Universal Service of Light's photo.

      Well what can I say, that hasn't already said. I agree with most of what has said and have posted many blogs here concerning the red Planet-X Dwarf star the 4 or 5 moons trailing it and Planet Nibiru where the Annuaki's came from who have now joined our side ,it is said. And I gave dates when it was supposed to come closer so all can see it with the naked eye. The next will be about the 7th of Dec. then Jan.15 and then it will get close once again as it prepares to leave end of March or 1st wk of April. I have made posters and put them up around town but the NWO people here take them ASAP. I also put them on my SUV and Truck. I have been doing this for 13 yrs in this country alone but 30 yrs in N. America and Aust. And yes many strange will happen then, maybe then people will believe about all the stuff I have been telling them,over the years. The DC hacked my web site for my last book that I wrote,( 2012-20 New World Survival ) so I have been giving them away here in town the last couple of years and not one person of the 40 or 50 dvd's read them or give me some feed back, oh my.

 As for the Plasma thing well it can be used for good, like the Plasma Gen..Keshe is putting out ( invented by Tesla) and it can be for bad things, Like the Archons who are A I beings who are for the most part very advanced evil A I from the other end of the universe and they are the ones behind the Allies of the created Illumanati's and then created the NWO pyramid scheme and pulled in the Draco Reptilians, reptroids, negative Grays and the Hybrids created from a combination of Humans and all of the above plus others. They all have one thing in common and that was to kill us off so that they could rule the world and sell or trade its resources. But even some of them especially the Hybrids and reptroids are being used as slaves like us and they plan to destroy them as well, so they are in rebellion like us and on our side. The total number of the worlds pop. is only 4 to 5 % Lizards and they control the whole world. And its also 4 to 5% who control all the others inside of the Pyramid who control all the rest and the Archon's plan to destroy them as well .

        David Icke is one of the good reptoids here helping us to form a Resistance Movement he's my favorite. Alex Jones and staff are reptilians as well but his stuff is too Fear or-anted. The NWO is falling apart from the inside many of the whistle blower's are getting info from the good Lizards, even the lg white Lizzies have given up but can't leave, they must stand trail, they are the ones nearest the  top of the control latter. They all realize that the A I Archons are just using them as well. Cern was built by the Draco's to bring in more reinforcements and to be able to escape through those worm holes. The A I's need them like they need us to do all the work for the AI have no physical bodies.They are the Demons spoken of in the Holy books.


   The last two months I have been disabled for the most part on my couch unable to walk much if at all, from the Lupus Disease. So I have been doing a lot of research mostly vids. I have been spending about 25$ a wk on GB using the internet by modem satellite, prepaid cards. In this time 6 to 12 hrs a day I have gathered a huge amount of info trying to tie it all together. What I told you here is just a tiny bit. I am planing to write a long blog or many small blogs might be better like this one so people can take it all in piece by piece for it is very complicated even for me, maybe I will put it all together for a small E-book. I wrote several chapters on this  in my last E-book ( 2012-20 New Earth Survival ) but I now have learned much, much more in the last 7 yrs.

         The sad part is that most people here are not keeping up and are falling way behind, I see it by the fewer hits I get on my posts. They are much more into gossip and bickering that has been going on sense the very beginning or near it. Also I don't trust most of the channeling because of the many F.F. still going on and the ones who are doing it is the Visitors that I have spoke much about before and ran repeated blogs exposing them every year from "the Allies of Humanity" who warned us about them. A very good example is the ones about Cern Hadron Collider, they told us not to worry about it that it was not dangerous and has nothing to do with the NWO, of course its just the opposite, its a big fat Lie. Its a huge DC Weapon system that works with the Chem-trails and HAARP and MSM to control us and then to destroy us. The Evil A I Plasma entity  travels through the Liquid crystal screens of our TV's and PC's into our minds, and hooks up to the Nano-bots we breath in from the Chem-trails.I watch Movies but not TV and I cover my camera with tape on my PC. More coming !! Adonai

Note here; This was a comment that I sent to a friend on this site and again my higher self said to post it, so I did after I edited and enlarged it,enjoy ! indeed.

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