This is a most dangerous time for mankind .We are soon to become endangered species if the Illuminati have there way with us. We must awake quickly to stop what is about to happen. This is the end times that all are talking about as the end times of the great REVELATIONS or Tribulation times as it is called by the Christians..
This year they have released yet another virus upon us. But this swine flu (A/H1N1) is a little different than the ones they normally release upon us each year with again a new name. In that it is a little bit stronger and its man made compound of bacteria has a count of 144 and it’s never been seen on earth before. So we now have a new faction of alien bacteria invading earth every year since the 911 conspiracy in 2001 that began against the people of the world.
I believe it is being sprayed upon us the same as all the other chemtrails starting in 2002, Along with the already existing H1N1 Chem.-trails and or bio warfare from the sky. These viruses are also being released in small dosages in targeted areas of the world by N.W.O. agents. Of course they are using fear tactics through the controlled media like they do every year. It is said by our space brothers that many people will die just from fear and many more from immune system failure. It is another form of Genocide.
I recently did some more remote viewing on this subject, and what I found is that this new swine virus is actually aimed at the children first and then pregnant women! They used to aim at both the elderly and the children. They presume the elderly are already dying off from the poisoned food, heavy dose of pharmaceutical drugs and the chem.-trails. But now they seem to be aiming at the children to eliminate the future population. What I saw was that many children would die from the same virus released again in September 2009 and similar ones in the next three years 2010, 2011 and 2012.
This is part of their diabolical plan to terminate 85% of the world’s population. This is Genocide in the highest since. Genocide means to mass murder or enslave a people for profit or political gains! This is the only real disease. We must be strong in our faith and belief’s! This reminds me of the story of chicken little, when he shouts the sky is falling, the sky is falling as he got hit on the head with a piece of corn. They are using mind control on us. Trying to make us think the disease is coming from the pigs, birds or Mother Nature herself. When in fact they are man made and planted worldwide and aimed at the children. And most people, who think they got it, are really just sick from the chem. trails. I will go into greater detail later.
And of course the biggest Dupe of all is that its not the man made virus’s that they release each year as a epidemic but the new pandemic ,(Mass Murder) Genocide of world will be in the three stage vaccines that they will force us to take later after have died from the A/H1N1sprayed from the chemtrails! The controlled media is pushing heavily for these forced vaccines and they are causing much Fear in the people, pushing them to take something that could kill them. Many of the alternative news media is warning us just how dangerous it is. Our space brothers are warning us as well.
One of the new crop circles in England is a picture of this new man made parasite of what it would look like under the microscope. And even though the farmer tried to erase it, it comes back bigger and stronger. A warning of the New World Order and there future plans as well. So before I go into great detail about how this diabolical Genocide of the world will be, I must first go back a little and give a small review of the previous diabolical murders
Lets go back twenty years to 1989 and the weaver family in Idaho (I think), anyway the Weaver family was attacked by special agents because they had a sowed off shotgun. The wife and baby were killed by the agents. In 2010 the remaining family won a lawsuit against the feds and won many millions of dollars. Next in 93 we have the Waco massacre in Texas where the same firearms problems existed. This time it was an adapter to make semi auto into auto and again the feds moved in. This time in the early nineties and most every thing was recorded on video.
After a long stand off the feds shot and killed a large number of the people of the compound who tried to escape when the feds set fire to there compound, but it was at night and the bullets were silent. Over 100 men women and children were murdered on video, either by silent bullets or the fire that burned down the compound. They called them religious dangerous fanatics. And said they burned them selves. And all evidence of the compound was buried and hidden from the public as well as the videos were confiscated. This was the first large Genocide of civilians by the N.W.O.
Next the Illuminati moved on to bigger and better game since now they have gotten away with these last two and that’s not counting all the others in the past like the Kennedy brother’s assignation’s etc. Anyway they went after the Oklahoma fed building and even though they were using the feds for there dirty work. Maybe they thought to throw people off, if they blew up one of there own. And of course they had set up there own pasty as they always do. He was called Oliver North and friends. But this time they really got crazy, trying to make us believe that North blew op the building with cow manure and nitrates. That was a lot to swallow and most didn’t buy it. And again most all evidence was rapidly taken away so no one could prove any different. This time several hundred people were murdered and covered up quickly. And once again people were told to believe there lies as the so called enemy was labeled as a terrorist, who aimed at the government, (but not the government behind the government.)
In Oct.1998 the N.W.O. released upon the mass population of the world the chem. trails (deadly chemical, bacteria mold and fungi virus sprayed from tanker jets in the sky) that they had been working on for the past fifty years. I already talked about one of the installations, in earlier chapters where they produced it, Kirtland AFB. Of course there are many others around the world that produce this deadly (slow death) bio warfare. These deadly chemicals of bio-warfare are sprayed upon us daily or almost daily. And I believe they have been spraying (test spots) around the world, usually in desert areas for the last 50 years. I have old movies on video from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Many of them have chemtrails in them. Of course most people didn’t know it was chemtrails. They just thought they were unusual clouds. I thought the same until 11 years ago (1998), but now I know better. I can recognize them anywhere any time. I see them also on T.V. in newspapers, magazines, movies and videos. It seems they have been with us a very long time, many generations.
And of course they are designed to slowly weaken our immune system, break it down for the big kill that they keep warning us, is coming about every year now are planning to spring upon us Sept.-Dec. of this year and really big time in 2010-11 I will explain later how I believe chem. trails and virus’s are some how connected. Some day 2011-12 will be listed in history (if we survive) that began the Genocide of nearly all of mankind, first chem trail A/H1N1 sickness, and viruses then the deadly vaccines that they will force upon us if we don’t do some thing to stop them now!
