The SSG dark cabal is behind the scenes in all these dealings. The Rockefellers and Rothschild’s have so much money or promissory notes coming in that they can’t count it on the screen before it changes into higher amounts. What a scenario. It’s sort of like playing a big Monopoly game. In the end, only a few people own everything.
These families also control and own the military, especially in America. That’s one reason why the U.S. military is the largest in the world and why they have over 800 U.S. bases all over the world, not counting the 200 secret ones. The military and their bases are being used by the SSG for two purposes, first making money from the war machine itself. And secondly to use the U.S. government or military to control and enforce the NWO when they decide to announce the takeover by 2011- 12.or maybe before, but at least by that time era. It’s all in place now.
The military uses its soldiers as guinea pigs. I was one in the Vietnam war era. And now there are a total of 7,800 guinea pigs that have died in the two Bush Gulf Wars, mostly from radiation and gas from their own weapons and from bad vaccines. Unknown to most in the military, the Illuminati will use the present U.S. military to take over the world. Then they, too, will be replaced with official NWO military. So they will become useless guinea pigs as well. The NWO military are dressed in black like the regular covert military black ops.
The Americans have been programmed for war since the first two world wars which, by the way, were started by the Illuminati as well. Pearl Harbor was a planned attack that they knew about before hand to get Americans into the war and to get the money making war machines going. It worked well. So when it was over, they went into Korea and then Vietnam, etc. Now over 200 countries have been invaded by the Americans, backed by the NWO which also owns and controls the United Nations (UN) Army as well.
We were programmed from children to become soldiers and killing machines as a society. The U.S. people should learn the lessons of war in these last two wars. Afghanistan was mostly for an oil pipeline and control and ownership of drugs .The worlds biggest and longest standing drug dealers, and now the drug industry has doubled under USA control and controls the world market since the Russians left and the Americans took over. The Iraq war was for their 1200 oil wells. Americans thought they would get cheaper oil so they let Bush invade .Both Ben Laden and Hussein were US. CIA friends before and were trained by the USA military. So, the whole thing back fired on them once the US. Major oil companies got the oil the people only got higher gas prices. Then these companies could override OPEC and triple the cost of oil to the U.S. and the world.
When will the masses wake up? They are just beginning to wake up, hopefully before it’s too late. Bush wants to invade Iran now for the rest of the oil. The elitists want the monopoly for control of the oil and oil prices. There is no oil shortage. There never was. The United States has one of the world’s largest reserves which they are waiting to tap into when oil maintains a price of $150 a barrel or more. And Russia now has the world’s largest oil reserves at 80 billion barrels, plus a hundred billion undiscovered reserves.
Not only are they using the U.S. military for their oil wars but they are creating their own private military or militia, and have companies that provide the troops. Many have heard of Black Water, a private militia out of North Carolina, and Halliburton (owned by X Vice President Chaney). They are currently being taken to court and are being sued for their corruption in the Iraq war. The NWO also has a million-man cloned military buried under the USA in military bases. Some of them are already in use. There have been a lot of those black war machines and soldiers dressed in black, all unmarked, in America for the last 15 to 20 years. I believe they have already infiltrated the regular U.S. military after they won a quiet secret war between them, the elitist, and the regular U.S. military (those who were still loyal to the U.S.) in the mid 1990s (see the UFO chapter).
Now they are going after the people. Many of the police and sheriffs or deputies who wear a gold band around the American flag know they are part of the NWO. That is also why the blue and other colored uniforms were replaced with black ones. Black intimidates the so called enemy. That’s why they use that color in special ops forces throughout the world. Some people think the U.N. soldiers are the same as the NWO military. We’ll see. All of them are controlled and used by the Illuminati for their agenda. Then they too will be discarded when the one world government takes over and installs it’s own military and police.
Speaking of weapons, those in power are still in the process of taking the arms away from the people. All the western society has been disarmed except for the USA. Right now in the USA they are trying to get the 300 million private licensed arms away from the 80 million who own them. There are thousands of laws they’re trying to pass to get the legal arms away from the people because that is one of the biggest fears the Illuminati has, that the people are armed (another fear is being completely exposed to the world). The people can rise up against them, and I believe Americans will, when and if the citizens start to realize who the real enemy is. So the SSG has greatly restricted the sale of bullets, and sale of ammunition very difficult plus very expensive to get. This is another
step to try and stop the civil war that is coming against them.
I lived in Australia when they took the arms away from the people there and in Europe as well. The crime rate shot up afterward. They have done the same here in Belize and the crime is rising every year. It is now number six in the world. Belize also has a U.S. secret base, or rather it used to be secret, and they have two Navy ships permanently in their harbor. But only seldom do we see the American and/or the British or the UN military that are all based here. They bring almost everything in by helicopters, many times the huge double bladed ones. I think Belize is a stepping stone for the rest of Central America for them.
