Chapter 10 # 3  Learner-student-teacher -master


After four years of studying the ACIM book, I think I can now give an interpretation of what the main message really is. As I have said before, our mission here on planet earth is twofold. First we have to save ourselves and we do that by reaching out to the holy Spirit and then Jesus who will help us awaken. And second when we have awakened to then reach out to help awaken our sleeping brothers. Time waits for no one,not even you .2011-12 is the turning point for all of this to happen. Some people are trying to save the earth without first saving themselves. Others are trying to save themselves or I should say there body’s without savings there minds or souls. As in the moody blues song; when you awaken ,you will wonder where you have been.

First things first, if you are reading this then you have already begun the awakening process. To save ourselves requires that after we realize we have been programmed in a negative manner. At this point we decide to take control of our own programming. We then have to learn to deprogram and reprogram our selves. We learn to do this by releasing the negative past, to relinquish it, to forgive and forget our past, to reconcile our past, to let it go, to resolve it so that we can move into a more positive future . We must learn to create our future from this present holy now moment and not our past. Totally forgiving our past releases it ,so it can touch us not. We change our karma.

But we cannot move into that positive future if we attempt to bring any of that negative past with us. The Holy Spirit teaches us to forgive the past and everyone in it and or our own world including “ourselves”. And because we live in a multidimensional reality, it also requires us to be in the now moment to perceive correctly what it is that we need to do. And of course, we must have a good reason for wanting to do it, because nobody really wants to change themselves unless they have to. There is no fun in it and it is normally extremely difficult. But what you put in is what you get out. And what really make’s us want to do such a thing is; unhappiness, sorrow, pain, suffering and loneliness.


And all of the above comes from our negative pre-programming from the dark side. So when we get to the point of saying enough is enough, that’s when we decide to change. Because were tired of being lonely in the belief that we are separate from God and all of that makes us feel unhappy. Usually we don’t even know how to do it; we only know that we have to do it. And if we search hard enough and long enough we finally obtain the truths and information that we need to begin the process.

After we understand were we are, and then we create a desire of where it is we want to be. In the past we created our future from the past but that only continues a duplicate of a negative past. The past is gone, it can touch us not. And the future has not been created yet. There is only this holy present now moment. And it’s from this holy instant moment that we create our future. Once we start to learn to manifest our future from our “now: moment, the past as we knew it will slowly begin to dissolve itself and fade from our memory, never more to cause pain to us. Forgiving the past is a most holy duty. Once we ‘get it“and “do this” then we began to create a more positive and happier future based on our own present programming that comes from a higher spiritual understanding of life in this holy instant now moment!


The Holy Spirit is the best teacher and helper that we could get in this and future lives’. We only need to ask for his expert guidance and teaching and we get it. So we are not alone in this process. We only have to choose the higher self through the Holy Spirit, instead of the alter ego. And with the Holy Spirit on our side, who in their right mind would want to choose, pain, suffering and unhappiness, of the lower self, but we do. We think we are choosing pleasure or wealth or power. But we find out sooner or later that we’ve been duped, fooled, tricked by the trickster himself, the demon within (our nemesis’). But we only have to call out to the Holy Spirit to come to our rescue, to subdue the ego to restrain him so he can do no more harm, and it is done as requested and it is only the Holy Spirit who has the power to do this.


Let us beware that when we ourselves attempt to attack or bind the ego, we get into a fight that we cannot possibly win. A house divided against it self cannot stand. For we created the ego ourselves some time ago and he has become a part of our mind until we can dissolve or dismantle him into the nothingness of which he came from, in the first place.. And we cannot possibly do this by ourselves; we need the helping hand of the Holy Spirit and the ability plus strength to apply this newly updated program...


Then all we have to do after we realize our mistake is to start reprogramming ourselves over again. Not from our past mistakes, which we must forgive, but from our present corrected moment. So then we change our present and create or manifest our positive future by this kind of strength in decision and action.


