A perfect example of all of this is “Jesus.” He was a highly evolved spirit and material being who became man, and Lord Michael our creator also indwelt or bestowed himself in Jesus the man. He lived the most perfect life possible for a soul evolutionary material being, one who had evolved to the highest possible attainment and yet had still maintained a human or material body. Then he died the body (unjustly) to show his love for his enemies and for us. This was the ultimate gesture a being can have, to give his life for not only his loved ones but for his enemies as well, as I have said before.


After he died the body, he rose again in a new body of the next life that we too will someday do. He did this as a human evolutionary creature and the God in him, Michael, returned back to his home as sovereign king and creator. Jesus stayed for awhile teaching his apostles here and also teaching in the next dimension. Finally when Jesus and Michael were finished Jesus ascended into heaven for the last time, both of them bestowing their spirits on man for evermore as the spirit of truth, a new companion to help us remember and to become like Jesus in all that we do. He was man and God at the same time. The man part in him showed us what was possible for us to do, maybe not in this life time, but in a new future one, a new dispensation, a New Age which is now coming upon us quickly, 2011-12.


Remember, Jesus the man said that “all that I do you can do and more,” and “if you had but the faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains”. So that should inspire us all to our higher selves which is a gift from God, not only since the time of Jesus but before and after, if we but believe in the truth of what is being told to us. Be not in fear and fear not the evil in men or spirit for we are stronger than they. We have not lost our light or connection to our creator. We are not a separate entity from him but one with him. All power in heaven is ours if we use it to help our brothers and ourselves to become better beings, to be able to become what we already really are. We need to loose the “untruths,” the disbelief that have been laid upon us, forgive and forget.


Rise up against these dark forces and untruths. Let’s remember who we really are, angelic type beings. Believe not the untruth that binds us to the hell they have created here. We are above them and all that we are is more powerful than them. We are still a son of God. Again, we were never separated. It was all an illusion, a lie, deceit, a trick to steal our powers away from us, to trick us into giving them our powers and energy, for the dark side has none.


They live only from what energy they can steal from others who have not fallen from the grace of God, such as they have. They cannot live without our energy. So let us not give our new energy away to them. Don’t let them be able to cause “fear” in us. We will not die like them, but we can live forever if we choose too, but in different body forms.


Someday we too will become creators of sorts but for now we must learn to recreate correctly in God’s image. All that we recreate must be for the purposeful goal of all of mankind. God’s Kingdom is spread and created in this way. It is the divine plan. All beings are brothers on some level and therefore the Brotherhood is the Kingdom. And the Kingdom must grow. What better way for it to grow than by those who have themselves been there? When we reach Super consciousness as Jesus (Sananda) did, then there’s only one thing left to do. Help all our brothers reach up to the same level, as we were helped.


I spoke of the disadvantage, and now we will speak of the advantages of being an evolutionary creature. Some of what I just said can be recognized in either the eastern or the western religions, better yet when east meets west. But now we will go even further. “What is the divine plan?” many ask. Is it the end goal of our mission or purpose for being here? I mentioned our purpose for being here was to learn, to dare I say it, “to love.” There I said it. Love is life, to be God like is to love life, for life is Love. To be in peace is to be one with God. Peace ,joy happiness and health are all aspects of Gods Love. And since God is Love. Then these Gifts are all aspects of God.

God is love and for us to truly understand what “love is” we must have a deeper and greater understanding of what God is. And that could take forever it seems. But we do have forever. Time only exists down here. It’s called linear time. But in true time we do evolve through events, learning experiences that we must learn from and share with our brothers. We are all on a Journey without distance. The Healing begins once again when we awaken and take the first step towards our Creator Father.


These new and old ways of sharing what we learn, as I have mentioned before, is what life and the real kingdom is all about. Every being that is created less than perfect, including the angels and up the spiritual hierarchy and down to the lower evolutionary creatures such as us, all must evolve to its creator. Many of these higher Creators and or created beings do much to help even in our material creation. But the spiritual creations are left up to Michael and his higher developed spiritual beings.


