First of all may I apologise on behalf of my mailing list programme. It decided to play up last week when I sent out news of a new channelling on 27th. Some received it twice and some not at all. I am TRUSTING all will be back to normal when I send this out!!
So then, what words of upliftment, what wisdom is to be imparted as we move so speedily on through into THE NEW WORLD?
Truly is there actually anything left to be said? Indeed there is much taking place ... so many circumstances strewn across this globe that requires all the tender loving care we can offer. Yet, is it not that we now KNOW what is required of us? We have been offered teaching from so many different angles. We are at liberty to pick and choose that which suits and resonates. We KNOW now that the only thing to do ABOUT EVERYTHING is to BE OF LOVE. The question is ... have we sussed out how to BE THAT LOVE?
I am working at it. Every day I find myself presented with situations that require me to 'think' for a minute and then act in an appropriate manner. And depending on the situation although I may KNOW that I must simply BE OF LOVE , it can sometimes take a few hours until my heart space is in correct alignment to actually FEEL that TRUTH and GRACEFULLY allow LOVE to take over without me interfering. I am working on not having the few hours before that takes place, or indeed any time at all.
I feel we are all ascending to a place within ourselves when whatever occurs is simply reciprocated through LOVE. WE ARE OF IT as we KNOW, yet it seems we still have quite a few remnants of the part of us that we no longer require. The part that has restricted and maimed the extraordinary essence of who we are. When you consider the damage done to our purest souls, it is no wonder that a healing process must be put in place. Deep wounds take longer to recover. Yet we are now experiencing a time when ALL HEALING is to be upon us. We are soon to be FREE. And yes, it may feel at times that NOTHING is changing and on the outside the planet seems to be in a worse state than ever before. But on the inside ... deep within side each one of us WE KNOW ... don't we? ... WE KNOW SOMETHING ... we just need to hang on in there for a little while longer in order for that something to be revealed, so we can claim ' I KNEW IT'.
These days now and ahead require our TRUST on a level far greater than we have so far offered. For it is NOW that we musty diligently HOLD OUR LIGHT , anchor it steadfastly into the heart of Mother Earth and FEEL the union ... the bond of each individual coming together in order to seal the pact that we made AS ONE before we entered our earthly life this time round.
IT IS NOW that we must keep on keeping on and not succumb to forces that are in their very last throws of attempting to disrupt this glorious plan.
What we came here to do is about to be done ... I long to meet so many as we nod in silent agreement in a place that is to be our new home.
I recently watched a video by Drunvalo Melchizedek (and I thought my name was unusual!!) It is an hour and twenty minutes long .., but for me I found it so worthwhile to know the information he shared. Might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I felt the need to pass it on.
So I think that’s about it from me today. Another month gone by … another month closer to our deepest desires.
Oodles and oodles of
Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays