Greetings in the Light of our Radiant One, this is Lord Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command, Federation of Light.  I Am responding to the article that this Channel observed & read in the E-mail he received. [See attached forwarded

excellent article from Exopolitics, by Dr. Ilya Sandra, from May 18, 2011, “Radiation & Chemtrails Assaults, Additional Support for Your Immune System”] We in the Federation of Light who are in Guardian Action around Mother Earth want certain things to be very clear in a BALANCED PERSPECTIVE for those of you who not only will read this Transmission-Channeling from us, as well as the attached article, for you to also share this BALANCED, EMPOWERED—and in turn, a very “REALISTIFALLY HOPEFUL” PERSPECTIVE with as many others as you can.


To attempt to be as brief, but to the point as possible:  We feel, as this Channel and so many of you who we have referred to as our “Cosmic Clean Up Team” & “Ground Crew” presently “On Earth Assignment”, also known as Volunteers in Earth embodiment [Star People, Walk-Ins, Light Workers, Indigos, etc.] feel and Know Within that we are truly getting Ready at some point in the near future, to Activate/set-in motion full, mass planetary Divine Intervention and World Wide Evacuation. 


Just as this Channel has so well Documented and detailed in his book, Prepare For The Landings!…Are YOU Ready?” [] This book was also very  specifically “Cosmically Authenticated & Verified” by one of our many Merkabah Federation Light Ships, making that vigorous “YES” Confirmation motion/maneuver to one of our other many fellow Volunteers in Earth embodiment [Lance Campbell, the trucker who observed the gigantic Light Ship: that is described in detail in an e-mail blast: “Recent UFO Sighting Confirms Authenticity of our Book, Prepare For the Landings!”] while it hovered before him while he was driving his truck along the road while listening to this Channel’s interview on the “Coast to Coast Am” show. [Jan. 19, 2011] This was done to also make it clear to you all that we truly “mean business”, that we are, indeed Gearing up for the events well described in the book.


But also I and all members of the Ashtar Command & Jerusalem Command and all Commands and Fleets of the Federation presently in Guardian Action surrounding Mother Earth want you all to know that this very important

Aspect that was emphasized or stressed in the specific article already referred to, is of extreme importance: the concern that the actual negative, delayed destructive affects to the masses of population, such as radiation damage to the body with a pandemic of cancers and various other deadly diseases breaking out in the coming years because of how extreme and intense these deadly and toxic levels of radiation and pollutants are.


This is, in fact, one of the Federation’s highest Priorities; to make sure that we are doing all that we in the Higher Realms are capable of doing (and are “allowed to do” under our “Universal Laws of Non-Interference”) to help “mitigate, Lessen and Transmute as much of these total accumulated toxins and destructive elements out of/off of Mother Earth, and all life presently existing above, on and under her surface.


While we are engaged in massively vibrationally Transmuting and Eliminating mass amounts of these specific substances that the cabal has been bombarding Earth and all life, as we have stated many, many times through this and so many fellow clear & attuned Channels and Contactees scattered all over Earth.  It is extremely important and necessary for everyone to be as “self responsible” and Discerning as possible, to use as much Discernment & Cognitive Deductive abilities as one can summon.  The philosophy of “God (& Goddess) helps those who helps themselves”, of doing all that you each can COMBINED with our Overshadowing and Guiding help & influence—TOGETHER—can indeed create & manifest MIRACLES & MIRACULOUS POTENTIAL & OPPORTUNITIES, that without this COMBINED Help and COOPERATION from on High, one would not be able to literally just survive, nor achieve as great or as much the same degree of potential “MIRACULOUS & TRANSFORMAITONAL METAMORPHICAL HEALING ABILITIES & CAPACITIES (WHICH INCLUDE THOSE TERMED “THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT”)


In other words, we have always emphasized and stressed  this fact, that we of the Federation have never “stuffed help down anyone’s throats.”  That is NOT our style or desire to

ever take away humanity’s Free Will and Sovereignty in any way, but to be your “Cosmic Back-Up Team.”  As you who are our Volunteers in Earth embodiment, we  have always referred to you, as has this Channel also, as our “Ground Crew” and “Cosmic Clean Up Crew” for Mother Earth, and we did not allow you to go on these Missions without the ability to “Rise to the Occasion” NO MATTER WHAT THE CHALLENGES OR SO-CALLED “DIFFICULTIES” THAT YOU WERE TO FACE ONCE YOU WERE HERE IN EARTH EMBODIMENT!


