This is the time now where many of us will see the changes amongst ourselves and others. While some may be hanging on and transforming themselves through positive work there are still some that cannot handle the process. If you find yourself in fear, anger, or sadness just know that it will pass. This is necessary to move into a more positive way of viewing life. Do not forget forgiveness and never let your darker emotions overtake it. Forgive yourself and forgive others because that is one of the best ways to raise love energy. Each day, remember to pray for others who cannot and to laugh as well. Do everything possible to bring about love and not hate. If you sense someone has had a bad day offer your shoulder or quietly in your own way send them some positive energy. Just think it in your head and it shall manifest. Bless all and I hope we all will continue positive work here on planet.
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"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
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