Chapter 20 # 2 Crystals and Crystal  Skulls


This proves to us that we are spiritual beings living in a physical body. And they let us see what we have been before or possibly what we might like to be, and it represents lives we have lived and helps prove to us we have lived before. Sometimes when I looked in to the mirror, during the dream, not only did I see a different person but I saw an alien, showing me that I have lived on other planets in different body forms. We can also be older or younger. That other person we see usually continues to play out the dream he is in and we cannot control that. We are only along for the ride. But there are lessons to learn.


Also I am able to travel in or with my mind to the most probable future and sometimes the past. Some traveling is done in this dimension, some in other dimensions and/or parallel worlds. The modern day word for this experience is called remote viewing, where we become conscious of ourselves in the alpha state. We then realize we are in a spirit body of some kind or we are watching our body play out a role. When we are in the body and conscious we can then go to a mirror and look at our self. Most will be surprised at what we see. Some of the time we will be in a body that is different from the one we’re in now, in our awaken state. Most always we are the same sex, but a few times we may be the other sex.


This is called crossing over. What we are viewing is sometimes a past life or a future one. Then we can also remote view our other six selves in alternate realities or dimensions, past present or future. The problem with crossing over is we often become homo sexual or bisexual and as you should know sex and money get us into more trouble than any thing else. But we still do it for the experience of knowing what the other sex feels like. And of course we often pay the price.


We will all experience each of these states (lucid dreaming, OBE, and remote viewing) at least once in our lives so we will all know what they are like. And now we know we exist in many different forms in different times and places and dimensions, all of which are more than an aspect of ourselves but part of our being. We can even visit our twins. We are each said to have another six or seven selves in this plane of existence. Some say they are on this planet, others say they are in parallel worlds.

I have visited them as well. If we go to another earth and our other self, we will usually find everything is not exactly the same as it is here. For instance countries or states within countries would be arranged differently. If we are in this same time zone we may see different names of the leaders of the same country we have here. And the situation or outcome of any given circumstance might also be different as well as the roles our other self is playing out.


\ So maybe by splitting ourselves up in this way, whoever reaches the goal of enlightenment first, then can in turn return what he or she has learned or attained back to our group soul consciousness and pull the rest of us up to that next level. Or if the scenario looks pretty grim or bad, they can warn us that if we go this way, then this could happen to us or this planet. But all the time lines vary as the only real time is here right now in this holy instant, in the now moment. If my other selves are having troubles ,I often send them Golden light energy. By the way I noticed that my other selves are also working on this 2012 event. Some more successfully than others and I have learned much from visiting them. Some already have there communes set up and others have caves and still others are mobile like me and all are waiting for the rescue plan to unfold


Using the crystals in this way to access other possible selves and worlds is a tool for learning. It’s one way of being able to look not only into the possible future but the probable past played out in many dimensions. Thus we have a tool for change. We can also send messages to our other selves to warn them of outcomes. But we can't speak to them directly. I know it would would freak me out if I heard voices in my head that I didn't recognize. What we learn in these experiences also teaches us allowance and tolerance plus open mindedness. We are all one. We are not separate but moving towards unity.


Crystals are another life form, they have been with us since the beginning and they are here in the end times. Even the holy books of the world speak about them. The kings and high priests used and wore them. Even heaven is said to be surrounded with crystals including crystal buildings and temples. The Urantia Book confirms this by stating that when we get back home to Paradise, our first of three real true homes where our father Christ Michael resides, that the building we see is made entirely of crystals, many different kinds of precious crystals and there is one solid crystal, a huge building made entirely of precious crystal because they amplify God’s Love to all beings and creation.


When Angels sing the crystals resonate. Not only do they store information or knowledge but they are able to communicate as well. They can change form and color as they please or need to. Which means they are intelligent and are a living form of life. And because of this, in the past they were also used by the dark side. Rumor has it that the Anti-Christ himself resides with the NWO in a 13-sided black crystal, but this crystal cannot reside long because the war in the heavens is over and it’s clean up time on earth. All things must return back to the pure natural state of Love.


Crystals can be our friends and teachers but they do leave us from time to time to let us grow towards our creator on our own. They return to check up on us to see if we need them again on our next mission as we move up to the next level of Ascension




Crystal Skulls


Crystal skulls, now this is another story that begs to be talked about since I am now living in Belize where they think the original or first crystal skull was found. There are many rumors that perhaps that story is not true, but the total crystal skull story is worth talking about because it does play a large role in these end times of the old ways. In 1926, Dr. Fredrick Mitchell Hedge’s daughter, found it at an archeology site in Lubaantun here in Belize on her 16th birthday, supposedly saw the crystal skull shine up through the ruins from a tree limb.


The head Maya chief let her keep it. They call it the Mitchell Hedges skull which is a male’s name, but it is really a female which is sometimes called the “Skull of Love.” The skull is the same size of a human skull and the lower jaw is moveable. Belize asked for the skull back. The daughter move to Canada and is now deceased. But the skull was never returned. It was passed on to her friend because she thought more people would be able to have contact with it and she was probably right.