The inner circle of elitists set the agenda for other such notorious organizations such as the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the trilateral commission. The Bilderbergers are the number one control group or lodge outside of the first inner circle. The Priory of Zion, the order of skull and bones, and the grand lodges of the “free masonry” are also major control groups. The Scottish rite free masonry preceded today’s free masons. Maybe they were the backbone, the real beginning of the Illuminati since they used the books and the original free masons as their main control group until the new Bilderbergers came into the club.
Also included are all the major spy agencies, the World Bank, IMF, North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA), General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organization (WTO),(CFR), the Rosicrucian’s, Luciferians , Scientology, Mormons,? Baha’i plus many less important and subdivisions of these groups, There is well over 100 so called black lodges. They have many thousands of people involved in one or more of these groups, millions worldwide. They control and rule most of the major governments in the world through these groups!
People who join these groups do not realize it at first but most eventually find out about the NWO's agenda and are then bribed with power, money, position in society, drugs, and sex, or whatever they want. If this does not work, they are sometimes threatened. Most people stay on with them even when they do know the truth of how evil they are and their plans to take over the world by killing off 95 percent of the people. They, like many of us, have not much resistance when they are tempted with great wealth and power, sex and/or drugs. Jesus says sex, money and then power gets us into the most trouble.
Many fail, but some do get out because their conscience bothers them. Some are even able to tell what they know about the NWO, but those are the brave ones or the ones near death with nothing to lose. It is through these people that we have gotten most of the information we now have. We owe them great thanks for they may have saved our lives. And for the others who stay in, they will probably lose their souls.
All of these organizations are evil and they have a lot of evil occult rituals involved in their meetings. The dark forces have been behind this whole organization since the time of Jesus and what the Illuminati are really afraid of is the mass awakening, of people who are in a higher consciousness power and influence to tell the rest of the people what is going on before it’s too late. The clock is ticking. We’re running out of time and that’s the only reason I put this information in my book to help warn people so they can spread the word. This book is not meant to cause fear and it is important that people not be in fear but that the information is used to stay one step ahead of the dark forces. Survival means to be prepared ahead of time. We should not confront them in any way because we will only loose.
The NWO has thousands of concentration camps (most are the 800 abandoned U.S. military bases) already set up in the USA and thousands more being built worldwide. All of these will be disguised as quarantine camps of the man made viruses that they release each year. The actual number of people affected is extremely small compared to the 37,000+ that die from the so called regular virus each year just in the US. The World Health Organization.(WHO). is a part of the SSG ( see chapter on vaccines). It is best not to get involved with any of their groups. And they can be quite misleading, so be on guard at all times! And then learn to become as self-sustaining as possible which requires the help of other like-minded people. That’s why I wrote this book. It is sort of like a manual to help us through these great changes. I don’t have all the answers. No one does. So we need to do our homework. Remember this is school. Graduation is near. (photo is man made mountain Outside Tuscon AZ.)
We must remember most of our governments are already under control of this evil empire that is in every department of government, industry, communications, military, media, education, etc. There is a secret list that is updated frequently by the free masons of who’s in what position with what group. Most all of the presidents of the United States were free masons or skull and bones. All the symbols on the back of the U.S. dollar are from the Illuminati and free masons. Free masons came from an early group called Knights Templar, possibly also combined with the Scottish Rite. This Organization is hundreds of years old as well. It was formed in 1743 using the older black occult devil worship symbols. The higher ranks worship Lucifer and Satan.
There are many black lodges. For a long time after they join people think it is another form of religion. They even mention “God” and Jesus sometimes, but these are mixed with satanic mysteries and symbols which the people don’t understand. This is kept a secret from new members for many years, until they reach near the 33rd level in the lodge. Then they are told the truth that they worship the devil, not God. And before that information is given they must swear on their lives never to reveal it to anyone or they will lose their lives. And many have in the past. The Free masons say that before the 32nd degree the members are unlearned initiates and above they become the Illuminated controllers. The free masons are one of the most important controlling groups of the Illuminati. This level is called the visible world and after the 32 rd level is the invisible “secret” world.
Today many have also escaped and that’s how we know so much about this evil group. This group pretends to be a religion. Then they give power and money to those who want to stay with them as part of the NWO. Those that accept get the best jobs. They move up the ladder quickly. They get the highest government offices because the masons have people higher up to pull them up into positions to help take over and once in power they do the same for the lower ones coming up. They use this organization, Freemasonry, to put all the people in all the right places for in their NWO. And the further up the ladder one goes the more one must be willing to cheat, lie, steal, even kill or maim. And that’s not counting all the evil satanic and sexual rituals they perform but the real power remains in the first inner circle of 10 families and the next most powerful is the second inner circle of 30 families. After that comes the 3rd inner circle, who controls the central banks of each major country. Together they control it all.