Chapter HYBRIDS, Beta (grays), Reticulans & Others (2007)
Now this is a subject that grabs people’s attention in many respects. This is another group of space brothers that I had dealings with and, yes, I became part of their programming. It was a similar scenario as the Arcturians, where I read one of their books channeled from them (The Alien Within) and sure enough in my dream state I was able to make some contact with them. It was in the same time period, 1992 to 1996.
These beings were one group of the Zeta (grays), which refers to their gray skin color) as they are called. Their average height was four to five feet and their bodies were hairless. They have large balloon type heads with large black eyes, small lips, nose and ears, and very skinny long arms with only four fingers and toes. They called themselves “Zeta Reticulan.” And like other grays, they thought that to clone was the answer. They mistakenly cloned out their sexual and other emotions because they thought they could enhance their DNA and fix society’s social problems. They were an advanced humanoid type race and were in many parts of the galaxy.
So they cloned themselves for an extremely long period of time and completely cloned out their emotions and sex drive and eventually their reproductive organs as well. They differ from the other grays in that some time ago they did finally realize their mistake and started looking for ways to change back. But it had been such a long time that they were cloning that they had lost the information and, more important, the genes on the correct DNA to do sometimes we find ourselves in that very same situation, where we end up in trouble and can’t really remember how we got ourselves into that mess in the first place.
Their species was dying out from imperfection in cloning. Cloning from a clone loses something. The same thing happens to us and animals when we inbreed too much. Then we are truly interested in going back and correcting our mistakes. And we have to backtrack to the point where we think we veered off and if it’s been a very, very long time, well maybe we don’t remember and we start from the last point that we do remember. So it was the same with them.
They couldn’t find or remember all that they did to themselves. They succeeded in enhancing their own logic but lost their ability to feel. They succeeded in lowering the crime rate (social problems), but lost their emotions. They themselves became like the drones that they cloned to serve them (short ones, three feet tall with no emotions whatsoever, just programmed to work and to do whatever they are told).
They wanted to eventually stop and reverse the cloning process at least for themselves. So they needed fresh blood, new genetics or DNA, because that is one of the biggest problems with cloning. Something is lost, no matter how small, and it can’t be fixed with genetics. Fresh DNA that matches or is compatible is needed. And to reverse what had been done or what they did to themselves would again take an extremely long time, especially to get their reproductive system back and in good working order. Reproduction does play many more roles in our lives than we think and it does for them too. So the next step was to create what is called hybrids, part others and part theirs.
So these beings began to realize that not only did they loose their ability to reproduce and their emotions and personality, but they also lost their spirituality, their connection to God. They felt separated from God and in a way they were because they were messing with God’s plan for evolution by cloning themselves.
They embarked on a project or program to find others like themselves whom they could borrow some of their genes or DNA and splice it into the new hybrid clones they had made. They used human sperm to attain DNA, because we are the closest to their DNA, to enhance their emotions and feelings. That did work to a certain extent because the new hybrids, as they were called, had some feelings for their captives which they used to get the DNA. And as the hybrids programmed their emotions over a longer period of time, especially on this planet, they seemed more human to us than the ones used in the project’s first experiments. In recent times their new hybrids did most of the contacts and the “scientific” work for creating even better hybrids. (This photo is called star child , a hybrid male child found in a cave in Mexico that is many hundreds of years old. The earth mother was found next to it. Cause of death is unknown. DNA work has been done on it.)
I forgot to mention that one of the real main reasons for creating these new hybrids was that they were dying out because something is lost with the creation of each new clone, and there were only so many of them left. Maybe that was the real driving force behind them to get back to God’s original plan. They noticed over the last several hundred years that the species they chose to work with (us humans) were killing themselves out, that we humans would or could also become extinct and, of course, that our DNA was also inbred by many other aliens as well. About sixty years ago they cut a deal with the US elite to get more subjects to create hybrids with and in return they gave them technology.