These planetary challenges, of specifically being able to deal with, overcome and Transmute any and all of the COMPLETE and TOTAL AMOUNT of deadly toxins and destructive substances, false flags, created disasters, human genocide by the cabal that are being unleashed upon the entire population, of the human, animal, plant & mineral life, would, in fact be too far beyond just your own normal, present Earthly abilities to overcome and stop it without we of the Federation not having already been powerfully Divinely Intervening behind the scenes.


As stated before, it is the actions of each and every person and all forms of life, that has given us Mandated Authority to step in and help you all with these very serious and life destructive plans of those in positions of power.  Your actions, both personal and collective—especially when COMBINED WITH SPECIFICALLY “MAKING THE CALL” TO US, OF ACTION MIXED WITH SPIRRITUAL INTENT OF ASKING FOR DIVINE INTERVENTION FOR THIS MORE “SUBTLE FORM, BEHIND THE SCENES” FORM OF POWERFUL INTERVENTION, OF SPECIFIC INTENT AND MOTIVE OF REQESTING, ASKING AND PRAYING THAT WE OF THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT, OF THE FORCES OF GOD AND THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY

TO TRANSMUTE AND END ALL OF THESE ACTS OF GLOBAL GENOCIDE.  This has been occurring already on a mass planetary scale, by literally billions of souls, either specifically of being aware of us and our Guardian Action protocols, or by many others who in a more “traditional religious way”—this still allows us to powerfully Intervene and help in powerful ways uncomprehendable by most humans living upon Earth.


These powerful, sincere and heartfelt decrees and prayers are indeed BEING ANSWERED on a mass level, even if it may seem to some (because of the extreme nature of the amount & total number of the challenges presently facing humanity) that things appear to “be getting worse, not better”.  But as we have stated many times to this Channel and to many others as well, that even though the Light is always stronger and more powerful, the ‘momentum’ of the cabal’s accumulated evil plans and agendas that they were planning, instigating and setting in motion for so many years and ages, have now “come to a head” And that when all of the corruption is ALL TOTALLY exposed in detail,

like any “wound” that is totally revealed, and it is “in one’s face,” of all the unhealthy and toxic conditions, it is often misjudged now that one is aware of the FULL RANGE of symptoms.  It is very important to accurately not misdiagnose what the real conditions are, despite HOW INTENSE IT ALL SO SUDDENLY HAS BECOME TO THOSE NOW WOKE UP TO THE TRUE AND EXTREME NATURE OF THE EMERGENCY.


We of the Intergalactic Federation of Light do not want to misconstrue how on one hand how extremely serious this situation is for you all, but neither do we want you to be unaware of what we of the Higher Realms are presently doing and how so much more in recent months we are in the proeess of doing right now on behalf of all of our Ground Crew, as well as all of humanity and all life and for Mother Earth, herself.  As I and others of my Command have stated many times—which is so true, “Every soul on Earth is precious to us, we Love you all Unconditionally, but some of you are far more “directly accessable” to us, on a Conscious level and this allows us to more easily

Connect with you and more easily Oversadow, Guide and Inspire you on your Missions on a more Conscious level--

until mass physical Contact and planetary Divine Intervention does indeed soon take place.


As we recently shared with this Channel, and as he has been sharing with others he is in contact with, that as he had briefly announced when he was a guest on the “Coast to Coast AM” show on Jan. 19, 2011, and which he has since gained much more understanding (at least in some ways) to just how much more advanced and powerful our new and updated “Elohim Consciousness Technologies” are now than they were before.  These wonderfully powerful Transformational Healing abilities of this new level, our Radinat One, our & your Divine Creator, has now Blessed us with to help you of Earth to Overcome and defeat any and all so-called “hidden” plans, agendas, operations and/or destructive technologies of the cabal, which those black op, covert agencies are right now using and unleashing upon the population of Earth.


