
Cabal Financial System and Mafiosi under Systematic Attack as World Revolution Unfolds

Ben Fulford may not sit well with everybody. His language is often not neutral and his arguments can be ad hominem.

But he remains one of the best-informed, ground-level reporters on the current scene. He seems to have burrowed deeply into the CIA white hat division, so to speak. And the Pentagon.

Posting Ben does not mean we agree with everything he says (like the “Judeo-Zionist” reference). You’ll have to use your discernment in places.

Khazarian Financial System and Mafiosi under Systematic Attack as World Revolution Unfolds


Posted by Benjamin Fulford – January 12, 2016

The record drop in most world stock markets for the first week of the year was just the beginning of a systematic attack to dismantle the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery based financial system, multiple government agency sources confirm.

Most stock market indexes are expected to fall by 60 to 50% before this campaign ends, according to a a senior official at the Asian Development Bank, Pentagon sources and a CIA agent involved in the operation that bankrupted the Soviet Union.

The attack is aimed at bankrupting the large Khazarian mafia banks that have been behind so many of the world’s troubles. As a result, the Khazarians are running out of options as oil prices collapse, drug money is cut off and stock market manipulation is being stopped.

Richard Fisher, former head of the Dallas branch of the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate, admitted that “What The Fed did, and I was part of it, was front-load an enormous rally market rally in order to create a wealth effect…” and added “The Fed is a giant weapon that has no ammunition left.”


Make no mistake, when he says “front loading” he means distributing Fed money to Khazarian Mafiosi by artificially raising the value of the stock market. This is now being brought to an end which is why markets are collapsing. There will be more about the financial attack on the Khazarians below, but first we should mention the legal actions being taken against these snakes.

Most interestingly, Hillary Clinton is about to become the most senior Khazarian gangster arrested yet in the unfolding campaign to end their rule. According to Pentagon and other sources, FBI Director James Comey threatened to resign as part of an agency revolt against the Obama administration unless the Justice Department filed criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for multiple, proven crimes.

Also, the capture of Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán last week means that he will be extradited to the United States to “sing to destroy” Wall Street banks, ISIS and the Bushes, according to a Defense Intelligence Agency source.

The takedown of Khazarian mafia politicians has already begun at a lower level. In particular, the NSA has compiled evidence against politicians who were bribed by Israel into opposing the nuclear accord between the US government and Iran. So far, Republican Senator Tom Cotton has been outed as having received a million dollar bribe to oppose the deal. Cotton convinced 47 Senators to sign a letter opposing the peace deal with Iran. He will soon go to jail.


Congressman Steve Israel, head of the Democratic Party caucus in Congress was also forced to resign over his opposition to the peace deal with Iran, the Pentagon sources say. He too may see the inside of a prison soon.


This is what a CIA financial expert who was involved in bankrupting the Soviet Union had to say about these politicians: “These are the rats that I have been talking about…This Senator should be taken out and hanged on the capital lawn for all to see what a rat looks like.”

Other rats are also being hunted now. Let us not forget as well that former French President Nicholas Sarkozy is under investigation for using his own plane to smuggle large amounts of cocaine. Also, a Saudi prince was recently arrested in Lebanon carrying 2 tons of amphetamines in his private plane.

In another very visible sign the worldwide campaign against the Khazarian Satan worshippers was proceeding at a growing pace, the older brother of recently resigned pope Maledict (Benedict XVI) has been outed as having sexually abused and beaten 231 choir boys.


In Israel as well, a “the world’s leading Kabbalist” and “adviser to billionaires,” Rabbi Josef Pinto has been sent to jail on bribery charges.


There were many other arrests of Khazarian mobsters last week that we will not bother listing here other than to say that many more arrests will come.

The situation in Israel and the Middle East is also now coming to a head. General Joseph Dunford, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon flew to Turkey last week where, according to Pentagon sources, he had a secret meeting with Valery Gerasimov, Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces. At this meeting, according to Russian sources,

Dunford and Gerasimov discussed Russian demands that the “UN establish a Tribunal to investigate the involvement of Israeli intelligence services and the Israeli government in the creation of international terrorist organizations and interaction with these terrorist organizations.” Much of the terror was related to the now collapsing Zionist project to create a greater Israel over much of the Middle East, the Russians say. They have already presented the UN with ample proof of this, they say.

