July 22, 2010

Oliver: I am so happy. Thank you for joining me again. You were with me two years ago when you channelled this incredible message and I do want to explain to the listeners, those who are out
there, who for some reason missed it completely. Please explain in your own
words what it was that went down two years ago and what the channelled message
was because I believe that you channel from an intergalactic group of beings
called The Federation of Light. Isn’t that correct?

Blossom: Yes, that is right, Oliver, and it happened for me that I’d actually been channeling the Federation of Light for about two years before this message was given and I wrote a book
called The Bridge. When that was done they asked me to start
writing another one and during that time
in February of 2008 I discovered when I looked back, that they had said ‘we are
going to ask of you a task so great that even you will question its credibility’
and I had forgotten all about that. And
then March or April, it might have even been May, this message came through
that they wanted me to alert the governments and the leaders because they were
going to appear on October the 14th and literally I thought, “No,
sorry, I can’t deliver that message. I can’t
phone up the president and say, ‘hello, excuse me, my name’s Blossom and I’ve
got a message for you…’ I kept putting
it off and putting it off and eventually a friend of mine who helps me with all
my White Cloud stuff said, ‘What are you going to do, Blossom, about this?
You’ve got to get it out.” So eventually I asked The Federation if they wanted
any specific wording to be said and they actually channelled through the
particular message that went out to millions and millions of people.

When I was given the message I had 128 people on my newsletter at that time and I thought, ‘well, I’ll just send it out to them. They’ll delete it and that will be the end of that. (Laughter)
Little did I know what would actually take place? As most people know it
just went viral…it was absolutely incredible. And The Federation kept on
channelling which went on throughout that time.

I think it went out in August, so I kept putting the channellings up on my website every weekend to let people know what was taking place and I couldn’t believe what was happening to me and my
life. It was completely turned 100% round the other way. I think the important
thing was that so many people woke up because of that message. There was some
energy contained in that message that made grown men cry or made them look up
if they hadn’t yet awakened to their spirituality. They started to go, ‘oh,
that mad woman in Australia had said this’ and they started to look up at the
skies and get interested in the whole thing which was then able to awaken so
many people.

Oliver: I remember when I heard about it and the message was that they were going to appear in the night sky and there were to be quite large space craft as far as I know.

Blossom: The Federation of Light said “in a vast ship,” that they would be in our skies for three of our days. Other channellers then went on to say that the ship was, I don’t know, 500 miles long
and things like this. I didn’t actually give a specific size of what the ship
would be. They just said it would be a vast ship, but also there were many
other channellers who I very much respect who also confirmed that this was
going to be taking place, so we were all, indeed, on alert.

Oliver: I would say so. The internet was totally buzzing with what you had channelled at that time and that completely just changed your life.
Suddenly one day you went from being unknown to the next day when everybody
was talking about you. And there were the good messages and the not so good
messages, so how did you handle all that?

Blossom: (laughs) I cried a lot. When it started going viral and it was worldwide and most people knew of it I used to look up at the skies and go, “you’d better bloody show up.” It was such
a big thing for me and at times I literally got into bed at night and I cried
because I was so scared. Was this
actually going to take place and what if it didn’t? I was going to look like
such an idiot. I know this is all ego and nobody knew who I was and suddenly my
email box and everything had gone mad, but at the same time it was very
exciting because I really felt it was going to happen. If I didn’t believe in
it I might as well stop doing my channeling all together. That’s why I sent the
message out because, I thought, if I don’t believe that what I’m getting through
is the Truth, then I might as well stop now. And I did believe it to be a Truth in The Federation of Light.

Oliver: Blossom, I have to tell you that’s one thing I admire about what you did. It takes courage to do what you did and as you say, you are truly believing in the channeling job you are
doing, and actually finding the courage to step forward and announcing to the
whole world and basically turning everything upside down because on some level
it’s easy enough to say that you are a channeller, but actually you really put
your faith in it and stepped out there and said, “This is what I do and this is
the message that I got.”

