Changing of the Guard: failing systems of the old paradigm

"You are currently witnessing a complete turn around in the earth's dynamic…an edifice of human thought that is no longer in alignment with the old paradigm of separation, but one of greater fortitude and of a higher vibrational constitution. What we mean is this...the soil of your earth has become fertile enough for your pure-hearted intentions to take root." The Seven Sisters of Pleiades

For those of us here on the east coast, we've definitely weathered a few unsettling days as hurricane Irene danced her way up the eastern seaboard. Many around me are still dealing with the aftermath, but I was very fortunate in that I only had to endure a minor 14 hour inconvenience without power…which in and of itself is pretty amazing considering 180,000 people in my area experienced an outage and some will remain powerless for several days. And even though there is some cases, punishing winds and pounding rain produced serious local flooding...overall a much less severe impact than predicted and the result of which the unseens say is related to the many prayers and visualizations of you kind & conscious folk…so, many thanks for the love (& the very kind emails too : ))

"We would like to bring your attention to the resulting efforts of those of you who have brought forth the energies of love for this time. There was a weakening effect of the storms pull toward destruction and even though damage resulted, greater disasters were annulled. Much of this was due, in part, to your contributions of love, your visions of protection, and the prayers of unity that spiraled outward from a place of true heart-based interconnectivity. We would say…job well done." - Seven Sisters

From the perspective of the Pleiadians, there was also a sizable (collective) shift in consciousness that resulted from these east coast events…a notable shift toward greater love which spawned a new approach to reality thru oneness. (goooooo TEAM!)

From what I can gather, the earthquake that preceded the hurricane in Virginia/DC area (and also shut down some nuclear reactors where once again, mamma nature is warning us that nuclear power is not only antiquated, but way too toxic to play with in these changing times) was actually a precursor to this massive clearing, an interruption in "life as normal", which provided what they refer to as a "loosening effect" on discordant energies.

Apparently the masses were jolted just enough to be taken off guard to temporarily release the grip on reality that we were collectively locked into...and then Irene followed behind with a swirling mop, hose and bucket to provide us all with a colossal clearing as she thoroughly washed away all the (emotional) energetic debris that we were willing to let go of…all that which was not anchored to the foundation of our truth.

And here we are now…5 days away from the entrance of the 6th day according to the Mayan Calendar (short count) …which is considered the "flowering" stage of the tree of life…and with only one night and one day left to go (42 days-ish) until the full tree is formed. As I see it, this means we only have one more "inward" period (during the 6th night: 9/23-10/10) left before we enter an entirely new cycle of human consciousness.

Pretty insane when you think about how long we've been at this. Just this morning I was thinking back to my personal activation period, which, like so many of us second-wave initiates, kicked off in 1999 in mostly violent and insidious ways...and with the disheartening disappearance of my 20's & 30's as I gave my life over to the greater plan the changes that have taken place both within and around me since that activation. From an evolutionary perspective it's mind-blowing to think about how far we've come in our mental expansion, emotional responsibility and creative potential ... but from our lower-mind (& physical bodies) it seems like we've been sitting still thru so much internal clearing and isolation for so unbelievably long, that seemingly nothing significant has changed.

The interesting thing about that is the sisters say that these two perspectives are now merging into one and that we will lose all time-based perspective as we become anchored in total presence (zero-point) amnesia?!?…and from now into the next season (equinox) we will be settling more into this new timeless groove.

"Please be aware of the magnificent affect that you have on the field now...the realization that all those connected to the web of oneness...consciously or not...are protected from harms way without fail, and the understanding that what is or may be perceived as negative in your life is simply a pushing-thru, a clearing required to allow the good to follow. This realization was embraced by many in the last days and though many more are unaware of the precipitating forces behind these global changes, the results of victory are the same." - Seven Sisters

Financial Governance
"As we see it, the fruits of a faltering global economy would be that financial governance systems become more transparent, accountable and overall effective in their quest to serve 'the people'." -Seven Sisters

Because we are experiencing more of the "physical" changes now at the end of the 9th wave (the completion of 16 b i l l i o n years of evolution) the Pleiadians want to offer us some information with regard to the dismantling world/paradigm…more specifically they mention two major impasses that a society...are soon to face.

