PROPHECIES & PREDICTIONS, Revelations (2007-2008)
We can prepare for it by finding alternative energy and food systems, organic seeds and learning to recycle everything and this will help save the planet earth. But as for saving ourselves, there is much more to it. It’s not that simple. When one finds out all of these things that are happening now and have been for some time, it should wake them up to come out of or let go of the denial that we’re in. Salvation comes through atonement and that is forgiveness of self and others, knowing that we are already forgiven by the creator. Once we understand this then we leave our denial behind for we are ready to join the new Brotherhood of light warriors, and workers Things are going to change drastically starting in 2009 peaking by 2011-12 then declining until things hopefully began to become steadier.
We will have to learn to go back to the old ways. Becoming simple farmers of organically grown food, as our ancestors were before! Underground housing and Alternative energy will be very necessary. We will have to learn to forget this rat race they have created. Our Lives will become more like slaves if we still have the great need of our toys, and be so addicted to them. We will learn new skills and trades. We will become closer to our neighbors’ and more helpful. Many will move to the country hill sides and start all over again. Communal living will become popular for survival for the awakened ones.
Prophecies and predictions are usually not fun or very exciting. It’s not like getting our fortune told, because the fortune teller will only tell us of good things to come, on exception strange or bad things, because they want our business, for us to return. The fortune tellers of the world are of a different sort in this day and age. The predictions are not always so good, but a good fortune teller or prophet can tell us all these nasty things to come in a very special way, like Jesus did as the greatest teacher of the Revelations. That’s what I am now trying to do here, to not only give the bad news which anyone with eyes to see and hears to hear can perceive. But people must be willing to come out of denial to see a new and different message.
For every problem there is an answer. Problems are trials for us to be able to lift ourselves up from, to make us stronger as we learn to overcome them. Of course, there’s always new one’s but when we can begin to see them in a new and different light, they’re no longer problems, but are now challenges to help make us grow up fast and strong.
The Kingdom of God is looking for new light workers those who want to learn how to teach their brothers. For remember, “Teaching is an art.” We must learn how to present the information in a most positive way, not to necessarily scare people out of the denial but to shock them a little. Here a little, there a little, until they begin to wake up, to show them God’s and the Brotherhood’s solution to each and every problem.
Our space brothers have also been helping us to wake up and do something about our problems before it’s too late. They even have evacuation plans that are similar to the spiritual hierarchy plan to rescue and relocate us, just in case!. But they too want us to stay and fight the good fight as long as possible, to do our best to save the world, ourselves and our brothers. Remember we are all family and we need a certain number to survive.
On the spiritual side we first have to save ourselves first then help save the world. I hope by now my teaching has revealed to you that spirituality must be incorporated into each and every aspect of life, that it should not be separated from any part of life. It should be in our new and old religions and into the schools of learning, also in our governments and economics and science, too. Because we separated God and spirituality from our everyday lives and each aspect of it, we are in the mess we have today. So the solution to every problem is the whole truthfulness in spirituality, the real morality is honesty, and trust-worthiness is cooperation and comprehension. We need to share belief systems within our relationships and the government or society is an extension of all of these things.
Our belief of “what God is” is in these “truths” of expression that are learned from God and then need to be applied to mankind, our brothers and sisters (our real family). We are not separated from God nor our Brotherhood or humanity. When we have the above principles in our lives we attain great respect from others. Our word is like gold when spoken truthfully. People come to rely on us because the “truths” prove themselves. They are not changed. There is no false deception behind what we do as the new light warriors or workers. There’s nothing to hide. We say what we mean and we mean what we say.
Everything and soon everyone who volunteers to join our army of light warriors becomes of one mind with a similar belief system which doesn’t belong to any one church, religion, government, movement, etc. It’s free and not owned by anyone. It’s shared with everyone. So spiritually speaking, what is mine is yours and visa versa. We are one with God and with each other. There is nothing to fear and nothing to loose. The great rewards are already in our hearts because it makes us feel good. We know we are doing right. We have a cause that is being fulfilled. Our calling “in itself” brings peace, joy and happiness to people. Learning to love becomes our next goal. Remember, people will gladly follow those who are in joy. The future predictions should not and will not bring us down with fear.
Yes, we do have doubts sometimes because it’s so up and down right now. We could go either way. But even if we do lose the earth and much of mankind, the great yearning in our souls is to fulfill our mission which brings lasting inner peace. Nothing is really lost. Those who die the body have chosen that out come! All returns to our creator sooner or later. All chosen ones will be saved, both spiritually and in our new physical form in the material world as well or will be rescued, evacuated to a safe place and then to a new world especially created for us. So it’s a win – win situation.
That is if we do awaken and come out of denial and volunteer to join any group of light warriors or workers. We will then be contacted by both the spiritual hierarchy and our space brothers. We will be led to other people who believe like ourselves and we will learn to love and work together toward the one same goal to save the world and ourselves. So read the writings on the wall. See the signs of the time. Design the future in whatever way that is desired for the good of all, for we are all one.
As for myself, I have been using the 5,000 year old I-Ching for divination of the future for 40 years. It’s very spiritual and highly logical. It helps me to bring out what’s in my mind though my brain. There are many ways that lead to the same goal. Once we decide what the goal is, then we change whatever needs to be changed to attain that goal. Listen to the wise man. He’s inside as well as outside of us. It’s duality. Even the I-Ching, says Confucius, “declares that the future is not set in stone.” And we don’t want it to be. We want to be able to change the future. That’s what life is all about really, to be able to see our mistakes in time and change them.
