Please Arrest G. W. Bush in Surrey BC. Oct 2011
( link provided below to Surrey's Mayor: Ms. D. Watts email address)
Well you did cheer when other Dictators and Tyrants were brought to justice for their crimes against Humanity. But there seems to be a double standard, by protecting one of the biggest war mongers of this century. Over 120,000 people were killed in Iraq. Tens of thousands killed in Afghanistan. Many other countries people killed in other U.S.A. missions. Some countries that are treated as gutter scum(sanctions), due to not bowing down to the terrorist powers of a Republican President.
The innocent people of Canada, U.S.A. and Great Britain still under Martial law, due to G. W. Bush. The Republicans continue to spread false news items, to keep the Sheeple of North America in a state of paranoia.
George W. Bush, former U.S. President, Who has admitted to "crimes against humanity"(read the confessions in the many books of his and his co-defendants), is coming to Surrey British Columbia, on the date of October, 20, 2011.
It is the intention of law abiding people in Canada(and all over the World) to have this global Terrorist brought to justice, to be prosecuted for his Global crimes.
The innocent people of Canada, U.S.A. and Great Britain still under Martial law, due to G. W. Bush. The Republicans continue to spread false news items, to keep the Sheeple of North America in a state of paranoia.
George W. Bush, former U.S. President, Who has admitted to "crimes against humanity"(read the confessions in the many books of his and his co-defendants), is coming to Surrey British Columbia, on the date of October, 20, 2011.
It is the intention of law abiding people in Canada(and all over the World) to have this global Terrorist brought to justice, to be prosecuted for his Global crimes.
Canada Must Arrest George W. Bush if he Enters Canada
by Gail Davidson, Lawyers Against War (LAW) Sept 11 2011
Vancouver, B.C. — An upcoming planned speaking engagement in Canada by former President George W. Bush is again generating a wave of protest. Bush is reportedly scheduled to speak on October 20th at a gathering in Surrey, British Columbia hosted by Surrey Mayor Diane Watts.
But Lawyers Against the War (LAW) says the Canadian government must either bar Bush at the border because of his alleged involvement in torture and other war crimes and crimes against humanity, or order his arrest when he enters Canada both to ensure he is prosecuted here or elsewhere, and to prevent him from returning to safe haven from prosecution in the United States.
In an August 25 letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Canadian Ministers of justice, immigration, public safety and foreign affairs, the group says “there is overwhelming evidence that George W. Bush …aided and abetted and counseled the torture of non-Americans at U.S. controlled prisons outside the U.S.”
PDF of the letter sent to Canada's government.
Lawyers against the war.
Many more links:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=1cd3f9be41483c89&biw=1350&bih=861
But like last time(Nov 30 2004), the police will probably be ordered to protect this global criminal and give him safe passage in and through and out of Canada. Which should also make Harper a subject for arrest, based on his inaprotecting/harboring a known global criminal.
Officers protecting G. W. Bush, will say they are following orders, which are given in contravention of Canadian laws and various global treaties that we abide by. Officers duties are to uphold the Law and not to give safe harbor to terrorists. But then again, the police do constantly say that they are never ever ordered around by the governments of Canada, which is laughable, based on so many instances of Canadian people being assaulted by the police, in order for the police to protect other global criminals traveling in Canada.
Just say NO to allowing Terrorists into Canada. Or maybe let G. W. Bush in and then jail him for life, which is a lighter punishment than other war mongers have received over the decades.
....send Mayor Watts your all KNOW i did i ever ( expecting "suits" at my door as we speak .......BRING IT!!!)
Here's the link to Ms.Watts Office ( email ) ( post this on EVERY SITE your fingers have access too....)

Hey Ms. Watts.......don't you DARE say WE didn't warn you.......