Turkish President ‏ Recep Erdogan was refused permission to attend this meeting, according to Pentagon sources. Instead the Russian and American top generals told the Turkish general staff they had to remove Erdogan, a Khazarian pseudo-Muslim, from power. Dunford also told the Turks to close their border with Syria or face “serious repercussions.”

The American general also told the Russians they had sent hellfire missiles to Cuba recently to help them shoot down drones being used by Khazarian mobsters to protect their drug operations in South America and Afghanistan.

Furthermore, a Russian court presided over by Judge Nina Antonevich also recently ruled that “Judeo-Zionists” were guilty of mass murder of the Russian people and justice for that historical crime is also on the Russian agenda, the sources said.

The Golden Age of Gaia disassociates itself from the preceding statement.

Meanwhile, in an effort to salvage their collapsing pseudo-Muslim Khazarian kingdom, Saudi Arabia sent Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman to Pakistan to seek military protection. All he got, despite offering huge bribes to key Pakistani officials, though, was lip service. The fact is the Pakistani people will not fight a war to protect pseudo-Muslim, terrorist sponsoring Wahab Khazarian Saudi criminals.

More to the point, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon issued a statement that Saudi Arabia’s indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Yemen constituted a “war crime.” War criminals usually face the death penalty or life in prison.


This is important because it shows formal UN recognition of the joint Russian, Pentagon, Chinese and Iranian army already in the Middle East to fight the Khazarian gangster states and their mercenary armies in the region. The UN itself, of course, is a deeply flawed cabal infiltrated institution and Ban Ki Moon is likely to be replaced soon, possibly by a Russian.


It was Ban Ki Moon who offered Dragon family representatives a $100 million bribe in 2009 in exchange for giving up efforts to cash $134.55 billion worth of bonds following the so-called Chiasso incident. The secret financial war that this incident was a part of is now finally reaching a climax of some sort. It turns out these bonds were only the tip of the iceberg and since then countless quadrillions of dollars’ worth of off-ledger bonds used by the Khazarians have been exposed.


The use of double books, one with uncountable trillions worth of dollars for the cabal and another of perpetual debt and financial shortages for the masses, is thus being exposed.

The financial war is also escalating in China where the Chinese government has ordered hedge funds to sell their stocks and get out of the Chinese market. The Chinese have also been liquidating their dollar holdings at the rate of over $100 billion a month as a part of this.

A Chinese agent was dispatched to visit the White Dragon Society last week to inform them that as a part of negotiations to re-unify Taiwan and China, the Chinese Communist Party has agreed to allow other parties to participate in the Chinese political scene. Presumably this means giving the Taiwan based Kuomintang some sort of role in governing mainland China and raising the possibility of elections there in the future, the source said.

Important changes are also taking place behind the scenes in Japan, which, after the United States, is the second largest economy still controlled by the Khazarian mob.

The source at the Japanese led Asian Development Bank says Japan has already made a decision to break with the Khazarians and join the Chinese sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). “The Japanese yen has no real backing and Japan needs dragon family gold so, they will have to join the AIIB,” he said.

The recent surge in the yen and collapse of Japanese stock markets is also the result of a cut off of Bank of Japan funds to the Khazarians. This means they are being forced to sell off their Japanese stock holdings in order to cover for their losses elsewhere in the world.

The recent British, Japanese announcement of enhanced military ties is also a sign the British have promised to help the Japanese fight against the Khazarians. This is important because of the close personal links between the British and Japanese royal families. It means James Bond types are already in Japan hunting down the Khazarian agents involved in the 3/11 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack against Japan. There is obviously stuff going on now that we cannot report in more detail in order not to endanger ongoing operations.

The ADB and Pentagon sources also agreed that stock markets may be abolished because they have been used as instruments to centralize all corporate power and control in the hands of a tiny elite. They are also talking about making everything open source and freely available.

In any case, the WDS and their allies are hoping to replace the current system of rigged markets and Khazarian family mafia owned central banks (ie debt creation monopolies) with transparently and meritocratically run institutions working for the people.