The first impasse they would like to discuss is with regard to our financial system...

"Now we say this with great care for we understand that there is great fear that surrounds this topic, so please listen with your feeling center: There is coming a change in global financial governance. Not in the sense that there will be a major disruption in your life affairs, but in the sense that the state of governance over your global financial affairs will be sorely tested. We say this not to warn you, nor to elicit fear, but to simply alert you to the positive aspects of these necessary changes." -Seven Sisters

I hardly ever talk of the falling world...firstly, because that is not my j-o-b (and the unseens rarely go there)...secondly, because this focus tends to draw a fear-based and unpleasant crowd...thirdly, because our reality is created by what we think, and how we feel about what we think, so what would be the point in focusing on gloom?...but mostly because it doesn't serve any of us to feed the collective focus of destruction. Not that it isn't real, just that there are plenty of people lending energy to that reality and we are here specifically to focus on constructing the new earth/divine blueprint. But just like with any new construction, the old structures must first be demolished before we can begin to build anew..and from what I am hearing, that is coming on the heels of some kind of financial crisis.

Besides, when we are fully and consciously creating our reality…the whole point to our personal ascension process... the outside world becomes so much less impacting because all of our external supports get rerouted/reconnected to our own internal Source of potential….which essentially means we create an activated forcefield of 12th dimensional consciousness and self-sustainability through resonance versus causal creation. Many have nearly completed this reconnection phase, but because we are all at different levels of activation, and therefore some are still dependent on the outside structures for support, the Pleiadians want to allay any fears that may arise from upcoming changes with the assurance that all is well, and we are all perfectly guided in all ways to be exactly where we are supposed to be. No exceptions.

I am hearing that there is much that will be overturned that will directly impact the financial structures of our world and those institutions that uphold an outworn system, but that these changes will, in fact, birth a new part of the future plan and a new system of governance that will benefit the whole of humanity and not just a select few. It has to become a consensus of all to improve the current financial system and develop a more equitable and efficient structure of governance for that system, and apparently we are about to take another major step toward that end.

More than anything, what the sisters hope for us to take from these coming changes is the deep, unwavering understanding that true prosperity is a state of consciousness, not a state of world affairs.

Changing of the Guard
"We will say this…as the collective world consciousness inevitably cascades into greater levels of fear from the dismantling financial structures, and their overall sense of security is rocked, there will also be those of you who will be simultaneously rising to meet great success. Those who are to meet great success will then be sought out by those who are losing their grip on convention and for this reason alone many of you will have a great opportunity, an opening, a readiness to be heard and received so that you may begin to share your wisdoms of the new way." -Seven Sisters

Along with the financial changes that my unseens-sources speak of, they also mention that any hindrance that the failing financial system has on our lives will quickly be replaced with new ideas, opportunities, and insights that will spur great and rapid development toward our benefit....IF we are looking for solutions and listening to our inner-voice. These ideas are being birthed from the new earth paradigm and will be presented to those who are open to receiving them…meaning, those who are not focused on the failing systems or fear: "if you have the wherewithal to look beyond the collective energy of chaos and crisis that will undoubtedly ensue, you will be gifted with profound realizations that will be a major boon to your earthly success."

The sisters also mention that there are those who believe that a financial downfall would crush the existence of greed, however, they say otherwise…that greed is only the symptom, the motivating force behind our financial system, but that greed can only be healed individually, and from within. So for those who are willing to do the inner work to align with the new systems, there will be great reward. For those who continue to live in self-gain, there will be much turmoil. Either way, greed will be rising to the surface in many areas and for all to see and most likely it will get ugly. No matter... all darkness must eventually return to the light.

