transforming and occurring and yet it shall be of such delight. Wonder upon wonder shall be known to you. Things that one had FELT would never take place on your planet in terms of change ... shall in some cases ... happen in an instant ... and that which once was ... certain energies that did not serve ... shall have disappeared as if they never were of /in existence.

There is so much excitement throughout planets . You are the talk of the town! EVERYONE is preparing. They are getting out their best suits! This is the only way we can describe it to you. As if everyone has had a special regalia in their wardrobe that had a protective cloth over it ... it has simply been there ... waiting ... and NOW ... the suits are being brought out of that place and 'aired' ... It is simply a matter of the green Light for GO being shown and the time to adorn those 'uniforms of honour' will have come.

CAN YOU FEEL IT WITHIN ... OUR FRIENDS? CAN YOU? YOU ... YOU have allowed for these events to come into play. YOU who have persisted in your desires to improve and build a better world have allowed for this to take place.



The FEELING that you will recognize within you as it does so ... fills you with 'HOME'.



And as the Higher vibrations have permission to enter your planet Earth ... these Higher vibrations of LOVE ... this then is how you shall KNOW that you are of it. For the FEELING within you will connect with the HIgher Vibrations that are coming through to tell you so.

Be of great enthusiasm. Be of great upliftment. Focus only on the KNOWING that YOU brought this about by concentrating on the LOVE that is. YOU who refused to let fear take hold. YOU who by following your TRUTH allowed the transformation to take place in the days ahead. There can be no failure of this now.



Remain in the space of excitement. Keep up the vibration of joy and happiness and spread it around! For it is not long now when those that have feared us through media misinterpretation shall be shown the TRUTH and 'the little green men' syndrome shall be replaced by the KNOWING that we are Pillars of Light!

Any chance I could get a word in? Guess not! No need indeed! Yet I shall of course say ...THANK YOU. IN LOVE & LIGHT! SO MUCH LOVE AND LIGHT!


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  • Thank you for posting this reassuring message. My heart poureth out with unconditional Love to each unit of consciousness involved... physically and meta-physically in this new paradigm shift of reality. Love reigns!!


  • Thank you so much for explaining this in a way that many can relate to. Love is the answer; no matter what. I try to communicate to those in my life; and I feel them blocking a lot of it. There is obvious disturbances that many harbor.  I wanted to overcome that in any way possible.

    It started with a book on Saint Germains' Alchemy that opened my heart. I regained confidence and love for myself. Also; practicing mindfulness helps.  It seems that I have come into contact with quite a few Light Beings lately. After meeting one that I fell in love with; I am able to see them everywhere; in such a bright, peaceful oneness. It means alot to meet Beings of Light.

    People who do not share my opinion; I feel; I probably should just let them alone. Unfortunately; it is people who were part of my life. However; I cannot let anything get in the way of my progress towards true love.

    I was in the hospital because my envronment got really Out of control. Just returning; I feel more together.woke up dreaming of the LIght Being;and he was playing a Beatles song to me. Really fell in love with him; and think of him every day. He gave me so much hope; love; deeper than anything I have ever experienced.

    He made me realize that he would always be there; somehow. I believed him; and I still do. Yes; sometimes it gets lonely; but I know when I call for him that he is there. They say that everyone has a twin flame. But; my goodness; how much longer?

  • I suggest videos of Blossom and White Cloud. very touching !!
  • I have been ridiculed for my beliefs by family and friends.  Your article brings some positive energy just when I reaslly need it, Blossom.  I filled a few big bottles with love tonight and while doing that I was able to become more relaxed and hopeful of the day that our Earth becomes Eden, once again.  I look forward to meeting beings from all around the universe and I do get excited about the possibilites that new experiences bring to us.  You are doing a valuable service, Blossom.  Bless you and I hope to be able to help educate others about the spiritual way of life. 



    Ed in Indy 

  • Close your eyes and feel it!!!I almost shed tears of how much i feel that were soo near.. Love and LIght
  • whatever   is truth   will  shine  like  the  sun    whatever  resonates   within  will  guide  you
  • <3love-love-love-love-love!_I_AM_Ready!!!!
  • about the air, funny, I noticed this, today, as I opened all the windows in my house to blow through and out all the heat collected, I said "wow" "that air", it felt, well ,no words really to touch it, but generally, like some new breathing of a feeling, like breathing with new lungs of a feeling, so beautiful and fresh and "new"/alive

    then I read this now, hmmm, also that image, I love that image
  • I, like so many others, are ready any time Heaven so decrees it to be the divine moment.  Be it pillars of pulsing light or some other, I am sure every living thing on the earth will feel how right it is.  Bless you Blossom for staying with us since the Oct. 14th because you opened my eyes and my heart!

    Thank you and bless your heart Blossom . . .

    There is no judgement around doubt.  However, it impedes the unfoldment of the desired event.  We are not separate from the outcome "waiting" to see if it unfolds.  We are partispants, birthing our "beliefs" N2 existance  quantum scientist, Gregg Braden makes this point beautifully.


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