UFO Update (March 2008)


Some things have happened since I wrote this original UFO report in 1998, such as the factions losing the quiet war. The Secret Government of the Illuminati is now taking over the worlds governments from behind the scenes. There next goal is to collapse the USA, much in the same manner as they did the Soviet Union. This will take more effort and work on there part because America is the last country in the world was the people are still armed. But it is happening now. They have created a one world government that controls all the other governments in secret from behind the scenes. And no one is wiser except now in these end times .There evil plans have been exposed including the one of Genocide of 95% of the planet.


But I haven’t seen much since I had one of the implants removed which I will talk about in the Implant chapter, also because I moved out of the so called hot spots for UFOs in the US, both good and bad ones. After moving to Belize in 2002 and on to my lot here I saw some space ships move zigzagged over my area at a great distance but nothing else since March 2004, until recently. Two weeks ago Belize had bright lights or orb sightings over the capital here where the government headquarters and all the embassies are located in Belmopan. In that one night many groups of orbs formed together, changed size, intensity, etc., like they usually do. They were the same ones being reported around the world. I think they were the ones seen by thousands over San Diego, California, New Year’s morning 08 which the US government said were Chinese lanterns. What a joke. Anyway, the surrounding villages saw it too and someone took photos but only one picture was printed in one newspaper, the Amandala, that week.


This is not the first time these orbs visited Belize. They have been here many times, especially in the last four years, but the reports were not released to the public or the media. Belize is very controlled by the USA, British and IMF/World Bank so they don’t like it when this happens. In March 2004 a craft of some kind was shot down and crashed near the town where I live, San Ignacio, Cayo. It was seen crashing nearby El Pillar ruins. There was a large football or soccer game going on and many hundreds of people saw it crash, but didn’t know what it was. Very shortly before the people could get to the site the British and U.S. military were on the scene along with a few Belize military.


They told people it was a meteorite crash. They had already covered and hauled it out of there. I think they took it to their secret base in the Pine Ridge. No more was said and the people accepted what the government said. Read about it in the Alien chapter. And now with all the new UFO sightings last year and more again this year so far, such as the triangle shaped mother ships, one mile long and a half mile wide, being seen both in Texas, near Bush’s ranch, and in England and other places in the world, the governments couldn’t lie their way out of it. And finally even the Cable News Network (CNN) television station, controlled by the NWO, covered the one in Texas. That’s a giant step for mankind.


Aliens have been here since our beginning millions of years ago but the Galactic Federation of light of today forbids direct interference, although some renegades do anyway. Also they have inbred with us,(as well as the ones sent down by the spiritual hierarchy to upgrade our DNA code). But now the game has gotten out of hand with all the technology given to the Illuminati by the renegade aliens (Dracions and other Reptilians)who started the “NWO.”


Now lets review what I have said before and put it all together. I it's been my belief through my several contacts for many years that the good guys (space brothers)are here to help us. But the governments, and especially the U.S. government, have done their best to refute all reports about them around the world. And now since they have the technology to shoot them down (since 1947), many have fallen. And the U.S. military and men in black (many are aliens) go and pick them up and haul them back to one of their secret underground bases like Area 51 and 52 in the USA. There scientists back engineer and steal the alien’s advanced technology and weapon systems and have now created their own fleet of ships, about 60 or 70 up to this time.


But they cannot leave the earth. Only the SSG crafts can and do,so but they are not allowed to anymore They were landing on Mars and Jupiter when the United States was trying to land on the moon (which didn’t actually happen until 1971). Then they were told to get off the moon and that the moon and many worlds were off limits. That was told both to NASA and the Illuminati. Who had NASA created for there front to funnel money to secret projects. That’s why the NWO went elsewhere. They were told to get off of Mars as well. And that’s also why NASA hasn’t been back to the moon in nearly 40 years.


And the NWO ships have another agenda to some day pretend they are aliens (and they actually have some working with them still). They want to take over the world with their earth ships. That’s why all the stupid movies like Independence Day and Signs movies and others promote the fact that we would do nothing to stop them. And remember what I said about the many different factions of government, military, NWO and many combinations of these together. Maybe they might have 70 or more by now. They are presently at war above the earth at this moment against the good guys.


The agenda is to use this tactic to scare people into the NWO government take over, which is supposed to happen around 2012 (2016?) when “worm wood” or Planet X comes and the Great Galactic alignment. But now they have greatly sped up their agenda. Maybe their new information about Planet X (and the races of aliens that came and conquered the earth in the past) moved up their agenda and in this year NASA has confirmed something is out there. Recently in 2008 the Japanese reconfirmed the report from their probes. At any rate, many things have sped up.


The NWO motto is “order from chaos.” So they are mobilizing by dumping billions of useless play or fiat money on the market. The U.S. dollar which rules the world has plummeted. Remember the “Feds” (Federal Reserve) are private banks owned by the NWO. They own 90 percent of the world’s wealth (see the chapter on Illuminati and the Global Crisis News)!


Anyway, they recently dumped another $200 billion on the market for the final blow. This will kill the U.S. dollar completely and put the world into another Great Depression. I believe at this time they plan to move in their ships and hidden NWO military and try to take over the world in the midst of all the chaos they have created, along with the “chem.-trails” bio warfare weapons and HAARP which I also write about later. They are now spraying us heavily and the minds of people are failing due to HAARP and all the poison genetically modified (GM) hybrid “so called” food they are feeding us and complete control of the media.