Blossom: Yeah, yeah, and the outcome, if you’re ready to move on to that…

Oliver: No, no, let’s keep it a secret for a little longer…

Blossom: It was interesting because whatever did and didn’t take place for each individual, and that is the way I would say it, because people would say it just didn’t happen and to me, ‘no,
it didn’t happen in the way …’ as I said to the Federation, ‘that you promised’,
and yet I had thousands, literally thousands of emails from people who had
experienced seeing ships, maybe smaller ships, large ships, or being taken up
in a ship. You know, so many things did
happen around that time and there were You Tubes all over the place and
thousands of people saw things during that time. And obviously it was a very bizarre time for

Oliver: And this is something I’d really like to touch upon just a little bit more about what did happen after October 14th.

Blossom, just to recap … two years ago you had this incredible message that you channelled from The Federation of Light...that their space craft was going to appear in our skies for a minimum period of three days and we're
talking about what did happen afterwards because the initial thing is that
people say that it didn't happen and I even saw a YouTube where you kind
of apologize and two years ago when you were on my show you said that if
it doesn't happen ... ‘oopsie daisy’ (laughter)

Once we passed October 14th the Truth was a little bit different, but as we were talking about just before we went on break you did talk about people sending you emails and I did experience
something. I believe that I saw something in the sky and I saw it with my
friend, Sandy. We were standing looking out of her kitchen window and we
actually saw something. As we saw it, it was there and it was gone

I'd like to know how you channel and how it comes through you and how clear the message is when it comes through you, but could there have been a different spin to it, how they would
have shown up in our night skies. (I keep saying night skies and I don't know
why). What do you think?

Blossom: It's very difficult to say really as to what did and didn't happen to each individual. When I channel it is literally telepathic. As I say, I don't have a little green
man turn up in my room and say, "Take this down Miss Jones." For
me, there might be the odd word that isn’t coming through and I know this
sounds ridiculous to say, I strain my ear a little as though I don't hear, to
get the actual word that it is, but when it comes through I can't write it down
quick enough. It's just full-on conversation between me and the energy
of The Federation of Light. There have been times when I go to write and I
think I'll do a channeling today and I'll tune in and I'll start and literally
… nothing. I can't. There's
nothing, the odd little sentence and it's a bit difficult and I just think
‘no’ and I sit there and I wait for a little while and see if there is anything
going on but no. That doesn't happen all the time. It's happened quite a
few times, but in general they are there. I just know when they're not
there, the energies aren't right today and I can't do it. I can't make
that stuff up. People laugh at me because some of the words that they
say, I know them, I've heard these words, but I didn't fully know their
true meaning, so I go to Google and I look them up and people think, God, she
must be really thick, but I'm really not sure if that particular word fits in
with the sentence they've given. When I do look it up I am just always 100%
blown away because of the accuracy of what that word actually means and how it
fits ... and that's how I know it's not me, Oliver.

Oliver: What are you saying, Blossom?

Blossom: I don't use their terminology. You know, I just don't speak in the way that they do. Have I digressed from your question?

Oliver: I don't know. Have you? (laughter) I don't think so because what I would really like to ask you here is what was the message that they brought back to you after the event.
What did they come back and tell you and what were some of the messages that
you got in your emails?

Blossom: It was interesting because over those three days, the 14th, 15th, and 16th, I put that YouTube of apology up because I was being inundated, and clearly people wanted to know
what was going on. I'd been channeling a few days before and they didn't
show in the way they thought. And I felt it my responsibility to give some
response and as many people saw I was absolutely devastated. I was as
shocked as many other people also were and quite honestly it made me question
everything. It even made me question White Cloud who I had been working
with for 10 years. It made me question my whole reason for living!
The interesting thing is though that I was so vulnerable in that video that
also it seems it was a meant to be thing, because many people were very
grateful that I hadn't tried to make an excuse about it and I'd just been
honest about it. And I don't know what else you can be. People were
sending me dreadful threats and it was all very serious at the time.

I don't know how much later it was, but I thought ‘if I go back and channel them I don't know if I can trust them anymore. I didn't feel inclined to. I felt betrayed. I thought, ‘thank
you very much for that,’! Then literally one night I couldn't sleep. It
was about 1 or 2 in the morning and I just felt the urge, so I went to my
computer and it was interesting because straight away when I connected up with
them, for me, and that's the only thing I can go by, the love that I felt, I
was crying the whole time, the love that they just bring through, and they said
that they had to abort it at the last minute because if they didn't it was
known that the darker people, the darker forces on the earth, were literally
going to annihilate most of the planet if they did what they said.