We understand that there are still so many who do not understand that if what I Am right now stating, “Officially for the Record” is True, then why are so many horrific and deadly events occurring?  This is a logical question from a very “rational and mundane Earthian point of view” and even sincere point of view as well, without the more developed and attuned ability to “tune in” and/or receive Transmissions/Communications from those of us, of the Federation.  Because of so many things that have been done by the cabal (as outlined & summarized in the afore mentioned article) that was the catalyst for us to Download this specific Transmission-Channeling, which have specifically been designed to not only “numb & dumb down” the masses, but also to ATTEMPT to kill as many as possible in their New World Odor (yes “stinks to High Heaven”) agenda to kill well over two third’s of Earth’s population and to attempt to enslave the other third who would be barely able to survive from all this nasty and intense unindation upon all of you.




As we stated earlier, and I Am purposely being redundant to emphasis this point again, as “God Helps those who help themselves” and as we never, ever criticize any of you for any so-called “human mistakes” or “human weakness”, and the only thing we have ever so-called “Judged” is a being’s INTENT & MOTIVES, IF IT WAS NOT ALREADY FOR THE FACT THAT WE HAVE BEEN MASSIVELY INTERVENING “BEHIND THE SCENES” FOR MANY YEARS—WHICH HAS BEEN POWERFULLY STEPPED UP AND INCREASED IN THESE RECENT YEARS AND ESPECIALLY IN RECENT MONTHS, ALL LIFE AND MOTHER EARTH HERSELF, WOULD HAVE BEEN LONG SINCE DESTROYED AND PERISHED.


As this Channel many times have shared with others, something I said to him, about 20 years ago of earth time, when he was “complaining” about something, and I, Ashtar, responded to him with “unbearable compassion”. 


I stated, “Well, if the Truth be told, the Earth should actually be in a far, far worse or extreme state of so-called “negativeity and imbalance”; if it wasn’t for our [already, earlier] Intervention, the Earth would be in a “Eight Times worst mess than it presently is today!”  And this statement by me was in a sense very true, because of the extreme nature of all of the many challenges and dangers that you all have faced every day of every hour that you have individually and collectively been on the planet.


Of course, right after I made this statement to him, telepathically, Michael’s sincere and spontaneous  response to me was” “Wow, I couldn’t even comprehend TWICE as bad, let alone [literally] EIGHT times as much!”





So, do “take to heart” the important need to take as much individual responsibility as you each can—in what ever way you each can do.  For some, it may seem to be so-called “less” or “more” than another person, but these “judgement-comparisons” are not an accurate assessment,

for each person must be totally honest with themselves, and your/our Divine Creator, and be as Accountable and Responsible as you are truly capable of being.  As has been said many times, “it is one thing if you do not [REALLY, TRULLY] know about what to do, it is quite another when you really do “know” and you play or pretend to be ignorant of something, of what to do and how to do it, and you choose to do nothing.  Or as they say, “you can be forgiven much, much more if you really do not know, but it is much harder to forgive if you do know but do nothing about it.”


This very point, right here, is what determines your “Frequency-Vibrational Level” in the upcoming time for us to literally, physically be beaming those of you aboard our Merkabah Light Ships when the “Secret” and successive Three major Waves of Evacuation do, in fact, occur, on that “Vibrational-Frequency zero to 500 Harmonic Scale.”  This

determines which of you are vibrationally high enough to be lifted up aboard our Light Ships when Evacuation does indeed occur.  As stated many times through this Channel, one must be—“approximately” around the 200 level to be able to be physically beamed or taken up when we turn on the “tractor beam and Resonating Field of Light” to begin the Beaming up of those who have “been Choosen”, or rather to more accurately express this: those who “Choose to be Choosen” by being as Ready and Prepared--AS BEST YOU CAN, BY DOING ALL THE MANY THINGS THAT YOU CAN DO, ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. 


And so the reason, too, that with the three consecutive Waves, unlike the much earlier, single “one time deal”, more emergency and much smaller evacuations that had occurred  in ancient times. We have been Authorized to now make sure, by the time all Four Waves have been completed, that as long as each person sincerely, and to the best of their ability, have “risen to the occasion,” of having done everything in their/your power to Prepare themselves, in whatever ways they can, they are definitely GUARANTEED their place aboard our Light Ships.


