One thing is for sure. Someone put it there for a purpose. I do believe it was to access my brain. But what really bothers me is that all of the stuff is still there as though they planned to use it again or maybe they did use it again or many times until I got out of range or the other implant was removed so they couldn’t find me anymore. I was really paranoid way back then, with ''them'' always following me. I believe now it was much more than just a nose implant. I believe they accessed my brain and left the implant in there so they could access it again and again. It’s probably a receiver and a transmitter.
That’s why I was so afraid, even though my conscious mind didn’t know but my subconscious mind did, so I wanted to get as far away from them as I could. I sometimes wonder if they can still pick up my thoughts or visions or did my space friends dismantle it so that it doesn’t work anymore? Maybe it’s still working, sending thoughts and images or maybe not. I believe this type of implant into my brain could make me some kind of Cy-Borg, Like in Star Trek. One thing is for sure, they did perform (see photo of second implant) a brain surgery on me. ( photo first implant )
Why or what for I am still not sure to this day. But I do not intend to let it cause fear in me, which would be even more damaging to me. I have seen what it did to Whitley Strieber, when I read his book communion. In it they told him he was going to have brain surgery. It took him many years and many books later to get over it. Luckily he had a wife and friends to help him get over it.
Perhaps all this implant stuff is too heavy for most people. I tried to keep it contained to my personal experience with them. I have had to learn to live with them, without fear. Even the famous Dr. Lear would not probably want to remove this one inside my head as he doesn’t remove anything that’s connected to the brain because it might do harm or cause even death to the patient. Some of them are rigged that way. The ones who implanted them don’t want anyone to remove them. So I’ve finally come to realize that I have to accept this implant and all of its implications.
Maybe this implant is the one that I agreed upon with the good guys’ way back when. And the one they removed was from the bad guys. Because when I had to go to the hospital for my heart condition I had a very tall and big guy dressed in bright new age clothes visit me in the hospital. He was wearing a long chain with a gold medallion square shaped with wavy lines across it. He then winked and nodded at me, then walked to the door and virtually disappeared. I now do believe it was a space brother checking in on me. So maybe the implant is working for the good or at least one of them is.
Many other people have shown me their implants. Most are in the head, but a few are throughout the body. Some are easy to detect. Others are hard to tell. I looked for implants when I had a head x-ray for my VA disability tests, but I didn’t see anything. I think we have to target one sense area and the VA wasn’t going to do that and the x-ray was from the side of the head, not the front. One woman did have an implant in the exact same spot but opposite side as the one at the back of my head. I recently noticed (3-010) that my open scar lead to a hole in the center of my scull that is now healed over, but is still open.
I wonder where that hole went to and why or what purpose did it serve except to access my brain area. But some one already did that from the front of my head ,as I already explained that before. Maybe they the good guys did it to repair the great damage done to the back of my skull from a motorcycle accident with no helmet and then eight years later in 1979 my skull was damaged again by two thugs who hit me with two by fours’, just maybe they helped fix it.
Many people phone in on the Coast to Coast (C2C) AM radio show, especially when they feature an expert like Dr. Lear, who removes implants and tell about their implants. It helps to support each other and to learn that we are not alone. There will be answers. I am told to just hang on until after 2011-12 (2016?) when it’s all over down here. Then the space brothers can help us handle the alien or bad guys implants better once they land. Until then I still believe the good guys implants are given us so that they can find all of us and beam us up to safety quickly when the end times come at the end of 2011-12 , or soon there after. An example of this is why do I get to see all of those ufo's over nearly 40 years. I now believe they must have put an implant in much earlier than when I discovered it or them. How else would they know where to find me, like when I was in the middle of the desert in Calf. or Texas.
How come I get to see so many different kinds of ufo's in so many different places. And of course being taken up on so many of them,even though I don't remember so much of what happened. Another reason I know they work that I was able to call in the probes of orbs as they are called. I told you the story of calling them in here in Belize and I called my neighbor out to see them and they came back for the third time and zapped us both. And more resent the last three times I was at the electric repair shop for my dodge truck. They showed up and afterwords the guys asked why do they only come when I am there and so I told them about the implants. So in a good way I am not sorry I got them, especially when it comes to the rescue time. I had originally planed to be in the high hills or at the ruins vortexes. But now with my broken hip for the last 2-1/2 years and legs going out on me all the time I find myself being caught in town where I didn't want to be and still planning to at least get out side of the town. The implants will help me get in touch with them so I can be rescued and or maybe help them set up the new ''federation of light'' here in Belize. Adona