Chapter 17
IMPLANTS of the GOOD and BAD kinds (2007)
Now let’s rest a bit before it gets too deep. I mentioned earlier that the Arcturians offered me an implant and I accepted but didn’t remember if they were the ones who planted the one in the back of my head but I believe so. There wasn’t much evidence of it except for the scar in me unless, of course, they were very good at it, since they are said to be one of the more advanced races in our galaxy. And that would be more than enough for most people. Who would want an implant, you ask? What are they for?
From what I read, because I don’t remember all of what they told me, it is for them to be able to contact us, some of the chosen ones, and or rather to know where we are at all times. In my case it was for future work with them, to help save the planet or rather some lives on it who are of survival quality. Also, if for some reason we get into some kind of trouble. Who knows what can happen living in a mad crazy world of Lucifer’s rebellion. (photo is of implants removed by Dr. Lear in people as of 07)
So later I did receive implants. One I gave permission for and that’s the first one I will talk about. Shortly after agreeing to an implant, I read up on them and how it could be a benefit, especially to those of us who were working with the good guy space brothers such as Ashtar Command, Arcturians and the Galactic Federation of light. The implants would make it possible for them to keep in contact with us no matter where we were, especially in the last days of the earth shifts (2011-12). They could then beam us up to safety into there ships.
One night I had a special dream where I was in contact with them again. I didn’t remember most of the dream except that it was them who I had been in contact with before. I don’t know if it was Ashtar or the Arcturians since I had been up on both of their ships at least once each, probably more. So I don’t know if I had already gotten an implant, and if so if there was one from each of them or from only one of them But at that time I really had a lot of contacts, mostly from the good guys and later from the bad guys, which I didn’t want.
Anyway, I woke up with a slight pain in the back of my head which had happened to me many times before from arthritis. I got up to go to the bathroom and then came back to bed. I looked down on my bed pillow and saw blood. I reached down and touched it and it was fresh. So I then put it together and reached to the back of my head and I could feel a fresh cut, a little blood coming from it. But it was very different from what I figured they would do. By that I mean it would leave little or no scar, no blood, but this scar I could feel it well and there was a little blood. It was almost at the base of where the neck and spine enter into the skull and just off to my left side, a one inch cut still laid open to this day that never healed together but healed open. So I wondered if this was necessary for the implant to be that way. But on the other hand I thought it to be rather sloppy or not like them at all. Still I accepted it for awhile at least. It never did heal correctly and left a deep inverted scar. But I learned to live with it.
Some time later on I had a terrible nightmare that the SSG/NWO and possibly the Reptilian aliens had me on a table of some kind and were trying to put an implant up my nose. I awoke in the operation in the same way I had awoken from my first operation in the military in which I had given permission for a simple operation similar to a hernia and they had cut me wide open on both sides and were passing pieces of my body to the student doctors (United States Air Force, 1967). Now concerning this so called dream which maybe wasn’t a dream at all, I did exactly the same thing. I woke up and said to these strangely dressed type people with aliens in the background, “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Then I saw an instrument near my head.
In the first operation only my legs and waist were strapped down so I could lift up my shoulders. But in this dream state I could not even move my head, just my jaw. They said to me they were putting an implant in my nose, a plasma one that shouldn’t interfere too much with my sinuses. I glimpsed at the strange aliens as they stepped back so I couldn’t see them, into the shadows, but I had a feeling of who they were, the ones who work with the NWO.
I said to them, “No, you’re not!” And so they pretended to be the good guys and said they thought I wanted one. “Not one of yours,” I said loudly so they knew that I knew who they were. So they said, “Okay, we won’t do it then.” Then they put me back to sleep.
The next thing I remembered was waking up in my bed from this terrible dream state. I remembered the part when they were going to put a plasma implant in my nose and my nose hurt. I thought at first it was just from the dream. I am sure we have all had dreams of hurt or pain, only to wake up to that same pain or hurt. But when I put my hand to my nose it was bleeding and it bled for sometime. I mistakenly thought I had won out, that they had stopped. Then why was my nose bleeding? It was stupid of me to think that way because my sinuses have given me much trouble from that day to this. No matter what I take my sinuses still run most of the time especially when I slept. I think they left it in?.
It was after this time when I was at Kirtland Air Force that I began to see even more and more black helicopters with no markings. Even at the Rainbow gathering (New Mexico, 1995) they flew overhead all the time. People thought it was the government or military but it was the NWO. They seemed to follow me wherever I went, even when I went to remote areas where there were hardly any people, they were there. It seemed as though I couldn’t get rid of them. The Rainbow gathering had failed again, this time with even more violence and very strange goings on than ever before.
I returned to Albuquerque and got my things and was on my way out again when I got arrested by the same policewoman with a really bad attitude that harassed me before, I believe she was told by big brother to make a example of me. I was arrested because of the missing dog. I had replaced it with a puppy from the pound that died and so I returned it to them because the dog pound hadn’t put it on their books, so they put out a warrant for me.
Then they towed my RV bus and truck. I lost $300. Plus I spent a weekend in jail and they didn't let me out until 5pm. So I didn't get my RV out and had to sleep on the street as my money was in the bus. Many other strange things happened as well so I decided to leave New Mexico, (even though I was getting help for my disability in the military) in order to get away from those black helicopters.
I took my camper bus to Colorado after several months of running around in circles. As soon as I got there, my engine seized on Two Mile High Mountain. Something very strange was going on. I was towed to Colorado Springs and again saw lots of those black near another the air force base. Then I was towed to Pablo or outside of it by 20 miles. And still there were more helicopters. I found out that Blue Space Command helicopters had a large base underground there. Only one story can be seen above ground. As soon as I got another engine I was out of there, but the engine and transmission they sold me was bad. What to do? I had to get away from them. So that winter I went to Georgia where I only saw a few black helicopters.