Our thoughts are very powerful tools to effect this change in our mind and the brain obeys its new programming. Our ability to communicate to our fellow human beings minds is greatly enhanced. Our reason for being here on this mission begins to make more sense. We are in these material body’s to be able to communicate. Things begin to become clearer as we continue on this awakening process. It does take some time to study and meditate each day as we learn to apply what is that we are learning.

And as always, you get out of it what you put into it. Peace then starts seeping into our minds. For the first time we begin to realize what true joy and happiness is and the ability to control it. Our minds are at peace because we no longer have negative thoughts of the past. No anguish or remorse, or anger or guilt when we think of or see those people we had trouble with before. Because when we forgive them then we are forgiven, then peace can enter our being-ness. Thus we change the law of karma because the past is released!


We are free; this real freedom can only come from within. Our minds are free to pursue happiness. And only forgiveness has this power to bring peace to the world, and to ourselves. It even spreads to our fellow man who is our brothers, because we learn to see them as ourselves, that we are all one. Then they begin to realize what is happening and soon start picking up bits and peaces as they become part of it and also learn to share it. It’s a spiritual movement that can change the world, if only people would learn and apply it.

The big question is why hasn’t this truth or information been given to us before. Maybe we weren’t ready for it. It is quite heavy and does require a certain amount of effort on our part to make it work. Why don’t we hear it from our parents or school or religion ? Why isn’t it in our society? Where have they been hiding such a wonderful miracle? Where is the best place to hide a tree but in a forest. Read the fine print and in between the lines. It should be in all the holy books somewhere. But what happens when you mix the truth with the untruth. You get disinformation, disorientation, confusion . Jesus gave us a lot of this information the last time he was here 2000 years ago.


But we weren’t ready for it yet because our education level was very low. Lets hope we get it right this time around as he has now brought us a newer, bigger and better version, now that our education level is a lot higher. Spirituality and religion seem to be mixed. Religion wants to keep spirit-reality confined to the church but true spirituality must be applied out of the church to our everyday lives in a way to help balance our sanity in this insane world that we live in.


We do have other tools that we can use to assist us in this process, such as prayer, meditation, affirmations, mantra’s and just plain “doing our homework”. That is studying those holy books that contain these truths and of course on audio and video disks. But the most important of all is contact and communication with those who are practicing it themselves. Those student teachers are forever learners and may someday even become masters at teaching, which is a real art in itself, such as Jesus and some others channeled entities has done.


And of course there are other spiritual teachers down here besides Jesus who has also gotten the message down fairly correct. And they too will lead you to the truths that can get you there but it may take you a little longer. Even though the text or way of presentation may be different, if it contains the whole truth and nothing but the truth, then go for it, because everyone, is on a different level at a different time.


There is a teacher or a course of lessons for all of us, and when you are ready for your next level, (after completing this one) they will be there for you. You only have to put out some level of attainment and effort. You can also compare it to other information or truths that you have learned and see how they compare. Which is what I have been doing for many years now? It’s a never ending process. And the problem with society is that they think that when they are finished with school that they are finished learning, which of course couldn’t be further from the truth. Truth is that we are never finished with our learning process but that it continues on forever as we learn to attain perfection. Just as our Creator who created us, forever homeward bound. And of course we do get time off for good behavior and much needed vacations Which will be around 2011-2012.


So the mind is still the best way to travel. And now back to our regular program.


How about the real crime being committed by the NWO who controls all the news? Who is behind all these wars (that we are paying for with our so called tax money and our sons’ “deaths”)? They’ve got us programmed really well with all their lies of terrorists. So who’s the real terrorist? Who’s behind and controlling all of the world’s real wealth? Who controls the media we watch or listen to? What are they saying? Read these lips, where’s the real “Truth?” Who makes us think the way we think and who keeps us addicted to the bad news that controls and programs us with fear?


