And here’s the kicker. In the photos of Hitler’s ships they were identical in every detail to those in Adamski’s drawings, even the propulsion system. I have never seen one of these ships. They are probably old fashioned. And like the USA ships, they can’t leave the earth’s atmosphere. They depend on the earth’s magnetic force field. That was the first ship the Syrians (Reptilians) gave the Illuminati and later, when they agreed to create an NWO, they were given better ships that could go to other planets. But when they did this they were thrown off of the moon and Mars.


So I believe they then gave this older model to Hitler. And he later improved on it, but still it can’t leave earth, I don’t think. The point is I don’t believe that Myer or Adamski met real Pleiadians but rather Aryan Germans from the gene program Hitler had set up. They didn’t have the Nazi sign on their ships like Hitler did but they did have it on the soles of their boots and in both encounters the aliens were speaking to each other High German.


The reason I questioned this mystery is that I don’t believe the book Talmud of Emmanuel that was found and presented to Myer was real. It’s not a real Jesus book. There are too many negative things that Jesus would never say. It is definitely false. But if the Pleiadians are supposed to be the good guys, why would they go back into time to plant this book so Myer could later get it from the guy who found it? I believe it is and was a Nazi and SSG plan to change the image of Jesus. I believe these Pleiadians were German Nazis still working on their plan to over take or destroy the world with an evil empire , the NWO ruled by the Illuminati.


This story is like a never ending saga. There’s always new information explaining this mystery or conspiracy a little bit more. The Illuminati has a long history. While I was doing a little bit more research on my final editing, I ran across a set of books called the Sacred Science Chronicles by Robert Siblerud. The last one (Vol. IV) was about the unknown life of Jesus. Skipping through it for many hours I came to the conclusion that it was false. It is another false Jesus book that proclaims Jesus was married not once but twice, once to a woman called Miriam who later died and then the same old story of Mary Magdalene and the children, Jesus not dying on the cross and living to be a very old grandfather who moved to India. But Mary stayed in France where she was exiled, and her children and grandchildren were raised there.


It’s all made up, I believe by the Anti-Christ. It goes even further. This book tries to show that Jesus was a Nazarene from a religious sect called Nazarenes, an off shoot of the Essenes whom I do have respect for because they believed in community living and sharing. But they had too much Gnostic type religious belief which came from Egypt and the Greeks. Not much was of Jesus’ teachings. That’s why all of these off shoots that proclaimed a new gospel were or are even today incorrect! They claim theirs is the teaching of Jesus and not the Bible, neither then nor now. I disagree with their claim, although I do agree that the Bible was changed to fit the Anti-Christ movement. I have mentioned some of these things in other parts of the book concerning the Christ and the Anti-Christ.


Suffice it to say these stories have been brought forth in the last 200 years, but in greater amounts in this last decade. We must remember that behind all of the Illuminati organizations (lodges) is the Anti-Christ, whose power to fool people was then taken away from him by Jesus. People can only be fooled or possessed, if they want to be. He could not deceive people anymore because Jesus brought the truth to the people and just like the ego (inner Anti-Christ) the “trickster” was exposed and restraint was laid upon him. Lord Michael reinstated his sovereignty, but the Anti-Christ was allowed to stay until the end of an age.


So here is where I inject some of my beliefs and findings. The Anti-Christ camouflaged himself as his disciples after Jesus left, since Jesus left no writings nor anything of his personal belongings (except his shroud). The Anti-Christ then started creating false writings and teachings supposedly by Jesus, but not really. Most of the apostles did write something and that was then passed on down, usually after their deaths. But many things got all mixed up with the untruths by the Anti-Christ. The new church tried to find the best ones that were left some 200 years after Jesus left.


But even they were infiltrated by the dark side in later centuries. Many things were taken out and new information or untruths added. The Catholic Church even began to worship the devil or Satan and was in the dark, and was even evil for several, if not many hundreds, of years. But in the end the Catholic Church did regain some of their belief in Jesus and became reestablished, somewhat, as a power in the field of religious leadership. But the false belief that Jesus is our Creator persist today.


Now here’s where it gets interesting. At the same time the church was going through all their dark and light changes (a battle within themselves) just like the Ego or Anti-Christ. Well, the Anti-Christ himself was still busy trying to discredit and destroy Jesus’ teachings in the church, which they almost completely succeeded (but not quite). Even what little bit there is in the New Testament or Bible is still enough even today to help save mankind, if applied. I believe it helped save the church. So I will give the church some credit of its recovery from back sliding, as Christians say.


Well as for the Anti-Christ himself he is still busy today. Or rather his followers are because as of the time of this writing he has been taken away for trail by Archangel Michael. Anyway, he has created much, very much, dis-information and untruths and then mixed them in with the truth (like in the Bible). And this causes much confusion and a split in beliefs. This confusion then causes the different religious or new age groups to split up into new groups. And this splitting continues a thousand fold in the same way as the Christians have divided into 3,500 groups and counting. And they’re still splitting.


Being raised Catholic, I understand the great confusion they are going through and I don’t put all the blame on the religious leaders, but on the Anti-Christ. I do speak harshly of “the church” in my book, but I am not bashing it just to bring in another new religion, even though it may seem that way but its actually the Religion of the Universe. Christians have managed to correct themselves somewhat and some of Jesus’ teachings got through. And Christianity has done the best job, more than any other religion, to preserve some of Jesus’ teachings, up until four decades ago, with the return of Jesus the man. And no new religion is created except out of an old one. It’s called re-birthing.