From Sick-to-Well Care
The second impasse that the sisters speak of is with regard to the US healthcare system.

This deadlock that we are approaching has been coming for a long time and is directly related to the financial system... but what is really being threatened here is the sense of security that comes with externalizing our power to a system that is not in support of wellness.

"Again, we say this with great care for there is just as much fear surrounding the current healthcare system as the financial one, and though we understand the implications of this dilemma, we assure you that this seeming crisis is what will, in essence, force many people to begin to look within themselves for true sustenance." -Seven Sisters

Certainly there is great advancement in the medical industry that could serve millions for the betterment of mankind, however, these advancements are being held back by the many complexities and overseers with a gain in maintaining an outworn healthcare structure built upon a foundation of greed.

And while we are on the topic of greed, consider that the health "insurance" industry…which is really not insurance at a multi-trillion dollar industry that contributes nothing to direct patient health…and is driven by those who power a hideously large portion of the financial world…those B.I.G financial naturally healthcare and economy go hand in hand. As one goes down, the other will follow…but in its wake, a new framework will arise to take its place.

The reason that the US healthcare crisis in particular has reached a stalemate is due to the fact that most in this country are under the delusion that this current system deals with health, when in actuality the motor behind "health"-care is fueled by "sick"-care…a small technicality that governs the very large and (profitable) collective momentum of the medical "industry". This underlying intention is what is crumbling before our eyes as we approach unity consciousness...and necessarily so, for most are just now starting to awaken to the realization that we cannot expect to experience wellness, while focusing on illness.

And just like with the financial system, when we are individually operating at full capacity…meaning, reconnected to our only true power-Source…wellness becomes our default setting and any support we need at this stage can be derived from within ourselves. So healthcare for way-showers, starseeds, crystals and rainbows... and all those at the front of the mostly a moot point by now, especially because the vibration of conventional medicine is becoming dangerously low for the fully-activated new human form.

For those still dependent on external forms or systems of healthcare, no worries...the unseens want to make clear that everything is in perfect order, that the interim of this process will be chaotic, and a full change will obviously not happen overnight, but to be at peace knowing that the pillars are in place to support the changeover to a new system that upholds the highest good for all.

As many more people awaken to the collapse of an outworn healthcare system there may initially be great fear to contend with, but ultimately a shakeup will spawn an infusion of more natural, earth-governed systems of WELLness and support that are both good for humans AND the planet that provides for these two-legged's. Novel idea.

"There is nothing to fear with this change, yet many will be displaced by the feeling of disconnection from a false sense of support and the growing realization that they have misplaced their power, given it away in blind-faith. It will be for many of you in fields of natural health, wellness and healing to begin the implementation phase of educating those who suddenly find an interest and curiosity in self-sustainable systems of governance and wellness." -Seven Sisters

To the Pioneers & PathPavers
The sisters would like to conclude this update with a message for those who have been fighting for years to keep yer heads above water, even thru the high tides and tumultuous waves of the end times….

"To those who have held true to their internal knowing and honored the voice of the One, we say this to you:

Be prepared not only for greatness, but in the sharing of it. The tide has turned and a new wave of energy is arriving at your shore. Nothing promises to be the same again. For those of you who have weathered the many storms to arrive here, you are the lighted ones, those who others will seek in times of continued destruction and darkness. Redemption is at hand, but it is because you have redeemed yourselves. Be astute to your untapped potential, for there is much yet to be explored, much that will surprise and delight you. We are the proof of your success, for we are the future of your now.

Remain in peace through the physical changes that arise both within and around you and remember your role as a true bearer of light. This comes in many forms, not just in moments of greatness, but in the tiniest acts of kindness. The time to be true is now. The time to be YOU is now. Pray tell." -Seven Sisters

To still keeping our heads above water...



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