The second problem is that people reach a certain grade, maybe even finish high school or even college, and think that now the learning is over. They are now programmed and ready to become part of society, the nine to fivers, or so they think. Now we have another two fold problem.
First is the programming we received is untrue in many parts. They have programmed us with truths and untruths combined together. So what happens then? We have a split mind. Jesus said a house divided amongst it’s self cannot stand. This presents many difficulties in our lives. As we become adults, we can’t seem to get our heads together. We can’t find peace. Peace of mind is what they say. To have peace of mind we must have all information categorized as truths, small or large, but they must harmonize. They must work together. If not, we cannot attain peace. (See the chapters on deprogramming.) After we learn to deprogram, then we can reprogram ourselves with “spiritual reality,” truths, which are given to us as a gift from our Creator Father Michael.
The second problem lies in the idea that we can stop growing after we finish school. But this life, this world, is school so we must now continue to grow. Schooling, or education as they call it, doesn’t stop when we graduate or leave as I did, but it’s a basic foundation. It’s not so much what we learn in school, because so much of it is untrue, but we should use it as a stepping stone for life. In other words, it’s a foundation for us to just learn how to learn , not so much of what we learn. Once we learn how to learn, and by that I mean to be able to discern truths from untruths, then we move on up the ladder and continue to grow.
We must let go of most or a lot of what we learned in school and in church. Learn to discern the truths, and build upon that. Recognize the new spiritual truths being handed down to us to use in our everyday lives to help us learn how to be able to cope with the stress of lies, deceit and untruths laid upon us daily by the media, church, schools, governments, etc. We can and must now learn to take our power back, to “reprogram” ourselves with the divine information and truths that are now flooding our book stores and the web.
There’s a really great amount of information and truths being sent down to us now to help us through this transition stage. As I mentioned before, Jesus says we are crazy because we live and was born in a crazy world, one not of our making but because of the old Lucifer Rebellion which is hopefully now dying out. And great damage has been done to our world and society as we know it. Much repair is now needed. Many volunteers are asked to come forward, to learn to forgive and forget so we can heal the mind.
“Spiritual reality” is really all there is. Everything else is just an illusion. Untruths are not real. Dis-information is not real. This world we see now is not real. It’s someone’s dream. We must ask ourselves who controls our dreams. Do we or is there someone or something else controlling us? Are we puppets on a string? Do we have the power to control our future and our everyday present life, or is someone else doing it? We, or at least many, have become numb, overwhelmed with lies, untruths, deceit, dis-information, all designed to cause havoc and fear in our lives. Even the church contributes to it. Established religion is supposed to come to the rescue, but instead they’re often part of the problem and not the cure. There is only one cure.
The cure is to awaken, to remember who we really are, not what we are told or programmed to be, to take our power back, to be of one mind, to be of one spirit and body called the Brotherhood. All that we need to know is already inside of us. We are all one. We are not separate, never have been. It’s all part of a conspiracy. And now we can and must take over. By that I mean we must change our lives, ourselves. Yes, we can be saved. God has bestowed great mercy upon us. He has brought down and channeled a huge amount of information and truths to awaken us. If we can accept it, we can change ourselves and in so doing change the world. That’s what the “spiritual reality” is really all about, taking back our power to become part of the “Brotherhood” by sharing, forgiving and helping our brothers and sisters in this large family, also called the Kingdom of God.
It all depends on us. It grows and expands by us or through us, not only on this earth planet but throughout the whole universe and into eternity. We are all one. Let us now remember and awaken to the peace, joy, love, happiness of God within. “I rule my mind which I alone must rule ” is an affirmation prayer by Jesus.
God is pure mind. We are created in his image. Then our minds awaken. We only use the brain for storage. God is pure thought. When we purify our thoughts we become like him, one with our creator. But we can’t come home until we purify our mind. God’s mind is in our mind, when we ask him in. We are in God’s mind, when we purify our thoughts.
It is in a pure state of mind that our oneness becomes conscious of itself. Maintaining pure thought creates the oneness of mind that was forgotten and lost in time. Eternity exists so we can have enough time to create a pure mind through pure thought, if only for a moment. A holy instant created the beginning of creation, touching Creator.
