By Nadine May In Partnership With OmTimes ©
Can each individual make a difference? The awesome truth that even during these turbulent times we can all, united, change our lives on Earth for the better, including ourselves. The truth is mind-blowing!
Humanity ( when united ) creates a reality through its ‘THINKING’!
This awesome truth is manifested by the ‘beliefs’ each individual holds dear!
Does that mean that each individual must take responsibilities for their own immediate reality?
This responsibility is correlated to the behavior of each individual’s interests and activities.
If the circumstances and condition of a human life changes the circumstances of his or her life, does that mean that a person is the product of social relations?
YES. Especially when you consider that our social relations, are themselves a product of the activity of living individuals.
That is where our free will emerges as a concept and is closely related to the concepts of consciousness and knowledge.
Knowledge is not only power, it is also freedom. The only path to freedom is the path to knowledge; ignorance is bondage.
Knowledge in itself is not yet freedom, but there can be no freedom without it.
Freedom implies not only knowledge in the present tense, but our ability to actively choose and take decisions with knowledge, and to think and act in conditions that make it possible to realize one’s intentions. The first step is to have an understanding of the nature of freedom.
What is the nature of freedom?
Freedom is a river that flows within the laws of life through people’s conscious actions.
Depending on our personal beliefs and conscience, each human being is free to desire both good and evil. The content of a person’s beliefs manifests itself in decisive actions. Hard to grasp, but so very true!
That is why our personal beliefs and conscience is ultimately what makes each person responsible for our own thinking.
Our everyday thinking creates reflections, or particles of light! It’s these frequency waves in and around us that creates our individual reality.
What we can imagine we can make real!
We are programmed to learn and explore. To evolve individually and as a specie! Those who are healed … heal others to continue the process. Researchers go on to teach and never stop learning. And just about everyone these days has a book to write or finds another creative expression for their discoveries and theories.
During these ‘End Times’ we gradually tune into and begin to listen to the small voice of our conscience (our embodied Soul Self), and we begin the process of healing and harmonizing our Emotional Nature.
When our quest is outside the box … many will start to explore our ‘parallel experiences’
While the terms “parallel universe” or a “parallel reality” are generally synonymous, they can be used interchangeably.
Can we change realities by shifting our intention?
The video below explains how mainstream science is now recognizing the existence of parallel realities.
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