It has been told to us in some vague terms that we too are to someday help create new species, not much differently than we are today. We will move up the ladder from recreating to creating, when we have mastered how to recreate “in peace,” in perfection or near perfection. Then we will reach what is called the life and light age, the last dispensation, like Jesus was or is as Sananda?. The next stage after that will be to learn to create beings like our present selves. Who else but a parent could come so close to his newly created being? The compassion and passion for life would be greater because there would be a bond between them, even as there is a bond between our off springs or recreations if they are loved and the bond between us and our real father and creator Michael. It is believed that this new divine plan will open up a whole new realm.


Never before has it been done where an evolutionary creator learns to create as his creator did, not just recreation as we are doing today. That’s why it is so important for us to learn this new concept and divine plan, and to learn to recreate in goodness, in balance, to have all the attributes of a divine creator. The principles are taught to us to be able to apply them in our every day life in all that we recreate around us.


We have created nothing on this planet, not even ourselves. God, Michael, has created it all. And all that we do is learn to recreate it, all the “things” we have. All of our houses, toys, food, clothing, transportation, energy, everything is recreated by us from God the creator . But in spirit-reality it is all an illusion ,so look at what we have recreated! Where are we going with this “re-creation?” Are we now awakening toward “God-head” or are we de-evolving toward our own demise or destruction? All the prophets and revelations that have been given to us are but for this purpose. What are we creating within our re-creation? Are we recreating for the healing betterment of all of mankind or for only a few? Are we recreating just for our pleasures in life, what little pleasures we steal from our recreations? Do these toys bring us happiness? Or are they fleeting? Are we led astray from the trivial pleasures our new re-creations bring us? Where will they be in the years to come? And where will we be in 2011-12 ?


All of God’s creations return to the Creator. All of our re-creations return back to the mother earth which they came from and our physical bodies will return there as well. Then what is the purpose, one might ask, if all returns back to whence it comes? Well, my friends, it’s what we keep in our heart of hearts, our souls, our true minds, what becomes part of our permanent personalities, the new beings that are forever evolving. We have and we will change forms many times, probably too many to count. Even our past memories of who we were before are lost mostly in this transition into a new life form again.

So who are we then? What do we then identify ourselves with? The answer is to look at ourselves now. How much do we remember of our childhood? Only a little, right? We were there, but only those outstanding events in our lives remain in our memories. And we have built our personalities upon them.


How much do we remember of ourselves as babies, probably none? But we were there. And we were taught by our human parents who built the foundation during those first seven years so that we could become an adult someday. But most have no memory of this. Only a few do. Then how much do we remember of being born, or being inside our mother’s womb, none, of course. But we were there. So get the point? Now how much do we remember of our previous lives? None, but we were there. And there are ways to help us remember. That’s what our guides are for, to help us remember. And once we do, “presto” our lives change again.


These changes are what life is all about. Maybe it’s unfortunate that we don’t remember all these life stages as we evolve, this cycle of life and death (of the body) and rebirth again. What’s the purpose, one might ask. The purpose is to remember our mission, the great divine plan, to be a part of something great, so great it’s almost beyond our comprehension. But we have to reach out for it, to ask for it. Ask and ye shall be given, give and ye shall receive. Sharing completes the oneness that we are. We are all a part of the total “is-ness,” one mind, one consciousness, never being truly alone, never separated from God or our goal. We may backslide for awhile but eventually the mass consciousness must move forward for completeness and ascension to become a new type of being ,half human, half angel.


We all want to be complete, to serve our mission, to remember our purpose. The real reason for us being here is to remember, to awaken, and to return to that which we were and are as divinely created angelic beings and to help all of mankind to be able to remember as well, to awaken. And then all of us can ascend once we remember we have already descended. Now we must ascend. And if it feels good, do it, if not don't,is the old hippie saying. I choose this new spiritual movement over the old religious ones for that very reason. None of what they taught me, nor rituals they put me through, nor the punishments, none of it made me feel good. It only made me feel bad.