Yes, despite those skeptical cynics—and even some of these may be taken up, (kind of like modern day “Paul on the Road”) as long as they are “ethical and decent human beings” and their “vibrations” are in harmony to this (approximate) minimum required frequency scale reading.

This is, of course, affected by many factors: Intent, attitude, diet, lifestyle, acts of kindness & compassion, techniques &  modalities to specifically raise your vibrational-frequency level (such as Color Activation Chakra Balancing Meditations, Light Decrees, use of natural crystals & gemstones to anchor the Light, etc., etc.); all help to really determine JUST EXACTLY WHERE one is on this scale, but it is not, repeat, a rigid determination, only an approximate reading.


But as we shared with this Channel these last few months since his appearance on the “Coast to Coast Am” show, our revolutionary new Elohim Consciousness Technologies are affecting the new Time Line so powerfully that “instead of only a third of humanity surviving all the upcoming planetary changes,” now  literally we estimate at least two thirds to three quarters of Earth’s humanity will not only survive, but not even have to go through very much trauma as was originally prophecised by many prophets and seers, for they were tuning into the original old past/present Time Line.  This is right now being completely altered and changed (which could be very simply explained by referring to those moments in many “time travel theme” motion pictures where in the “special affects” it is shown how “the person will suddenly disappear out of the photo, or reappear back in it” or a “new newspaper headline suddenly replaces the other one”, except it is happening slower so it is not so obvious at how dramatic the changes and alterations actually are in the “time space continuum.”).

Yes, quite simply, many so-called negative Prophecies from many ancient seers, who were seeing events on the original Time Line, are now being changed and altered, to help change the cabal’s total plans for planetary genocide and destruction.


Also, this whole shift in human consciousness, with the “Cosmic Law of Grace”, that is coming in with all those new unique Cosmic Energies that have never been on Earth, nor even experienced by we Elohim befoe, which is going to force total Accountability on everyone as well as manifest more beauty and joy and fulfillment for those of the Light.  This Energy & Consciousness now flooding the Earth is here to help totally expose all members of the cabal and all of their past (and present agendas and plans) and end their evil reign once and for all.  And no matter how much so-called negative karma a person had built up before in past lives, it all can now be totally Transmuted through one’s more positive intent and actions in much, much quicker—with  “Light speed intensity!”  So that instead of,

as in the past up until now, of it taking “many ages and lifetimes” to “get off the ‘Endless Wheel of Karma”, now, literally—THE POTENTIAL, AND THE ABILITY, IS DEFINITELY NOW THERE AS COMPARED TO ANY TIME OF THE PAST.  If each person embraces this potential and asks sincerely to be completely and totally forgiven of all their accumulated negative karma, along with sincerely asking for Higher Help, that it can now all

be forgiven & transmuted in just a “few months or a few years” at the most!


As I, Ashtar, had  already recently communicated to this Channel about the change in the format of how he was recording his Transformational Channeled Readings, in regard to the recent change in him now using CD’s [rather than audio magnetic tapes as I had done for over 32 years since 1979] to record these sessions while I and various other fellow Members of the Command are speaking through him.  That as he has shared regarding the “Higher Light Encodements” that we are “Cosmically Downloading” onto the recording of the session, that as we stated, which is true, “Proportionate to how much one ‘raises to the occasion” to Embrace their potential, and takes action in whatever way they can, with sincerity and dedication, (a combination of both physical, mental and spiritual actions”) is always what determines how much those “Higher Light Encodements are able to be “Activated” on the recording that is played back.

That if one just sits back and does nothing in regard to what was shared during these Transformational Channeling sessions, is what determines how much has potential to affect and change one’s life around.