Put it all together and we now have the NWO agenda to take over the world. They plan on putting people in the thousands of concentration camps set up and eliminating 85 percent of the world’s population of six and a half billion down to five hundred million, if they are allowed to carry out there plans. Only those left who will serve them and take the mark of the beast (666) will be able to buy and sell. The rest of us will be in a real fix if we don't stop them. But there is a divine solution to this as well (see the chapters on Communes and Paradigm Shifts. Check it out.)


Now the reason I put this insert here is to give an update with what’s going on and to say that it is okay to jump around a bit. I designed this book that way because that’s what I do with all the books I read. Anyway, back to the UFOs. I believe they know what is going on and that their wars have moved up their agenda plans. The Bilderbergers, the number one control group or lodge outside the Freemason's and the NWO's first inner circle, meet each year to decide the next step for the take over, but this wasn’t in their agenda. Maybe the sightings also scared them because they couldn’t explain them away. Or better yet, I think the space brothers, our parents, are here to save us from them. But they are only to interfere when it looks like total or near total destruction, like the killing off of six billion people or when we are a new threat to the rest of the universe.


Jesus-(Sananda) is on board Ashtar’s command mother ship of the Galactic federation 250,000 and growing daily other ships waiting out there mostly cloaked around the earth. Now the agenda of the NWO has moved up four years to (2011-12?). That means Jesus has given the order to move forward to stop it. Also at the end of last year Jesus asked Archangel Michael and his array of angels to come and round up the last of the Lucifer’s Rebellion (see the chapter on Lucifer’s Rebellion). This is also why they wanted me to write this book so quickly and get it out in time because their agenda has moved up.


So I believe our space brothers are making themselves known to us all now around the world, and of course, especially the USA which is the new base or headquarters of the now who are greatly resisting contact with the federation. They have an entire country underneath the USA and many other countries in the world. They have been deceiving us about UFOs for over a hundred years since the NWO got their first ship by the renegades in 1889. They want to keep it all secret for their sinister plan to take us out and take over the world.

So now Jesus and Ashtar have also moved up their agenda to help save us. And again in the years to come they will show themselves even more, small and large mother ships, to prove to the world they exist and are our friends. Their original plan was to do this slowly so as not to create fear in the people. After people had seen them for some time and also seen that they were not hostile like the NWO wants us to believe, and when everybody including the present day controlled media finally accepts that they are here, then I believe they will land. At this time they will bring in one to two mile long small mother ships and hover over different spots around the earth for a period of 72 hours.


The mother ships will come from the Galactic Federation and are already landing in many spots, including the United States and are making contact with the people, not the SSG governments who are refusing them because they are working on a different agenda to take us over or kill us off. After our space brothers have done this and it’s accepted then I believe they will finally set up a meeting with our governments and UFO organizations to land and explain themselves to us and I hopefully to explain the plan to keep the NWO from taking over. ( photo is of inter-dimensional ship and probe )The space brothers also believe in a one world government,called Federation Of Nations but it is one of a spiritual nature, a spiritual one world government to be able to survive the Paradigm shift and many great earth changes.

Thirty three percent of the North Pole is melted and today a 2,000 mile chunk (the size of Manhattan) broke off and in the next year or so another chunk will break off the size of Connecticut, making over 40 percent of the North Pole gone. True North has now moved to nearly 20 + degrees west and more is expected soon that may very well cause a new Ice Age. As we can now see this last winter (08) was the wettest and coldest on record. Even here in Central America it was cold. Many died in Mexico because of no heat, and Belize has been very cold this last year. My thermometer showed 38 degrees. > (photo-NASA, X-48B .commercial)


So now that our space brothers as well as the Illuminati are making themselves known, we are in for one heck of a ride. I am sure this year (2008) will turn out to be the most exciting and dangerous so far. With all the nasty stuff that is now going on, we need all the help we can get. And what better help is there besides the spiritual kingdom headed by Jesus and combined with our space brothers headed by Ashtar Space Command? We must all pray that they will now help us to stop the NWO and show us the way. Never before have we needed them so much.


These end times have been written about in all the holy books of the world and other cultures too as in the Revelations which means to “reveal” the truths. But we have to wake up soon, quickly, and align ourselves to the new movement. That’s why it’s called the New Age. But be careful as the dark side has infiltrated the New Age as well. It’s all in this book, for those who are ready to read it. Denial must all fall away if we are to come together as a family and survive.


Now as for me, I keep updating this book by inserting and final editing. So after I heard about the last sightings in Belmopan and saw the orb pictures,(2008) plus when they dumped the fiat money, I knew it was time to move ahead very quickly. So I wrote about Belize and the IMF/NWO take over (see Global Crisis News) and am sending it to the government and papers for one last try before leaving for Mexico to publish this book.


So anyway, I have now been praying to Jesus to give me a sign now because it’s been so long. And last Sunday after delivering the same information flier to the church behind me, I stopped to talk to a neighbor who was busy. Then I saw two separate UFO Orb lights in the sky. The first went by slowly and irregular, five minutes after a second one came up close to me and became much larger and very bright and then left. I told my friend, that he missed it. He then came out to see for himself.


Then when I turned around to check my dogs another UFO Orb came and sent down a very intense bright light with pulsing energy on us and then left. We both said, “Wow!” He said that after all of these years of UFO stories that I have told him, that now that he has seen for himself, he believes me! It was a sign that I am still working with them. The beam they hit us with made us feel good for weeks. In fact it inspired me to finish the other half of this book.


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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dt0Ked6dvU"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://youtube.com/shorts/3dt0Ked6dvU?si=zTtvZa1Fx1nLc3kO"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXQ4DnQMLhw"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://youtu.be/lXQ4DnQMLhw?si=GwxxhmIXyF2p4LTL"
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