There has been much controversy over this subject of just who is “Sananda”( one with God ) .And is he really Jesus and how many Jesus's are there anyway? Where did he come from and how can he manifest in so many slightly different names and personalities and images? A lot of bashing has been going on, on the internet as well as in my teaching from those who have read this book in rough manuscript form, plus I have many pictures and writing’s all over my camper on my truck.


And I am getting a lot of negative feed beck from all of this that I teach. Jesus-Sananda has also been getting a lot of bad response on the net mainly from the Christens. But there seems to be several false Sananda’s as well as false Jesus' but fewer false Jesus-Sananda’s. And it is all quite confusing for all of us who are following the new, Jesus is back movement! Also recently others have joined in the bashing such as David Icke, whom I have followed and wrote about his beliefs in this book concerning the Illuminati and his older beliefs of who the Anti-Christ is or will be.


We do have to be extremely careful in our bashing process not to go too far such as he and others have done and I nearly fell in with them. David and Chris Everard has made many videos together about the church, the SSG and the Anti-Christ but has parted ways in regards to who the Anti-Christ is .Chris believes its Obama and made a new video about it. David on the other hand believes it is a man called Maitreya (see photo). He’s also a dark skin eastern type Avatar like Sananda but actually living in the flesh but hardly anyone has seen him except his right hand man who is also his spokes person, Benjamin Crème. They both were on C2C last year on separate dates. Benjamin says Maitreya is a 600 year old Avatar (spiritual teacher) who came down from the Himalayas’ in 1977 and moved to the Indian-Pakistan section of London. He works most days’ as a simple merchant.


He does not draw attention to him self until his time, which is very soon. Some say he is a Christ, some say Buddha, most say Krishna. The only place I found his name mentioned was in the Keys of Enoch, who say’s the same that he’s a very high Avatar teacher, who will make his self known at the end times, which I believe is very soon. This also means that either he or Sananda or one of the other ascended masters could be a bestowal of an Avonal son that I spoke of before. All of this is possible since it’s a Dispensational Shift of 2012. His or there message is much the same, forgive and follow the light to the father. He also warns us to get ready for the Shift.


So let’s not be so quick to judge and point the finger at Sananda or Maitreya. But we must be cautious because of so much disinformation out there by the evil ones. I discovered from the I-Ching that I had made a big mistake by following David Icke. We both are rebels or warriors. He is a conspiriralgy fanatic, which is good to search out the evil Illuminati and the church and even to search out the Anti-Christ. But he’s looking in all the wrong places. He’s been caught up so much in his searching for the bad guys that he rush’s in and claims things he has no proof of. We are warned of the things the Anti-Christ will say and do in the end times.


Jesus-Sananda and the other Avatars are pointing to God and saying to follow them towards God; Pointing towards the light. Helping us to deprogram ourselves and then to reprogram our selves in Gods image. They are saying truths that will empower us but if they or anyone say things that will steal our power away or tell us to give our power to them, such as in worshiping them or the original Ant-Christ. Then you know they are the fallen ones, possibly the Anti-Christ and then you can and must turn away from the false teachers or Prophets.

I realized my mistake from following David and others so I erased what I had written in this book .I felt good that I cleared his name but more than that, I felt a blessing come over me, a sort of thank you, from him. And the next day I was on a different computer and a picture of a young Lord Krishna showed up on my screen as I was editing my pictures. I showed my friend and then it went out, but ten minutes later it came back. The following day I tried to get it back but could not, I goggled his images but still no picture.


My book is made to help this new movement not to hinder it. All of the heavens and the universe are here to help us. We need all the help we can get. We are all one. Maybe Maitreya will help salve the problems between Christens and Muslims’ since he looks Muslim. One thing for sure, David’s bashing and debunking against Jesus-Sananda and Maitreya has back fired on him. If you Google images of the Anti-Christ, David’s picture comes up as one of the candidates.


Now back to Jesus-(Sananda) .As I said there is today much controversy over him. Most of the problem’s come from the Anti-Christ pretending to be the same Jesus –Sananda sending out false information. This disinformation is causing a lot of potential believers to disbelieve. And that is why they wonted me to try to help by explaining it all a bit better if I can. All of this confusion on the web has made it even more difficult because there so many different names and pictures of him.

The many different names I mentioned before and as for the pictures I noticed that I myself have a half dozen different one’s in my house that I see daily and another half dozen on covers of books that I have. I have a Creole (dark skin) picture of him hung in my house from 1995. I also had it in my mission and then I put it on my truck. I thought people would accept it here because most people here are Creole. But it wasn’t so, because they were raised on the English empire white Jesus. In South America and Jamaica they have many pictures of a very black Jesus. I know there is an oriental Jesus with slant eyes as well as the original Jewish one. I think the Idea is to reach every one, what ever race you are.

