We must remember when man respected the truthful and the honest, when the world could remember what morality truly meant. We must remember when every man in his soul sought to do what was correct and righteous (good intent). We did this not only by the name of our Lord God Michael (whom we were created in his image) but because we ourselves had this part of God in us to help us remember who we were and what we truly believed. God needs us and we need him, He is our source of love and energy to be sought after as our goal in life. We must remember the divine plan to know what it was like before the Lucifer Rebellion, to bring back that code of life, (honesty and morality) that code of living, of giving and forgiving. We must remember who we were and who we are now to take our place among the spiritual warriors of old who stood up for their beliefs. We are the new spiritual warriors. It’s time to stand up for what we believe!
One last thing before we finish this chapter. I was told to talk about “Recruitment.” Yes, that note rang a bell for me too. I was drafted and then recruited for the Air Force. They promised I would be able to continue my chosen profession as a welder. But when I got in they wonted to make me an aircraft mechanic instead, and it’s still the same today. They will promise the stars and give only candy bars. Pay special attention, young folks out there. They will recruit young people into their war machine for the secret NWO take over. See what happened to all the rest of us who joined the military or civilian posts. We are just guinea pigs to them, to be used and then thrown away.
The SSG is a very evil and secretive organization. They have to be secretive because not many in their right minds would join such an organization to help kill off the total population of the world. That means fellow countrymen as well. But don’t worry. Most of those who join will kill other countries’ people and military from other countries will kill there’s. Agreed?
Look before we leap. Don’t let them coerce or bribe (scholarships) or coax or frighten us into joining any one of their many hundreds of organizations. Most of us will only be thrown away like they did those from the Vietnam to Gulf Wars I and II. Only a few great killing machines will be allowed to continue on serving them and their sinister plans to set up Global Domination. To the Illuminati, everyone is expendable except maybe the first and second circle. These people’s feelings and emotions have been removed by the dark side. Remember, once we cross over to the dark side most will never return. And once you have lost your soul, you have lost your eternal life! The age of Kali Yuga is upon us as spoken about in the Indian Hindu prophecies where most of mankind has lost his morality. The reign if destruction and bloodshed These are the true dark ages.
Many will be fooled or brainwashed and still others programmed into killing each other off for the sake of a few elitist who think that they can rule the world. Much temptation will be put upon mankind. He has be en lured into following them like giving candy to a child. Only those who keep their heart and mind on God will resist because they know where the real pleasures of life come from. Jesus says, go within, heaven is inside of you. Learn to forgive our fellow men, but do not condone their mistakes.
The greatest pleasures of Joy, Peace, Happiness and Love only come from God. Seeing the God in every person gives us the great joy and freedom of sharing our true inner feelings with all our brothers and sisters, for we are all one. We are only alone when we refuse to share. We all come from the same God. We are one in unity, one family of God in the Brotherhood of God’s Kingdom. And once we learn this and are able to remember and practice it always the dark forces cannot touch us. We have power over them as spiritual New Age light workers and rainbow warriors. We serve the light and the light serves us. There can be no price set upon peace in one’s heart and mind!
I have met many young people from the USA and here in Belize who have already been recruited. One woman just graduated from a university in the USA. I asked her what she was now going to do. She said, “Go to work for Sandia Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico.” I asked her if she knew what they do or make. She said no, that she would find out later. I told her that they make the chem.-trails, chemicals at Kirtland Air Force Base that are used as bio-warfare on the population of the worlds. She said she didn’t believe me but even if it was true, she would stay with them to pursue her career. She left quite upset.
Other young men and women of Belize are recruited into the military so they can become U.S. citizens. More than half of Belizeans live in North America and most of them in the States. They will use these young people who are very much Americanized as I have mentioned before. Most likely they will become killing machines for the NWO whether they know it or not. It is very surprising to find out just how many foreigners are in the U.S. military. And they will probably use these traps to control the people of the United States in the very near future when they start the round up for the civil war.
There’s also a young man of 18 I have known since he was a boy. He told me this week that he hopes to win a scholarship to become a commercial airline pilot. It only takes two years to complete but he will have to work for them several years afterward. And then he thinks they will let him be a pilot. They promised him that job sometime in the near future. But unbeknown to him, the NWO is looking for new pilots to fly their jet spraying “chem.-trails” all over the world. I imagine they use several thousand every day to spray 90 percent of the world with bio-warfare. And they loose some of the pilots when their conscience starts bothering them.
So this young man might be slowly brainwashed to become one of them. And even if he does get to become a pilot, it won’t be a commercial one but an NWO death pilot. I do feel sorry for him and I intend to try and talk him out of it. But it will be difficult because the propaganda runs very deep. They try to get t heir recruits at a young age, like the Boy Scouts, many of whom later become enlisted soldiers. The same is even truer for Hitler and the free masons and other black lodge groups. Hitler created a very powerful military from very impressionable youth. That’s how he attained his most loyal S.S. Nazi troops. Today the Illuminati have many programs and black lodge groups especially directed at the youth.
It’s very hard to change our programming such as the programming we men get as little boys and young men in America. We are trained to be soldiers from our first toy soldier and toy weapons to all the glory shown us in movies, videos and especially on the television. The history channel is full of war glory history (as they see it), training Americans and now people from all over the whole world in the great lies behind all those wars.
There are war heroes in our towns that get to wear their outdated uniforms to help program more war heroes when there are parades, most of which are a sorry sight to see, not only because many are disabled in some sort or manner but also it can be seen in their eyes. They had to live a lifetime of very unhappy memories of killing men, women and children in a foreign land. Their guilt and shame show on their faces. What a burden to carry for a lifetime...And yet they helped to promote war and more young soldiers to die and kill.