What is amazing about the skull is that she talked to certain people who are mentalists. Her story is that she was once a humanoid from Atlantis, a high priestess who before that was from another planet. There were 13 of these high priest and priestesses who decided to leave Atlantis when it turned evil and tried to take over the world and was later destroyed in a nuclear war 12,000 years ago. They landed on the Yucatan in Mexico and traveled down to Belize on the coast. They then lived out their lives there when Atlantis went under the sea. The 13 bodies were buried in caves in the mountains of Belize and their bodies turned to crystal.


They said that they would return to humans as the rest of the original 13 skulls were found when the planets were in certain alignment after the turn of the millennium (2011-12?) and then would help mankind reestablish a spiritual world society. They had much information to help us survive this Dispensation and Paradigm shift. Spirituality was to be a part of every aspect of society, government, science, religion, education, etc., and that if we didn’t do this our world would end up like Atlantis, destroying itself. But if we did follow the advice and information they gave us we would find world peace for everyone, everywhere.


The skull also prophesied that many world events would take place much like the Hopi Indians, Hindu Vedic and the Mayans saying there would be many Great Earth Changes, storms and the like of which we had never seen before. Large Earthquakes would be many, almost on a daily basis in the end times and they would be much larger as the end grew near. Many volcanoes would erupt in the end, blocking out the sun for long periods of time. And a huge comet or planet would come close to earth blocking the moon and sun for sometime. Also that it would cause great magnetic disturbance that would cause the poles to shift, maybe even a major shift not only from North to South but from East to West. Plus there would be wars and rumors of wars like in the Revelations, even civil wars in the countries trying to take over the world (USA?), pretty much as others are saying, and that we should get ready for great changes of 2011-12.


There are now 13 skulls that have been found, most of them created by man but a few like Mitchell Hedges, Max and others defy scientific explanation as to how they were made or where they really came from. Crystal skull number two, Max, came from Guatemala, 1912 and was found by a native Mayan, It is now in the United States. He also talks to his owner. Perhaps the rest of the real 13 skulls will surface as we get close to 2011-12.


Guatemalan Max was given to a Tibet monk named Norbu Chen, who, when he died, gave it to a U.S. couple named JoAnne and Carl. They still have it today. Max predicted that a large body or meteorite will strike the earth lightly around 2012 to 2016. The third crystal skull was found in1959 in South Mexico by Nick Nocerno. He calls it Sha-na-ra. This was the Nocerno’s second skull that he found. The first one was found during a battle in WWII and he was unable to keep it. All of these crystal skulls tell stories of the ancient past and possible future (for those who can communicate with them). There are ten more crystal skulls that were created at the same time, yet to be found. Most of the other ten that have been found now are probably all man made.


Shortly after I returned to Belize in 2002 I read a book on crystal skulls, including the one found here in Belize. Then a street vendor showed me a small crystal skull about three inches tall and two inches wide and he said it was found near a ruin here. I examined it closely and think it was handmade in Guatemala. He was asking $300 U.S. for it. I refused and gave it back. I realized it was still worth something for all the work that went into it and went back to make him an offer but he said he sold it to a U.S. tourist. Oh well. Then in 2006 I was offered a large crystal point, black, 2ft.x8in also by a street vendor whom I knew. He said it was found near a ruin here when building a house. It was found not far from where the strange object hit the ground here and that the military took away quickly. I bought it for only $100 U.S. and still have it today. Perhaps Belize is full of crystals and maybe more skulls.


I believe there is much more to crystals than what meets the eye. In other words it really might be more like in a science fiction movie, Star Trek, etc. where crystals are used for a power source or energy source that runs or flies our ships. That’s why we use crystals in computer chips and in our time pieces, because they hold energy and release it with virtually no loss. They are becoming an essential part of our lives, but there is still much we don’t know about them. They can store energy and information. I believe they can also amplify energy and when we learn to tap into them correctly, we will have a clean renewable energy source, free and as powerful as we like. Even my solar panels are made of crystals. It’s only a matter of time before we can discover and use this energy source to a higher potential. Of course, the energy consortium wouldn’t like that at all. We need to march in this direction now before it’s too late.


One last thing for students and teachers out there: Crystals are an ancient computer as well. They can be used to help us remember whatever it is that we’re studying. My sister in law had only a high school education and at age 40 decided to become a nurse. She had problems remembering all she had to learn. So I gave her a crystal and instructed how to use them . She used them and scored high on her tests, because crystals hold information and energy, so you only have to know how to access them and of course you need to keep them charged. Once you believe in them and learn how to use them , there is almost an endless array of things you can do with them. I have been using them for nearly 25 years now.


But remember crystals don't do these things for you. Instead they teach you how to do them by amplifying your efforts or energy. Its sort of like your laptops. You have to keep them charged to use them or plug them into a higher source of energy. And you can only get out of them what you put into them , except of course you plug in a disk, flash drive or the internet. So keep them charged and be careful of what you put into them.


Keep them away from negative energy of any source or kind, otherwise they will amplify that negative energy back to you. Remember to be careful of what you ask for , you may get it. And one last thing you should do with them and that is to use them as beacons to attract our space brothers, to wear them on our person ,they have told us that when the time comes they will be able to find you and rescue you up onto the space ships and take us to wherever it is we wont to go. That is of course if we have positive vibes.



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