I also noticed that the office of Christ has sent down to us, many ascended Masters that can be seen on the web. Most are male masters’ that seem to represent nearly all races and creeds world wide. From China, Asia, India, Africa, Middle East, Europe, America and more. The major religions seem to be represented as well, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Jesus ECT. I believe this is done so as to reach every one on the planet through a new and improved upgraded Spirituality and eventually bring them all together at the end of an age.


Asking people to believe that he’s back is a large leap of faith in itself, and then on top of that showing the different names and images of Jesus has become too much for most people. And than on top of that there are many false Jesus’s-Sananda of the Anti-Christ which has scared away most people. I noticed much less activity on the net as Jesus-(Sananda) exposes what is going on, as they were attacked they withdrew (resist not evil). And they have some what withdrawn from the Sedona Magazine, which I now only get once a year at Christmas because the US post has become so very expensive.


So I did much thinking and praying to Jesus and my Holy Spirit for an understanding of what is going on, so I could explain it better to the people and in my book. Last week after praying to the Jesus-(Sananda) picture, I was told to go to my studies in the manual in the ACIM book. And there on chapter 17 # IV called “the pictures” I found part of the answer to my prayer. About half way down Jesus began to talk about the different images of him. I will paraphrase here;


.Jesus said to look at the old church pictures of him on the cross, with a crown of thorns. The church at that time up until now, likes to show a beautiful tooled frame of gold, very large compared to the picture. So that people would first see the big and strong beautiful frame but when they looked on the smaller picture inside they would see a small pitiful man, suffering greatly for our so called sins. The blood that ran down the body would be seen as rubies’, red droplets and the tears of sorrow would be seen as diamonds.


All meant to convey deep sorrow and pain, separation, and in the end “death”. The church tries to teach us that we are separate from God by teaching that we are born in “sin.” And that Jesus suffered and died for our sins so were going to suffer for our sins and go to hell unless we follow the churches doctrines and laws. Also that only Jesus the God can forgive us from our “sins”, So that the message becomes suffering and death. And of course all of this false teaching is wrong.


Now let’s look at the more modern picture of Jesus. What we see is a very simple frame if any at all, so as to not distract from the message of the picture. There is no cross, no crown of thorns, no injuries or blood flowing, which means no sorrow or suffering, no one is born in Sin and No dying for our so called “sins”. The Image here shows a Christed spiritual teacher of dual origin, pointing the way to God the father through a gesture. This ascended master radiates and proclaims love of the father for his children and forgiveness as the tools to achieve the gifts of God as peace and joy, which can lead to Love. And seeing this Master Son who was also one of us in his earthly body suggests eternal life instead of death because he overcame death in his resurrection. This picture radiates love and light, reminding us to do the same.

And this teaches us that we too have this right especially in these last days when people still believe that God will take them when he’s ready and that they have no say in the matter. But this is not so, it is a trick to fool you so that you would give up the body and not make the ascension that is coming soon. These times will be extremely difficult so we need to know that, all of our true strength comes from GOD our father Michael. The pictures convey only peace ,joy,happiness and love.


Most people do not sin normally but just make mistakes. But there are those who do sin, and those who take pleasure in it, who end up following and worshiping the fallen angel as a false God. These evil ones wages for sin is eternal death if found guilty at the end of an age (judgment time) by the ancient of days and Jesus. This is stated in the Urantia book and keys of Enoch. The other followers, who repent, will be taken to a special place for rehabilitation. We need all the positive inspiration that we can get at this time from Jesus-Sananda and these Avatars’ provide that for us. They are pointing towards God Michael and showing us how to get there. There is much confusion going on at this time. All is not well on the hippie front and many of us baby boomers who are supposed to lead the way are often going in different directions. There seems to be much confusion everywhere. So I will try to explain or expand some ideas, after more research again on the controversy of Jesus –Sananda


It is often said, That what the world needs now is Jesus”. And this is most definitely true. I have been proclaiming that he’s back now for some time and it has only gotten me into a lot of trouble because Christians and new agers alike refuse to believe it. Most all who have read my manuscript in the last year and a half has refused to believe it. Its had enough to get people to believe he’s back , then they complicate things even more by saying he has chosen a new name of Jesus-Sananda. Most of us new agers were able to handle that until they came out with false Jesus-Sananda. Also at this time the Urantia book fellowship and the (ACIM) book “A course in miracles” students have started to come together, which also meant that the Urantia believers who studied the book (ACIM) had to believe that Jesus was back, because he channeled the book, he was the real author.