Then there are those of us who did wake up in time. Even though we were in the military, we refused to kill because we knew deep inside it was wrong. We were then used as guinea pigs, as were the soldiers who fought. And later those of us who survived went and protested with the hippies as veterans of the wars, not for but against killing. And like Kent State, there was a price to pay. We are still paying the price today. The national guard use to belong to the state now they kill there own people as ordered by the SSG And for those who are still for the war as a solder, they can expect to be used as well without receiving any VA help in return. It is very difficult to prove a disability case and many of us get tired of fighting the VA year after year. Those who are against all war may have to pay the price.
The only solution is to use ourselves as an example and warn the youth not to become part of the war machine! And as a spiritual warrior I must also warn even those who take on civilian jobs with these big SSG industries that they too will be used to help kill or control people in the 800 plus concentration camps that are being set up worldwide. This will happen especially in America where people still have guns to fight back, and many of them are angry and disheartened veterans trained by the same military. These are strange times which call for strange lessons. The past has been also very strange. It got us into this mess we’re in now. We need to change our views of the past so we don’t create any more glorious wars and war heroes in the name of freedom or Democracy. The SSG is usually behind them all, with a agenda of there own. But to do that we must realize all war is wrong!
And no matter what excuse is used, you become the enemy the minute you step foot on foreign land. America has invaded over 200 countries since WWII. And not once were they required to defend there own land. So this is called War Mongering! And it’s all done in the false name of Democracy. But in reality it is done for the cooperate elite of the SSG, the Banksters. We should not value what is valueless. There will be no more war when the world learns complete Forgiveness.
There’s only one real enemy and that’s the dark side of the force, both inside and outside us ( the anti-Christ ). But we must not fight a war against them or ourselves because that is what the dark forces want. They will know who their enemy is if we stand out or up against them. Instead, become a light warrior and spread the word of how to take them out by awakening the mass consciousness. Expose the enemy but don’t engage them. Light overcomes the darkness Victory is ours! Amen
It can be noted that the cosmic or super consciousness is the same as collective consciousness. With this power we can change the world. We can put an end to the conflict of dark and light forces. The first one to awake then awakens the rest.
More on NWO, Hitler, UFOs and Jesus (2008)
Now it’s time for another insert and my problem here was to determine where to put it since it has to do with so many subjects I have already talked about. So here it is…
It’s sort of funny that I should run into two books with similar names. The first one was on the 3rd Reich, and the second was called The Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Mars. What I noticed was Hitler’s time machines which provide one theory at how he escaped to 1989 in Eastern Europe. The other thing I noticed was that Hitler’s huge flying machine, a real UFO, was exactly like the one George Adamski talked about in his late 1950 and early 1960 encounters with the Pleiadians. After several sightings he finally got to meet them in the California desert as he was directed. One thing he found rather odd was that the boots they wore left a Nazi print in the sand.
Later on, over time, Adamski was invited into their ship. They showed everything to him. He had photos and drawings in his book. And again, a curious thing happened. They spoke perfect English but when they were speaking to one another they spoke in High-German. His parents were from Germany and he also spoke High-German, but he never let them know. He wondered if they were Nazi’s.
Around this same time period Admiral Byrd (U.S. Navy) was making history finding the entrances to both the North and South Poles to the inner earth. He first tried the South Pole, but according to his diary, which I have and is out of print and removed from the Congress Library (strange), he and the Navy were chased out from exploring there by super fast strange crafts in the skies. He wouldn’t comment on them much as he was still in the Navy or under oath, but said that the next war (WWIII) would be fought with these crafts that could fly from one pole to the next in a matter of minutes. Later Byrd did find the entrance at the North Pole, but the “elite” have tried hard to suppress the information.
Maybe Byrd ran into one or both of two possible groups, the first being the large humans living in the inner earth who didn’t want the U.S. Navy to enter. The second was the Nazis who live at the entrance. Maybe we weren’t really ready for contact with them. Perhaps it was more likely to be the Nazis because of another report that Hitler escaped there.
The book about the 4th Reich also talked about that story of Swazi-land, but it wasn’t the first. Other books talked about it long ago saying that Hitler set up a base there in the South Pole with all of his high technology, gold, knowledge and his followers including his S.S troops (the USA version is homeland security). He faked his own death, which most New Agers believe is true, then escaped by air and sea to his new hide out in the South Pole where he had his few flying machines that I believe the Illuminati gave him as a tool. But he hadn’t perfected the new weapon system yet. So he couldn’t use it in the war or against the Illuminati themselves.
I believe Hitler was chosen by them to make the first try at bringing about the NWO, as I have stated in another chapter. The Illuminati made him who he was or became and they also brought him down. They then took over his 3rd and 4th Reich and moved many thousands of his top scientists and all kinds of other people to the USA to establish a new base, starting all over again to build up the empire that would take over the world, the NWO. But the real power was still the Illuminati.
So unofficial reports have it that Hitler set up his new base there and no one will bother him now that he also has fire power. But today the USA is not far behind him with all the back engineered space crafts they have created from the ones they shot down and then stole the technology. After all, they are all working toward a one world government that is evil in itself (the Anti-Christ). Although I believe in a one world government, it must be a spiritual one, not evil.
Now I want to jump back to Billy Meier who lived in Switzerland and also spoke High German. I spoke of him in an earlier chapter about UFOs. Now there is something I want to try to put together here about the hundreds of photos he has of the ships that they showed him and on how they operate. It looks to me to be the same ships Adamski showed. They are identical in all respects. The flat dome top sits on top of a dish type saucer. Most important are the small round clear upside domes protruding out around the bottom of the ship.