The year of 2012 as finally arrived and so you wonder what does it have in store for you. Many of you fear that it will bring doom and darkness. This can only be the case if enough people send these thoughts out to the universe this is what she will present to you.
For to long people have lived in fear wondering what the future may bring. If we are pleasing everyone or doing the right thing. When we should be looking at each moment with excitement rather than what we may be doing the next day. Savor each minute for what it brings and enjoy.
2012 is not about looking back but looking forward. It is about You me each and everyone of us. It is about getting to know who we are and being at one with the universe. Letting go of restrictions whether they are from family religion or authorities. Is it not who we truly are.
Many of you may feel alien to these feelings. That is ok. This is because for so long you have allowed others to judge you and tell you what you should and should not do.Everyone of you has something to offer. We can only do this when we are ready to be our true self. Our Holy Father does not judge you . For we are all equal in his eyes and knows what your purpose is. Many of you may still have to find this within yourself whether it is to be a good chef musician teacher poet mechanic or parent. It matters not. They are all of value to the world. For without each other and their individual skills the world would not function.
To many of us live under the shadow of what others want for us. Spend most of our lives unhappy with hang ups as we try to please everyone yet most important we should be pleasing ourselves. Because of this we have not taken the time to find out who we are. Once we take these restrictions away we can allow ourselves to be who we are meant to be. 2012 is the key to opening up truth. Our own personal truth. Atime to let go of what no longer serves you. A time to be the spirit you truly are. When we do this we are opening ourselves to the Ascension process.
This process is within and available to everyone. To access this we must learn to rise above all that we have been and have been taught and listen to our inner self about we are to become. Learn to do all that is right for you. Break free of the chains we have put on ourselves in this and in many lives before. From this you can go on to experience so many wonderful things. Some may even be miracles.
Whatever itis you soul desires this it is right for you and providing your intention is pure it will not fail.. Because you are doing it for the right reasons and not because someone as told you that is what you must do.
Ascension allows you to know who you truly are and change what you do not like about yourself. It allows you to know yourself without judgement and know that whatever you have done in the past was all part of your life's lessons and that you have moved forward. It teaches us live in the light and not the dark. it allows us to be around like minded individuals who work in the light. It opens our mind to new ideas thinking and how we live our lives and treat ourselves and others.
Sometimes the decisions we make as we move forward are painful and life changing. Often against what we have lived and allowed others to perceive of us. At first we may feel alien with this. This is ok. It is how we are meant to feel. This is because for so long we have live this way.In many circumstances we have not being happy with our lives but have not always known how to change it because of what others may think of us. The questions dear friends is balance. We must be careful not to go from one extreme to another. Stop wasting to much time worrying about what others think of us.
Being oneself takes courage. It is a testing time as things feelings and beliefs and even friendships and relationships are changed or even ended. It takes strength to be different. Trough our own spiritual self we open this door. When we do there is no turning back even though at times we want to run and hide. Encouragement by those of the light mind should be given . To ensure those starting out letting them know it is ok to be like this. Once you make this decision people will want to be like you as they see your shining light like a bright star. They will notice the change in you and will see that all the anger you have felt will begin to disperse as you realise that it is a waste of energy to feel this way. Any feelings yo do not like will begin to disapear. Eventually you will learn the true meaning of love not only for others but for yourself to. This will draw others like yourself to be around you as they begin to feel better in your presence . You will begin to feel happier and lighter within yourself and your ailments will begin to disapear. Nothing will be to much.
When you feel this you will know that the road to Ascension process for you as begun.There will be setbacks but these will become less and less. You will begin to enjoy life as you should. Ascension does not have to be death as we know it. It is just a changing of ones thoghts. That allows wisdom knowledge and love of the highest level to be present in our lives. So why do we delay this. Fear is the answer. We as humans fear any kind of change but most of all we fear being alone and being different and change itself.
We must learn to overcome this for it is this that holds us back on many levels. Ask your guides and angels to help you . You will never walk alone in the ascension process for they are many urging you to move forward to teach and show you all that is of the light. It is not as difficult as you think. Again we it is a question of changing your thought patterns not only about others but yourself.
Everyone is capable of this if they could just believe and allow the process to happen. It is going to happen anyway but our own belief pattern can make the journey easier. You have nothing to FEAR but once you open the door to your own journey you are well on the way to being there. We have said we will walk with you as we know how difficult this can be as we did this many eons ago.We can help you rise above any difficulties this process may bring. All you have to do is ASk.This will help you rise above all you have been and are. These times have been of great value to you. But now it is time to move forward and up. Do not think you will be judged as we do not do this. Everyone as something to let go of. Let 2012 be the year for you to do this.Make this a year to remember for love change and advancement.Only you can do this. Open the door to a new birth of happiness,joy health and abundance. The time is now. So let us your guides and angels and teachers begin this journey together. We each have so much to learn from each other. Let this be the first day for the rest of your life and do not let fear play any part of it. let lift of begin are you ready. Solar.