Then you have all of those who can follow the great mysteries of the Keys of Enoch Which is a curious mixture of Christian, Jewish, Urantia, and new age all thrown together and it is written in mystery that only those who have done there home work can d-code it?. And seeing what has happened to a lot of the Spiritual truths sent down today that may have been a wise decision. This book speaks of Jesus and Michael but like the Urantia book doesn’t mention the name Sananda. It states that Jesus did sit on the right hand of the father as an ascended master, head of the office of Christ. It does speak of our father Michael and his kingdom and is greatly influenced by the Melchizedek teachings just like the Urantia book. This book came out at about the same time as the ACIM book in the early seventies. I believe all three are connected and was sent out to us by the Spiritual Hierarchy.


The Urantia book is a condensed 2000 page encyclopedia of the Grand Master Universe. It has 900 pages of the life of Jesus. It explains the Trinity of Gods and our Creator Father Christ Michael, who is Lord and master. After the great fall of the Lucifer rebellion he chose to incarnate into the man of Jesus as a babe as his 7th.and last bestowal. When this bestowal was complete he would gain back complete control over his creation, the universe of Nebadon. Earth was chosen because it was also the headquarters of Satan and all the fallen Angels.


Here Michael-Jesus would make a stand. He chose Mary as the mother because of her blood line (DNA) genetic code of famous, strong and spiritual people. Joseph’s DNA was not quite as strong as many think because his ancestors did not come from David but was adopted six generation before. So instead or along with Joseph’s DNA, Michael could have used a different DNA sperm to impregnate her. By the way Mary had been married for three months when this happened. We do not know exactly what happened here. It will always remain as a mystery. So you could say she was impregnated by higher beings because we don’t know where the DNA came from.


Also was Jesus the man incarnated before as some Deity or ascended master (Sananda)? All this information is secret and was not given in the Urantia book, or any where else, only that our Creator Michael did it through his Divine power. It will remain one of the four questions of the'' unexplained ''. The birth being the first, how was she divinely impregnated. Second; how was it possible for God and man to be in the same body as a dual origin being, separate and yet as one. Third; how did he die the body and raise the new one , up again. Lastly  how did they separate as Christ Michael the Creator and Lord Jesus the man. This could also be called miracles!


So again, Jesus was both man and God; during the earth journey and resurrections on the Mansion worlds all the way back to Michael’s father “the Eternal son”. The two were one as a duel origin person, both God and man. But Jesus did not fully realize he was also God the Father until his baptism and the fusion of God and man took place. It was the Holy Spirit that consummated this union of Creator and Creation becoming one. After that time Jesus the man was in full contact with his personalized adjuster the whole time with the help of the Holy Spirit. And was in full contact with both his adjuster and Michael the Creator at the same time. And the Holy Spirit was a part of this Trinity as well.

On Pentecost after his resurrection was another Holy trinity created called the “Spirit of Truth”. This trinity consisted of a fragmentation or consciousness of our father Michael, Jesus the man, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit played a very large role in all of this unfolding of the greatest miracles in the entire universe to ever happen. And it should be noted here that there are few miracles outside of evolving planets in the universe.


We know him Through the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit’s job is to connect us to the Father and the Son. As he is in part the father and the son. He is in part Jesus the person minus the material body as well as a part of the father’s personality. The Holy Spirit is our connection to them as he connects them to us as well. He’s our long distance operator and translator. He also connects us to our thought adjuster. The Holy Spirit origin comes from the Mother Spirit as part of the Spirit of Truth concept. The Mother Spirit is the “third of the third” part of the trinity of Trinities concept. Michael our father and we his creations are the first two of the third part of the Trinities of Trinities. The Spirit of our father to us his creation is through the Mother Spirit as she binds and combines this trinity together.

The second Trinity consists of Michael’s father the Eternal or Universal son, and his Master Creator Son Michael and our mother spirit’s mother, the Universal Spirit. Again the Universal Mother Spirit connected the personalities of the Eternal son and the Master creator son. And the first part of the Trinities of Trinities is the very first Original God, Creator of all that is, to his son the Universal or Eternal son and the union of these two created the Original Mother Spirit called the Infinite Spirit.           ( more on the Holy Spirit next chapter )


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  • this is all quite interesting to read about.  There is so much confusion, I admit I am more than confused myself.  You mentioned that you wrote a book.  Is it for sale anywhere.  I would like to check it out.  It will be interesting reading. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this subject of Jesus, Sananda, etc.  I get lost in it all.
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