Blossom Goodchild
February 27th,2016
Blossom: Hello there. Having arrived back on the planet after swimming with the dolphins in Hawaii … I feel rather ‘swimmy in mind’. Without doubt, those ‘Dollies’ upgrade the soul-self and indeed, it takes a while to come back down to Earth after Being in their presence. So ... I will leave it to you my friends, as to the ‘Order of the day’ … if I may?
The Federation of Light: Welcome back! We, of course, enjoyed ‘Being’ with you in the waters of that Isle and allowed the oceanic waves to encompass you and bring you a Lighter disposition.
Blossom: Certainly the Dolphins have something about them. Just Being so close to/with them in the water is an uplifting boost to any soul. I am TRULY grateful to have had the opportunity, and will make it happen that I experience them again someday. So … back to ‘normality’. Should we maybe speak about the ‘many Earths’ that you spoke of in the last channelling?
The Federation of Light: If you so wish. Yet, we understand that many are already aware of this due to the knowledge now gained regarding the fact that EVERYTHING is possible. In this vast space of life … upon all Planets, Universes, Galaxies and beyond … how could there be limitations? Therefore, considering the ‘possibility’ of innumerous parallel lives … how then, could there not be the parallel Earths to go with them?