And my thing to them was, 'You said you had everything covered.' They literally thought it was going to be a bluff and they actually used the words, 'agents' and one of their agents let
them know that it wasn't a bluff indeed and they could not risk it. They have
spoken about it recently actually and a few months ago they spoke about it and
said that they wanted to bring the subject up now that things are settled down
a bit. And I said, 'well, couldn't you stop it? You stop nuclear
missiles, I believe, and all things like this’ and they said, no, that
wouldn't have been a possibility if they had gone ahead, so, of course, I had
to accept that, but at the same time I was having many, many letters from
people, some horrific and nasty people, but some kind people trying
to tell me that I was channeling the devil and they were ET's, but bad ET's,
and they'd conned me and conned the world and so I had a lot of sorting out to

Oliver: I also read that part of what you did is that you gave people who really believe in ufology and aliens a bad rap. What is your answer to that and your answer through The
Federation of Light?

Blossom: At the end of the day The Federation of Light always say that we have to follow our own truths. Nobody else's, just our own. So that's all I can do and
obviously when it happened I was thinking, ‘I won't be doing that anymore.’
Here I am almost two years later still doing channellings and you know The
Federation of Light, have more followers than ever before. What they bring
through is their wisdom. We're not talking any more about seeing a big UFO
in the sky. We're talking about them teaching us about why we're
here. That's what the message did. It woke so many people up to
that and if ufologists and all those people who slagged me off and said
I've just done so much damage to all the billions of dollars they've spent on
satellites looking and trying to find communications, well, to me I just think
that's their Truth. That's your bag!
Yet why don't you just talk to any number of people, not necessarily me,
who are in communication with them, instead of spending billions of dollars
trying to hear a sound somewhere out in space. It's each to their own,
Oliver, their own truth and that's the way I had to be with it.

Oliver: Blossom, if they came back today and said, 'Blossom, we've got a big task for you and we need to... (Laughter)

Blossom: I’d give them two words, Oliver.

Oliver: I can just imagine what those two words might be because I do know that you are still channeling and you can actually go to your website, and you can still read
the channellings that you do for them. But do you think they would actually be
inclined to do something like that again or ask you to do that? Or do you
think they think, 'we've put her through enough.'

Blossom: Yeah, definitely. They wouldn't and they know. The weird thing is and people have commented on this and I know this for myself, I've been channeling them for four years
and in the last couple of years since then, my approach to them has changed
quite a lot. I used to be, uh, not intimidated, but quite shy about asking
them a question or if they had said something, I wouldn't ask, 'well, what
do you mean by that?' Now, I trust our relationship so much more and I think
there are many, many channellers on this earth plane right now and a lot of
them have trouble because you (they) think, 'is this coming from me or is it
coming from somewhere else?' I can't hear them, so how do I know I'm not
making this up etc.? And it's about trust, about trusting yourself. I have
definitely learned to trust them so much more. And the same thing with White
Cloud. I've been working with White Cloud for 10 years. Our level of
working with each other has gone up 100%. The same I feel with The
Federation. We've learned to work with each other and how to work with
each other and we've learned to trust each other. And I don't feel at all
they would say, 'would you let the world know that in a couple of weeks...'
because I would be telling them to jump off their space you know
what I mean? They know that I wouldn't and they wouldn't be putting me through
that. I know that they wouldn't and you can say that they are coming soon
and, as many people know, with channellers all over the world, this word
"soon" seems to pop up with them, but there is no time, so whereas a
year ago if they said they were coming soon, I might think they
were talking in a few months, but now ‘soon’ to me ... well I've
questioned them and ‘soon means nothing to us because you said 'soon' and soon
has been and gone many times.’ In my heart, Oliver, and that's all that I
can say, I just know that they will come. Not on a scale of: 'Is it a
bird, is it a plane, no it's Superman. Is that, was that something?' No, on a
big scale I really do think they are going to turn up and they are more and
more all over the place. Look at China the other month...

Oliver: I was just going to say that about all the UFO sightings there.

Blossom: And the spirals that are turning up. You've just got to go on YouTube to see all these happenings that are taking place. They are coming more and more and more,
but I do think that there will come the time when what they said about October
14th is going to happen. I can just feel that in my heart. That is my
truth. It doesn't matter if it's anybody else’s, but I can't change my
truth in my heart.