Oneness doesn’t just happen. It is created out of our desire to be one with our Creator. When we think in these terms, our minds become like our Creator, creating an image of itself through its perfect mind. However, we are unable to maintain this train of thought for any length of time. We open a veil, a sort of door, into another dimension or level of consciousness, a reality yet unknown to us.
We may call it a Paradigm shift, a jump into the unknown from whence there is a return passage. Every new path that is discovered must be marked so we know or learn how to return their again. We seem to always be pulled back here to this so called reality, which soon seems more like a dream the more we enter this paradigm shift or veil. The illusions of this world soon start to fade away like a day dream. The veils are doors that are opened when we let go of our doubts and disbelief. Our perceptions are raised to new heights as we perceive new realities that we have not known before but yet some how are familiar to us in this new paradigm shift. Dimensions blend to together as one, as our minds are stretched to its maximum trying to understand what it is that we are seeing and perceiving. We are trying to find a new category or shelf to put all of this in.
There must be a way to sort it all out so that it makes sense and we can use these new Truths to move up yet another step on the ladder of life. Much like our bodies, the sayings use it or loose it is true. The more we use our mind and exercise it the stronger it gets and the more it is able to do. The real question is what do you wont to do with it. Awakening is the name of the game. Attaining Super-consciousness allows one to be able to become anything, like its Creator. That is our true vision quest, to re-create ourselves in the image of our Creator!
What is the true meaning behind this hide and seek game, but to remind us that we are more than what we think we are when we have lower thoughts of this so called physical reality. When we raise our thoughts we purify our dreams. What is attainable is stretched to perfection in eternity. Our mind is not only the key but the tool to reach the other side of the veil. Our Creator waits in readiness for us to take the first steps toward him so that the mind of God comes in to our mind, a mind meld of sorts.
The Creator and the Created become as one the instant that touch or contact is made. Perfection rests in our desire to become like our Creator and the higher we raise our new perception of our fathers mind the more the son’s mind is stretched. And in this exercise we soon learn to become strong. Everything we thought we knew in our old ways falls away as we lay the foundation to something new.
As the Moody Blues say, “We are all time travelers . And you have to make the journey out and in”. In God’s mansion there are many doors. A journey without distance. A journey that begins when you awaken. And in eternity there is no end. So if it never stops and never ends, where then do we begin? We have already begun the now moment when we let the truth in. There is no discovery or journey more enjoyable than the ride to our Creator’s house. Question is, is it without or is it within? The moment we open our hearts to him, the God within, then the mind meld can begin. Knock and the door shall be open. Ask and we shall receive. What is it that lies beyond our perception? Only a veil, a thin disguise or illusion that this is real and the other isn’t. There is no end in the circle of time. The veils divide our perception of what is reality. Outside of Gods mind in our mind, all is an illusion. In the first reality of God, mind is all there is.
The point of no return is set the moment we open our minds. A journey begins with the first step toward its end, an adventure of an unknown reality, soon to be explained, but not perceived in vain. One new thought leads to another. Every trip to the mansions of God, opens a new door to his mind , which in reality is in our own minds because we are connected. It is a false belief that we were separated. Nothing lost can be found if it wasn’t lost in the first place. Mispreception is in reality known as an untruth. The unknown does become known in each quest we make as we awake.
Vision is much more than sight. It is the ability to perceive what we see. There are those who can see but do not perceive. Their vision quest lays dormant like a seed waiting for the water that then brings it to life. Searching then for the light, it knows it needs to survive. But soon survival is not enough. The craving to become one, not to be alone anymore, moves the embryo to begin a different life, to be or become something else not yet sure of who or what it is to be. It doesn’t know what it needs. It just knows that it needs. We all want more, not of what we are but what we can become. The name of the game is the same. To exist is not enough. To become more is our goal, of what we’re not really sure. But it comes to us when we open the door. Each new room in our father’s mansion creates a new desire to become one, one with what created it.
Never do the created then create the Creator. And only the foolish thinks he created himself. But in his fantasy he thinks he does because he has discovered something beyond himself, that which is called “love.” He doesn’t know what it really means, but only knows that he needs it. What it is he desires he is not sure. But he does know it leads him to yet another door. And in our father’s mansion there are many rooms, many gifts for us to receive, where nothing is given that can be taken away.