This new Jesus movement should and does make one feel good inside. Fulfilling our mission is our real purpose of life. Finding a way to share it, now that feels good. Knowing everything is going to turn out all right and that my purpose in life is special. Love, Joy, peace, happiness, harmony, safety, family, that’s what this kingdom movement is really all about. A journey without distance to a distant shore.JC


God works in mysterious ways. There’s still more to say. “Spiritual reality” will always stand the test of time because true information doesn’t change in time and everything less than truth evolves to truth or into nothingness from which it came. Since we are evolving as well, we must change and acknowledge all that is not truth in our lives.

One way to determine if some information is true or the truth is to see if it feels good in our heart center. If it does, then the information has a lot of truth in it. If not, release it from memory (as possible untruth). Second, check to see if the so called truth can be applied to our lives in positive ways. If not, let it go. Third, see if it fits in the puzzle we have all recreated called life or what we think life is. Fourth, see if it can be expanded and still remain true. Fifth, see if it helps or makes us grow toward our Creator.


All truth evolves from the creator and does return there. All things that truly come from God are true or the truth. Everything else is man made or spirit made. One could write a book about truths and all the many kinds of truths, such as part truths, something that is partly true. Then there’s truth that only applies in certain situations or conditions, almost like it can change form or something.


Then there are truths that have been taken out of context. So are they still truths? That depends. Sometimes truths must have other truth’s surrounding them to make them true and when we put truths in with or surrounded by untruths, then what do we get? We get dis-information, which is a tool the dark side uses to fool us. They use our established religions to insert untruths into them or the new religions borrow untruths from others sources like the occults, to fit their new paradigm.


Remember that religion’s biggest problem is the same one as our society, power. The leaders want to retain their power over the people or “followers.” The Anti-Christ uses this tool in the same way, but goes one step further and steals people’s power away from them which the dark side feeds upon.


So everyone should become a truth seeker, and true spirituality or “spirit reality” should teach just that, nothing but the truth and the whole truth. Many more new truths are being sent down to us as we now once again come to an end of an age. These new truths are to help us over to the other side of the veil. But if we still don’t recognize what the truth is, we wont’ grow. If we hold onto our old untruths and still want to believe them as truths because it’s easier than to change, then we too will fade away with those old untruths, and then we have to start over again and miss the Ascension.


As I said before, it’s like school here. When we remember our schooling we start out in first grade, and learn the basics of the rules for change. Later as we learn to read we move up the ladder to second through fourth grade through sixth grade, etc. Then we go to junior high and high school and beyond, hopefully. And all that we learned in those lower grades no longer applies to the next grade. It was just a foundation for learning.


If we go back and read those books again, we will think that they are silly, maybe even nonsense, and not necessarily untrue but that they don’t apply to us anymore. They were just tools to get us to the next level and the next, moving on. We keep graduating as we keep learning. And to keep learning we have to let go of the old information that we called truths then. And the more we let go, together with the new information we take in, the more we grow.


There is a two fold problem though. First, in the higher grades we attained dis-information and were taught and told that they were truths. As a rebel and a warrior in many lives, I rebelled against what was taught to me as truths because they were not true. And now as a man and a spiritual light warrior, I still rebel against what is taught as truths if they are not true. But if they are small truths that can someday, hopefully, become truths then I embrace them, to be able to build my own library of truths. I don’t read any books that would go against my basic truths. I recognize untruths for what they are and I file them away to the trash department for we must keep our minds clean and pure. And the only way to have a pure and, someday, holy mind like our creator is to discern what is the truth, large and small, part and whole.  

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily."
3 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily."
3 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"UFO investigative researcher Melinda Leslie joins Jimmy Church to analyze top-secret notes on a meeting between Admiral Thomas Wilson and astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis. Evidence shows the government has funded the reverse engineering of ET craft by…"
3 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"UFO investigative researcher Melinda Leslie joins Jimmy Church to analyze top-secret notes on a meeting between Admiral Thomas Wilson and astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis. Evidence shows the government has funded the reverse engineering of ET craft by…"
3 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"And of course the Deep State would do this. This is what happens when you have folks that should be in Mental Asylums or locked away in prison in charge of the country."
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Looks like maybe they are going with Bird Flu and M Pox at the same time. Knowing how ridiculous and desperate the Cabal is right now I would not be surprised if they tried bringing back the Covid narrative as well as other diseases to scare people…"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
4 hours ago