Oliver: Well, Blossom, there is so much more that I want to touch upon, especially the awareness, the awakening that's happening, but I'd like to touch upon what has happened to
you, where you're at right now after this whole thing that went down.

Blossom, I am still so in awe of you, of what you did, your courage to actually step forward and bring this message forth from the Federation of Light, that their spacecraft was going to
appear in our skies. So I'm curious to know about the awareness, the awakening
of what is happening here on the planet and really is sort of
expanding. It's almost daily. You just said it that in China right
now they had to shut down an airport because of UFO sightings. Talk to me a
little bit about that, the awareness, the awakening that's happening?

Blossom: It is as you say not daily, it's momentary. Every moment people are awakening and we are going into 2012 so quickly and there are a billion scenarios as to what might happen
in 2012, but clearly that whatever 2012 will signify, it's some monumental event
and change and The Federation says that we're moving into the Golden Age.

And it has to be, so therefore I feel that those of us who are on the planet now are so blessed to be here. Many of us just sit down and complain about the state of this and
the state of that and isn't it dreadful? I just feel like giving a slap
around the chops because you chose to be here out of millions and
millions of souls that wanted to be here at this time. We were the ones
that volunteered and got chosen because we are really strong and we are here to
see this ascension and this change happen and that's why we are all here now...some
of us have woken up before others. Perhaps that's our given
pathway for that to happen, but there are many, many who are still asleep.
For each one that wakes up they are going to talk to somebody else and wake
maybe three or four more people up and so the chain goes. More and
more people have to wake up to what is going on as a planet and a spiritual consciousness
really. That is what is so lovely. People are.

And it has been said that when ships arrive in the sky that are undeniable and perhaps stay for a while, then a lot of people are going to actually freak out because they've never contemplated it
as a reality. They have contemplated it as watching a movie. So
when it does happen there are going to be so many people who are lost.
And the ones that are awake are going to be the ones that can then guide and
help those people that didn't know what hit them really, but they also say that
during that time when the ships do arrive en mass like that, that there will be
a mass awakening happening at that time because so many people, when they
see it, will remember who they are. That's what The Federation is talking
about all the time: to remember who we are. And who we are, Oliver
is love. I don't remember who I am. I don't remember what I had for
breakfast. Let's be honest. Who we are love and that's what we have
to remember.

Oliver: We were just talking about that during the break and if we knew that by the time we went out of here and came back we wouldn't get incarnated again. It's like NO WAY...done
that, right?

Blossom: Absolutely, we have to know that we are very blessed to be here and that we came here to see this through. When we're having days like, 'oh, dear, I don't know what's
going on here and what's happening and isn't this all dreadful?' that's when we
have to remind ourselves, well, wait, pull yourself together. You are
here to be an example of light, so be
that example because to me it's the example of light that we all are that is
going to make the change.

It's the way we think about everything that is going to change and if we keep on this level of, 'oh, God, isn't this awful?' then that's how it's going to stay. We have to make a
complete change in the way we know what is going to be and we have to know
that our thoughts and our love and our light when we focus on it, are going to
make the change into the world that we only dream of.

Oliver: That's so beautiful, Blossom. It really is. And so true. I know that you also channel White Cloud and I'd like to know, what was his response?
Did you ever get any response from him?

Blossom: I'll tell a quick story. Many might have heard it. As I say, I was getting bombarded. It was very nasty, but some people were trying to be nice
and there was one particular letter that I got that really hurt my heart. I had
days of being strong because of the beautiful letters of love that were sent
and they far outweighed the nasty letters. There were still things that
made me question what I was doing and I didn't want to lie to myself let alone
to the rest of the world, so I was feeling really bad one day and I did ask
White Cloud, 'I need to know that this is a truth and whether I am supposed to
carry on channeling the Federation of Light’? Because I trust him

And I saw a picture of a rose in my mind. And I said, 'ok, within three days I want to see a rose even if it's in the gutter!!! I'll see a rose and I'll know that it is a sign that
it is of truth.' And I needed to know that. And I don't often ask
him for signs. It's not the way we work. I live my own life, but in three
days there was a knock on my door and there was three dozen white roses
delivered with a white feather coming out of them and a card which said, 'Walk
boldly in the light and the love. All is as should be.' And they were literally
White Cloud's words and it said, 'From, Kerrie, a petal.' I know Kerrie
now, but I didn't know her at the time. She just got this thing to send me
some roses and literally the card had everything that White Cloud has said
regularly. It was like he had written it. And to me it was like, 'waaah’,
that was all I needed to know.' I will never worry anymore as to if I am
channeling the dark side because after this I know now that I'm with the

Oliver: How can you channel the dark side, so to speak, when you talk about love?