In other words, one is called a wise man when he sees he has come to a point in time where change is necessary, that what we have done in the past has led us up to this point in time that we are in now. And if we don’t like it, well, then we change it. We contemplate on what movement to make. Then we will change our short term goal. There are decisions to be made. Knowing what has led us or created this path we’re now on and it’s possible future, we can then decide if we want to go this way or that and we then can meditate on the outcome of each decision.
As I have said many times before, I was taught that life is but a series of never ending decisions we have to make. Some we do correct and are able to move toward our goal. Other times we make incorrect decisions. It’s often called mistakes or errors which leads us away from our goals. We then have to go back to correct the error or mistake so we can move on.
Most of these have to do with other people we are interacting with in some degree. Life seems to be about this process of interacting with one another. That’s why Jesus talks so much about “forgiveness and atonement.”As our salvation! They are the best way to change our mistakes and the quickest one as we all soon realize.
But for many of us, it’s a hard lesson to learn, especially if our parents, nor the church, religion, school or government, didn’t teach us. We then have to learn it on our own the hard way. We can learn by our mistakes, but it takes a long time. Complete Forgiveness greatly speeds up the whole process and we are able to correct our errors much quicker and move on. And we all have to move forward so we don’t fall backward. And only complete forgiveness lets us change the future and our present (says Jesus) through allowance and tolerance.
What does forgiveness have to do with the future and predictions? Well, guess what? To be able to save the world we first have to save ourselves. That’s what I tell people who want to save me. I tell them to first save themselves. Doctor, heal thy self. Jesus said; first take the log from our own eye before we attempt to take the splinter from our brother’s eye. And the hardest thing to change in the world is oneself. That’s why it does seem much easier to see our neighbor’s faults before our own. We can’t change the world but we can and must change ourselves, then our perception of the world changes. And when we change, we affect the whole world. Nobody really wants to change themselves or save the world because it’s not easy, nor fun. But do it. We must, if we want to survive the revelations of 2011-12.
We can talk until we are blue in the face, but until we are living it we are living a lie. Even if no one else knows it, we do. And we can’t hide from ourselves, although we try. That’s what denial is really all about. We are trying to hide from ourselves. But, of course, it doesn’t really work. It stays in the back of our minds. We know the “truth.” Even though the voice may be very faint, it’s still there, telling us that it’s not true or that we are not true to ourselves. So how can we be happy or in joy and peace if we are in denial and living a lie? Forgiveness is the best tool we have for getting out of this mess we created, not only forgiving ourselves, but also forgiving all those who have hurt us in any way. This is what really makes us feel good. Life is so simple if we would just let it be. Remember, the Beatles? There will be an answer. Just let it be, ( Total forgiveness )
Ancient & Modern Predictions
Some believe Christmas 2008 was the date that the Mayan calendar ends. But many more believe it is Oct 28 2011 short count of the Mayan calender and there are even books being written about 2011. And many, many people are seeing the signs of 11-11 all over the place but mostly on clocks twice a day. In short there is something up with this day 11-11. Maybe it’s a new type of precursor to prepare us for the 2011-12 shift, or end of the Mayan calendar.
And the most popular belief is December 21, 2012, for the end of the long count Mayan calendar, which is the beginning of a New Age, a new dispensation a Galactic Alignment. I think maybe there’s a series of dates that all correspond with each other. July 2008 to Christmas 2012 is the countdown, these three years lead up to the climax of 2012 and then from Christmas 2012 to Christmas 2013 is the completion of the cycle, when things began to settle down,if there someone left to see it.
Remember when I talked about a beam of light hitting earth in November 2003? And it was at this time that a new harmonic convergence started. And a major one in 12-21-2012 is maybe the last one for a while. I believe there’s a very good chance that there will be at least one more ,on that date, of a super consciousness awakening beam to be shot out of the center of the universe, same as those of the past. This will be the one that will help create a new fourth dimensional being (human type) which will be of the Christ Consciousness. This is the next evolution stage. The 11th hour and the 11th minute am, should bring us into the complete alignment of the universe, (again the 11-11). I believe 11-11 is when Planet-X leaves, and the photon belt arrives,poles reverse back and we are hit with a great meteorite shower from the tail of this cluster of planets and possibly a small comet.Heres another sign of 11-11,take the last two didgets of the year you were born and add the age at your next birthday, it will always come out to the 1-11.the 1st day of Nov.011
These beams are a kind of shock treatment. Each harmonic convergence is designed to help awaken the mass consciousness and then the best word to describe what results is super consciousness, which leads to Christ Consciousness. In other words what we are in total. The original DNA code programmed into us! All of us that is, are awakening now, in the process of reaching out and helping others of our Brotherhood to awaken. This level of super consciousness is the power we need as a mass to be able to receive true Christ Consciousness. We need to do this as a whole. It requires 0.01 percent of our awakening brothers. This will shift a higher member of beings into awakening and joining in the super consciousness club. And the number of members is growing each shift.
Most of the people only understand the outside shift, all the really great earth changes that are now occurring and moving toward the climax point in 2012. There are also the great solar flares and other shifts or changes that are now happening throughout our galaxy and universe. It is constant in the process of expansion, then constriction. Then we have the Photon Belt and the famous Planet X coming and the pole shifts which will be a major magnetic energy shift. And we also have all the great evil corruption and immorality of the world, its leaders and governments, all thanks to Lucifer and the Illuminati and their evil one world government plan.