There are still a few good ones out there that give us the better truth , but are we ready to receive it? Coast to Coast AM (radio and internet site) with George Noory is the best one of them. But we may have to change our jobs or sleeping habits, to be able to stay up late at night listening to them. We need to see that it’s all about taking back control, control of our spiritual body, minds and our souls. The body gets sick because the mind is sick. The mind is sick because the society is sick, which is made sick by the dark forces of the Lucifer rebellion.


. Doctor’s are drug pushers. They get kick backs from the drug companies to push their prescription drugs on us. And most of them do not cure. They only treat us and give us one more new disorder or dis-ease. I know because I was one of their victims who started out with one dis-ease-ment and ended up many years later with over 20 diseases. There is more on this in the chapter on Dis-ease-ment and Healing and in the later chapters.


Now back to unlearning and relearning and becoming a learner. I am a rebel and a light warrior, always have been. It’s a requirement in this earth school because of all the disinformation the Lucifer Rebellion has left here for us to deal with. And God loves us rebels too, especially if we rebel against false teachings. But how are we going to know if something is false when we are always overloaded, when our disk is full up and we can’t put any more into it, when our memory is full, overloaded with disinformation? Who do we call? Who can help us? First we all must realize that the problem is not us but all that garbage in there, as we talked about before. We need to unlearn all that we have learned, yes, everything. We must question it. Is it true or a truth, is it good for us? Will it make us better or happier? If not, then it’s time to call upon our teacher inside, the Holy Spirit.


One of the Holy Spirit’s main jobs is to put us in contact with our higher self where we can better discern what Truth is. We must decide to take control and become a student again. And once we do, our lives will start changing, not always pleasant, but a bit better each day. Look again at all those books and internet pages we read. Do they really help us? Or are we putting in garbage again, Garbage in, garbage out.


Now to start our new experience with our teacher inside of us, we only need to ask for help. We will be guided to the right books and sites that will help us grow. When we are reading the words, the sentences, the chapters, does it make sense to us? Do we already know these things? Are the words arranged so as to help us grow? By that I mean, look at the words again. What are they really saying? Are there Truths in there? Is it food for thought or just taking space to fill up the book? Remember it’s all just information, just like in school, except now we get to choose what subjects we want to take.


We get to choose our teacher for that moment in time. We should remember to talk to or ask questions to our higher selves. If we don’t understand something, we can re-read it. Maybe we weren’t ready for it or it wasn’t worth spending our time reading. We can ask ourselves, what do we believe, what do we not believe and why. What would we add to it or take away? As a student teacher we learn to control what we put inside. It’s all just information until we get more advanced. Then we start running into what’s called “truths.” Now that’s another chapter in itself, but I will attempt to explain my view of it, as I see it.


Higher Truths are information that doesn’t change in time. They always remain true, that is they always apply to our spiritual growth. We will find them in many different forms from many different teachers, but they’re all saying the same things. So finally we accept these new truths as being true for us and we are able to add them to our memory, to access them whenever we want or need to. Then we start sharing them with others of like mind, if we can find them. But be careful here so as not to impinge or rebuke others with this newly found belief system. Now that’s where learning to be a teacher comes in handy. So we learn how to discuss these new Truths with others, and this is a real skill that very few people can do, but we must learn it.


Jesus was the best teacher on this planet because not only of what he taught but how he taught and how he related his teachings to those around him. He knew how to be simple in what he taught for those of lesser minds and he knew how to give more truths to those who could handle it. And never did he attack or rebuke others’ beliefs or disbelief. He would find out what they could agree upon by what others said in reply to his teachings. He even went further for his advanced students who wanted to become teachers.


We must give all the information and “Truth” away if we want to own them. In other words, it’s all information. We don’t own it. It doesn’t come from us. It came from somewhere else. Take some and then pass it on. Learn to share it, sort of like food when we are at the table. If the “student teachers” try to impress others by what we have learned, like saying, “Look at me. See how much I know,” then that’s the ego speaking through us and the other person’s ego will refute what we have said or given them.

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