Blossom: You'd be amazed, Oliver, the kind of letters that I still get now on that, but that's ok. Everybody's just living in their truth, but people write in saying channellers
speak of light, but they are actually being conned by the devil and have I not
read my bible and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. That's fair enough because
that's their truth and I'm not here to prove or convince anybody of
anything. I am just doing what I feel I have to do and there's many times
I just think, 'this is all just too hard' because of what I might get sent from
people or just different things I can't really go into now, but I think, 'oh,
this is really hard' and I think, 'could you stop doing this, Blossom?' and I
think, ‘no, I couldn't’ because my heart just knows it has to do it and that's
what I came here to do and to be honest, as White Cloud says, 'if you can just
turn one person around on this planet, just show one person the right pathway
to light and love, then you have done well.'

If we all adopted that … how different would the world be? We'd just pass this light and love on to everybody. That’s how the world's going to wake up by being an example of
light. And not writing back to these people and saying, 'on your bike, pal.'
But just writing back and saying, 'Thank you very much for offering your point
of view. However, it's not my truth, but I wish you well on yours.'
It's just about not judging people for where they're at because we are
all part of that person that is judging us. If we are all one, then
that person that's judging us is part of me. Why would I slap part of me
around the face? (laughter) And I often do. Do you see what I
am saying?

Oliver: Absolutely, I do see what you're saying. Yeah, you're absolutely right. And I know you do the readings and you also travel with White Cloud and I know
you changed your readings around a little bit. You had to because you
said health wise. That's sort of just to step back a little bit?

Blossom: It's a very funny thing, you know. It makes me smile because I went down to Melbourne to see my step-daughter in February, so I thought while I'm down there I'll try
and do a White Cloud evening. When I got there it was going to start at
half past six and there were five people there. They were going, 'Am I in
the wrong place?' because they imagined hundreds and hundreds of people to be
there. In the end there was traffic and what have you and there were
twenty three people. And I thought, 'That's cool. That's fine’ and
White Cloud came through. I came back and about a month later I thought I'd
do one more locally and you know, Oliver, I had about four people booked.
I didn't have enough people to pay for the venue, so I decided that's it.
Nothing against White Cloud, but I decided I can't keep on trying to make
this happen and so I stopped and now I'm leaving it to the powers that be and
if I'm meant to go out there and spread the word via White Cloud speaking
through me, then that will happen, but it seems that I was getting pipped
at every post really. People think I'm busy all week going out to do a
White Cloud here and a White Cloud there, travelling all over. Absolutely

It's very strange time, but here's another thing we have to understand at this moment. It's just to accept. I love that saying, "Let Go and Let God." To me what's
the point of having this Native American Indian coming to speak through me
with all his wisdom when there's nobody there to listen? I'm not going out and
doing it. What's that all about? But at the same point it's like,
well look, if it's meant to happen, it will. It will happen when it's
meant to happen and to be able to go, ‘ok,’ well, I'm just going to let go of
it then. And that is what we all need to do about all things that are
stressing us out. We might be trying too hard to make something happen.
Whereas if we just accept and put it out there that ‘I am willing to do this in
service. You let me know how, when and I'll show up’ type of thing,
rather than putting all this angst into what you feel you should be
doing. We're being taught so much more now to just be.
And that's very hard for us to do: to just Be.

Going back to what you said, I was pretty ill before Christmas for three months. For me I definitely knew it was a spiritual thing. I couldn't walk from one room into the
other. My daily limit of exercise was to get out of bed and walk to the
sofa and sit and stare all day at the table. I literally was off the
planet for three months and I knew that by doing readings with White Cloud
coming through was just using up too much of my life force because of the
energy involved and so it came to me then that I had to make the decision for
the readings I do that I would be working in exactly the same way, but instead
of White Cloud speaking I come through and I say, 'I'm being shown an
image of...' and I'll do exactly the same thing, but it's me talking as
opposed to him coming fully into my body. I made the decision
that when it's time for me to travel around the world as I've been told I
will so many times and get White Cloud out there in that way, then I'm happy to
do that because I think the energy in his voice when he speaks though me is
quite amazing for people to experience. Then I'm happy to do that, but
certainly not on a basis of doing readings for people because it literally does
take too much of my life force away.