As for us being hybrids, it is correct. Some of it was on purpose by Divine Intervention such as the first and second Garden of Eden where our creator, or those whose job it was to uplift our DNA, raised the strength of our genes , by inbreeding us with the highest evolved human types from the headquarters so we could survive the upcoming Paradigm Shift and overcome our animal origins and instincts, fight or flight, which would become the second giant shift since we started to develop into man four and a half million years ago from what is called the missing link time era. Adam and Eve was about 250,000 years ago.
This was done to raise our consciousness to a much higher level to be able to survive the dimensional shift of 2011-12, all of which I talk about in later chapters. So these beings wanted to survive this shift as well and they didn’t have enough of this DNA code in them to do so. At first human subjects were forced to participate in the project but later they learned to recruit us. They then picked those of us who have more of the original DNA from Adam and Eve. Especially humans with Scandinavian or, cultic and American Indian DNA . So their recruiting plan began to evolve as those of higher DNA genetics were selected and their genetic program took off, providing them with a greater possibility of survival. They no longer captured us but recruited us by explaining who they were and what was going to happen to them and to us. They had a new genetic plan that would enable both of us to survive just in case something went really wrong down here (a new hybrid race, half human and half Zeta). (photo is one of hundreds found in Egypt)
Now when they recruited me I had already known much of our situation, both from The Urantia Book and from all my other studies. I knew about and had had contact with many different kinds of our other “good guy” space brothers and their plans to rescue us if it got to that point and I think it will, and of course the rescue plans of the angelic brothers. Both of them had plans to relocate us on another planet similar to ours. So I helped them because I felt they deserved to survive as well.
And, just in case, another back up system to create a new being wouldn’t hurt anything. It could help. Besides if we didn’t need a rescue plan it would be good to have them as kin folk since their intentions were benevolent and they were far more advanced scientifically than us, so there was a lot we could learn from them. So I did what was required to contact them and enrolled into their program. And as with most of my other contacts I don’t remember much or it was erased by them or others, but I do remember being a part of it and what it concerned. (photo of reptilian hybrid?)
By the way, one of the first things I learned was not to call them grays, but Zetas. So I did so from then on. So the first program was examinations of all sorts and kinds. At first I made contact with them and then they always made contact with me, almost always in my dreams or sleep state. They would come and get me, beam me up and then we would proceed.
After the exams they began to take sperm for the new Zeta hybrids. Later on, once I was around them more and got used to them, I began to meet more of the later hybrids who then had some form of a reproductive system. They had some genitals and were more male and female than their ancestors. They were the new models, although most of them didn’t know anything about sexual life. They wanted to learn how to use what they had created.
There were a few females that had become pregnant through their sperm bank, but that was very few. And the others had the embryo implanted into them from a female human donor, and the earth females had agreed to the process. Usually at two to three months the Zeta would try then to carry the child the rest of the term, if possible. Then they had a type of cesarean like they do for many babies in the USA. The first human hybrids were either carried by a human or in an artificial womb that they created.
So they were proud of what they had succeeded in doing so far. But of course, they wanted to go farther. Much later in the program they even showed me a hybrid son which came from my sperm. I can’t remember much but I do remember seeing him. And there were others there from my earth group that I saw from time to time and they too had hybrid children also who were raised on the ship and we, the parents, were able to visit them off and on in our dream (sleep) state only.
The new Zeta hybrids watched our videos and their own videos on our sexual behavior and our emotional states and we also influenced them in our spiritual and emotional endeavors. But, of course, we weren’t so good of an example because we need to feel emotions to have good sex.
All the new hybrids were at least part human and the very latest ones were half human. We humans were their parents or half parents one could say. They looked sort of like a child I saw in Eugene, Oregon, with a very large head and large normal eyes, but the rest looked human. I think that child was an experiment to see if we could handle one of these hybrids down here. And it worked. The child was accepted by society, even though the mother wasn’t sure who the father was, and I am sure there are more around the world and in the USA, where there is literally a melting pot of a mixed variety, and sometimes outlandish looking people. We have one similar to this photo, here in San Ignacio. It’s different in countries where most of the people of that nation look somewhat alike.
