Blueprint for the Golden Age



I have been pondering now for a while whether yes or no I would publish on this site. But off we go…

We have been asked to work together, and we are also being asked to use our particular skillsets in this.  

My particular skills are in the project management (PM) area: managing a one-time event/change from point A to point B. Getting us to the Golden Age is one such major program the our Galactic Family is working upon, together with us humans, incarnated souls on Earth. In this, they ask our ideas, our contribution.

So, as a contribution, I have written the below.

I will post additional sections as and when I can.

Upfront apologies for the “sec” language. At times I can be poetic, but usually not with my professional hat of project manager on.

Well, enjoy the reading. And especially: I would mostly welcome your opinion and constructive ideas.







Major changes are always planned and carried out thru projects and large programs – it is the only way to success in the longer run. At least in the higher dimensions, and, mirroring that practice, also in our own human reality. A very live example is how our Star Family allies, the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light, currently support Earth and her inhabitants to transition from the 3rd to the higher dimensions. Their support is meticulously planned and executed, and adapted along the way to the varying circumstances and higher-level decisions. In the same way should we, humans, plan from our end, our own destiny. Yes, WITH the help from our cosmic and in-earth allies, but the decisions need to be ours.


From a career perspective, I am a project and program manager. A program is a large project that is sliced into various subprojects to keep it manageable. And that is how I tend to look at the transition to the Golden Age and at management of the Golden Age itself. The major questions one will always ask with a program is:

  • Scope: what is the objective, what is it that we wish to achieve?
  • Time: In what timeframe, and if required splitting up this timeframe in long term, medium term, short term and immediate
  • Cost: what effort/resources are required to get to that objective in the determined timeframe


Every organization has a culture, preferably a common one, a set of assumed values. The assumed principles and ways of thinking underlying the beneath program, are in summary:

  • Everything is energy, including matter
  • Everything and everyone has their origin in the Supreme God, the Source, and will once return to the Oneness ofthe Source
  • We, the human beings on Terra/Earth/Gaia/Shan/URANTIA, have received our godly DNA from extra-terrestrial beings, the so-called “gods”. Our 12-string DNA was reduced to 2 strings for reasons of enslavery. By reactivating our godly DNA, we become Gods again, co-creators.
  • For the last 13K years, humanity has been submerged into the duality of the 3rd dimension, especially the duality of light and dark, meant as a learning process. Though the Annunaki arrival some 8K years ago has considerably deepened the duality and consequent suffering.
    The world at current is majorly managed by an elite extremely rich 1% of the population and ET allies, who thru advanced technologies control every sector of our society. They control the masses thru a lowered DNA and thru fear, including the fear for our cosmic allies and the fear for change of their corrupt systems (a great current example is the fear for collapse of the financial-economical system) and for military explosion (threat of WOIII).  Common names for this 1% are: the Illuminati, the Cabal, the Shadow or Dark, the New World Order, the 13 families.
  • Our Galactic Family is around to prevent major excesses by the 1%, such as an outbreak of nuclear or other World war, or the world population’s reduction in any other way to a controllable amount of modern slaves. Recently (February 2012), they have been allowed by the highest hierarchy to intervene more directly in our world’s affairs. Until then, they were held back by humanity’s “free will”.
  • Our beloved planet Earth and our total solar system, is right now going thru an ascension process: from the 3rd Dimension in which we have been submerged for over 13K years, to the 4th up to the 5th and even higher dimensions. In the ascension process, Gaia will return to her pristine state. By moving from mind-focus to heart-focus and love, humanity may decide to make this transition smooth and seamless. Alternatively, our “civilization” may be destroyed in Earth’s upheavals, and the mass of humans may need a temporary relocation to risk-free zones.
  • We as humans are also given the opportunity to ascend –whilst remaining in our body-, with the help of an enormous amount of cosmic allies. Though, to achieve this ascension, WE, the humans, have to do our own portion of the work: increasing our awareness, our consciousness, and thru this, liberating ourselves from the fear instigated by the Illuminati; and visualizing, planning, working out our future Golden Age, ás we speak.
  • The Golden Age needs to be molded along the following characteristics – they are by the way mainly incompatible with a lot of our modern way of living – although we are seeing more and more features of this new consciousness around:
    1. Oneness: we are all One. Although we all have our own uniqueness, we are not separate from one another, nor from our cosmic allies or from God, and never have been
    2. Peace and Love, let our Heart lead us. Let our Heart be our driving force.
    3. Co-operation, and working towards the highest good (at least 51% of serving)
    4. Again respect for the female aspect in everything. A balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.
    5. We must transcend duality also in other aspects: light and dark are elements of the same reality and have to work together; from master-slave opposition to responsibility of each individual and of the whole; from competition and aggression to co-operation of all sentient beings in and around this planet and galactic universe.
    6. Sovereignty: in molding our new society worldwide, we can consider examples from other (often our home) civilizations and other planets. But in the end, it needs to be our own design, carefully planned and discussed through councils and referenda.


How is the program description approached?

  • The suggested projects are a blueprint, a strong suggestion for a direction. We need to think them thru with many people, both with the base and with the future serving leadership. But:” The sky is the limit for your new world. Dream big, dream the impossible. It is all up to you. Reality is a fluid product of your imagination. Reality is not fixed to certain universal limitations” from
    As it stands, already a lot of brainstorming and new direction initiatives are popping up all over. It shows how impatient many people have grown with the “status-quo” in this world.
  • To keep the discussion manageable, the project themes have been sliced in various themes and sections (political, financial-economical, social, etc). They are roughly the same sections as  what one could find as government departments.
  • Timeframe: where and if required time is split up in long term, medium term, short term and immediate. Note: at current, we see most management all over the world (be it private or public) think very short term; this ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) syndrome is partially caused by the financial-economical model of greed and stock exchange listing, and by panicky reactions due to the feeling that everything is getting out of their control.
  • Point A and B are described: point A being the current or “old” or “disappearing”/breaking down/chaotic/ perverted situation. The new is what’s about to come, and is already emerging. Examples of the new are given where possible. Sometimes, the “new” includes a transition period.


I want to make an important note here about change management. Every project is set up to go from point A to point B, in other words: change. People in general are scared of change: most of us –especially if not awakened  and even those awakened - will hold on to what we have, although we know in our heart that it is a bad or even a disastrous situation. The project helps people to make the swap, by showing them the alternative scenario, by showing them
(1) that point B is a far better world than our current world, and
(2) how to get to this new world.
In other words, the project helps people to embrace the change and to increase their consciousness.

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