In January and February 1996 I asked Ashtar Command and Arcturians to remove the implants in the back of my head, if it was not theirs and for contact. I didn’t ask them to remove the one from my nose because at that time I didn’t know if it was theirs or not. I thought my sinus problem was because of all the chemicals (“chem.-trails”) I was exposed to. Anyway, I believe the good guys removed or did something to the one in the back of my head because I had asked them to do it and because when I woke up again after being in the dream state there was blood on my pillow again. At first I was glad they did it, but later sad because maybe they also removed their implant as well, but I was unsure.
I still continued to see a few of the black helicopters, but not very many, like in the southwest. And my problems and fear of them was over or so it seemed. But at the same time I lost contact from my space brothers. Both things could have been because everything was in that “hot spot” as they call it (the place where many UFOs are seen, including the bad guys). And I was no where near it nor would I go back there after all those strange things happened to me.
I was glad to be of service to the space brothers and sad that I had lost contact with them. I left because Big Brother SSG knew too much about me and I believe they wanted to know what ever it was that I knew. Also they down loaded my thoughts and images. They have this ability, and the aliens do to. Maybe they knew all that I knew and had seen in all these years and are still able to do so. They probably knew I had been up on the federations space crafts. I believe they wanted to use me to get information about the space brothers. I really don’t know. Now that I think about it maybe they also wanted the great amount of information that I received from my spirit guide and angels back when I was in Australia.
All I do know is that I did my part as long as possible and was of service to the space brothers for years. I put out a magazine quarterly called “Celestial Light” that I sold in the markets. It had as much information on our space brothers as I could get, also from our angelic brothers. Most of it came from other magazines.
And I still have pictures of their ships on my walls and I keep up and follow their reports put out by different magazines. But I don’t want to go back there to the USA. There’s just too much going on with all their NWO underground cities, black military bases, etc. I don’t want to be a guinea pig again. Plus I don't think they are going to like what I am writing about now, especially as a war time disabled vet.
Speaking of which, now I will tell of yet another implant that I just recently in the last three or four years found. It began with a small wart like bump on my right eye lid near the end at the skull. I played with it for sometime before I went to the mirror to look at it. And every so often I would check up on it to see if it got any bigger. Then one day when I was looking at it really close I noticed a scar right near it at the end of the eyelid, from my eyelid to near the skull and then it stopped. The scar is a half inch long. I noticed it each time but didn’t think much of it because in my life time I have had many cuts that healed that I can still see the scars but don’t remember what happened. We all get them. We only remember certain ones.
Anyway, one day I decided to check the other side to see if there was anything there and sure enough “there was,” the exact same scar from my eye socket straight across to my eyelid. Now that changes the whole story because if something happened to both eyes in the exact same place then I would remember it for sure, but I didn’t. So that means that some kind of operation was done on or to me. It had to be, for where else did they come from? Now that I was conscious of them I started rubbing and playing with them lightly, maybe to see if I could remember where they came from.
It was then on another day when I was playing with them while watching videos that I found a cord that was connected to the scar. I used my finger to follow it up and pulled it down and over my eye. It was underneath my eyelid. But it hurt to play with it, so I did it only a little day after day.
Later I discovered that the cord (carbon fiber based) continued down and over to the other side on both eyes and seemed to enter into my sinus area at the point my nose touches my skull. As time went by I was then able to pull the cord down all the way to the slit of my upper eyelid. It was the same on both eyes. The cord was rather thick but didn’t seem to interfere with my sight or eyes unless I played with it too much. Then it became painful all the way to my brain, it would give me a headache, that's strange I thought.
Later on I found out they didn’t go straight into the nose but up a quarter of an inch to an oval or diamond shaped hole at the end of my nose, where the nose meets the forehead and down a bit, the cord’s entered the holes that went into my brain !The carbon fiber cord would always go back by itself to the original position it was in, sort of like it was intelligent or something. It was very strange. I had to stop playing with them because my eyes began to water all the time, especially in bright light, plus I would get pain in the back of the head.
Now the real question is, “Where does those cords go, just to my nose or upper sinus area?” Now I believe it also goes further up into my brain. Did they, “the bad guys,” use it to access my thoughts and images? Many questions come to me. Why did they do it? Was it some kind of control mechanism to plant thoughts or images as well as to receive them?
How many times did they get to me and access this point or did they connect up to it with some kind of special computer machine? Who did it and why? How long has it been there? I now believe it was to monitor me and my thoughts, also those I come in contact with. My diary mentions implants in my sinus area in late 1993 or early 1994. Was it put there then and by whom?
Whoever did it was very good at surgery. No scars showed for many years and there was no blood or pain. And how long have I had it?. How long was I out when they did it, and why don’t I have any memory at all about it? Unless it was that same so called dream state reality that I talked about before when I thought it was just my sinuses they were messing with or were going to put an implant in my nose. That’s the only explanation that I have been able to come up with so far and I didn’t remember that until I read my notes I had written in my diary.
One thing is for sure. Someone put it there for a purpose. I do believe it was to access my brain. But what really bothers me is that all of the stuff is still there as though they planned to use it again or maybe they did use it again or many times until I got out of range or the other implant was removed so they couldn’t find me anymore. I was really paranoid way back then, with ''them'' always following me. I believe now it was much more than just a nose implant. I believe they accessed my brain and left the implant in there so they could access it again and again. It’s probably a receiver and a transmitter.