So it is in this overall situation with the entire human genocide agendas of the power elite, of whether your immune system (and consciousness) can handle, overcome, build up a strong enough immune system to withstand all the many various “attacks” that the cabal has been inundating you with.  But just as these other more personal,  “Higher Light Encodements” in a much more “concentrated” and “individualized” method has been Downloaded on the energy Beam from the Merkabah while this Channel is Channeling, which is placed into the recording and continues to be more Activated the more one plays back their CD [used to be audio-magnetic tapes].  So, too, in more “general, over all fashion,” we are influencing all sincere souls who desire to “do God’s Will” and fulfill their purpose and Mission is life, who are truly Attempting to do “the Right thing’ but feel presently Overwhelmed and desperate in all that is happening throughout the planet at this time.


As I have also stated many times, “while none of you on planet earth are ‘victims” to anything that is presently occurring, you are still, in a sense being ‘victimized” by the cabal on a mass level, and “straightjacketed” by insidious

tactics and methods that would definitely take away all of your hope and promise for the future, if it were not for our own tactics and advanced methods of Divine Intervention.


One problem that many on Earth, who are not—YET—aware of how much we have already been Intervening behind the scenes and are soon to do it in a much more open, overt way, so that “all eyes will Behold our Presence”, some have been misinterpreting many others, who ARE aware on a deep level, of their Inner Knowing and Awareness of us, that we ARE indeed Intervening—as merely “indifference” and “not facing reality” of just how

Desperately extreme and even hopeless things appear to be.


A very important point before we come to a close in this

Transmission-Channeling.  And that is to do with the reasons that so many are  “confused” with so many apparently “conflicting” readings regarding just how extreme the radiation levels are of leaking radiation from Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant, how much is really reaching the U.S. and other areas of the planet.  Also how many petro-chemical and deadly biochemical toxins are actually being sprayed on everyone from the chemtrails.


We would say that one of the confusions about all of this, is how much or what extreme level of radiation is actually and correctly being detected, and how much is actually reaching other areas of the world, such as in the U.S., Europe and other parts of the planet, and whether this is as great as many have stated, whether the accuracy of their instruments are correct, and have they been able to clearly read the levels accurately.  The same could be asked of any of the other numerous deadly and destructive toxic levels of Chemtrail petro-chemical poisins and any other cabal plans to kill as many as possible.


As this Channel realized in the last few days, and he received an “analogy” that will help explain some of these apparent “contradictions”.  Years ago when he used to distribute a special device, in the form of a clock, called the “Clarius Technology” that was designed to alter the extreme levels of EMF or Electromagnetic pollution that you are all being bombarded by, and to transform/transmute it into the Frequency known as the Schumann Resonance” also known by Earth scientists as the “natural magnetic frequency”of Mother Earth.  The many results from those who did, as this Channel also experienced, feeling more relaxed and less stressed out and could sleep better without al the EFFECTS of the normal EMF bombardment.


Of course, anyone taking an “EMF reading” would still pick up or determine that the same EMF frequencies were still present, except that the device had altered it’s AFFECT upon those within the approximate 70 feet that it was able to affect and alter. But the EMF meter would still show the same field, except, as stated, these frequencies instead of being the more destructive had now been changed or altered so that they were not, as stated, AFFECTING one as they were before.


Likewise, but in an even more dramatic fashion, we have been altering the AFFECTS of all the intense levels of radiation, petrochemical toxins, upon your bodies. So that DEPENDING HOW MUCH ONE IS TAKING CARE OF THEMSELVES AND AT LEAST ATTEMPTING TO DO

THE BEST THEY CAN IN WHATEVER UNIQUE SITUATION PEOPLE HAVE INDIVUDALLY FOUND THEMSELVES—IS PROPORTIONATE TO HOW MUCH THIS OVER ALL “AFFECT” WILL BE ABLE TO BE RECEIVED AND ULTILIZED.  Yes, as we like to say, “there is no free ride on the ‘good ship lollypop’, that it is what you and we all do together, and as stated in that  aforementioned article, which does contain very valuable help, of much knowledge and resources to help you all in whatever way you can use this knowledge.  And please,  share this with as many others as you can—and please share this which we of the Federation of Light are also doing, of Divinely Intervening behind the scenes, which will soon escalate into open mass planetary Divine Intervention and World Wide Evacuation.


