May 20th, 2017
Blossom: My Dearest Beings from somewhere else! Here we are again then. Actually I have a bit of a quandary which I thought you may be able to help me with. A certain gentleman is very keen to hear the Truth about whether or not this Earth of ours is flat, under a dome etc. I have told him that this is not ‘my position’ to bring this Truth out … IF indeed it was/is a Truth! For reasons of my safety and Divine Plan timing … along with many other reasons why I feel it is not for ‘me’ to delve into this. He wrote back with this:
After all this years of reading your blog I guess going round and round in circles has me screaming to get off - or at least has me exasperated that if one supposedly has the ‘ear’ of higher entities, one might just get down and dirty with specifics. It’s a bit like wandering into the greatest library in history and spending hours admiring the shelving and the colour of the carpet.
I get what he means about the library, and it made me think about it. Yet, there is something in me that feels right about not asking certain things. I think you know how I feel and what I mean. So rather than ramble on, I will pass it over to you. Thank you.
The Federation of Light: Welcome Dearest Blossom and all who walk along this journey with us. Firstly, we would say that for those who do not communicate with ‘Higher Beings’ … in THIS way … for indeed, you are all capable of communication … there is an understanding between both parties as to how communications shall be conducted. You are correct Blossom in that, there are indeed, MANY topics that we are not prepared to discuss. We ‘skip’ over certain agenda because it is not for US … we feel … to delve into it. There are many, many, many Truths that are to come out … as we have mentioned before. Truths that will completely stun practically the entire population of the Human race. Yet, these TRUTHS are certainly not for us to reveal … AT THIS TIME.
Blossom: Does that mean you will at a later date then?