Dr. Angela Barnett

Ninety five percent of the population of Earth will Turn into Light during an eighteen month period beginning in 2039. However, those who have finished their missions on Earth can turn into light and move to Terra Ha as early as this five year window that we moved into beginning 2017.

(All of these details may be read in the books found at Crystal Magic These books by Dr. Angela Barnett are also at, including God's Musical Creation of Eternal Harmony).

Using the chakras to intersect all Universal Life Force Currents into the Seven Seals is the beginning of this transformation into Light.

The Seven Seals in the body where the chakras intersect all of the interdimensional life force currents stream down from the outer side of the Cosmic Sphere, where the Heliotalic Transformational Light Currents of the Cosmic Angels all live. God sent Angels to watch after realm upon realm upon realm of creations. All Angels are created within and live within the Cosmic Realm. However, they become dimensionalized in Consciousness so that they can watch over the realm that they are asigned to. The Cosmic Angelic Consciousness is redesigned to align with the consciousness that appears within each realm as individualized physics properties.

All of these layers upon layers of Angelic Consciousness stream down from the Cosmic Realm of the most Etheric Light Substance. That highest light transmutes and transforms all light that is expressed through the physics of light with more density within it. For instance, the plasma liquid light absorbs the plasma and the plasma absorbs the x ray and the x ray absorbs the invisible light and the invisible light absorbs the infra red light and all of this light is absorbed into the hertzian light frequency, which is what the physical bodies on this planet are made of.

So, simply speaking, when the interdimensional light streams of consciousness of all of the Angels within all of the realms, which hold all of the physics of creation within them translate all of that multdimensional physics of creation down from the Cosmic Sphere into the Universal Sphere into the Galactic and Solar and Planetary Spheres, the Five Spheres of Consciousness merge together as ONE. When all of the Consciousness of all of the Angels from all of the Multi dimensional Realms of reality that are each demonstrated through their own set of physics principles, merge together and intersect through the Seals of the Body, that amount of light and sound consciousness of the Angels is what allows the Seals of the Body to GLOW so Brightly that they glow through and outside of the body. That is when the process of the molecules expanding further and further apart to allow more and more of the Spirit into the Body.

It is important to realize that it is not the bringing of the Spirit in that makes the Body turn into light. It is the removal of all Density from the Body that creates a Space or an Empty Vessel that allows the body to become so Empty that the Spirit can then be allowed to fill the space. We can transform into the new reality whenever we give up or remove ALL that is within the thinking brain. We must become removed from ALL BELIEFS of this Realm before we can allow the new Form of Spirit to fill the body.

It is the Emptiness, or the becoming the Vessel that allows the Light to fill up the Vessel which allows the body to disappear.

Many people focus on tools that bring in more and more light by raising consciousness. This is a very good thing. However, many people do not realize that they have not removed the density that will hold them into this form even when they are filled with light. There will be many on Earth who are very spiritual indeed because they are filling themselves with spiritual ideas and spiritual substance. Those will be the ones who stay on Earth and do wonderful things for the Earth and for those on Earth because that is the Density that their Consciousness is focused on.

In order to Turn into Light, all of the emotions that cause people to believe that they are responsible for taking care of their planet and taking care of the people, and those emotions that would make them feel guilty about leaving anything undone on Earth, are simply not ready to turn into light yet. And that is not a bad thing. That just means that there are many people who have not yet completed their missions on Earth. In order to turn the body into light so that it will appear on Terra Ha, which is the New Earth, the new physics of a new reality where there is so little density that we walk through walls and the flowers sing, the body must become an empty vessel. The Tao Te Ching calls the empty vessel of the Universe the Wu. This empty vessel is constantly being filled with the substance of the Creator because it is empty. If it was not empty, the eternal life force currents could not pass through it.

The molecules of the body become separated. That is what creates less density. The molecules transform from two electrons to three electrons, to zero electrons and that removes the pull and the gravity that holds them together. As they separate more and more this allows more and more of the Angelic Spiritual substance from higher realms to enter in. It is the breath that allows the particles of the body to separate. It is important to understand the breathing process as one that is to LET GO of every thought and idea that is lodged in the brain and in the body. The Spirit naturally flows into the body once it is empty.

The transformation of the body, that will become removed from all density and then turn into light during a five day translation period, begins through the Angel Chakra, which is located deep within the body at the top of the spine, within the medulla oblongata, and within the place where the Seed of Birth was placed within the baby. This is also the place in the body where the Fifth Chakra Intersects with the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Chakras from the InterDimensional Consciousness of the Universal Life Force Currents.