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  • Yes, the Anunnaki are now using a new name and have turned to the light...Only their former human elite minions have been rebelling against the divine plan, now...The Anannuki, as they are now called, service within the GFL and offer much advice to us, using millennia of experience....This changeover happened in the mid 1990s.

    Maybe search out the Anannuki.....as they are now...

    Moreover, Nibiru is under GFL command and is not a natural planet, at all...Never was...It is a planetoid battle station and many myths of propaganda were created by the former dark Anunnaki, with which to control limited conscious human beings...It will be stationed in outer orbit and function as a planet within this system...

    We have covered their story in our official PAO updates, years back, but they are also being channelled by a person called Méline Lafont.

  • well, it seems that arrests are continuing.....the old financial system is getting ready to collapse....it is the beginning of the end for these criminals....

  • Meindert:  Always appreciate Benjamin Fulford.

  • Goldenmind:  Agreed.  God is the totality of everything.

  • Drekx Omega:  Do you think that the Annanaki are coming back?

  • compliments : GOLDEN MIND great presentation, very precise and real-



    God is consciousness, not a creator, but the source of creation itself. God is not independent of you but the totality of everything. So when I say that I am a “God” I’m not referring to my personal self. I’m referring to the expression of the God self that resides inside of me. The verb, the “energy” not the noun. Once you think God is a noun, person, place or thing, you separate yourself from it and immediately become a limited being.There is nobody coming, God sent you. That’s the difference from the believers (religious) and the knowers (spiritualists).



  • Andromedan, thank you dear one we had our difference of opinion but we talked it through with love of spirit strength and tranquility, i loved that.... we didn't resort to name calling or yelling like many do here thank you what a great example set.  Where I live we call it taking the high road.  Again thank you for not demeaning me or treating me like a worthless piece of tripe, it's nice to see  good raport  between people instead of how so many spew venom at one anotht... Thank you dear soul I love reading all the differences in opinion when the opinion is of love and truth and heartfelt again thank you

  • TRUTH is my "agenda," Andromedan........And I have every right to express it, even if it is at odds with your assumptions.....

    As I have stated, the Anunnaki were and still are, HUMANOID ETs......Not reptoids......The notion that they are reptoids is in error....They were allied to the reptoid species of various star empires of Anchara, such as the Alpha Draconians....and Theta Draconians, etc....as well as the Bellatrix Orions....Though they themselves were humanoid in appearance.....And always depicted as such on both Sumerian and Babylonian bass reliefs and artworks...The wings, of course, were simply a way and means to present their flight abilities, and sometimes they were given eagle heads, also, for that reason...BUT, by and large, they were always shown as Kings and Queens, wearing traditional Sumerian/Chaldean regalia, including the ceremonial beards and crowns..

    Here are some examples....And none are indicative of reptiles at all....


    King Marduk was often depicted fighting beasts and offering his guidance to humans, who would appear smaller in size......







  • Andromedan, dear soul, one thing, I don't think drekx was trying to correct him but merely stating his view on the subject like each of us do on here everyday.... just like you did on one of my blogs before, I appreciated your point of view as we all have our own opinions and truths... I respect you and always will even if your opinion resonates with me or not... as long as the statements are good debate between two and not turn into holy hell... Everyone is entitled to their opinion and truths as long as it's in mutual respect not downing eachother as a few have done so on here to me... Noone should live in fear of what they write here that people want to play judge and jury and hang you if you don't agree with their ways.... the his is just my honest opinion and stated in love and respect as I feel you to be a very intelligent person... much love and light

  • I like Ben Fulford, the chap is of the LIGHT.....But I will correct the assumption made that the Babylonians created this notion of debt slavery.....Indeed, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (the city,) was an advocate for DEBT CANCELLATION, and a gold standard currency. He knew the foolishness of demanding debt from those subjects within his empire, who simply could not pay it off..And thus, you will note the debt jubilee of Babylon....They wrote off debts, from time to time.....Contrary to modern misunderstandings...

    Maybe the modern banks could learn from it....or die from their greed....To demand debt from those who cannot pay, leads to REVOLUTION.......Babylonians lost their empire to Persia, not to revolution by their own people...

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