And as we come to the close in this communication, we would remind all of you, in these “End Times” to be particularly Discerning and use your Cognitive Deductive Reasoning, and “Challenge all things within the Christ Frequency” in all areas of your lives.  Especially be alert in

the future, of anything you hear or see over corporate controlled mainstream media, and even over the Internet.


For the cabal grows more desperate everyday, in plans to not only ATTEMPT to kill as many as they can, but to FOOL  you in very sophisticated ways, such as an ATTEMPT to announce that the Earth is about to be invaded by “evil aliens intent on enslaving, eating and destroying you all.”  As this Channel and many others heard recently about how the black ops in both their underground bases, as well as from their Earth anti-gravity vehicles, are attempting to interfere with our plans for mass planetary Divine Intervention, by attempting to shoot at us with all their “little toy guns”. 


But as many know, especially those of you who had a chance to look through night vision goggles, of the “Cleansing of the Heavens” now being completed. of observing our Federation Light Ships being fired upon by corrupt earth cabal forces.  These attempts are always useless, because of these so-called “attacks” only result in them blowing up their own extremely backward craft.  We, of course, have usually beamed off the black op crews, a split second before their craft blows up, aboard our ships and usually they quickly “turn to the Light” and now become “White Ops” for God and for humanity, realizing that they were working for the wrong side.  Instead, in this

“Cosmic Recruitment & Rehabilitation Program” we have been able to turn so many of these former covert operatives to the Light and actually many of them were originally “Deep undercover Operatives of Light” from the Federation, before they took Earth embodiment.  Yes, they have Infiltrated the dark cabal to now help end it’s reign of corrupt power, and to help free and Liberate the people’s of Earth from enslavement and human genocide, and to usher in the Golden Age after the upcoming Evacuation and total Cleansing.


For despite the attempt of the cabal to stop or delay upcoming mass planetary Divine Intervention, “no force in heaven or earth” will be able to stop it, for these Events that God has Decreed will occur, which we have termed a  “Cosmic Done Deal” and a “Sacred Promise” are Scheduled to occur according to “God’s Timing”, whenever EXACTLY it is Destined to occur.  But we all sense how close, how extremely Imminent this Event will soon be. 


But we just want the “powers that be” to know that any ATTEMPT to “fool the Elect’ with films that have been created with black op “virtual reality” special affects to make them appear real, of any supposed “real life attacks  

by negative alien forces” against earth military bases will obviously either be made up or taken out of context with what is really occurring right now of our ships being fired upon by all kinds of “exotic” black op weapon systems that could damage any craft that are not as advanced as our Merkabah Light Ships.  As usual, when we tell them not to fire at us, they totally ignore these gestures of more peaceful and positive interactions and choose to attack us, as if to “prove” that we are here for some sinister and evil purpose.  Yes, they think that they could use some of the films of these engagements by putting a spin on them and attempt to fool the masses by showing them being “attacked by evil aliens” as a prelude to be able to then announce and create a mass alien invasion scenario, as has

been shown in numerous negative movies of propaganda

 to attempt to brainwash ignorant and fearful peoples in this form of “entertainment psych-ops” that are often mixed with negative subliminals.


Of course, as is ususal, the cabal works best when they can use “Surprise, Stealth and F.E.A.R. [“False Evidence Appearing Real”], but when one removes these three dynamics, of AFFECTIVELY EXPOSING such a plan ahead of time, then their plans fall apart like a house of cards.


Be courageous, strong and Discerning in what little time is left before we finally do openly Intervene.  Take as much responsibility as you can, and also continue to help expose and neutralize any and all plans of the cabal.  Be innovative and resourceful, and the Light Guardians you all are!  Take care of your physical health and well being, treating your physical body as the Temple it truly is meant to be, and so it is easier to “vibrationally be Ready & Prepared for when we Do “make our Move!”  This has been Lord Ashtar of the Ashtar Command, and Intergalactic Federation of Light signing off for now.  Blessings to you all, and Keep Your Eyes On the Skies Until we do show up in mass!  Adonai Vassu Berogus!

Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 22:17:51 -0700
Subject: Radiation & chemtrails assaults: additional support for your immune system

Radiation & chemtrails assaults: additional support for your immune system

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

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