During the last months humanity, has gone thru a energyfield of dulging their inner souls. Many are still to come. So in the past days when the moon was high and the sunstorms is still going on. A new energyflow is pouring over us. Which can be sensed from the top chakra. Everything is opening up. And we´ve become a citizens of the spiritual federation amongst the high consiousness. Even thou we have alot to learn in the future days. Our consiousness will elevate even more. All things require time to reflect. To learn and share. That is the spirit of life.
Alot of people has come to a point where they feel, know and share their light, as their uniqe spirit and body. Each one on a individual score. Its about time we come closer togheter as groups, working for sharing the knowledge, the light, energy.
September will be a month of gratitude for one another that we´ll meet on the road in our lives. Cheer them who help you and feel the light and love that comes back to your heart.
The more one work for the light, with others, for others, the more one will return in elevation of energy.
Let things of doing take the time. But respectfully reflect to see the fully message and pathway of the journey.
Everthing usually comes in details, but when reflecting a journey between two milestones, show more than just details. It is easy to become lost and strung up on something one is doing, therefor its better to focus on one self, to learn, to feel, and to see the world as it is, in present time. It may not be easy, but life become more fluently.
The channeling message may not be clear or fully explained, but this is what I got.
As a late dreamer, everything will fall i place for each one of us all. Thus, the world is in rocking change this upcomming fall. Nothing to be alarmed of, just politics, new perspective, changes in realistic ideas. Example from visions. Kadaffi issue: Nato had enough, sends in secret op to assasin the leader in october. Coalition goverment falls after 4 months after firey interal discussions.