I was fortunate enough to have first come across The Urantia Book in 1972 before I started searching out all these other so called Jesus books or teachings. So I have access to the highest and most truthful of all teachings and a huge amount of information on Jesus himself (nearly 900 pages of 2000). From which I can compare the others to. The Urantia book is literally an encyclopedia of the entire grand master universe and most all the creations of the trinity of Gods.. This made it easier to see what the untruth was in checking out these newer books. And we all can do and should do the same. Then it will be easier to understand what I am talking about.


Now, how does all this tie into the story about the Pleiades and the T.J. (Talmud of Jmmanuel). As previously said, I do believe Hitler was in league with the Pleiadians who went back in time to plant the scrolls that became the T.J. Or it was the later followers of Hitler’s regime. The SSG not only had UFOs but also had time machines sense before WWII With that concept in mind, I wonder if more of these scrolls that were discovered in the last 200 years and especially recently were not done in the same way. There’s a great possibility at least some of them probably have been, and for what purpose? Well, why were all the lies and disinformation created in the first place? Think about it. It was created to confuse and replace the true gospel of Jesus with mixed truths (disinformation ) and split the people and the spiritual movement started by Jesus himself (especially christens). That’s why I believe spiritual hierarchy channeled down The Urantia Book to end all the confusion and to help us to learn to discern the truths ourselves.


We are told in many Revelations that we would be tested in the last days (of the age) and that there would be many false teachings supposedly from Jesus that would spring up and that also he would return someday at the end of an age. Nobody then knew that date, but we do now. The end of an age is 2012. Also false preachers would proclaim themselves as Jesus and or other great leaders. And we in the New Age Jesus Movement do believe Jesus is back, but there are also false teachings or books proclaiming to be from him or incorrect information about him and his teachings. Yes, we will be tested greatly. In this book I present a taste of the new Jesus movement. Now I say, would the real Jesus please stand up. “It’s up to you to choose”. You must go and do your homework first though OK. Don’t just believe me, because you may find something’s in this book you don’t agree with.”


So go check out these sources I talk about. We each need to decide for ourselves. If it feels good inside, go with it. If it feels not so good or bad, then it’s not the truth and only “the truth” lasts in time, all else fades away. We must learn to discern “the truth” in these final days of the old ways. Remember that parts of “the truth” that is separated from the whole can no longer be called the truth. It takes all “the truths put together correctly in order to create the whole truth, also known as knowledge and wisdom. That’s how disinformation or untruths is created. It might be said that we’re being given our final exams soon so we must do all of our homework ourselves. No cheating and no skipping class because there’s no quitting if we want to make it to the other side. We have much to learn in a short time, 2012 is upon us now.


Now for the final part of this essay, all these false teachings do have a major purpose. Not only do the untruths confuse us, but it’s the old foundation for the NWO. Yes, religion is very much mixed up in this mess and I think I can now explain how. It goes back to the lie of Jesus having children and grandchildren, etc. The Illuminati believe Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s bloodline evolved through the Merovingian Kings (King Daniel, etc.) but this is untrue. These false bloodlines began to call them selves the Priory of Sion, a secret order that still exists, claiming to have seeded the Knights Templar, the precursors to the present day free masons who later started the Illuminati, together with .the Free Masons.


The Priory of Sion still believe today they are descendants of Jesus and are largely responsible for releasing dis-information about the Messianic bloodline that has joined into the newly created Bilderberger group. Many kings and queens of Europe believe they came from this bloodline (including the Queen of England) and that this gives them the right to rule. They have taken this much farther in the creation of the Illuminati’s NWO to make a one world government controlled by them, the elitist or chosen ones as they believe they are. They plan to eliminate the world’s population down to 500 million to serve just them.


Of course, this is the Anti-Christ at work here. And this Evil Diabolic plan to kill us off and make the rest slaves is a direct rebellion to God and his plans of light and life. But it is nearly impossible for any one author to completely understand this because it is so complicated, secret and so mysterious (evil), same as the organization that spawned it, the Jewish Nasorean who became the Mandaean of Iraq (funny, huh). There’s Iraq and the Jews again in the picture. The Mandaean sect follows a secret and ancient form of Gnosticism who practices initiations, ecstasy and some rituals similar to the protocols of the later free masons (which is the back bone of the NWO). The priests of the Mandaean are called Nasoreans.


Sander means “secret knowledge.” This sect was Jewish and descended from the original church of Jerusalem and migrated out of Judah in 37 AD. This is how one religion is born out of another. In this case it was also dis-information in the church. So they kept it secret. The Jew’s had much occult idealism or beliefs and practices, such as symbols, secrets and signs in their religion in those days, but Jesus chose to incarnate as a Jew anyway over the Chinese because of the language problem that the Chinese had and still have today, and because the Jewish family educational system was the highest in the world. But both of them had strong family ties and that is what our father Michael was looking for to incarnate or bestow upon us, instead of religion itself.


The free masons stole the Jewish secretive and ritualistic concepts and incorporated them into their newly formed NWO organizations. So the Anti-Christ set the foundation for a new religion that pretended to believe in Jesus and God. But higher up in the organization they turned to worshiping the Anti-Christ and all of this is held secret, even today, until members get to the 33rd degree in the free masons. So the stage is set. Much has been done to discredit or split the Jesus movement, the real church which he started.


We have to keep our eyes wide open. There’s very much deception and dis-information or just plain lies and deceit out there. The SSG likes to keep their Deception secret but their Evil Untruths they openly broadcast out into many different forms – Music,books, videos,T.V.,video games,radio,and controlled media, plus so called black churches or (black magic) and their hundreds of black lodges (organizations that are part of the Illuminati.


Anyway, the time has come to part with this information for the moment but the next insert has much to do with this Evil organization. I hope it helps us all see clearer of the much bigger picture of what is really going on. It will take quite a bit of homework, but now that we’ve started, there is no turning back. Jesus, God and the Brotherhood Kingdom of the Spiritual Realm are on our side. Amen


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