The bio-warfare chemtrails breaks down people’s immune system slowly as they spray us almost daily. The people are mostly get flu like sickness from that’s called Myco-plasma (mold that becomes fungi) and can mutate into bacteria and virus's and visa versa, because it is sprayed continuously the flu symptoms never goes completely away. Other systems beside flu are fatigue, apathy and memory lost. The bacteria can even cause cancer, diabetes, lupus, heart and many other serous condition's. I know from personal experience of having been exposed to the chemtrails I contacted all of the above and more! And they run to the doctor and pharmacy to get flu shots and drugs (like I did) only to find that it only makes it much worse.
The reason being is that you already have one form of the flu coming from the sky and then you inject another form from of flue in the vaccine and now you have a double dose which your body's immune system must then learn to fight at the same time. And of course this Drug money is funneled back to the bio-warfare industry to make more chemtrails and we pay them to spray us daily over again. And the cycle continues on and on year after year!
There are over twelve main ingredients in the chem trail cock-tail. Naturally occurring Anthrax is brought down from 30,000 ft. as the main ingredient. And of course this is an alien bacterium, a parasite that is alien bacteria to our immune system. And so our immune system is not programmed or trained to handle this alien parasite. Pig and human DNA are also in it. As well as mold and fungi and heavy metals etc. I noticed that in the H1N1 viruses released upon us in the several last years there are many of the same ingredients.
This year they took DNA and bacterial virus samples from a dead sailor frozen in the arctic, who died from the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, which killed 10 million people but the SSG and the WHO claim100 million. They combined this with the pig DNA and bird virus’s that they have been working on, in hopes that the new virus strain of bacteria will mutate and create a new plague and a pandemic A/H1N1 Genocide. Of course this would be the big one they have been working on for many years.
It is my belief that the two are connected, the chem trails and the yearly “man made” flue virus’s, why else would they spray us all of these years, making all of us sick and millions dying a slow death. The heavy metals of aluminum and mercury are in both and that causes the brain to shut down and apathy and memory loss to set in, the body cannot rid itself of these so it is stored in the place of the most fat, our brains. They are preparing us for the next big kill; they warn us it will come soon, the Ultimate Genocide!
The end of mankind as we know it! That is if we let them! I believe we can stop them with the help of our space brothers. That is why it is important to wake up now so we can stop it in time! Where is the best place to hide a book, but in a library. And where is the best place to hide Bio-Chemtrail’s (clouds) but in the sky with the rest of the clouds. They have been doing it for so long that people have accepted these deadly bio-war-fare clouds as normal clouds. And we have been sick for so long that we also have accepted this as normal! And that’s really sick both in ideology and in body and mind. We are cattle being lead to the slaughter house. Will we wake up in time before it’s too late ? More on this subject later when we talk in more detail about the deadly germ viruses.
The next test they did on us was in 2000 when they produced a highly developed anthrax that was magnetized, made in one of there upstate US chemical high tech labs by Bayer Drugs. They then released it in the mail, killing a few people but scaring the mass population in Washington DC. Of course they blamed it on terrorist again. This caused 90,000 people to rush out and buy Bayer’s new drug that advertised it would protect them from the new deadly anthrax. All of the 90,000 who took the drug had severe brain damage and most didn’t recover, some did slightly and remained in the mental hospitals, again Genocide! Once more all of this was kept out of the main line controlled news and buried, the same as all there other tests they were making on mankind. We are there Guinea pigs and we always have been, till the end, unless we wake up and use the power of our cosmic mind to stop the Genocide!
In 2001 they created the 911 largest mass murders (Genocide), it was planed well ahead of time and as usual they had many patsies’ set up to take the blame (radical Muslim terrorist). They even planed it so the day and month would come out to 911 the national emergency number, which became the name, clever they were. Of course the media was on it after the first crash as they remotely controlled the two jets that hit the towers. Then they blew up the buildings with high-tech “nano” explosives called thermite that only the elite military and government had access to. That melted the steel beams at twice the 8000 degrees needed to melt steal.
Then the explosives were set off in succession as they do in demolition same as when they are dismantling buildings in cities. And one FBI-CIA building also fell that wasn’t even hit by the jets or the imploding buildings. Of course all of this was on video for the world to see. But people refused to believe there own eyes and ears as they heard the blasts go off and instead they believed the propaganda lies of the controlled media!
Next there was the “invisible” jet that supposedly hit the Pentagon building but no wreckage or bodies were found and no one seen or heard it. All total there were over 2,000 deaths or Genocide upon the people in the buildings and the jets. Of course there is no way that a fire from the fuel of the jets could have possibly caused the many explosions’ that most people and controlled media heard as the buildings come down. And they could not have melted the steal as the jet fuel burns only at 800 degrees. And the third (fed.) Building could not have fallen because it was not hit by jets nor damaged from the fall of the two towers. This whole scenario was a set up a hoax that cost 2000 lives.
No one in their right minds could believe the so called “evidence” that was presented to the people. In other words we are told that we did not see or hear what we heard and saw. Jesus says; there is none more blind nor deaf, than those who refuse to see or hear!We are told again to believe there lies, instead of the real truths. But as usual all the “evidence” was quickly taken away and buried. And the govt. still to this day refuses to investigate what truly happened, even though many people and protest groups are asking for an investigation... So what’s really going on! Who’s really behind all of this Genocide?
We should always ask ourselves, who is to gain from this mass murder and all the others. Many times in history we find out later that the governments themselves were behind the “so called terrorist” that they create. And most of the time it is to gain more power and more laws over the people, also more tax’s on the people to pay for this takeover! This scenario today is not different only much larger. It is a sinister secret govt (SSG)working from behind the scenes as Home land Security used in the final stages of takeover of all the worlds’ governments! Step by step, each terrorist act that they create brings them one step closer to there goal,NWO-SSG,Dark Cabal.