My first booklet, called New Earth Survival I, Keys, was designed to get people interested and started on saving the earth. This book is a follow up and is designed to help us move toward and prepare for the ascension into fourth dimension. This will be the greatest change that this world, or any world for that matter, has ever known.
The earth has gone through several great changes, some being the great ice ages and pole shifts. These cleansing stages also represent spiritual changes or levels of consciousness for the earth and for all living entities on it. The earth is about to receive its first total awakening. In the process of this new birthing and healing and cleansing, the new earth will be required to make an even greater step. That is, we and the earth are going to be propelled into fourth dimension. The sick earth will be required not only to heal itself, with the help of our space brothers and angels, but it is going to have twins or go through two births at the same time. Much of the new healing process is being done by outside forces, one in each Dimension.
The earth is terminally ill at this moment by man’s great amount of poisons both ethereal and material, not even to mention man’s lost spiritual insights. The scenario looks like a sick society living on a very sick earth with no one realizing that Big Brother caused all the sickness. Some of us are now re-reawakening and realizing how dangerous of a situation that we and the earth live in. We can only reawaken those of us who have chosen to come here. This is why so much spiritual information is bombarding us now .
We too are going to have to make many great changes, mentally and spiritually, then physically. In other words while the earth is being healed in order for it to manifest its new birth, we too are going to be healed as well. We must prepare for it. With the aid of all of our spiritual guides headed by Jesus (Sananda) and the Brotherhood, Ashtar Command and the Federation of Light. Lazarus, Ramtha, St. Germaine, St. Francis, Seth, Buddha, Krishna, plus a hundred more, we will help save ourselves and earth.
When we began to open our consciousness we started to use a much higher portion of our brains, up to 30 percent more. Most call this process Christ Consciousness. In other words we will become the anointed ones. We will begin to really understand and awaken to what it means to be sons and daughters of God. We, in essence, are infant Gods, fragments of the original God. We shall someday become whole and in so doing totally realize “God head” in our divinity. This requires a great awakening of our souls as to who we really are.
We are not the ego or Anti-Christ as many so believe in the old religions. We are infant Gods, unrealized Gods living in these bodies in third density. But all this is soon going to change as we begin to ascend into fourth dimension. As we become the infant Gods that we are, we then start to remember that we were also once angelic and that soon we will begin this process anew. Once we hit the 30 percent mark of our brain power we will have enough power from God the father and God the son to manifest into fourth dimension. In other words we will be able to become angelic again. When the time comes (2012 – 2014?), we are going to be pulled into fourth dimension. Ready or not, here we come.
Those who are ready for it and make the necessary changes will receive new light bodies that will be half as dense as the present ones (losing half of our body cells). We won’t need them in our new body. Our consciousness will also shift and everything that we know now as reality will shift too, as well as time concepts and space. The magnetic forces that run through our bodies will change. After a while we will soon learn to appear and disappear or, in other words, to be able to manifest ourselves from dense material forms into less dense or light forms. This will be the first stage of realization of God self and angelic form. We will be in fourth density where we will be able to manifest at will to change our bodies.
There are many on the earth plane that now live in fourth dimension bodies. We have also called them teachers and Masters. Even some of our UFO space brothers are already in fourth density, not counting the inner earth beings. So we already have a glimpse of what it really means to be transformed into fourth density. But this alone will not be enough. We need to completely change our concepts of third density so that we can better understand the fourth density.
The last great change came when we transformed ourselves from our monkey like ancestors and became what we now call human (the missing link saga). That was quite a jump for those few infant Gods who made it. The rest who did not raise their consciousness levels soon died out and/or they remained apes, slowly awaiting this New Dispensation which is now occurring.
This is a year of a minor harmonic convergence, an awakening into exploration and expansion as well as exposing the dark forces. So we can now see that our animal brothers, some birds, monkeys and orangutans, whales and, of course, the dolphins are raising their level as they communicate to us. For the first time now we can understand some of them. They have reached the point where we were before. Now those who choose will become the next conscious beings of the new earth. And these chosen ones will become fourth dimensional beings with bodies that are half humanistic and half angelic. And we will learn to manifest and transform the body into light and communicate with our angelic brothers in the spiritual realm.
Fourth dimension will be like being between two realms, the third where we came from and the fifth where we are going to. Third density is a very dense energy system, while fifth is a very light energy system, as we understand it. Our perceptions are continually going to change as we come nearer to each and every new dimensional form. If they didn’t we would not be able to make the changes.
It is sort of like the caterpillar that sees the beautiful butterfly and has this feeling that somehow, someday he can become one himself. Something deep down inside tells him he already is, that he must prepare himself and he can become it (a wannabe). And so he does. Then he intuitively builds a cocoon around himself as he mentally and physically prepares to ascend. The voice inside began to prepare him for ascension into the next life form, a metamorphic change in his body. This body is similar, but with greater changes. You will remember all this later.
He then awakens, comes out of the cocoon, sees his new body and walks around admiring it and his new wings. He flaps them a few times as he soon realizes that he doesn’t need to only walk, that he is no longer grounded to this earth. And with this new feeling he tries out his wings and begins to fly. It is such a wonderful feeling, a freedom unknown to him before! As he is flying, he looks down below and sees a caterpillar down there looking back up at him. All of a sudden the butterfly remembers that he too was once a caterpillar that had dreams to fly.
And at the same time, the caterpillar crawling along below starts to fantasize what it would be like to be a butterfly and that he wants’ to be one( a wannabe). (Somehow deep inside himself he knows that someday he will also be able to fly and that it must be a wonderful feeling. He only must maintain his strength of faith and belief that anything is possible, if you reach for it.
Some of us who fantasize (and wannabes), also have reached that point. As we see and communicate with beings from the fourth and fifth density we soon desire to become like them. They teach us that we have this power inside of us to become angelic beings. First we visualize or dream it (wannabe). Then as we become the infant Gods that we are by practicing our meditation, prayer, affirmations and mantras, and raising our level of Christ Consciousness, we tap into an unlimited source of power. And then we “manifest” ourselves. That is, we cause the DNA inside ourselves to “transform” our bodies into new angelic light ones in the fourth density. We become that which we perceive. We are only limited by our own disbelief or limited thoughts. We need to prepare ourselves for soon we are going into high fourth dimension then5th as the earth enters into the fifth dimension.
Ready or not, here it comes. It’s time to awaken. We cannot stop the changes nor can we change them in any manner. Maybe we could delay them a bit if we stopped our huge pretension, our greediness to have always more, our idea that might is right and our narrow mindedness of our religions and don’t forget our SSG governments who want to control the people and keep them as slaves, feeding them poisonous foods and poisoned information. It’s totally amazing that we have made it thus far without destroying ourselves and the earth before as others like Meldekians did. Maybe this shift will be a good thing to put away our old world or the way we think we are. I am sure a shift in consciousness will be on many levels.