I often wondered as I traveled around the USA and the world how many real aliens and half breeds there were among us. I believe there’s many more than we think. I have read lots of other stories about them being released to intermingle with people in the USA and most all the time these experiments were successful, sort of like the story I told about the aliens here in the casino in Belize. They also like to go to the casinos in the USA as a hang out, I am told by many sources. And, yes, they are here walking among us whether we believe it or not. We may have run into them and just thought they were foreigners. And the US there are many strange beings walking around But they’re here for a purpose. Our space brothers of the Federation are here sometimes as well. And they all have a code to live by (just like in the Star Trek movies), a prime directive to observe but not to interfere in any way until or unless we become a threat to them and the rest of the universe by blowing ourselves up or something else very drastic. Maybe that’s why Star Trek was so popular, especially “The Next Generation” series, they helped us to understand that we’re not alone and that we are not the only ones God created in this universe and that the universe is full of life, not all exactly like us.
The next issue is a little more difficult to explain. I talked about the latest Zeta hybrids who were half humans and that they started a breeding program with them and us to have our babies. Well, next they wanted to know more about sex and our sexual rituals and how we reproduced. Watching it on television wasn’t enough for them to learn anything, so they had some couples perform for them behind one way glass. That still wasn’t enough for them to learn. They tried to imitate us but their emotional feelings were very low, so they asked all of us to procreate with them, the human hybrids.
This was a challenge for most, including me, but after many conversations and explanations we finally agreed. After all, it wasn’t too much different than what I had experienced myself as a young man experimenting with sex in my travels around the world as a hippie.
So they brought me up on board their ships many times to have sex with the new hybrids. I don’t even know if we were successful in conceiving a child. Soon after that I left the area and had no contact with any space brothers except recently in the hospital with someone who was possibly a space brother or an angel that looked like a human. (alien face on baby goat, Africa 10-09)
Perhaps some day when they all land, which I think will be very soon, I will get to meet one of my hybrid children. Who knows? I think they would like to meet me as well. I hope their program works for them and they will be able to survive. This kind of thing has been done successfully many times in our past. We are all brothers in God’s huge family.
The aliens and the SSG have both experimented with not only alien and human hybrids but also hybrids of aliens and animals and humans and animals. The Egyptians ruling class were aliens with elongated heads, some going upwards and some going backwards.
But they also did too much inbreeding and king Tut’s mummy is a fine example. Buck teeth, cleft foot, elongated head and a weak immune system. He died from malaria. The Egyptians picture glyphs dating back 4000 years not only shows the elongated heads of the rulers (covered with headdresses) but also shows the hybrids of either human or alien hybrid with animals such as the wolf, a human with a wolf’s head and a humanoid with a birds head. There are many other ancient cultures that had the same hybrids and many others. So many aliens have come here uninvited and we have proof of them and there human and animal hybrids.
But of course the establishment wont release this information as it would be to shocking for us mortals and our religions to except. But funny enough they have hundreds of these skulls and skeletons , including giants of the past and present in there museums But they tend to explain them away as freaks of nature. But today with the internet we are learning better and faster that what they tell us is lies and there is a lot going on here than what meets the eyes.
The SSG in there under ground bases have a cloned million man army (like in the star wars movies) but they have also created human alien and human animal soldiers. They even took this bazaar hybridizations process even further. They have also created human-insect solder hybrids. There favorite is the ant-human hybrid. They have captured and cloned giants from earth for there military as well, they have also tested and released on the surface there hybrids of alien-animal and human-animals. What there purpose is for these creations I truly don’t know but coming from such an evil organization as the SSG ,I would presume it to be evil like them. In the ancient past they did it for sex and slave labor,military, maybe it’s the same today.