Oliver: Wow, well well … for you seriously to know your limits. That's so important, but you have so much else going on at You have written
quite a few books you've channelled through White Cloud that people can
find there.

Blossom: When I first started channeling White Cloud he said to record the meetings because they were going to be put into a book and that was ten years ago and I thought, 'yeah, right.'
I had no idea at all, so when I published the first book which is called "Walking in the Light and the
I was like, ‘oh my God, he was right.’ Since then I've
done two more books on his behalf, so I've written three books from White
Cloud. People often write into me and say, 'what do the Federation think about
this' and 'what do they feel about that?' Well, in all honesty, all those
questions White Cloud has answered in those three books. We had group
meetings where people asked all sorts of questions to do with Jesus, abortion,
war, drugs, all sorts of things, cosmic stuff, and people would ask White Cloud
questions and he answered them all in his truth. As he said this is his opinion,
his truth. So a lot of all that work for ten years is down in his books.
All his wisdom of how he looks upon those matters.

Oliver: So just quickly, Blossom, we're running out of time here. Yeah, I know it goes by so fast. What is up next for you?

Blossom: I don't know (laughs).

Oliver: Good, that was easy.

Blossom: I'll go get my lunch; I think is what's next. I'm always open. That's the thing, isn't it? You never know what's around the corner.

Oliver: I was just curious. People can still go over to your website and I know you keep channeling the Federation of Light. I know you just have some recent
posts up there, so...

Blossom: Can I just say, Oliver, people can sign up for my newsletter which they can do on my website, then whenever a new channeling has gone up I always
send out a newsletter to let them know


Oliver: Oh, wonderful. Blossom, thank you once again. I want to have you back on because there is so much we could still talk about.

Blossom: Absolutely, it would be a pleasure.

Oliver: I could literally talk to you all night long, but we are done here and thank you so very much for coming on here again two years after the event and I'm
so happy that I got a chance to catch up with you to hear what went on and how
you've been for the past two years. And it's so good to hear that you're
still in good spirits.

Blossom: Absolutely and thank you so much for inviting me, Oliver. I appreciate the opportunity and am doing more than fine. Like everybody I'm learning to love more and
more with each new day.

Oliver: Thank you so much and thank you so much everyone out there who listened to The Oliver Show here tonight. Daily you can find me at One Two Listen where I do readings and I also
have my email service there and stayed tuned to One Two Radio. We've got
an amazing line-up tomorrow...

End of the interview.

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1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"The dark cabal hates us all and wants to destroy us, or enslave us...BUT, they will not succeed, as there are such powerful forces in cosmos that oppose their plans, that they are doomed...And their former protection by the Anunnaki "gods" has been…"
3 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
  How To Talk To God? Secrets from Mahavatar Babaji's Teachings Have you ever wondered how to connect with God on a deeper level? Discover the profound wisdom of Mahavatar Babaji as we unravel the secrets to divine communication and spiritual…
4 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
  Sri Amma Bhagavan Wisdom:Experience Everything!Question: Dear Bhagavan, most of us are tired of battling with life. We often wonder if life is conspiring against our joy and peace. The more we try to elude pain, the more challenging it becomes. Is…
13 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
......"May this New Year bring an abundance of peace, stillness, and clarity into your heart and soul. May the light of Sri Amma Bhagavan’s grace illuminate the path of enlightenment for you and guide you to discover the highest truth.May we all…
13 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"The sick criminals already have an mnra shot for thebird flu mutation in stock
Biden spent hundredsof millions of tax payerbuck over the last year- totally planned"
16 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Hopefully we can have them all put behind bars this year though I think it might take another year or two before that happens, but that would be awesome if justice happens this year. I wonder if some of these Deep State members know that we have off…"
17 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Well, as I intimated, the darker their hearts, the less their plans are coming to fruition, as mania takes them down a path of panic, impulse, frenzy and haste....These qualities are not ideal for success....In contrast, the patriots are well…"
18 hours ago