The outside transformation is not seen until after the body turns into light and then appears in Terra Ha. However, this transformation can be felt on the inside of the body as a feeling of lightness and a feeling of less and less reaction to the things of the world.

This Inter Dimensional activation immediately sparks the Sixth and Seventh Seals which connect into the Interdimensional frequencies of the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th dimensional light currents that bring event more heliotalic, plasma, x-ray, gamma, pregamma, etheric substance activation into all of the Seals allowing pure light transformation of the body.

These Angelic Life Force Currents flow into the body into the neurotransmitters that are like tiny little microscopic fingers, and they stream into the Life Currents of each and every molecule within each organ, muscle, bone, blood cell, etc. in the body.

This is Inter Dimensional Music created by layering voices of Angels from every dimensional realm on top of each other so that the entire multidimensionality of all frequencies of the Universe are saturated into the music in order to block out of the listener anything that is not a frequency of God's Eternal Etheric Musical Substance.

The Life Force Currents are breathed into the body by the El Ya Ha Healing Angels from the Cosmos who hold the highest frequencies and understanding of healing and transformation for this time of the Ascension. These El Ya Ha Angels were brought into this Earth Realm in 2016 for this very event of transforming the body into light after we go through multiple stages of healing and transformation. The Elohim Angels take care of the human hybrids at a third dimensional level and the El Ya Ha Angels take care of this new birth of a new race line at a fourteenth dimensional level. The El Ya Ha Angels use their Cosmic X-Ray vision within the body to see things that the microscopes of this world or any world in the Universe can not see yet. 

All of the Frequency Currents and Transmissions on the Angel Chakra Album Set were given to me by the El Ya Ha's as they went through these same processes within my body's transformation. I am Mary Magdalene. I am the body that Mary Magdalene's Soul resides within. I get a lot of extra help from the Angels and from God because I, Mary Magdalene, am a Cosmic Creator Being, who came to Earth to Over See and to Activate this Ascension on Earth.

The Frequencies that are recorded are always the Complete God Consciousness, the Complete Life Force Currents because they come from a Cosmic Creator Being. The music that I record is always channeled from the Cosmic Realm of my complete Consciousness. That Consciousness streams through and interconnects with each realm of Angelic Consciousness on its way back down into my ears and then exhales from my breath into the recording equipment.

This is how the InterDimensional Angelic Frequencies are recorded on all of the Crystal Magic albums.

Chakras intersect into all dimensions of the Universe through the light and sound of the interdimensional angelic frequencies called the Music of the Spheres.

The Chakras intersect at each of the Seven Seals in the Body. The SEALS are the intersections of all dimensions, all spheres within spheres of the music of the spheres of the Cosmos, Universe and Galaxy. The more the etheric infinity of Source Energy is breathed into the Seals and then exhaled out into the infinity of the Cosmos and into the God Realm the brighter the Seals will glow.

The Crystal Magic music contains the Light Language and Interdimensional Angel Consciousness layered into all of the intersections of each light strand within and between each dimensional realm of consciousness strung together to penetrate all of the intersections of all of the chakras to turn on the Seven Seals light at the Cosmic Level.

The Seals within the body began glowing brighter than ever in February of 2017 when Earth was connected into Harmonic Universe Two through Mary Magdalene's Ascension Portals. The Seals grow brighter and brighter as more and more of the light of the Sun at the plasma level as well as the gamma level, the infra red, the invisible light, the x ray vision and the heliotalic vapor of pre plasma transform all light particles back into the original form of pre stardust creation fluid called liquid light energy. This is the energy that every one on Earth will turn into within the next twenty year time period.

The first step is allowing all of that light energy to saturate the Seals within the body where the Chakras intersect from all dimensions. The Molecules in the body will begin to separate further and further apart as more of this light is brought into the Seals. The molecules become separated so that more and more of the etheric spiritual substance and consciousness may enter in to the body. This makes the molecules happy and they sing with joy as they eventually become replaced with the stardust and then the invisible light.

This causes the body to levitate and then turn into a plasma body and then disappear as a flash of light. This all takes three to five days to take place. When the transformation is complete the body will be standing naked in Terra Ha. And that is when the fun will begin. That is when we can walk through walls, and water and anything that stands in front of us because the chemistry the physics and the biology is completely different there. The body does not deteriorate.

When the body is going through the final transformation is when the Entity must choose which age he or she wants their body to appear as in Terra Ha.

All of these sets are at CD BABY - get to them through our Website

Dr. Angela Barnett

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