On April 15, 2015, dear Ones, the journey to recondition Mother Earth with Eternal Truth and restore the possibilities of Creating with Unconditional Love will begin! The sequence of Energy that will result in the restoration of Eternal Truth within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension began on February 13, 2015 and will complete on June 15, 2015.
This is the Energy of Growth with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe designed to guide all Souls into understanding and beginning with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in Mother Earth’s progressing Fifth Dimension! From April 15, 2015 until August 4, 2015, the Energy of Initiation with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe will prevail in giving all responsive Souls a boost of Energy towards becoming Super Creators with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! It will not be Man of Destiny Souls who will awaken on the morning of August 5, 2015 as a Super Creator with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, dear Ones, but you and aggregate whole of the Lightworker Souls within the Legion of Light!
Most Man of Destiny Souls will still be in an enduring process of demystifying the relative truth of his or her own world rather than attempting any major steps to align him or herself with God’s Eternal Truth of the Universe! These “baby steps” towards understanding and becoming Super Creators in Man of Destiny Souls are just a beginning process for his or her alignment with Eternal Truth and will involve much more Internal Processing Time. The Eternal Truth of God’s Universe will be revealed and divulged by you, dear Ones, as you amicably demonstrate and role model the Eternal Truth of who you are within God’s Universe!
Most Man of Destiny Souls will still be in an enduring process of demystifying the relative truth of his or her own world rather than attempting any major steps to align him or herself with God’s Eternal Truth of the Universe! These “baby steps” towards understanding and becoming Super Creators in Man of Destiny Souls are just a beginning process for his or her alignment with Eternal Truth and will involve much more Internal Processing Time. The Eternal Truth of God’s Universe will be revealed and divulged by you, dear Ones, as you amicably demonstrate and role model the Eternal Truth of who you are within God’s Universe!
The Energy from April 15, 2015 through June 14, 2015 is juxtaposed between the Energy of Growth and the Energy of Initiation with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe. During this particular Time you will be Sanctified by God and the Universal Energies in not only internalizing with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, but in becoming the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and a Super Creator once more! Your role as a Super Creator will be seen as “lucky” or “a fluke” by Man of Destiny Souls at first, not realizing that he or she is destined by the guidance of his or her Soul to also attain similar results by applying Unconditional Love in all he or she thinks, does, and says!
The attainment of Super Creator status within God’s Universe is only achieved by awakening the entire Seven Member Chakra System. The Three Chakras most Man of Destiny Souls currently use to achieve Creation with Unconditional Love, do not offer discernment between relative truth and Eternal Truth. Discernment between relative truth and the Eternal Truth of God’s Universe is provided by the remaining four Chakras – the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. In understanding his or her world, relative truth serves most Man of Destiny Souls “just fine” as it allows him or her to seek a job, a family, and a home, the relative truth’s version of “attainment.”
The attainment of Super Creator status within God’s Universe is only achieved by awakening the entire Seven Member Chakra System. The Three Chakras most Man of Destiny Souls currently use to achieve Creation with Unconditional Love, do not offer discernment between relative truth and Eternal Truth. Discernment between relative truth and the Eternal Truth of God’s Universe is provided by the remaining four Chakras – the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. In understanding his or her world, relative truth serves most Man of Destiny Souls “just fine” as it allows him or her to seek a job, a family, and a home, the relative truth’s version of “attainment.”
The relative truth’s version of “attainment,” however, does little to promote or acquire Spiritual Prosperity in the form of Joy of Living! In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, relative truth, “truth as the situation requires,” will nullify and abolish itself with any attempt to Create without the discernment of Eternal Truth. This occurs not only in one’s life, but in all societies involved in maintaining the Reptilian Soul’s charade of fooling all Souls with the denial of each unique Soul’s status as a Super Creator with the Universe!
The Reptilian model of moral and ethical standards, based upon the relative truth of “as the situation requires,” will be superseded by the Eternal Truth of God’s Universe and revealed by you, dear Ones! Man of Destiny’s world fashioned through the Reptilian model of practice will also be going the way of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, away from influencing all future Souls to come. On April 15, 2015 the Universal Energies will serve to align you into the Space and Time to begin your Initiation with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe.
The Reptilian model of moral and ethical standards, based upon the relative truth of “as the situation requires,” will be superseded by the Eternal Truth of God’s Universe and revealed by you, dear Ones! Man of Destiny’s world fashioned through the Reptilian model of practice will also be going the way of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, away from influencing all future Souls to come. On April 15, 2015 the Universal Energies will serve to align you into the Space and Time to begin your Initiation with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe.
By June 15, 2015 there will come an internal signal transmitted to all Lightworker Souls stating that it will be Time to gather and assemble into one solitary unified unit – as God’s Legion of Light! At every step and process of the way, dear Ones, whenever and wherever you are generating the Vibration of Unconditional Love, God will be harmonizing with you and doubling the effect and influence of your Love as you become a Super Creator of the Universe in Unity with God!
Alexandrian Kosmos.Blogspot.Com