This is the new discord for us to comprehend. Clean the cobwebs from our minds. Each step up the ladder helps us to be able to understand. We re-create ourselves in the image of him who created us. Like the Creator who had created another image of himself, which became our mind, then spirit followed not far behind. I am aware that “I am” what I think I am, or at least I think I must be. This is more than what I think I can be, with my limited thoughts. But never the less, it’s the tool I need to be able to perceive.
I now understand I will always have thoughts when I am awake, but the dream of more is what I create. What is behind my thoughts and where do they lead? Is there more to perception than what little I perceive? Is thought just a tool to a reality beyond thoughts, to be able to just perceive, to know, to be, to experience that which created me? If we reach out to touch someone, even a good neighbor, it helps me to perceive that we are all one in this mind of the creator. We are a particle, a drop of water in the sea. Knowing there is more in the family than just “you and me,” the many parts make up the whole. But do the parts know, will they awaken soon, before its to late for the ascension?
Who is the designated driver, the one who will get us there? Is he lost in deep despair? Did he take a wrong turn, leading us to nowhere? Who is right and who is wrong? Should we turn around and drive ourselves back on course to where we belong? Who’s got the correct answer ? Whose vision quest, will we each follow, our own or the unknown ?
Everyone has a guide inside that has never been lost. Even though we think we know the way, if we seek the answer alone, will we go astray? And in our hurry and excitement of touching the light that shines forth, from us to another, will we stray? We can only have it when we give it away, a strange custom one might say. Yes, but there is no other way. We can try what we will and do what we may. But what it does come down to is if we want to have it, we have to give it away. What is it we ask? Can we touch it, feel it, see it, hear it, smell it or realize it in any other way? What is it that is here, then gone, only to return yet again in a different way? Why is love so elusive and so hard to get it to stay? If “God is love” then why doesn’t it just come our way? Why can’t we have it when we want to make it stay?
We think we do understand what it is, only to find out it’s more than anything we can perceive. It’s beyond words. It’s just a feeling, an experience, but crying out to be heard in thoughts that make us feel good when we hear it and say, “Love, please don’t go away. I know I don’t understand you, but I will someday. How is it that you can be ‘God,’ an energy I seek to understand some way, yet be a personality, a manifestation of a being of the utmost reality of what I think I can perceive?”
How is it possible for all these things to be just mere thoughts in my head? My mind stretches its thoughts so that I can see. What is it that I seek? Is it me? Is it the one who created me? If then we are all one that means “I am you and you are me. He is I and I am him, he who created me.” We are one in eternity. My Vision-Quest haunts me. I am a seeker who seeks to be free, as I am found only by that which I cannot see. My disbelief is in something higher than me. To doubt is to stand still observing my disbelief which seeks to fool me.
Is it that I am not strong enough to believe what my eyes refuse to see, to hear that higher voice inside of me, to share my thoughts with him that is much higher than me? Yet, it is not insane to believe that someday the two of us will become one, a sentient being, speaking to its other half. Two minds to someday become one. How is it possible all these minds are to be inside of me, unless they are part of my mind? Which one is really me?
They are my family, but only one is to be me. Two in one is to set me free, mind with a divine personality, a deity to become one with a mortal mind, to be able to experience creation through an evolving mind, with spirit as a body and soul as its record keeper. This destiny was agreed upon long ago which no one in their right mind would want to leave, a free trip home to both our creators, but only as one. When the two of us agree, his personality becomes mine as my mind wills my personality to his. We not only call him the mystery monitor, but the thought adjuster because he adjusts our thoughts to his.
The thought adjuster is behind this new message I am giving now, to share what I have found, a great spirit to reach out and touch someone. He says this is how it’s always been done. The father reaches out to his son, the higher becoming the lower. They fuse as one. Then the real journey has begun. Memory may fail as we leave the body behind but the soul records all that is worth keeping and can play it back anytime. Personality will be shared. Two become one. What more is there? Follow your heart, my son. What is told will be done. We are the ones who have begun. Never give up and we will get there. We are all one,Love is the way for all today.“Love” is the journey we all must make to its source,there always to stay, until another day. Amen